293 resultados para Gene function


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Mutations in the retinal pigment epithelium gene encoding RPE65 are a cause of the incurable early-onset recessive human retinal degenerations known as Leber congenital amaurosis. Rpe65-deficient mice, a model of Leber congenital amaurosis, have no rod photopigment and severely impaired rod physiology. We analyzed retinoid flow in this model and then intervened by using oral 9-cis-retinal, attempting to bypass the biochemical block caused by the genetic abnormality. Within 48 h, there was formation of rod photopigment and dramatic improvement in rod physiology, thus demonstrating that mechanism-based pharmacological intervention has the potential to restore vision in otherwise incurable genetic retinal degenerations.


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To investigate the role of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) in photosynthesis, we constructed a mutant defective in the CDP-diacylglycerol synthase gene from a cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. The mutant, designated as SNC1, required PG supplementation for growth. Growth was repressed in PG-free medium concomitantly with the decrease in cellular content of PG. These results indicate that PG is essential, and that SNC1 is defective in PG synthesis. Decrease in PG content was accompanied by a reduction in the cellular content of chlorophyll, but with little effect on the contents of phycobilisome pigments, which showed that levels of chlorophyll–protein complexes decreased without alteration of those of phycobilisomes. Regardless of the decrease in the PG content, CO2-dependent photosynthesis by SNC1 was similar to that by the wild type on a chlorophyll basis, but consequently became lower on a cell basis. Simultaneously, the ratio of oxygen evolution of photosystem II (PSII) measured with p-benzoquinone to that of CO2-dependent photosynthesis, which ranged between 1.3 and 1.7 in the wild type. However, it was decreased in SNC1 from 1.3 to 0.4 during the early growth phase where chlorophyll content and CO2-dependent photosynthesis were little affected, and then finally to 0.1, suggesting that PSII first lost its ability to reduce p-benzoquinone and then decreased in its level and actual activity. These results indicate that PG contributes to the accumulation of chlorophyll–protein complexes in thylakoid membranes, and also to normal functioning of PSII.


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The Drosophila gene bicoid functions at the beginning of a gene cascade that specifies anterior structures in the embryo. Its transcripts are localized at the anterior pole of the oocyte, giving rise to a Bicoid protein gradient, which regulates the spatially restricted expression of target genes along the anterior–posterior axis of the embryo in a concentration-dependent manner. The morphogen function of Bicoid requires the coactivity of the zinc finger transcription factor Hunchback, which is expressed in a Bicoid-dependent fashion in the anterior half of the embryo. Whereas hunchback is conserved throughout insects, bicoid homologs are known only from cyclorrhaphan flies. Thus far, identification of hunchback and bicoid homologs rests only on sequence comparison. In this study, we used double-stranded RNA interference (RNAi) to address the function of bicoid and hunchback homologs in embryos of the lower cyclorrhaphan fly Megaselia abdita (Phoridae). Megaselia-hunchback RNAi causes hunchback-like phenotypes as observed in Drosophila, but Megaselia-bicoid RNAi causes phenotypes different from corresponding RNAi experiments in Drosophila and bicoid mutant embryos. Megaselia-bicoid is required not only for the head and thorax but also for the development of four abdominal segments. This difference between Megaselia and Drosophila suggests that the range of functional bicoid activity has been reduced in higher flies.


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Patients with mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor β (TRβ) gene manifest resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH), resulting in a constellation of variable phenotypic abnormalities. To understand the molecular basis underlying the action of mutant TRβ in vivo, we generated mice with a targeted mutation in the TRβ gene (TRβPV; PV, mutant thyroid hormone receptor kindred PV) by using homologous recombination and the Cre/loxP system. Mice expressing a single PVallele showed the typical abnormalities of thyroid function found in heterozygous humans with RTH. Homozygous PV mice exhibit severe dysfunction of the pituitary–thyroid axis, impaired weight gains, and abnormal bone development. This phenotype is distinct from that seen in mice with a null mutation in the TRβ gene. Importantly, we identified abnormal expression patterns of several genes in tissues of TRβPV mice, demonstrating the interference of the mutant TR with the gene regulatory functions of the wild-type TR in vivo. These results show that the actions of mutant and wild-type TRβ in vivo are distinct. This model allows further study of the molecular action of mutant TR in vivo, which could lead to better treatment for RTH patients.


