182 resultados para P53


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We and others recently isolated a human p53 homologue (p40/p51/p63/p73L) and localized the gene to the distal long arm of chromosome 3. Here we sought to examine the role of p40/p73L, two variants lacking the N-terminal transactivation domain, in cancer. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis revealed frequent amplification of this gene locus in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the lung and head and neck cancer cell lines. (We named this locus AIS for amplified in squamous cell carcinoma.) Furthermore, amplification of the AIS locus was accompanied by RNA and protein overexpression of a variant p68AIS lacking the terminal transactivation domain. Protein overexpression in primary lung tumors was limited to squamous cell carcinoma and tumors known to harbor a high frequency of p53 mutations. Overexpression of p40AIS in Rat 1a cells led to an increase in soft agar growth and tumor size in mice. Our results support the idea that AIS plays an oncogenic role in human cancer.


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The Gfi-1 protooncogene encodes a nuclear zinc-finger protein that carries a novel repressor domain, SNAG, and functions as a position- and orientation-independent active transcriptional repressor. The Gfi-1 repressor allows interleukin 2 (IL-2)-dependent T cells to escape G1 arrest induced by IL-2 withdrawal in culture and collaborates with c-myc and pim-1 for the induction of retrovirus-induced lymphomas in animals. Here we show that overexpression of Gfi-1 also inhibits cell death induced by cultivation of IL-2-dependent T-cell lines in IL-2-deficient media. Similarly, induction of Gfi-1 in primary thymocytes from mice carrying a metal-inducible Gfi-1 transgene inhibits cell death induced by cultivation in vitro. The protein and mRNA levels of the proapoptotic regulator Bax are down-regulated by Gfi-1 in both immortalized T-cell lines and primary transgenic thymocytes. The repression is direct and depends on several Gfi-1-binding sites in the p53-inducible Bax promoter. In addition to Bax, Gfi-1 also represses Bak, another apoptosis-promoting member of the Bcl-2 gene family. Therefore, Gfi-1 may inhibit apoptosis by means of its repression of multiple proapoptotic regulators. The antiapoptotic properties of Gfi-1 provide a potential explanation for its strong collaboration with c-myc during oncogenesis.


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Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a potent endogenous activator of the cell death pathway and functions by activating the cell surface death receptors 4 and 5 (DR4 and DR5). TRAIL is nontoxic in vivo and preferentially kills neoplastically transformed cells over normal cells by an undefined mechanism. Radiotherapy is a common treatment for breast cancer as well as many other cancers. Here we demonstrate that ionizing radiation can sensitize breast carcinoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. This synergistic effect is p53-dependent and may be the result of radiation-induced up-regulation of the TRAIL-receptor DR5. Importantly, TRAIL and ionizing radiation have a synergistic effect in the regression of established breast cancer xenografts. Changes in tumor cellularity and extracellular space were monitored in vivo by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (diffusion MRI), a noninvasive technique to produce quantitative images of the apparent mobility of water within a tissue. Increased water mobility was observed in combined TRAIL- and radiation-treated tumors but not in tumors treated with TRAIL or radiation alone. Histological analysis confirmed the loss of cellularity and increased numbers of apoptotic cells in TRAIL- and radiation-treated tumors. Taken together, our results provide support for combining radiation with TRAIL to improve tumor eradication and suggest that efficacy of apoptosis-inducing cancer therapies may be monitored noninvasively, using diffusion MRI.


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The development of skin carcinomas presently is believed to be correlated with mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor and ras gene as well as with the loss of chromosome 9. We now demonstrate that, in addition, loss of chromosome 15 may be a relevant genetic defect. Reintroduction of an extra copy of chromosome 15, but not chromosome 4, into the human skin carcinoma SCL-I cells, lacking one copy of each chromosome, resulted in tumor suppression after s.c. injection in mice. Transfection with thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), mapped to 15q15, induced the same tumor suppression without affecting cell proliferation in vitro or in vivo. Halted tumors remained as small cysts encapsulated by surrounding stroma and blood vessels. These cysts were characterized by increased TSP-1 matrix deposition at the tumor/stroma border and a complete lack of tumor vascularization. Coinjection of TSP-1 antisense oligonucleotides drastically reduced TSP-1 expression and almost completely abolished matrix deposition at the tumor/stroma border. As a consequence, the tumor phenotype reverted to a well vascularized, progressively expanding, solid carcinoma indistinguishable from that induced by the untransfected SCL-I cells. Thus, these data strongly suggest TSP-1 as a potential tumor suppressor on chromosome 15. The data further propose an unexpected mechanism of TSP-1-mediated tumor suppression. Instead of interfering with angiogenesis in general, in this system TSP-1 acts as a matrix barrier at the tumor/stroma border, which, by halting tumor vascularization, prevents tumor cell invasion and, thus, tumor expansion.


