176 resultados para Recombination Suppression


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A number of RecA-like proteins have been found in eukaryotic organisms. We demonstrate that the prokaryotic recombination protein RecA itself is capable of interacting with genomic homologous DNA in somatic plant cells. Resistance to the DNA crosslinking agent mitomycin C requires homologous recombination as well as excision repair activity. Tobacco protoplasts expressing a nucleus-targeted RecA protein were at least three times as efficient as wild-type cells in repairing mitomycin C-induced damage. Moreover, homologous recombination at a defined locus carrying an endogenous nuclear marker gene was stimulated at least 10-fold in transgenic plant cells expressing nucleus-targeted RecA. The increase in resistance to mitomycin C and the stimulation of intrachromosomal recombination demonstrate that Escherichia coli RecA protein is functional in genomic homologous recombination in plants, especially when targeted to the plant nucleus.


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RAG1 protein is essential for the activation of V(D)J recombination in developing lymphocytes (V, variable; D, diversity; J, joining). However, it has not been determined whether its role involves substrate recognition and catalysis. A single amino acid substitution mutation in the RAG1 gene has now been identified that renders its activity sensitive to the sequence of the coding region abutting the heptamer site in the recombination signal sequence. These results strongly imply that RAG1 interacts directly with DNA.


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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of male cancer deaths in the United States. Yet, despite a large international effort, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that underlie this devastating disease. Prostate secretory epithelial cells and androgen-dependent prostate carcinomas undergo apoptosis in response to androgen deprivation and, furthermore, most prostate carcinomas become androgen independent and refractory to further therapeutic manipulations during disease progression. Definition of the genetic events that trigger apoptosis in the prostate could provide important insights into critical pathways in normal development as well as elucidate the perturbations of those key pathways in neoplastic transformation. We report the functional definition of a novel genetic locus within human chromosome 10pter-q11 that mediates both in vivo tumor suppression and in vitro apoptosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma cells. A defined fragment of human chromosome 10 was transferred via microcell fusion into a prostate adenocarcinoma cell line. Microcell hybrids containing only the region 10pter-q11 were suppressed for tumorigenicity following injection of microcell hybrids into nude mice. Furthermore, the complemented hybrids undergo programmed cell death in vitro via a mechanism that does not require nuclear localization of p53. These data functionally define a novel genetic locus, designated PAC1, for prostate adenocarcinoma 1, involved in tumor suppression of human prostate carcinoma and furthermore strongly suggest that the cell death pathway can be functionally restored in prostatic adenocarcinoma.


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This study examined glucocorticoid-adrenergic interactions in modulating acquisition and memory storage for inhibitory avoidance training. Systemically (s.c.) administered amphetamine (1 mg/kg), but not epinephrine (0.1 mg/kg) or the peripherally acting amphetamine derivative 4-OH amphetamine (2 mg/kg), given to rats shortly before training facilitated acquisition performance in a continuous multiple-trial inhibitory avoidance (CMIA) task. Adrenocortical suppression with the 11beta-hydroxylase inhibitor metyrapone (50 mg/kg; s.c.), given to rats 90 min before training, did not block the effect of amphetamine and did not affect acquisition performance of otherwise untreated animals. Retention of CMIA and one-trial inhibitory avoidance was enhanced by either pre- or posttraining injections of amphetamine as well as 4-OH amphetamine and epinephrine. The finding that injections of amphetamine and epinephrine have comparable effects on memory is consistent with the view that amphetamine may modulate memory storage, at least in part, by inducing the release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla. Metyrapone pretreatment blocked the memory-enhancing effects of amphetamine, 4-OH amphetamine, and epinephrine but did not affect retention performance of otherwise untreated animals. Posttraining injections of different doses of epinephrine (ranging from 0.0001 to 1.0 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent memory enhancement for inhibitory avoidance training and metyrapone blocked the memory-enhancing effects of all these doses. These findings provide further evidence that the sympathoadrenal and adrenocortical systems are intimately coupled during processes of memory storage.


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A regulatable retroviral vector in which the v-myc oncogene is driven by a tetracycline-controlled transactivator and a human cytomegalovirus minimal promoter fused to a tet operator sequence was used for conditional immortalization of adult rat neuronal progenitor cells. A single clone, HC2S2, was isolated and characterized. Two days after the addition of tetracycline, the HC2S2 cells stopped proliferating, began to extend neurites, and expressed the neuronal markers tau, NeuN, neurofilament 200 kDa, and glutamic acid decarboxylase in accordance with the reduced production of the v-myc oncoprotein. Differentiated HC2S2 cells expressed large sodium and calcium currents and could fire regenerative action potentials. These results suggest that the suppression of the v-myc oncogene may be sufficient to make proliferating cells exit from cell cycles and induce terminal differentiation. The HC2S2 cells will be valuable for studying the differentiation process of neurons.


