283 resultados para Mutant P53


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Activation of the tumor suppressor p53 by stress and damage stimuli often correlates with induction of stress kinases, Jun-NH2 kinase (JNK). As JNK association with p53 plays an important role in p53 stability, in the present study we have elucidated the relationship between the JNK-signaling pathway and p53 stability and activity. Expression of a constitutively active form of JNKK upstream kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (ΔMEKK1), increased the level of the exogenously transfected form of p53 in p53 null (10.1) cells as well as of endogenous p53 in MCF7 breast cancer cells. Increased p53 level by forced expression of ΔMEKK1 coincided with a decrease in p53 ubiquitination in vivo and with prolonged p53 half-life. Computerized modeling of the JNK-binding site (amino acids 97–116; p7 region) enabled us to design mutations of exposed residues within this region. Respective mutations (p53101-5-8) and deletion (p53Δp7) forms of p53 did not exhibit the same increase in p53 levels upon ΔMEKK1 expression. In vitro phosphorylation of p53 by JNK abolished Mdm2 binding and targeting of p53 ubiquitination. Similarly, ΔMEKK1 expression increased p53 phosphorylation by immunopurified JNK and dissociated p53–Mdm2 complexes. Transcriptional activity of p53, as measured via mdm2 promoter-driven luciferase, exhibited a substantial increase in ΔMEKK1-expressing cells. Cotransfection of p53 and ΔMEKK1 into p53 null cells potentiated p53-dependent apoptosis, suggesting that MEKK1 effectors contribute to the ability of p53 to mediate programmed cell death. Our results point to the role of MEKK1-JNK signaling in p53 stability, transcriptional activities, and apoptotic capacity as part of the cellular response to stress.


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The rat 3Y1 derivative cell lines, EId10 and EId23, established by introducing the adenovirus E1A12S, Id-1H, and Id-2H cDNAs linked to the hormone-inducible promoter, express these proteins upon treatment with dexamethasone and elicit apoptosis, although these cell lines express mutated p53. The E1A mutants containing a deletion in either the N terminus or the conserved region 1 were unable to induce apoptosis in cooperation with Ids. Western blot analysis of the immunoprecipitates prepared from the dexamethasone-treated EId10 cell extract showed that Id-2H preferentially binds to E1A and E2A (E12/E47) helix–loop–helix transcription factors in vivo, but scarcely to the retinoblastoma protein. After induction of E1A and Ids, EId10 and EId23 cells began to accumulate in S phase and undergo apoptosis before entering G2 phase, suggesting that abnormal synthesis of DNA induced by coexpression of E1A, Id-1H, and Id-2H results in the induction of apoptosis. Apoptosis also is induced in mouse A40 (p53−/−) cells by E1A alone or E1A plus Ids after transient transfection of the expression vectors. The induction of apoptosis is stimulated by coexpression with wild-type p53; however, apoptosis induced by E1A alone was suppressed completely by coexpression with mutated p53, whereas apoptosis induced by E1A plus Ids was stimulated by the mutated p53 as done by wild-type p53. These results suggest that the suppressive function of mutated p53 is overcome by Ids.


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The Mdm2 proto-oncogene is amplified to high copy numbers in human sarcomas and is overexpressed in a wide variety of other human cancers. Because Mdm2 protein forms a complex with the p53 tumor suppressor protein and down-regulates p53 function, the oncogenic potential of Mdm2 is presumed to be p53-dependent. To model these conditions in mice, we have used the entire Mdm2 gene, under transcriptional control of its native promoter region, as a transgene to create mice that overexpress Mdm2. The transgenic mice are predisposed to spontaneous tumor formation, and the incidence of sarcomas observed in the Mdm2-transgenic mice in the presence or absence of functional p53 demonstrates that, in addition to Mdm2-mediated inactivation of p53, there exists a p53-independent role for Mdm2 in tumorigenesis.


