201 resultados para Sultotransferase Isoform
We show that anti-IgM-induced cell death in a human B lymphoma cell line, B104, is associated with early intracellular acidification and cell shrinkage. In contrast, another human B cell lymphoma line, Daudi, less susceptible to B cell antigen receptor-mediated cell death, responded to anti-IgM with an early increase in intracellular pH (pHi). The anti-IgM-induced changes of pHi were associated with different levels of activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) as judged by its phosphorylation status. Prevention of anti-IgM-induced cell death in B104 cells by the calcineurin phosphatase inhibitor, cyclosporin A, abrogated both intracellular acidification and cell shrinkage and was associated with an increase in the phosphorylation level of NHE1 within the first 60 min of stimulation. This indicates a key role for calcineurin in regulating pHi and cell viability. The potential role of pHi in cell viability was confirmed in Daudi cells treated with an Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor 5-(N,N-hexamethylene)amiloride. These observations indicate that the outcome of the anti-IgM treatment depends on NHE1-controlled pHi. We suggest that inactivation of the NHE1 in anti-IgM-stimulated cells results in intracellular acidification and subsequently triggers or amplifies cell death.
Paxillin acts as an adaptor protein in integrin signaling. We have shown that paxillin exists in a relatively large cytoplasmic pool, including perinuclear areas, in addition to focal complexes formed at the cell periphery and focal adhesions formed underneath the cell. Several ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs; ARFGAPs) have been shown to associate with paxillin. We report here that Git2-short/KIAA0148 exhibits properties of a paxillin-associated ARFGAP and appears to be colocalized with paxillin, primarily at perinuclear areas. A fraction of Git2-short was also localized to actin-rich structures at the cell periphery. Unlike paxillin, however, Git2-short did not accumulate at focal adhesions underneath the cell. Git2-short is a short isoform of Git2, which is highly homologous to p95PKL, another paxillin-binding protein, and showed a weaker binding affinity toward paxillin than that of Git2. The ARFGAP activities of Git2 and Git2-short have been previously demonstrated in vitro, and we provided evidence that at least one ARF isoform, ARF1, is an intracellular substrate for the GAP activity of Git2-short. We also showed that Git2-short could antagonize several known ARF1-mediated phenotypes: overexpression of Git2-short, but not its GAP-inactive mutant, caused the redistribution of Golgi protein β-COP and reduced the amounts of paxillin-containing focal adhesions and actin stress fibers. Perinuclear localization of paxillin, which was sensitive to ARF inactivation, was also affected by Git2-short overexpression. On the other hand, paxillin localization to focal complexes at the cell periphery was unaffected or even augmented by Git2-short overexpression. Therefore, an ARFGAP protein weakly interacting with paxillin, Git2-short, exhibits pleiotropic functions involving the regulation of Golgi organization, actin cytoskeletal organization, and subcellular localization of paxillin, all of which need to be coordinately regulated during integrin-mediated cell adhesion and intracellular signaling.
The Drosophila homolog of the retinoid X receptor, ultraspiracle (USP), heterodimerizes with the ecdysone receptor (EcR) to form a functional complex that mediates the effects of the steroid molting hormone ecdysone by activating and repressing expression of ecdysone response genes. As with other retinoid X receptor heterodimers, EcR/USP affects gene transcription in a ligand-modulated manner. We used in vivo, cell culture, and biochemical approaches to analyze the functions of two usp alleles, usp3 and usp4, which encode stable proteins with defective DNA-binding domains. We observed that USP is able to activate as well as repress the Z1 isoform of the ecdysone-responsive broad complex (BrC-Z1). Activation of BrC-Z1 as well as EcR, itself an ecdysone response gene, can be mediated by both the USP3 and USP4 mutant proteins. USP3 and USP4 also activate an ecdysone-responsive element, hsp27EcRE, in cultured cells. These results differ from the protein null allele, usp2, which is unable to mediate activation [Schubiger, M. & Truman, J. W. (2000) Development 127, 1151–1159]. BrC-Z1 repression is compromised in all three usp alleles, suggesting that repression involves the association of USP with DNA. Our results distinguish two mechanisms by which USP modulates the properties of EcR: one that involves the USP DNA-binding domain and one that can be achieved solely through the ligand-binding domain. These newly revealed properties of USP might implicate similar properties for retinoid X receptor.