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Recombination repair protein 1 (Rrp1) includes a C-terminal region homologous to several DNA repair proteins, including Escherichia coli exonuclease III and human APE, that repair oxidative and alkylation damage to DNA. The nuclease activities of Rrp1 include apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, 3'-phosphodiesterase, 3'-phosphatase, and 3'-exonuclease. As shown previously, the C-terminal nuclease region of Rrp1 is sufficient to repair oxidative- and alkylation-induced DNA damage in repair-deficient E. coli mutants. DNA strand-transfer and single-stranded DNA renaturation activities are associated with the unique N-terminal region of Rrp1, which suggests possible additional functions that include recombinational repair or homologous recombination. By using the Drosophila w/w+ mosaic eye system, which detects loss of heterozygosity as changes in eye pigmentation, somatic mutation and recombination frequencies were determined in transgenic flies overexpressing wild-type Rrp1 protein from a heat-shock-inducible transgene. A large decrease in mosaic clone frequency is observed when Rrp1 overexpression precedes treatment with gamma-rays, bleomycin, or paraquat. In contrast, Rrp1 overexpression does not alter the spot frequency after treatment with the alkylating agents methyl methanesulfonate or methyl nitrosourea. A reduction in mosaic clone frequency depends on the expression of the Rrp1 transgene and on the nature of the induced DNA damage. These data suggest a lesion-specific involvement of Rrp1 in the repair of oxidative DNA damage.


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Orally administered antigens induce a state of immunologic hyporesponsiveness termed oral tolerance. Different mechanisms are involved in mediating oral tolerance depending on the dose fed. Low doses of antigen generate cytokine-secreting regulatory cells, whereas high doses induce anergy or deletion. We used mice transgenic for a T-cell receptor (TCR) derived from an encephalitogenic T-cell clone specific for the acetylated N-terminal peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) Ac-1-11 plus I-Au to test whether a regulatory T cell could be generated from the same precursor cell as that of an encephalitogenic Th1 cell and whether the induction was dose dependent. The MBP TCR transgenic mice primarily have T cells of a precursor phenotype that produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) with little interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, or transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). We fed transgenic animals a low-dose (1 mg x 5) or high-dose (25 mg x 1) regimen of mouse MBP and without further immunization spleen cells were tested for cytokine production. Low-dose feeding induced prominent secretion of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta, whereas minimal secretion of these cytokines was observed with high-dose feeding. Little or no change was seen in proliferation or IL-2/IFN-gamma secretion in fed animals irrespective of the dose. To demonstrate in vivo functional activity of the cytokine-secreting cells generated by oral antigen, spleen cells from low-dose-fed animals were adoptively transferred into naive (PLJ x SJL)F1 mice that were then immunized for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Marked suppression of EAE was observed when T cells were transferred from MBP-fed transgenic animals but not from animals that were not fed. In contrast to oral tolerization, s.c. immunization of transgenic animals with MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant induced IFN-gamma-secreting Th1 cells in vitro and experimental encephalomyelitis in vivo. Despite the large number of cells reactive to MBP in the transgenic animals, EAE was also suppressed by low-dose feeding of MBP prior to immunization. These results demonstrate that MBP-specific T cells can differentiate in vivo into encephalitogenic or regulatory T cells depending upon the context by which they are exposed to antigen.


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Restoration of the impaired balance between pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines should provide effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Gene therapy has been proposed as an approach for delivery of therapeutic proteins to arthritic joints. Here, we examined the efficacy of antiinflammatory gene therapy in bacterial cell wall-induced arthritis in rats. Human secreted interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (sIL-1ra) was expressed in joints of rats with recurrent bacterial cell wall-induced arthritis by using ex vivo gene transfer. To achieve this, primary synoviocytes were transduced in culture with a retroviral vector carrying the sIL-1ra cDNA. Transduced cells were engrafted in ankle joints of animals prior to reactivation of arthritis. Animals in control groups were engrafted with synoviocytes transduced with lacZ and neo marker genes. Cells continued to express transferred genes for at least 9 days after engraftment. We found that gene transfer of sIL-1ra significantly suppressed the severity of recurrence of arthritis, as assessed by measuring joint swelling and by the gross-observation score, and attenuated but did not abolish erosion of cartilage and bone. The effect of intraarticularly expressed sIL-1ra was essentially local, as there was no significant difference in severity of recurrence between unengrafted contralateral joints in control and experimental groups. We estimate that locally expressed sIL-1ra was about four orders of magnitude more therapeutically efficient than systemically administered recombinant sIL-1ra protein. These findings provide experimental evidence for the feasibility of antiinflammatory gene therapy for arthritis.