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Inbred 129 strain mice are predisposed to developing male germ cell tumors (GCTs) of the testes. The inherent genetic defects that underlie male GCT susceptibility in the 129 mouse strain are unknown. GCT incidence is increased in 129 strain males that lack functional p53 protein, and we have used this finding to facilitate the generation of panels of GCT-bearing intercross and backcross mice for genetic mapping analysis. A 129 strain locus, designated pgct1, that segregates with the male GCT phenotype has been identified on chromosome 13 near D13Mit188. This region of murine chromosome 13 may be syntenic to a portion of human chromosome 5q that is implicated in male GCT susceptibility in humans.


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Mesothelioma, a malignancy associated with asbestos, has been recently linked to simian virus 40 (SV40). We found that infection of human mesothelial cells by SV40 is very different from the semipermissive infection thought to be characteristic of human cells. Mesothelial cells are uniformly infected but not lysed by SV40, a mechanism related to p53, and undergo cell transformation at an extremely high rate. Exposure of mesothelial cells to asbestos complemented SV40 mutants in transformation. Our data provide a mechanistic explanation for the ability of SV40 to transform mesothelial cells preferentially and indicate that asbestos and SV40 may be cocarcinogens.


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Inhibition of cell growth and transformation can be achieved in transformed glial cells by disabling erbB receptor signaling. However, recent evidence indicates that the induction of apoptosis may underlie successful therapy of human cancers. In these studies, we examined whether disabling oncoproteins of the erbB receptor family would sensitize transformed human glial cells to the induction of genomic damage by γ-irradiation. Radioresistant human glioblastoma cells in which erbB receptor signaling was inhibited exhibited increased growth arrest and apoptosis in response to DNA damage. Apoptosis was observed after radiation in human glioma cells containing either a wild-type or mutated p53 gene product and suggested that both p53-dependent and -independent mechanisms may be responsible for the more radiosensitive phenotype. Because cells exhibiting increased radiation-induced apoptosis were also capable of growth arrest in serum-deprived conditions and in response to DNA damage, apoptotic cell death was not induced simply as a result of impaired growth arrest pathways. Notably, inhibition of erbB signaling was a more potent stimulus for the induction of apoptosis than prolonged serum deprivation. Proximal receptor interactions between erbB receptor members thus influence cell cycle checkpoint pathways activated in response to DNA damage. Disabling erbB receptors may improve the response to γ-irradiation and other cytotoxic therapies, and this approach suggests that present anticancer strategies could be optimized.


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Translation of thymidylate synthase (TS) mRNA is controlled by its own protein end-product TS in a negative autoregulatory manner. Disruption of this regulation results in increased synthesis of TS and may lead to the development of cellular drug resistance to TS-directed anticancer agents. As a strategy to inhibit TS expression, antisense 2′-O-methyl RNA oligoribonucleotides (ORNs) were designed to directly target the 5′ upstream cis-acting regulatory element (nucleotides 80–109) of TS mRNA. A 30 nt ORN, HYB0432, inhibited TS expression in human colon cancer RKO cells in a dose-dependent manner but had no effect on the expression of β-actin, α-tubulin or topoisomerase I. TS expression was unaffected by treatment with control sense or mismatched ORNs. HYB0504, an 18 nt ORN targeting the same core sequence, also repressed expression of TS protein. However, further reduction in oligo size resulted in loss of antisense activity. Following HYB0432 treatment, TS protein levels were reduced by 60% within 6 h and were maximally reduced by 24 h. Expression of p53 protein was inversely related to that of TS, suggesting that p53 expression may be directly linked to intracellular levels of TS. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that TS mRNA was unaffected by HYB0432 treatment. The half-life of TS protein was unchanged after antisense treatment suggesting that the mechanism of action of antisense ORNs is mediated through a process of translational arrest. These findings demonstrate that an antisense ORN targeted at a critical cis-acting element on TS mRNA can specifically inhibit expression of TS protein in RKO cells.