The key event in prion diseases seems to be the conversion of the prion protein PrP from its normal cellular isoform (PrPC) to an aberrant “scrapie” isoform (PrPSc). Earlier studies have detected no covalent modification in the scrapie isoform and have concluded that the PrPC → PrPSc conversion is a purely conformational transition involving no chemical reactions. However, a reexamination of the available biochemical data suggests that the PrPC → PrPSc conversion also involves a covalent reaction of the (sole) intramolecular disulfide bond of PrPC. Specifically, the data are consistent with the hypothesis that infectious prions are composed of PrPSc polymers linked by intermolecular disulfide bonds. Thus, the PrPC → PrPSc conversion may involve not only a conformational transition but also a thiol/disulfide exchange reaction between the terminal thiolate of such a PrPSc polymer and the disulfide bond of a PrPC monomer. This hypothesis seems to account for several unusual features of prion diseases.
A unique subfamily of calmodulin-dependent Ca2+-ATPases was recently identified in plants. In contrast to the most closely related pumps in animals, plasma membrane-type Ca2+-ATPases, members of this new subfamily are distinguished by a calmodulin-regulated autoinhibitor located at the N-terminal instead of a C-terminal end. In addition, at least some isoforms appear to reside in non-plasma membrane locations. To begin delineating their functions, we investigated the subcellular localization of isoform ACA2p (Arabidopsis Ca2+-ATPase, isoform 2 protein) in Arabidopsis. Here we provide evidence that ACA2p resides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In buoyant density sucrose gradients performed with and without Mg2+, ACA2p cofractionated with an ER membrane marker and a typical “ER-type” Ca2+-ATPase, ACA3p/ECA1p. To visualize its subcellular localization, ACA2p was tagged with a green fluorescence protein at its C terminus (ACA2-GFPp) and expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis. We collected fluorescence images from live root cells using confocal and computational optical-sectioning microscopy. ACA2-GFPp appeared as a fluorescent reticulum, consistent with an ER location. In addition, we observed strong fluorescence around the nuclei of mature epidermal cells, which is consistent with the hypothesis that ACA2p may also function in the nuclear envelope. An ER location makes ACA2p distinct from all other calmodulin-regulated pumps identified in plants or animals.
The flavoprotein (R)-(+)-mandelonitrile lyase (MDL; EC, which plays a key role in cyanogenesis in rosaceous stone fruits, occurs in black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) homogenates as several closely related isoforms. Biochemical and molecular biological methods were used to investigate MDL microheterogeneity and function in this species. Three novel MDL cDNAs of high sequence identity (designated MDL2, MDL4, and MDL5) were isolated. Like MDL1 and MDL3 cDNAs (Z. Hu, J.E. Poulton [1997] Plant Physiol 115: 1359–1369), they had open reading frames that predicted a flavin adenine dinucleotide-binding site, multiple N-glycosylation sites, and an N-terminal signal sequence. The N terminus of an MDL isoform purified from seedlings matched the derived amino acid sequence of the MDL4 cDNA. Genomic sequences corresponding to the MDL1, MDL2, and MDL4 cDNAs were obtained by polymerase chain reaction amplification of genomic DNA. Like the previously reported mdl3 gene, these genes are interrupted at identical positions by three short, conserved introns. Given their overall similarity, we conclude that the genes mdl1, mdl2, mdl3, mdl4, and mdl5 are derived from a common ancestral gene and constitute members of a gene family. Genomic Southern-blot analysis showed that this family has approximately eight members. Northern-blot analysis using gene-specific probes revealed differential expression of the genes mdl1, mdl2, mdl3, mdl4, and mdl5.
The proton-pumping ATPase (H+-ATPase) of the plant plasma membrane is encoded by two major gene subfamilies. To characterize individual H+-ATPases, PMA2, an H+-ATPase isoform of tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia), was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and found to functionally replace the yeast H+-ATPase if the external pH was kept above 5.0 (A. de Kerchove d'Exaerde, P. Supply, J.P. Dufour, P. Bogaerts, D. Thinès, A. Goffeau, M. Boutry [1995] J Biol Chem 270: 23828–23837). In the present study we replaced the yeast H+-ATPase with PMA4, an H+-ATPase isoform from the second subfamily. Yeast expressing PMA4 grew at a pH as low as 4.0. This was correlated with a higher acidification of the external medium and an approximately 50% increase of ATPase activity compared with PMA2. Although both PMA2 and PMA4 had a similar pH optimum (6.6–6.8), the profile was different on the alkaline side. At pH 7.2 PMA2 kept more than 80% of the maximal activity, whereas that of PMA4 decreased to less than 40%. Both enzymes were stimulated up to 3-fold by 100 μg/mL lysophosphatidylcholine, but this stimulation vanished at a higher concentration in PMA4. These data demonstrate functional differences between two plant H+-ATPases expressed in the same heterologous host. Characterization of two PMA4 mutants selected to allow yeast growth at pH 3.0 revealed that mutations within the carboxy-terminal region of PMA4 could still improve the enzyme, resulting in better growth of yeast cells.
