198 resultados para DROSOPHILA OOGENESIS
The hypothesis that morphological evolution may largely result from changes in gene regulation rather than gene structure has been difficult to test. Morphological differences among insects are often apparent in the cuticle structures produced. The dopa decarboxylase (Ddc) and alpha-methyldopa hypersensitive (amd) genes arose from an ancient gene duplication. In Drosophila, they have evolved nonoverlapping functions, including the production of distinct types of cuticle, and for Ddc, the production of the neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin. The amd gene is particularly active in the production of specialized flexible cuticles in the developing embryo. We have compared the pattern of amd expression in three Drosophila species. Several regions of expression conserved in all three species but, surprisingly, a unique domain of expression is found in Drosophila simulans that does occur in the closely related (2-5 million years) Drosophila melanogaster or in the more remote (40-50 million years) Drosophila virilis. The "sudden" appearance of a completely new and robust domain of expression provides a glimpse of evolutionary variation resulting from changes in regulation of structural gene expression.
Previously, we reported on the discovery and characterization of a mammalian chromatin-associated protein, CHD1 (chromo-ATPase/helicase-DNA-binding domain), with features that led us to suspect that it might have an important role in the modification of chromatin structure. We now report on the characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster CHD1 homologue (dCHD1) and its localization on polytene chromosomes. A set of overlapping cDNAs encodes an 1883-aa open reading frame that is 50% identical and 68% similar to the mouse CHD1 sequence, including conservation of the three signature domains for which the protein was named. When the chromo and ATPase/helicase domain sequences in various CHD1 homologues were compared with the corresponding sequences in other proteins, certain distinctive features of the CHD1 chromo and ATPase/helicase domains were revealed. The dCHD1 gene was mapped to position 23C-24A on chromosome 2L. Western blot analyses with antibodies raised against a dCHD1 fusion protein specifically recognized an approximately 210-kDa protein in nuclear extracts from Drosophila embryos and cultured cells. Most interestingly, these antibodies revealed that dCHD1 localizes to sites of extended chromatin (interbands) and regions associated with high transcriptional activity (puffs) on polytene chromosomes from salivary glands of third instar larvae. These observations strongly support the idea that CHD1 functions to alter chromatin structure in a way that facilitates gene expression.
In each facet of the Drosophila compound eye, a cluster of photoreceptor cells assumes an asymmetric trapezoidal pattern. These clusters have opposite orientations above and below an equator, showing global dorsoventral mirror symmetry. However, in the mutant spiny legs, the polarization of each cluster appears to be random, so that no equator is evident. The apparent lack of an equator suggests that spiny legs+ may be involved in the establishment of global dorsoventral identity that might be essential for proper polarization of the photoreceptor clusters. Alternatively, a global dorsoventral pattern could be present, but spiny legs+ may be required for local polarization of individual clusters. Using an enhancer trap strain in which white+ gene expression is restricted to the dorsal field, we show that white+ expression in spiny legs correctly respects dorsoventral position even in facets with inappropriate polarizations; the dorsoventral boundary is indeed present, whereas the mechanism for polarization is perturbed. It is suggested that the boundary is established before the action of spiny legs+ by an independent mechanism.
We describe a fractionation and purification scheme for the Drosophila RNA polymerase II general transcription factors. Drosophila TFIIE, TFIIF, TFIIH, and RNA polymerase II have been purified to greater than 50% homogeneity from Drosophila embryo nuclear extracts. TFIID has been purified 80-fold and is not significantly contaminated with any of the other general factors. This is the first reported identification and purification of Drosophila TFIIH and TFIIE. Further analysis shows that, similar to their mammalian counterparts, Drosophila TFIIH is composed of eight polypeptides sized between 30 and 100 kDa, and Drosophila TFIIE is composed of two polypeptides sized at 34 and 60 kDa. When all of these fractions are combined with recombinant Drosophila TFlIB, a highly purified in vitro transcription system is generated that has not previously been available in Drosophila. The TFIID fraction can be replaced with recombinant Drosophila TBP to give a transcription system that is nearly free of contaminating proteins.
We present evidence that the JAK-STAT signal transduction pathway regulates multiple developmental processes in Drosophila. We screened for second-site mutations that suppress the phenotype of the hyperactive hopTum-1 Jak kinase, and recovered a mutation that meiotically maps to the known chromosomal position of D-Stat, a Drosophila stat gene. This hypomorphic mutation, termed statHJ contains a nucleotide substitution in the first D-Stat intron, resulting in a reduction in the number of correctly processed transcripts. Further, the abnormally processed mRNA encodes a truncated protein that has a dominant negative effect on transcriptional activation by the wild-type cDNA in cell culture. statHJ mutants exhibit patterning defects that include the formation of ectopic wing veins, similar to those seen in mutants of the epidermal growth factor/receptor pathway. Abnormalities in embryonic and adult segmentation and in tracheal development were also observed. The hopTum-1 and statHJ mutations can partially compensate for each other genetically, and Hop overexpression can increase D-Stat transcriptional activity in vitro, indicating that the gene products interact in a common regulatory pathway.