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Recently, several proteins have been identified that are related in their sequence to the p53 tumor-suppressor protein. One of these proteins, which is termed p73, exhibits sequence homology to the p53 transcriptional activation, DNA binding, and oligomerization domains. The adenovirus E1B 55-kDa protein, the adenovirus E4orf6 protein, and SV40 T antigen each can bind to p53 and inhibit p53 function. Here we demonstrate that the adenovirus E4orf6 protein, but not the E1B 55-kDa protein or T antigen, interacts with p73. The E4orf6 protein inhibits p73-mediated transcriptional activation and cell killing in a manner similar to its effect on p53. Thus, only a subset of viral oncoproteins that antagonize p53 function also interacts with the related p73 protein.


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We describe a mutant Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) that forms stable open promoter complexes even at −20°C but with a shortened melted region that extends downstream to only position −7. In the presence of initiating transcription substrates, the mutant RNAP undergoes a temperature-dependent isomerization, resulting in a promoter complex that is indistinguishable from the wild-type RNAP–promoter complex, with the melted region extended downstream to position +4. We propose that the open complex formed by the mutant RNAP represents an intermediate on the normal promoter-opening pathway and that our results support earlier findings that initial promoter opening occurs in the upstream region of the −10 promoter consensus element and subsequently extends downstream to encompass the transcription start site.


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A live, cold-passaged (cp) candidate vaccine virus, designated respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) B1 cp-52/2B5 (cp-52), replicated efficiently in Vero cells, but was found to be overattenuated for RSV-seronegative infants and children. Sequence analysis of reverse-transcription–PCR-amplified fragments of this mutant revealed a large deletion spanning most of the coding sequences for the small hydrophobic (SH) and attachment (G) proteins. Northern blot analysis of cp-52 detected multiple unique read-through mRNAs containing SH and G sequences, consistent with a deletion mutation spanning the SH:G gene junction. Immunological studies confirmed that an intact G glycoprotein was not produced by the cp-52 virus. Nonetheless, cp-52 was infectious and replicated to high titer in tissue culture despite the absence of the viral surface SH and G glycoproteins. Thus, our characterization of this negative-strand RNA virus identified a novel replication-competent deletion mutant lacking two of its three surface glycoproteins. The requirement of SH and G for efficient replication in vivo suggests that selective deletion of one or both of these RSV genes may provide an alternative or additive strategy for developing an optimally attenuated vaccine candidate.


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Photosystem II is a reaction center protein complex located in photosynthetic membranes of plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Using light energy, photosystem II catalyzes the oxidation of water and the reduction of plastoquinone, resulting in the release of molecular oxygen. A key component of photosystem II is cytochrome b559, a membrane-embedded heme protein with an unknown function. The cytochrome is unusual in that a heme links two separate polypeptide subunits, α and β, either as a heterodimer (αβ) or as two homodimers (α2 and β2). To determine the structural organization of cytochrome b559 in the membrane, we used site-directed mutagenesis to fuse the coding regions of the two respective genes in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In this construction, the C terminus of the α subunit (9 kDa) is attached to the N terminus of the β subunit (5 kDa) to form a 14-kDa αβ fusion protein that is predicted to have two membrane-spanning α-helices with antiparallel orientations. Cells containing the αβ fusion protein grow photoautotrophically and assemble functional photosystem II complexes. Optical spectroscopy shows that the αβ fusion protein binds heme and is incorporated into photosystem II. These data support a structural model of cytochrome b559 in which one heme is coordinated to an α2 homodimer and a second heme is coordinated to a β2 homodimer. In this model, each photosystem II complex contains two cytochrome b559 hemes, with the α2 heme located near the stromal side of the membrane and the β2 heme located near the lumenal side.