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Spatial learning requires the septohippocampal pathway. The interaction of learning experience with gene products to modulate the function of a pathway may underlie use-dependent plasticity. The regulated release of nerve growth factor (NGF) from hippocampal cultures and hippocampus, as well as its actions on cholinergic septal neurons, suggest it as a candidate protein to interact with a learning experience. A method was used to evaluate NGF gene-experience interaction on the septohippocampal neural circuitry in mice. The method permits brain region-specific expression of a new gene by using a two-component approach: a virus vector directing expression of cre recombinase; and transgenic mice carrying genomic recombination substrates rendered transcriptionally inactive by a “floxed” stop cassette. Cre recombinase vector delivery into transgenic mouse hippocampus resulted in recombination in 30% of infected cells and the expression of a new gene in those cells. To examine the interaction of the NGF gene and experience, adult mice carrying a NGF transgene with a floxed stop cassette (NGFXAT) received a cre recombinase vector to produce localized unilateral hippocampal NGF gene expression, so-called “activated” mice. Activated and control nonactivated NGFXAT mice were subjected to different experiences: repeated spatial learning, repeated rote performance, or standard vivarium housing. Latency, the time to complete the learning task, declined in the repeated spatial learning groups. The measurement of interaction between NGF gene expression and experience on the septohippocampal circuitry was assessed by counting retrogradely labeled basal forebrain cholinergic neurons projecting to the hippocampal site of NGF gene activation. Comparison of all NGF activated groups revealed a graded effect of experience on the septohippocampal pathway, with the largest change occurring in activated mice provided with repeated learning experience. These data demonstrate that plasticity of the adult spatial learning circuitry can be robustly modulated by experience-dependent interactions with a specific hippocampal gene product.


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Analyses of complete genomes indicate that a massive prokaryotic gene transfer (or transfers) preceded the formation of the eukaryotic cell. In comparisons of the entire set of Methanococcus jannaschii genes with their orthologs from Escherichia coli, Synechocystis 6803, and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it is shown that prokaryotic genomes consist of two different groups of genes. The deeper, diverging informational lineage codes for genes which function in translation, transcription, and replication, and also includes GTPases, vacuolar ATPase homologs, and most tRNA synthetases. The more recently diverging operational lineage codes for amino acid synthesis, the biosynthesis of cofactors, the cell envelope, energy metabolism, intermediary metabolism, fatty acid and phospholipid biosynthesis, nucleotide biosynthesis, and regulatory functions. In eukaryotes, the informational genes are most closely related to those of Methanococcus, whereas the majority of operational genes are most closely related to those of Escherichia, but some are closest to Methanococcus or to Synechocystis.


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Primary distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) is characterized by reduced ability to acidify urine, variable hyperchloremic hypokalemic metabolic acidosis, nephrocalcinosis, and nephrolithiasis. Kindreds showing either autosomal dominant or recessive transmission are described. Mutations in the chloride-bicarbonate exchanger AE1 have recently been reported in four autosomal dominant dRTA kindreds, three of these altering codon Arg589. We have screened 26 kindreds with primary dRTA for mutations in AE1. Inheritance was autosomal recessive in seventeen kindreds, autosomal dominant in one, and uncertain due to unknown parental phenotype or sporadic disease in eight kindreds. No mutations in AE1 were detected in any of the autosomal recessive kindreds, and analysis of linkage showed no evidence of linkage of recessive dRTA to AE1. In contrast, heterozygous mutations in AE1 were identified in the one known dominant dRTA kindred, in one sporadic case, and one kindred with two affected brothers. In the dominant kindred, the mutation Arg-589/Ser cosegregated with dRTA in the extended pedigree. An Arg-589/His mutation in the sporadic case proved to be a de novo mutation. In the third kindred, affected brothers both have an intragenic 13-bp duplication resulting in deletion of the last 11 amino acids of AE1. These mutations were not detected in 80 alleles from unrelated normal individuals. These findings underscore the key role of Arg-589 and the C terminus in normal AE1 function, and indicate that while mutations in AE1 cause autosomal dominant dRTA, defects in this gene are not responsible for recessive disease.


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The antitumoral effects that follow the local delivery of the N-terminal fragment of human plasminogen (angiostatin K3) have been studied in two xenograft murine models. Angiostatin delivery was achieved by a defective adenovirus expressing a secretable angiostatin K3 molecule from the cytomegalovirus promoter (AdK3). In in vitro studies, AdK3 selectively inhibited endothelial cell proliferation and disrupted the G2/M transition induced by M-phase-promoting factors. AdK3-infected endothelial cells showed a marked mitosis arrest that correlated with the down-regulation of the M-phase phosphoproteins. A single intratumoral injection of AdK3 into preestablished rat C6 glioma or human MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma grown in athymic mice was followed by a significant arrest of tumor growth, which was associated with a suppression of neovascularization within and at the vicinity of the tumors. AdK3 therapy also induced a 10-fold increase in apoptotic tumor cells as compared with a control adenovirus. Furthermore, we showed that systemic injection of AdK3 delayed C6 tumor establishment and growth, confirming that angiostatin can function in a paracrin manner. Our data support the concept that targeted antiangiogenesis, using adenovirus-mediated gene transfer, represents a promising alternative strategy for delivering antiangiogenic factors as their bolus injections present unsolved pharmacological problems.