We isolated a cDNA encoding a 568-amino acid, heat-stress-induced peptidyl prolyl isomerase belonging to the FK506-binding-protein (FKBP) family. The open reading frame encodes for a peptidyl prolyl isomerase that possesses three FKBP-12-like domains, a putative tetratricopeptide motif, and a calmodulin-binding domain. Specific antibodies showed that the open reading frame encodes a heat-induced 77-kD protein, the wheat FKBP77 (wFKBP77), which exhibits 84% identity with the wFKBP73 and 42% identity with the human FKBP59. Because of the high similarity in sequence to wFKBP73, wFKBP77 was designated as the heat-induced isoform. The wFKBP77 mRNA steady-state level was 14-fold higher at 37°C than at 25°C. The wFKBP77 transcript abundance was the highest in mature embryos that had imbibed and 2-d-old green shoots exposed to 37°C, and decreased to 6% in 6-d-old green shoots. The transcript level returned to the level detected at 25°C after recovery of the embryos for 90 min at 25°C. We compared wFKBP73 and wFKBP77 with the heat-shock proteins having cognate and heat-stress-induced counterparts.
Isochorismate is an important metabolite formed at the end of the shikimate pathway, which is involved in the synthesis of both primary and secondary metabolites. It is synthesized from chorismate in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme isochorismate synthase (ICS; EC We have purified ICS to homogeneity from elicited Catharanthus roseus cell cultures. Two isoforms with an apparent molecular mass of 64 kD were purified and characterized. The Km values for chorismate were 558 and 319 μm for isoforms I and II, respectively. The isoforms were not inhibited by aromatic amino acids and required Mg2+ for enzyme activity. Polymerase chain reaction on a cDNA library from elicited C. roseus cells with a degenerated primer based on the sequence of an internal peptide from isoform II resulted in an amplification product that was used to screen the cDNA library. This led to the first isolation, to our knowledge, of a plant ICS cDNA. The cDNA encodes a protein of 64 kD with an N-terminal chloroplast-targeting signal. The deduced amino acid sequence shares homology with bacterial ICS and also with anthranilate synthases from plants. Southern analysis indicates the existence of only one ICS gene in C. roseus.
To address the neurochemistry of the mechanisms that underlie the development of acute and persistent pain, our laboratory has been studying mice with deletions of gene products that have been implicated in nociceptive processing. We have recently raised mice with a deletion of the preprotachykinin-A gene, which encodes the peptides substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA). These studies have identified a specific behavioral phenotype in which the animals do not detect a window of “pain” intensities; this window cuts across thermal, mechanical, and chemical modalities. The lowered thermal and mechanical withdrawal thresholds that are produced by tissue or nerve injury, however, were still present in the mutant mice. Thus, the behavioral manifestations of threshold changes in nociceptive processing in the setting of injury do not appear to require SP or NKA. To identify relevant neurochemical factors downstream of the primary afferent, we are also studying the dorsal horn second messenger systems that underlie the development of tissue and nerve injury-induced persistent pain states. We have recently implicated the γ isoform of protein kinase C (PKCγ) in the development of nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain. Acute pain processing, by contrast, is intact in the PKCγ-null mice. Taken together, these studies emphasize that there is a distinct neurochemistry of acute and persistent pain. Persistent pain should be considered a disease state of the nervous system, not merely a prolonged acute pain symptom of some other disease conditions.
Clear cell-type renal cell carcinomas (clear RCC) are characterized almost universally by loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 3p, which usually involves any combination of three regions: 3p25-p26 (harboring the VHL gene), 3p12-p14.2 (containing the FHIT gene), and 3p21-p22, implying inactivation of the resident tumor-suppressor genes (TSGs). For the 3p21-p22 region, the affected TSGs remain, at present, unknown. Recently, the RAS association family 1 gene (isoform RASSF1A), located at 3p21.3, has been identified as a candidate lung and breast TSG. In this report, we demonstrate aberrant silencing by hypermethylation of RASSF1A in both VHL-caused clear RCC tumors and clear RCC without VHL inactivation. We found hypermethylation of RASSF1A's GC-rich putative promoter region in most of analyzed samples, including 39 of 43 primary tumors (91%). The promoter was methylated partially or completely in all 18 RCC cell lines analyzed. Methylation of the GC-rich putative RASSF1A promoter region and loss of transcription of the corresponding mRNA were related causally. RASSF1A expression was reactivated after treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine. Forced expression of RASSF1A transcripts in KRC/Y, a renal carcinoma cell line containing a normal and expressed VHL gene, suppressed growth on plastic dishes and anchorage-independent colony formation in soft agar. Mutant RASSF1A had reduced growth suppression activity significantly. These data suggest that RASSF1A is the candidate renal TSG gene for the 3p21.3 region.