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DNA molecules undergoing transformation into yeast are highly recombinogenic, even when diverged. We reasoned that transformation-associated recombination (TAR) could be employed to clone large DNAs containing repeat sequences, thereby eliminating the need for in vitro enzymatic reactions such as restriction and ligation and reducing the amount of DNA handling. Gently isolated human DNA was transformed directly into yeast spheroplasts along with two genetically marked (M1 and M2) linearized vectors that contained a human Alu sequence at one end and a telomere sequence at the other end (Alu-CEN-M1-TEL and Alu-M2-TEL). Nearly all the M1-selected transformants had yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing human DNA inserts that varied in size from 70 kb to > 600 kb. Approximately half of these had also acquired the unselected M2 marker. The mitotic segregational stability of YACs generated from one (M1) or two (M1 and M2) vector(s) was comparable, suggesting de novo generation of telomeric ends. Since no YACs were isolated when rodent DNAs or a vector lacking an Alu sequence was used, the YACs were most likely the consequence of TAR between the repeat elements on the vector(s) and the human DNA. Using the BLUR13 Alu-containing vector, we demonstrated that human DNA could be efficiently cloned from mouse cells that contained a single human chromosome 16. The distribution of cloned DNAs on chromosome 16 was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization. We propose that TAR cloning can provide an efficient means for generating YACs from specific chromosomes and subchromosome fragments and that TAR cloning may be useful for isolating families of genes and specific genes from total genome DNA.


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UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc): polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (polypeptide GalNAc-T) catalyzes transfer of the monosaccharide GalNAc to serine and threonine residues, thereby initiating O-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis. Previous studies have suggested the possibility of multiple polypeptide GalNAc-Ts, although attachment of saccharide units to polypeptide or lipid in generating oligosaccharide structures in vertebrates has been dependent upon the activity of single gene products. To address this issue and to determine the relevance of Oglycosylation variation in T-cell ontogeny, we have directed Cre/loxP mutagenic recombination to the polypeptide GalNAc-T locus in gene-targeted mice. Resulting deletion in the catalytic region of polypeptide GalNAc-T occurred to completion on both alleles in thymocytes and was found in peripheral T cells, but not among other cell types. Thymocyte O-linked oligosaccharide formation persisted in the absence of a functional targeted polypeptide GalNAc-T allele as determined by O-glycan-specific lectin binding. T-cell development and colonization of secondary lymphoid organs were also normal. These results indicate a complexity in vertebrate O-glycan biosynthesis that involves multiple polypeptide GalNAc-Ts. We infer the potential for protein-specific O-glycan formation governed by distinct polypeptide GalNAc-Ts.


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A role for rRNA in peptide chain termination was indicated several years ago by isolation of a 168 rRNA (small subunit) mutant of Escherichia coli that suppressed UGA mutations. In this paper, we describe another interesting rRNA mutant, selected as a translational suppressor of the chain-terminating mutant trpA (UGA211) of E. coli. The finding that it suppresses UGA at two positions in trpA and does not suppress the other two termination codons, UAA and UAG, at the same codon positions (or several missense mutations, including UGG, available at one of the two positions) suggests a defect in UGA-specific termination. The suppressor mutation was mapped by plasmid fragment exchanges and in vivo suppression to domain II of the 23S rRNA gene of the rrnB operon. Sequence analysis revealed a single base change of G to A at residue 1093, an almost universally conserved base in a highly conserved region known to have specific interactions with ribosomal proteins, elongation factor G, tRNA in the A-site, and the peptidyltransferase region of 23S rRNA. Several avenues of action of the suppressor mutation are suggested, including altered interactions with release factors, ribosomal protein L11, or 16S rRNA. Regardless of the mechanism, the results indicate that a particular residue in 23S rRNA affects peptide chain termination, specifically in decoding of the UGA termination codon.


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V(D)J rearrangement is the molecular mechanism by which an almost infinite array of specific immune receptors are generated. Defects in this process result in profound immunodeficiency as is the case in the C.B-17 SCID mouse or in RAG-1 (recombination-activating gene 1) or RAG-2 deficient mice. It has recently become clear that the V(D)J recombinase most likely consists of both lymphoid-specific factors and ubiquitously expressed components of the DNA double-strand break repair pathway. The deficit in SCID mice is in a factor that is required for both of these pathways. In this report, we show that the factor defective in the autosomal recessive severe combined immunodeficiency of Arabian foals is required for (i) V(D)J recombination, (ii) resistance to ionizing radiation, and (iii) DNA-dependent protein kinase activity.