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The gene encoding the Ras-related GTPase RhoB-specific is immediate-early inducible by genotoxic treatments. Regulation of transcriptional activation of rhoB is still unclear. Here we show that cells lacking either p53 or c-Fos are not different from wild-type cells with respect to the level of rhoB induction upon UV irradiation, indicating that these transcription factors are not crucial for stimulation of rhoB mRNA expression. Extracts from UV-irradiated and non-irradiated cells revealed similar DNA-binding activities to a 0.17 kb rhoB promoter fragment harboring the functional element(s) necessary for stimulation of rhoB by UV light. By means of immunoprecipitation we found that an ATF-2-specific antibody co-precipitates the 32P-labeled 0.17 kb rhoB fragment, whereas an anti-AP1 antibody did not. Since no consensus sequence for binding of ATF-2 is present within the rhoB promoter, ATF-2 is likely to be associated with another factor that binds to the minimal promoter. Deletion analysis and site-directed mutagenesis of the 0.17 kb rhoB fragment revealed a CCAAT box to be an essential requirement for stimulation of rhoB by UV light and methyl methanesulfonate. Moreover, immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the CCAAT-binding factor NF-YA is complexed with ATF-2. Overall, the data strongly indicate that transcriptional activation of the rhoB gene by genotoxic stress is regulated via a CCAAT box and that interaction of CCAAT-binding factor and ATF-2 triggers the stress-inducible expression of rhoB.


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The proliferative compartment of stratified squamous epithelia consists of stem and transient amplifying (TA) keratinocytes. Some polypeptides are more abundant in putative epidermal stem cells than in TA cells, but no polypeptide confined to the stem cells has yet been identified. Here we show that the p63 transcription factor, a p53 homologue essential for regenerative proliferation in epithelial development, distinguishes human keratinocyte stem cells from their TA progeny. Within the cornea, nuclear p63 is expressed by the basal cells of the limbal epithelium, but not by TA cells covering the corneal surface. Human keratinocyte stem and TA cells when isolated in culture give rise to holoclones and paraclones, respectively. We show by clonal analysis that p63 is abundantly expressed by epidermal and limbal holoclones, but is undetectable in paraclones. TA keratinocytes, immediately after their withdrawal from the stem cell compartment (meroclones), have greatly reduced p63, even though they possess very appreciable proliferative capacity. Clonal evolution (i.e., generation of TA cells from precursor stem cells) is promoted by the sigma isoform of the 14-3-3 family of proteins. Keratinocytes whose 14-3-3σ has been down-regulated remain in the stem cell compartment and maintain p63 during serial cultivation. The identification of p63 as a keratinocyte stem cell marker will be of practical importance for the clinical application of epithelial cultures in cell therapy as well as for studies on epithelial tumorigenesis.


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DNA ligase IV (Lig4) and the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) function in nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). However, although Lig4 deficiency causes late embryonic lethality, deficiency in DNA-PK subunits (Ku70, Ku80, and DNA-PKcs) does not. Here we demonstrate that, similar to p53 deficiency, ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) gene deficiency rescues the embryonic lethality and neuronal apoptosis, but not impaired lymphocyte development, associated with Lig4 deficiency. However, in contrast to p53 deficiency, ATM deficiency enhances deleterious effects of Lig4 deficiency on growth potential of embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and genomic instability in both MEFs and cultured progenitor lymphocytes, demonstrating significant differences in the interplay of p53 vs. ATM with respect to NHEJ. Finally, in dramatic contrast to effects on Lig4 deficiency, ATM deficiency causes early embryonic lethality in Ku- or DNA-PKcs-deficient mice, providing evidence for an NHEJ-independent role for the DNA-PK holoenzyme.