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A plastid-derived signal plays an important role in the coordinated expression of both nuclear- and chloroplast-localized genes that encode photosynthesis-related proteins. Arabidopsis GUN (genomes uncoupled) loci have been identified as components of plastid-to-nucleus signal transduction. Unlike wild-type plants, gun mutants have nuclear Lhcb1 expression in the absence of chloroplast development. We observed a synergistic phenotype in some gun double-mutant combinations, suggesting there are at least two independent pathways in plastid-to-nucleus signal transduction. There is a reduction of chlorophyll accumulation in gun4 and gun5 mutant plants, and a gun4gun5 double mutant shows an albino phenotype. We cloned the GUN5 gene, which encodes the ChlH subunit of Mg-chelatase. We also show that gun2 and gun3 are alleles of the known photomorphogenic mutants, hy1 and hy2, which are required for phytochromobilin synthesis from heme. These findings suggest that certain perturbations of the tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathway generate a signal from chloroplasts that causes transcriptional repression of nuclear genes encoding plastid-localized proteins. The comparison of mutant phenotypes of gun5 and another Mg-chelatase subunit (ChlI) mutant suggests a specific function for ChlH protein in the plastid-signaling pathway.


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We have expressed human p53 cDNA in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and shown that the level of production and the length of the p53 protein depends on the presence of untranslated mRNA regions (UTRs). The expression of the ORF alone leads to a p53 protein of correct size (53 kDa) that accumulates to high levels, concomitantly with the presence of a small amount of a p40 protein (40 kDa). However, when either the entire 5′-UTR and a part of the 3′- or 5′-UTR alone is used, this leads to the production of small amounts of the 40 kDa truncated form only. The p40 protein corresponds to a truncated form of p53 at the C-terminal extremity since it reacts only with a monoclonal antibody recognising the N-terminal epitope. This effect on the amount and length of p53 protein had no correlation at the mRNA level, suggesting that translational control probably occurs through the 5′-UTR. We propose a model of structural interaction between this UTR and a part of the ORF mRNA for the regulation of p53 expression in this heterologous context.


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Missense mutations within the central DNA binding region of p53 are the most prevalent mutations found in human cancer. Numerous studies indicate that ‘hot-spot’ p53 mutants (which comprise ∼30% of human p53 gene mutations) are largely devoid of transcriptional activity. However, a growing body of evidence indicates that some non-hot-spot p53 mutants retain some degree of transcriptional activity in vivo, particularly against strong p53 binding sites. We have modified a previously described yeast-based p53 functional assay to readily identify such partial loss of function p53 mutants. We demonstrate the utility of this modified p53 functional assay using a diverse panel of p53 mutants.


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Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII; Sly syndrome) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder due to an inherited deficiency of β-glucuronidase. A naturally occurring mouse model for this disease was discovered at The Jackson Laboratory and shown to be due to homozygosity for a 1-bp deletion in exon 10 of the gus gene. The murine model MPS VII (gusmps/mps) has been very well characterized and used extensively to evaluate experimental strategies for lysosomal storage diseases, including bone marrow transplantation, enzyme replacement therapy, and gene therapy. To enhance the value of this model for enzyme and gene therapy, we produced a transgenic mouse expressing the human β-glucuronidase cDNA with an amino acid substitution at the active site nucleophile (E540A) and bred it onto the MPS VII (gusmps/mps) background. We demonstrate here that the mutant mice bearing the active site mutant human transgene retain the clinical, morphological, biochemical, and histopathological characteristics of the original MPS VII (gusmps/mps) mouse. However, they are now tolerant to immune challenge with human β-glucuronidase. This “tolerant MPS VII mouse model” should be useful for preclinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of enzyme and/or gene therapy with the human gene products likely to be administered to human patients with MPS VII.


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Knock-in mice were generated that harbored a leucine-to-serine mutation in the α4 nicotinic receptor near the gate in the channel pore. Mice with intact expression of this hypersensitive receptor display dominant neonatal lethality. These mice have a severe deficit of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, possibly because the hypersensitive receptors are continuously activated by normal extracellular choline concentrations. A strain that retains the neo selection cassette in an intron has reduced expression of the hypersensitive receptor and is viable and fertile. The viable mice display increased anxiety, poor motor learning, excessive ambulation that is eliminated by very low levels of nicotine, and a reduction of nigrostriatal dopaminergic function upon aging. These knock-in mice provide useful insights into the pathophysiology of sustained nicotinic receptor activation and may provide a model for Parkinson's disease.