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Nitric oxide (NO•) is a toxin, and various life forms appear to have evolved strategies for its detoxification. NO•-resistant mutants of Escherichia coli were isolated that rapidly consumed NO•. An NO•-converting activity was reconstituted in extracts that required NADPH, FAD, and O2, was cyanide-sensitive, and produced NO3−. This nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) contained 19 of 20 N-terminal amino acids identical to those of the E. coli flavohemoglobin. Furthermore, NOD activity was produced by the flavohemoglobin gene and was inducible by NO•. Flavohemoglobin/NOD-deficient mutants were also sensitive to growth inhibition by gaseous NO•. The results identify a function for the evolutionarily conserved flavohemoglobins and, moreover, suggest that NO• detoxification may be a more ancient function for the widely distributed hemoglobins, and associated methemoglobin reductases, than dioxygen transport and storage.


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In Escherichia coli, programmed cell death is mediated through “addiction modules” consisting of two genes; the product of one gene is long-lived and toxic, whereas the product of the other is short-lived and antagonizes the toxic effect. Here we show that the product of λrexB, one of the few genes expressed in the lysogenic state of bacteriophage λ, prevents cell death directed by each of two addiction modules, phd-doc of plasmid prophage P1 and the rel mazEF of E. coli, which is induced by the signal molecule guanosine 3′,5′-bispyrophosphate (ppGpp) and thus by amino acid starvation. λRexB inhibits the degradation of the antitoxic labile components Phd and MazE of these systems, which are substrates of ClpP proteases. We present a model for this anti-cell death effect of λRexB through its action on the ClpP proteolytic subunit. We also propose that the λrex operon has an additional function to the well known phenomenon of exclusion of other phages; it can prevent the death of lysogenized cells under conditions of nutrient starvation. Thus, the rex operon may be considered as the “survival operon” of phage λ.


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During the aging process, mammals lose up to a third of their skeletal muscle mass and strength. Although the mechanisms underlying this loss are not entirely understood, we attempted to moderate the loss by increasing the regenerative capacity of muscle. This involved the injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus directing overexpression of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in differentiated muscle fibers. We demonstrate that the IGF-I expression promotes an average increase of 15% in muscle mass and a 14% increase in strength in young adult mice, and remarkably, prevents aging-related muscle changes in old adult mice, resulting in a 27% increase in strength as compared with uninjected old muscles. Muscle mass and fiber type distributions were maintained at levels similar to those in young adults. We propose that these effects are primarily due to stimulation of muscle regeneration via the activation of satellite cells by IGF-I. This supports the hypothesis that the primary cause of aging-related impairment of muscle function is a cumulative failure to repair damage sustained during muscle utilization. Our results suggest that gene transfer of IGF-I into muscle could form the basis of a human gene therapy for preventing the loss of muscle function associated with aging and may be of benefit in diseases where the rate of damage to skeletal muscle is accelerated.


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Tuberous sclerosis is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of aberrant growths in many tissues and organs. Linkage analysis revealed two disease-determining genes on chromosome 9 and chromosome 16. The tuberous sclerosis complex gene-2 (TSC2) on chromosome 16 encodes the tumor suppressor protein tuberin. We have shown earlier that loss of TSC2 is sufficient to induce quiescent cells to enter the cell cycle. Here we show that TSC2-negative fibroblasts exhibit a shortened G1 phase. Although the expression of cyclin E, cyclin A, p21, or Cdc25A is unaffected, TSC2-negative cells express much lower amounts of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p27 because of decreased protein stability. In TSC2 mutant cells the amount of p27 bound to CDK2 is diminished, accompanied with elevated kinase activity. Ectopic expression studies revealed that the aforementioned effects can be reverted by transfecting TSC2 in TSC2-negative cells. High ectopic levels of p27 have cell cycle inhibitory effects in TSC2-positive cells but not in TSC2-negative counterparts, although the latter still depend on CDK2 activity. Loss of TSC2 induces soft agar growth of fibroblasts, a process that cannot be inhibited by high levels of p27. Both phenotypes of TSC2-negative cells, their resistance to the activity of ectopic p27, and the instability of endogenous p27, could be explained by our observation that the nucleoprotein p27 is mislocated into the cytoplasm upon loss of TSC2. These findings provide insights into the molecular mechanism of how loss of TSC2 induces cell cycle entry and allow a better understanding of its tumor suppressor function.