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Telomerase inhibition has been touted as a novel cancer-selective therapeutic goal based on the observation of high telomerase levels in most cancers and the importance of telomere maintenance in long-term cellular growth and survival. Here, the impact of telomere dysfunction on chemotherapeutic responses was assessed in normal and neoplastic cells derived from telomerase RNA null (mTERC−/−) mice. Telomere dysfunction, rather than telomerase per se, was found to be the principal determinant governing chemosensitivity specifically to agents that induced double-stranded DNA breaks (DSB). Enhanced chemosensitivity in telomere dysfunctional cells was linked to therapy-induced fragmentation and multichromosomal fusions, whereas telomerase reconstitution restored genomic integrity and chemoresistance. Loss of p53 function muted the cytotoxic effects of DSB-inducing agents in cells with telomere dysfunction. Together, these results point to the combined use of DSB-inducing agents and telomere maintenance inhibition as an effective anticancer therapeutic approach particularly in cells with intact p53-dependent checkpoint responses.


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Rolling circle amplification (RCA) is a surface-anchored DNA replication reaction that can be exploited to visualize single molecular recognition events. Here we report the use of RCA to visualize target DNA sequences as small as 50 nts in peripheral blood lymphocytes or in stretched DNA fibers. Three unique target sequences within the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene could be detected simultaneously in interphase nuclei, and could be ordered in a linear map in stretched DNA. Allele-discriminating oligonucleotide probes in conjunction with RCA also were used to discriminate wild-type and mutant alleles in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, p53, BRCA-1, and Gorlin syndrome genes in the nuclei of cultured cells or in DNA fibers. These observations demonstrate that signal amplification by RCA can be coupled to nucleic acid hybridization and multicolor fluorescence imaging to detect single nucleotide changes in DNA within a cytological context or in single DNA molecules. This provides a means for direct physical haplotyping and the analysis of somatic mutations on a cell-by-cell basis.


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p19ARF suppresses the growth of cells lacking p53 through an unknown mechanism. p19ARF was found to complex with transcription factors E2F1, -2, and -3. Levels of endogenous or ectopically expressed E2F1, -2, and -3, but not E2F6, were reduced after synthesis of p19ARF, through a mechanism involving increased turnover. p19ARF-induced degradation of E2F1 depended on a functional proteasome, and E2F1 was relocalized to nucleoli when coexpressed with p19ARF. Consistent with reduced levels of E2F1 and E2F3, the proliferation of cells defective for p53 function was suppressed by p19ARF, and the effect was partially reversed by ectopic overexpression of E2F1. These results suggest a broader role for p19ARF as a tumor suppressor, in which targeting of certain E2F species may cooperate with stimulation of the p53 pathway to counteract oncogenic growth signals.


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DNA methylation of tumor suppressor genes is a common feature of human cancer. The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene p16/Ink4A is hypermethylated in a wide range of malignant tissues and the p14/ARF gene located 20 kb upstream on chromosome 9p21 is also methylated in carcinomas. p14/ARF (ARF, alternative reading frame) does not inhibit the activities of cyclins or cyclin-dependent kinase complexes; however, the importance of the two gene products in the etiology of cancer resides in their involvement in two major cell cycle regulatory pathways: p53 and the retinoblastoma protein, Rb, respectively. Distinct first exons driven from separate promoters are spliced onto the common exons 2 and 3 and the resulting proteins are translated in different reading frames. Both genes are expressed in normal cells but can be alternatively or coordinately silenced when their CpG islands are hypermethylated. Herein, we examined the presence of methyl-CpG binding proteins associated with aberrantly methylated promoters, the distribution of acetylated histones H3 and H4 by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, and the effect of chemical treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5aza-dC) and trichostatin A on gene induction in colon cell lines by quantitative reverse transcriptase–PCR. We observed that the methyl-CpG binding protein MBD2 is targeted to methylated regulatory regions and excludes the acetylated histones H3 and H4, resulting in a localized inactive chromatin configuration. When methylated, the genes can be induced by 5aza-dC but the combined action of 5aza-dC and trichostatin A results in robust gene expression. Thus, methyl-CpG binding proteins and histone deacetylases appear to cooperate in vivo, with a dominant effect of DNA methylation toward histone acetylation, and repress expression of tumor suppressor genes hypermethylated in cancers.