The expression of the alternative oxidase (AOX) was investigated during cotyledon development in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seedlings. The total amount of AOX protein increased throughout development, not just in earlier stages as previously thought, and was correlated with the increase in capacity of the alternative pathway. Each AOX isoform (AOX1, AOX2, and AOX3) showed a different developmental trend in mRNA abundance, such that the increase in AOX protein and capacity appears to involve a shift in gene expression from AOX2 to AOX3. As the cotyledons aged, the size of the mitochondrial ubiquinone pool decreased. We discuss how this and other factors may affect the alternative pathway activity that results from the developmental regulation of AOX expression.
NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME, EC, a key enzyme in C4 photosynthesis, provides CO2 to the bundle-sheath chloroplasts, where it is fixed by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. We characterized the isoform pattern of NADP-ME in different photosynthetic species of Flaveria (C3, C3-C4 intermediate, C4-like, C4) based on sucrose density gradient centrifugation and isoelectric focusing of the native protein, western-blot analysis of the denatured protein, and in situ immunolocalization with antibody against the 62-kD C4 isoform of maize. A 72-kD isoform, present to varying degrees in all species examined, is predominant in leaves of C3 Flaveria spp. and is also present in stem and root tissue. By immunolabeling, NADP-ME was found to be mostly localized in the upper palisade mesophyll chloroplasts of C3 photosynthetic tissue. Two other isoforms of the enzyme, with molecular masses of 62 and 64 kD, occur in leaves of certain intermediates having C4 cycle activity. The 62-kD isoform, which is the predominant highly active form in the C4 species, is localized in bundle-sheath chloroplasts. Among Flaveria spp. there is a 72-kD constitutive form, a 64-kD form that may have appeared during evolution of C4 metabolism, and a 62-kD form that is necessary for the complete functioning of C4 photosynthesis.
NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-ICDH) activity is increased in roots of Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata ex Maiden Kirkp. during colonization by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius Coker and Couch. To investigate the regulation of the enzyme expression, a cDNA (EgIcdh) encoding the NADP-ICDH was isolated from a cDNA library of E. globulus-P. tinctorius ectomycorrhizae. The putative polypeptide sequence of EgIcdh showed a high amino acid similarity with plant NADP-ICDHs. Because the deduced EgICDH protein lacks an amino-terminal targeting sequence and shows highest similarity to plant cytosolic ICDHs, it probably represents a cytoplasmic isoform. RNA analysis showed that the steady-state level of EgIcdh transcripts was enhanced nearly 2-fold in ectomycorrhizal roots compared with nonmycorrhizal roots. Increased accumulation of NADP-ICDH transcripts occurred as early as 2 d after contact and likely led to the observed increased enzyme activity. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that NADP-ICDH was preferentially accumulated in the epidermis and stele parenchyma of nonmycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal lateral roots. The putative role of cytosolic NADP-ICDH in ectomycorrhizae is discussed.
Abscission explants of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were treated with ethylene to induce cell separation at the primary abscission zone. After several days of further incubation of the remaining petiole in endogenously produced ethylene, the distal two-thirds of the petiole became senescent, and the remaining (proximal) portion stayed green. Cell-to-cell separation (secondary abscission) takes place precisely at the interface between the senescing yellow and the enlarging green cells. The expression of the abscission-associated isoform of β-1,4-glucanhydrolase, the activation of the Golgi apparatus, and enhanced vesicle formation occurred only in the enlarging cortical cells on the green side. These changes were indistinguishable from those that occur in normal abscission cells and confirm the conversion of the cortical cells to abscission-type cells. Secondary abscission cells were also induced by applying auxin to the exposed primary abscission surface after the pulvinus was shed, provided ethylene was added. Then, the orientation of development of green and yellow tissue was reversed; the distal tissue remained green and the proximal tissue yellowed. Nevertheless, separation still occurred at the junction between green and yellow cells and, again, it was one to two cell layers of the green side that enlarged and separated from their senescing neighbors. Evaluation of Feulgen-stained tissue establishes that, although nuclear changes occur, the conversion of the cortical cell to an abscission zone cell is a true transdifferentiation event, occurring in the absence of cell division.