147 resultados para Actin cytoskeleton


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Human deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I), an enzyme recently approved for treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF), has been engineered to create two classes of mutants: actin-resistant variants, which still catalyze DNA hydrolysis but are no longer inhibited by globular actin (G-actin) and active site variants, which no longer catalyze DNA hydrolysis but still bind G-actin. Actin-resistant variants with the least affinity for actin, as measured by an actin binding ELISA and actin inhibition of [33P] DNA hydrolysis, resulted from the introduction of charged, aliphatic, or aromatic residues at Ala-114 or charged residues on the central hydrophobic actin binding interface at Tyr-65 or Val-67. In CF sputum, the actin-resistant variants D53R, Y65A, Y65R, or V67K were 10-to 50-fold more potent than wild type in reducing viscoelasticity as determined in sputum compaction assays. The reduced viscoelasticity correlated with reduced DNA length as measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. In contrast, the active site variants H252A or H134A had no effect on altering either viscoelasticity or DNA length in CF sputum. The data from both the active site and actin-resistant variants demonstrate that the reduction of viscoelasticity by DNase I results from DNA hydrolysis and not from depolymerization of filamentous actin (F-actin). The increased potency of the actin-resistant variants indicates that G-actin is a significant inhibitor of DNase I in CF sputum. These results further suggest that actin-resistant DNase I variants may have improved efficacy in CF patients.


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The ability of neurotrophins to modulate the survival and differentiation of neuronal populations involves the Trk/MAP (mitogen-activated protein kinase) kinase signaling pathway. More recently, neurotrophins have also been shown to regulate synaptic transmission. The synapsins are a family of neuron-specific phosphoproteins that play a role in regulation of neurotransmitter release, in axonal elongation, and in formation and maintenance of synaptic contacts. We report here that synapsin I is a downstream effector for the neurotrophin/Trk/MAP kinase cascade. Using purified components, we show that MAP kinase stoichiometrically phosphorylated synapsin I at three sites (Ser-62, Ser-67, and Ser-549). Phosphorylation of these sites was detected in rat brain homogenates, in cultured cerebrocortical neurons, and in isolated presynaptic terminals. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor upregulated phosphorylation of synapsin I at MAP kinase-dependent sites in intact cerebrocortical neurons and PC12 cells, respectively, while KCl- induced depolarization of cultured neurons decreased the phosphorylation state at these sites. MAP kinase-dependent phosphorylation of synapsin I significantly reduced its ability to promote G-actin polymerization and to bundle actin filaments. The results suggest that MAP kinase-dependent phosphorylation of synapsin I may contribute to the modulation of synaptic plasticity by neurotrophins and by other signaling pathways that converge at the level of MAP kinase activation.


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Three of the predominant features of apoptosis are internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, plasma membrane bleb formation, and retraction of cell processes. We demonstrate that actin is a substrate for the proapoptotic cysteine protease interleukin 1beta-converting enzyme. Actin cleaved by interleukin 1beta-converting enzyme can neither inhibit DNase I nor polymerize to its filamentous form as effectively as intact actin. These findings suggest a mechanism for the coordination of the proteolytic, endonucleolytic, and morphogenetic aspects of apoptosis.


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Wild-type actin and a mutant actin were isolated from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and the polymerization properties were examined at pH 8.0 and 20 degrees C. The polymerization reaction was followed either by an increase in pyrene-labeled actin fluorescence or by a decrease in intrinsic fluorescence in the absence of pyrene-labeled actin. While similar to the properties of skeletal muscle actin, there are several important differences between the wild-type yeast and muscle actins. First, yeast actin polymerizes more rapidly than muscle actin under the same experimental conditions. The difference in rates may result from a difference in the steps involving formation of the nucleating species. Second, as measured with pyrene-labeled yeast actin, but not with intrinsic fluorescence, there is an overshoot in the fluorescence that has not been observed with skeletal muscle actin under the same conditions. Third, in order to simulate the polymerization process of wild-type yeast actin it is necessary to assume some fragmentation of the filaments. Finally, gelsolin inhibits polymerization of yeast actin but is known to accelerate the polymerization of muscle actin. A mutant actin (R177A/D179A) has also been isolated and studied. The mutations are at a region of contact between monomers across the long axis of the actin filament. This mutant polymerizes more slowly than wild type and filaments do not appear to fragment during polymerization. Elongation rates of the wild type and the mutant differ by only about 3-fold, and the slower polymerization of the mutant appears to result primarily from poorer nucleation.