In bilateral animals, the left and right sides of the body usually present asymmetric structures, the genetic bases of whose generation are still largely unknown [CIBA Foundation (1991) Biological Asymmetry and Handedness, CIBA Foundation Symposium 162 (Wiley, New York), pp. 1-327]. In Drosophila melanogaster, mutations in the rotated abdomen (rt) locus cause a clockwise helical rotation of the body. Even null alleles are viable but exhibit defects in embryonic muscle development, rotation of the whole larval body, and helical staggering of cuticular patterns in abdominal segments of the adult. rotated abdomen is expressed in the embryonic mesoderm and midgut but not in the ectoderm; it encodes a putative integral membrane glycoprotein (homologous to key yeast mannosyltransferases). Mesodermal cells defective in O-glycosylation lead to an impaired larval muscular system. We propose that the staggering of the adult abdominal segments would be a consequence of the relaxation of intrinsic rotational torque of muscle architecture, preventing the colateral alignment of the segmental histoblast cells during their proliferation at metamorphosis.
Whereas temperature and humidity are critical variables affecting physiology, behavior, and evolution, the genetic and neuronal underpinnings of thermosensation and hygrosensation remain poorly understood. We have initiated a behavioral-genetic investigation of these sensory systems in Drosophila. Behavioral tests are described for the rapid screening of mutants defective in thermosensation and hygrosensation. We demonstrate the strong responses of normal flies to temperature and humidity. Two mutants were found with defects in thermosensation, only one of which is also defective in hygrosensation, indicating that they involve different sensory mechanisms. Ablation experiments further separate these sensory systems by showing that thermoreceptors are housed in the third antennal segment, whereas hygroreceptors are located more distally in the antennal arista.
MEF2 (myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2) is a MADS box transcription factor that is thought to be a key regulator of myogenesis in vertebrates. Mutations in the Drosophila homologue of the mef2 gene indicate that it plays a key role in regulating myogenesis in Drosophila. We show here that the Drosophila tropomyosin I (TmI) gene is a target gene for mef2 regulation. The TmI gene contains a proximal and a distal muscle enhancer within the first intron of the gene. We show that both enhancers contain a MEF2 binding site and that a mutation in the MEF2 binding site of either enhancer significantly reduces reporter gene expression in embryonic, larval, and adult somatic body wall muscles of transgenic flies. We also show that a high level of proximal enhancer-directed reporter gene expression in somatic muscles requires the cooperative activity of MEF2 and a cis-acting muscle activator region located within the enhancer. Thus, mef2 null mutant embryos show a significant reduction but not an elimination of TmI expression in the body wall myoblasts and muscle fibers that are present. Surprisingly, there is little effect in these mutants on TmI expression in developing visceral muscles and dorsal vessel (heart), despite the fact that MEF2 is expressed in these muscles in wild-type embryos, indicating that TmI expression is regulated differently in these muscles. Taken together, our results show that mef2 is a positive regulator of tropomyosin gene transcription that is necessary but not sufficient for high level expression in somatic muscle of the embryo, larva, and adult.
The posttranscriptional control of iron uptake, storage, and utilization by iron-responsive elements (IREs) and iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) provides a molecular framework for the regulation of iron homeostasis in many animals. We have identified and characterized IREs in the mRNAs for two different mitochondrial citric acid cycle enzymes. Drosophila melanogaster IRP binds to an IRE in the 5' untranslated region of the mRNA encoding the iron-sulfur protein (Ip) subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). This interaction is developmentally regulated during Drosophila embryogenesis. In a cell-free translation system, recombinant IRP-1 imposes highly specific translational repression on a reporter mRNA bearing the SDH IRE, and the translation of SDH-Ip mRNA is iron regulated in D. melanogaster Schneider cells. In mammals, an IRE was identified in the 5' untranslated regions of mitochondrial aconitase mRNAs from two species. Recombinant IRP-1 represses aconitase synthesis with similar efficiency as ferritin IRE-controlled translation. The interaction between mammalian IRPs and the aconitase IRE is regulated by iron, nitric oxide, and oxidative stress (H2O2), indicating that these three signals can control the expression of mitochondrial aconitase mRNA. Our results identify a regulatory link between energy and iron metabolism in vertebrates and invertebrates, and suggest biological functions for the IRE/IRP regulatory system in addition to the maintenance of iron homeostasis.