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Neurite outgrowth across spinal cord lesions in vitro is rapid in preparations isolated from the neonatal opossum Monodelphis domestica up to the age of 12 days. At this age oligodendrocytes, myelin, and astrocytes develop and regeneration ceases to occur. The role of myelin-associated neurite growth-inhibitory proteins, which increase in concentration at 10-13 days, was investigated in culture by applying the antibody IN-1, which blocks their effects. In the presence of IN-1, 22 out of 39 preparations from animals aged 13-17 days showed clear outgrowth of processes into crushes. When 34 preparations from 13-day-old animals were crushed and cultured without antibody, no axons grew into the lesion. The success rate with IN-1 was comparable to that seen in younger animals but the outgrowth was less profuse. IN-1 was shown by immunocytochemistry to penetrate the spinal cord. Other antibodies which penetrated the 13-day cord failed to promote fiber outgrowth. To distinguish between regeneration by cut neurites and outgrowth by developing uncut neurites, fibers in the ventral fasciculus were prelabeled with carbocyanine dyes and subsequently injured. The presence of labeled fibers in the lesion indicated that IN-1 promoted regeneration. These results show that the development of myelin-associated growth-inhibitory proteins contributes to the loss of regeneration as the mammalian central nervous system matures. The definition of a critical period for regeneration, coupled with the ability to apply trophic as well as inhibitory molecules to the culture, can permit quantitative assessment of molecular interactions that promote spinal cord regeneration.


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The nonlytic suppression of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) production from infected CD4+ T cells by CD8+ lymphocytes from HIV-infected individuals is one of the most potent host-mediated antiviral activities observed in vitro. We demonstrate that the pleiotropic cytokine interleukin 2 (IL-2), but not IL-12, is a potent inducer of the CD8+ HIV suppressor phenomenon. IL-2 induces HIV expression in peripheral blood or lymph node mononuclear cells from HIV-infected individuals in the absence of CD8+ T cells. However, IL-2 induces CD8+ T cells to suppress HIV expression when added back to these cultures, and this effect dramatically supersedes the ability to IL-2 to induce HIV expression. Five to 25 times fewer CD8+ cells were required to obtain comparable levels of inhibition of viral production if they were activated in the presence of IL-2 as compared with IL-12 or no exogenous cytokine. Furthermore, IL-2 appeared either to induce a qualitative increase in HIV suppressor cell activity or to increase the relative frequency of suppressor cells in the activated (CD25+) CD8+ populations. Analyses of proviral levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells suggest that CD8+ T cell-mediated lysis of in vivo infected cells is not induced by IL-2. These results have implications for our understanding of the effects of impaired IL-2 production during HIV disease as well as the overall effects of IL-2-based immunotherapy on HIV replication in vivo.


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The majority of severe visual loss in the United States results from complications associated with retinal neovascularization in patients with ischemic ocular diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion, and retinopathy of prematurity. Intraocular expression of the angiogenic protein vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is closely correlated with neovascularization in these human disorders and with ischemia-induced retinal neovascularization in mice. In this study, we evaluated whether in vivo inhibition of VEGF action could suppress retinal neovascularization in a murine model of ischemic retinopathy. VEGF-neutralizing chimeric proteins were constructed by joining the extracellular domain of either human (Flt) or mouse (Flk) high-affinity VEGF receptors with IgG. Control chimeric proteins that did not bind VEGF were also used. VEGF-receptor chimeric proteins eliminated in vitro retinal endothelial cell growth stimulation by either VEGF (P < 0.006) or hypoxic conditioned medium (P < 0.005) without affecting growth under nonstimulated conditions. Control proteins had no effect. To assess in vivo response, animals with bilateral retinal ischemia received intravitreal injections of VEGF antagonist in one eye and control protein in the contralateral eye. Retinal neovascularization was quantitated histologically by a masked protocol. Retinal neovascularization in the eye injected with human Flt or murine Flk chimeric protein was reduced in 100% (25/25; P < 0.0001) and 95% (21/22; P < 0.0001) 0.0001) of animals, respectively, compared to the control treated eye. This response was evident after only a single intravitreal injection and was dose dependent with suppression of neovascularization noted after total delivery of 200 ng of protein (P < 0.002). Reduction of histologically evident neovascular nuclei per 6-microns section averaged 47% +/- 4% (P < 0.001) and 37% +/- 2% (P < 0.001) for Flt and Flk chimeric proteins with maximal inhibitory effects of 77% and 66%, respectively. No retinal toxicity was observed by light microscopy. These data demonstrate VEGF's causal role in retinal angiogenesis and prove the potential of VEGF inhibition as a specific therapy for ischemic retinal disease.