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The ryanodine receptor (RyR) family of proteins constitutes a unique type of calcium channel that mediates Ca2+ release from endoplasmic reticulum/sarcoplasmic reticulum stores. Ryanodine has been widely used to identify contributions made by the RyR to signaling in both muscle and nonmuscle cells. Ryanodine, through binding to high- and low-affinity sites, has been suggested to block the channel pore based on its ability to induce partial conductance states and irreversible inhibition. We examined the effect of ryanodine on an RyR type 1 (RyR1) point mutant (E4032A) that exhibits a severely compromised phenotype. When expressed in 1B5 (RyR null/dyspedic) myotubes, E4032A is relatively unresponsive to stimulation by cell membrane depolarization or RyR agonists, although the full-length protein is correctly targeted to junctions and interacts with dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs) inducing their arrangement into tetrads. However, treatment of E4032A-expressing cells with 200–500 μM ryanodine, concentrations that rapidly activate and then inhibit wild-type (wt) RyR1, restores the responsiveness of E4032A-expressing myotubes to depolarization and RyR agonists. Moreover, the restored E4032A channels remain resistant to subsequent exposure to ryanodine. In single-channel studies, E4032A exhibits infrequent (channel-open probability, Po < 0.005) and brief (<250 μs) gating events and insensitivity to Ca2+. Addition of ryanodine restores Ca2+-dependent channel activity exhibiting full, 3/4, 1/2, and 1/4 substates. This evidence suggests that, whereas ryanodine does not occlude the RyR pore, it does bind to sites that allosterically induce substantial conformational changes in the RyR. In the case of E4032A, these changes overcome unfavorable energy barriers introduced by the E4032A mutation to restore channel function.


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Caldesmon is phosphorylated by cdc2 kinase during mitosis, resulting in the dissociation of caldesmon from microfilaments. To understand the physiological significance of phosphorylation, we generated a caldesmon mutant replacing all seven cdc2 phosphorylation sites with Ala, and examined effects of expression of the caldesmon mutant on M-phase progression. We found that microinjection of mutant caldesmon effectively blocked early cell division of Xenopus embryos. Similar, though less effective, inhibition of cytokinesis was observed with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells microinjected with 7th mutant. When mutant caldesmon was introduced into CHO cells either by protein microinjection or by inducible expression, delay of M-phase entry was observed. Finally, we found that 7th mutant inhibited the disassembly of microfilaments during mitosis. Wild-type caldesmon, on the other hand, was much less potent in producing these three effects. Because mutant caldesmon did not inhibit cyclin B/cdc2 kinase activity, our results suggest that alterations in microfilament assembly caused by caldesmon phosphorylation are important for M-phase progression.


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Rolling circle amplification (RCA) is a surface-anchored DNA replication reaction that can be exploited to visualize single molecular recognition events. Here we report the use of RCA to visualize target DNA sequences as small as 50 nts in peripheral blood lymphocytes or in stretched DNA fibers. Three unique target sequences within the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene could be detected simultaneously in interphase nuclei, and could be ordered in a linear map in stretched DNA. Allele-discriminating oligonucleotide probes in conjunction with RCA also were used to discriminate wild-type and mutant alleles in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, p53, BRCA-1, and Gorlin syndrome genes in the nuclei of cultured cells or in DNA fibers. These observations demonstrate that signal amplification by RCA can be coupled to nucleic acid hybridization and multicolor fluorescence imaging to detect single nucleotide changes in DNA within a cytological context or in single DNA molecules. This provides a means for direct physical haplotyping and the analysis of somatic mutations on a cell-by-cell basis.