We report the isolation of 10 differentially expressed cDNAs in the process of apoptosis induced by the p53 tamor suppressor. As a global analytical method, we performed a differential display of mRNA between mouse M1 myeloid leukemia cells and derived clone LTR6 cells, which contain a stably transfected temperature-sensitive mutant of p53. At 32 degrees C wild-type p53 function is activated in LTR6 cells, resulting in programmed cell death. Eight genes are activated (TSAP; tumor suppressor activated pathway), and two are inhibited (TSIP, tumor suppressor inhibited pathway) in their expression. None of the 10 sequences has hitherto been recognized as part of the p53 signaling pathway. Three TSAPs are homologous to known genes. TSAP1 corresponds to phospholipase C beta 4. TSAP2 has a conserved domain homologous to a multiple endocrine neoplasia I (ZFM1) candidate gene. TSAP3 is the mouse homologue of the Drosophila seven in absentia gene. These data provide novel molecules involved in the pathway of wild-type p53 activation. They establish a functional link between a homologue of a conserved developmental Drosophila gene and signal transduction in tumor suppression leading to programmed cell death.
The x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) zinc K-edge steps for intact stages I,II and V,VI Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrate that the zinc concentration is about 3 and 1 mM, respectively. However, the chi(k) function for the early stage oocytes differs markedly from that for the late one. Analysis of the XAFS data for stage I,II oocytes indicates that zinc is bound to 2.0 +/- 0.5 sulfur atoms at an average coordination distance of 2.29 +/- 0.02 angstroms and 2.0 +/- 0.5 nitrogen or oxygen (N/O) atoms at 2.02 +/- 0.02 angstroms. In marked contrast, in stage V,VI oocytes, zinc is bound to 4.1 +/- 0.4 N/O atoms at an average distance of 1.98 +/- 0.01 angstroms. Our previous studies demonstrated that 90% of the zinc in stage VI oocytes is sequestered within yolk platelets, associated with a single molecule, lipovitellin, the proteolytically processed product of vitellogenin. XAFS analysis of yolk platelets, lipovitellin, and vitellogenin demonstrates that zinc is bound to 4.0 +/- 0.5 N/O ligands at an average distance of 1.98 +/- 0.01 angstroms in each case, identical to that of stage V,VI oocytes. The higher shell contributions in the Fourier transforms indicate that two of the N/O zinc ligands are His in both stage V,VI and I,II oocytes. The results show that in stage I,II oocytes, there is a high concentration of a zinc protein whose zinc coordination site likely is composed of (His)2(Cys)2, such as, e.g., TFIIIA. As the oocytes develop, the predominant zinc species becomes one that exhibits the (His)2(N/0)2 zinc site found in lipovitellin. Hence, the ligands to the zinc atoms in intact oocytes and the changes that take place as a function of oogenesis and after their fertilization, during embryogenesis, now can be examined and explored.
In previous experiments, the homeodomain proteins even-skipped and fushi-tarazu were found to UV cross-link to a surprisingly wide array of DNA sites in living Drosophila embryos. We now show that UV cross-linking gives a highly accurate measure of DNA binding by these proteins. In addition, the binding of even-skipped and fushi-tarazu proteins has been measured in vitro to the same DNA fragments that were examined in vivo. This analysis shows that these proteins have broad DNA recognition properties in vitro that are likely to be important determinants of their distribution on DNA in vivo, but it also shows that in vitro DNA binding specificity alone is not sufficient to explain the distribution of these proteins in embryos.
The fertility component of natural selection acting on chromosomal inversions in two experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura was subdivided into the effects of female fecundity and male mating success. The offspring of the three female genotypes could be distinguished by their mitochondrial DNA haplotypes, thus permitting a direct measurement of the relative fecundities of the female genotype. The effects of male mating success on inversion frequency were measured by comparing inversion frequencies in parents and their offspring. Selection by fertility caused significant changes in inversion frequency in both populations. In one population, the changes in inversion frequency due to female fecundity and to male mating success were comparable. In the other population, however, the changes in inversion frequency due to male mating success were considerably larger than those due to female fecundity. The difference between the two populations underscores the intrinsic variability of the fertility component of fitness.
The regulatory protein calmodulin is a major mediator of calcium-induced changes in cellular activity. To analyze the roles of calmodulin in an intact animal, we have generated a calmodulin null mutation in Drosophila melanogaster. Maternal calmodulin supports calmodulin null individuals throughout embryogenesis, but they die within 2 days of hatching as first instar larvae. We have detected two pronounced behavioral abnormalities specific to the loss of calmodulin in these larvae. Swinging of the head and anterior body, which occurs in the presence of food, is three times more frequent in the null animals. More strikingly, most locomotion in calmodulin null larvae is spontaneous backward movement. This is in marked contrast to the wild-type situation where backward locomotion is seen only as a stimulus-elicited avoidance response. Our finding of spontaneous avoidance behavior has striking similarities to the enhanced avoidance responses produced by some calmodulin mutations in Paramecium. Thus our results suggest evolutionary conservation of a role for calmodulin in membrane excitability and linked behavioral responses.