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Plant disease resistance (R) genes confer race-specific resistance to pathogens and are genetically defined on the basis of intra-specific functional polymorphism. Little is known about the evolutionary mechanisms that generate this polymorphism. Most R loci examined to date contain alternate alleles and/or linked homologs even in disease-susceptible plant genotypes. In contrast, the resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pathovar maculicola (RPM1) bacterial resistance gene is completely absent (rpm1-null) in 5/5 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions that lack RPM1 function. The rpm1-null locus contains a 98-bp segment of unknown origin in place of the RPM1 gene. We undertook comparative mapping of RPM1 and flanking genes in Brassica napus to determine the ancestral state of the RPM1 locus. We cloned two B. napus RPM1 homologs encoding hypothetical proteins with ≈81% amino acid identity to Arabidopsis RPM1. Collinearity of genes flanking RPM1 is conserved between B. napus and Arabidopsis. Surprisingly, we found four additional B. napus loci in which the flanking marker synteny is maintained but RPM1 is absent. These B. napus rpm1-null loci have no detectable nucleotide similarity to the Arabidopsis rpm1-null allele. We conclude that RPM1 evolved before the divergence of the Brassicaceae and has been deleted independently in the Brassica and Arabidopsis lineages. These results suggest that functional polymorphism at R gene loci can arise from gene deletions.


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Cardiomyopathy (CM) is a primary degenerative disease of myocardium and is traditionally categorized into hypertrophic and dilated CMs (HCM and DCM) according to its gross appearance. Cardiomyopathic hamster (CM hamster), a representative model of human hereditary CM, has HCM and DCM inbred sublines, both of which descend from the same ancestor. Herein we show that both HCM and DCM hamsters share a common defect in a gene for δ-sarcoglycan (δ-SG), the functional role of which is yet to be characterized. A breakpoint causing genomic deletion was found to be located at 6.1 kb 5′ upstream of the second exon of δ-SG gene, and its 5′ upstream region of more than 27.4 kb, including the authentic first exon of δ-SG gene, was deleted. This deletion included the major transcription initiation site, resulting in a deficiency of δ-SG transcripts with the consequent loss of δ-SG protein in all the CM hamsters, despite the fact that the protein coding region of δ-SG starting from the second exon was conserved in all the CM hamsters. We elucidated the molecular interaction of dystrophin-associated glycoproteins including δ-SG, by using an in vitro pull-down study and ligand overlay assay, which indicates the functional role of δ-SG in stabilizing sarcolemma. The present study not only identifies CM hamster as a valuable animal model for studying the function of δ-SG in vivo but also provides a genetic target for diagnosis and treatment of human CM.


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During retinogenesis, the Xenopus basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor Xath5 has been shown to promote a ganglion cell fate. In the developing mouse and chicken retinas, gene targeting and overexpression studies have demonstrated critical roles for the Brn3 POU domain transcription factor genes in the promotion of ganglion cell differentiation. However, the genetic relationship between Ath5 and Brn3 genes is unknown. To understand the genetic regulatory network(s) that controls retinal ganglion cell development, we analyzed the relationship between Ath5 and Brn3 genes by using a gain-of-function approach in the chicken embryo. We found that during retinogenesis, the chicken Ath5 gene (Cath5) is expressed in retinal progenitors and in differentiating ganglion cells but is absent in terminally differentiated ganglion cells. Forced expression of both Cath5 and the mouse Ath5 gene (Math5) in retinal progenitors activates the expression of cBrn3c following central-to-peripheral and temporal-to-nasal gradients. As a result, similar to the Xath5 protein, both Cath5 and Math5 proteins have the ability to promote the development of ganglion cells. Moreover, we found that forced expression of all three Brn3 genes also can stimulate the expression of cBrn3c. We further found that Ath5 and Brn3 proteins are capable of transactivating a Brn3b promoter. Thus, these data suggest that the expression of cBrn3c in the chicken and Brn3b in the mouse is initially activated by Ath5 factors in newly generated ganglion cells and later maintained by a feedback loop of Brn3 factors in the differentiated ganglion cells.