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In the course of myosin-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis, certain amino acid residues in myosin interact with counterparts in actin to produce the relational changes that underlie muscle contraction; some of these interactions are ionic, but the stronger interactions are hydrophobic. In an effort to identify myosin residues participating in hydrophobic interactions, myosin (from smooth muscle) fragments with mutations at suspected sites were engineered and compared with wild-type fragments. It was found that the ATPase of doubly mutated (Trp546Ser and Phe547His) fragments was minimally activated by actin and did not decorate actin well to form the regular arrowhead pattern characteristic of myosin binding to actin filaments. Thus, we suggest that Trp546 and Phe547 are important participants in the hydrophobic actin-myosin interaction.


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Organelle movement along actin filaments has been demonstrated in dissociated squid axoplasm [Kurznetsov, S. A., Langford, G.M. & Weiss, D. G. (1992) Nature (London) 356, 722-725 and Bearer, E.L., DeGiorgis, J.A., Bodner, R.A., Kao, A.W. & Reese, T.S. (1993) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 11252-11256] but has not been shown to occur in intact neurons. Here we demonstrate that intracellular transport occurs along actin filament bundles in intact neuronal growth cones. We used video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy to observe intracellular transport in superior cervical ganglion neurons cultured under conditions that enhance the visibility of actin bundles within growth cone lamellipodia. Intracellular particles, ranging in size from < 0.5-1.5 microns, moved along linear structures (termed transport bundles) at an average maximum rate of 0.48 micron/sec. After particle movement had been viewed, cultures were preserved by rapid perfusion with chemical fixative. To determine whether particle transport occurred along actin, we then used fluorescence microscopy to correlate this movement with actin and microtubule distributions in the same growth cones. The observed transport bundles colocalized with actin but not with microtubules. The rates of particle movement and the association of moving particles with actin filament bundles suggest that myosins may participate in the transport of organelles (or other materials) in intact neurons.


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The rho family of GTP-binding proteins regulates actin filament organization. In unpolarized mammalian cells, rho proteins regulate the assembly of actin-containing stress fibers at the cell-matrix interface. Polarized epithelial cells, in contrast, are tall and cylindrical with well developed intercellular tight junctions that permit them to behave as biologic barriers. We report that rho regulates filamentous actin organization preferentially in the apical pole of polarized intestinal epithelial cells and, in so doing, influences the organization and permeability of the associated apical tight junctions. Thus, barrier function, which is an essential characteristic of columnar epithelia, is regulated by rho.


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Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and biochemical techniques, we have determined that approximately one-third of the total mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is associated with the microtubule cytoskeleton in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. This population of enzyme can be separated from the soluble form that is found distributed throughout the cytosol and is also present in the nucleus after mitogen stimulation. The microtubule-associated enzyme pool constitutes half of all detectable MAPK activity after mitogenic stimulation. These findings extend the known in vivo associations of MAPK with microtubules to include the entire microtubule cytoskeleton of proliferating cells, and they suggest that a direct association of MAPK with microtubules may be in part responsible for the observed correlations between MAPK activities and cytoskeletal alteration.


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A selective polyclonal antibody directed toward the C-terminal decapeptide common to the alpha subunits of Gq and G11 G proteins (G alpha q/G alpha 11) was prepared and used to investigate the subcellular distribution fo these proteins in WRK1 cells, a rat mammary tumor cell line. In immunoblots, the antibody recognized purified G alpha q and G alpha 11 proteins and labeled only two bands corresponding to these alpha subunits. Functional studies indicated that this antibody inhibited vasopressin- and guanosine 5'-[alpha-thio]triphosphate-sensitive phospholipase C activities. Immunofluorescence experiments done with this antibody revealed a filamentous labeling corresponding to intracytoplasmic and perimembranous actin-like filament structures. Colocalization of G alpha q/G alpha 11 and F-actin filaments (F-actin) was demonstrated by double-labeling experiments with anti-G alpha q/G alpha 11 and anti-actin antibodies. Immunoblot analysis of membrane, cytoskeletal, and F-actin-rich fractions confirmed the close association of G alpha q/G alpha 11 with actin. Large amounts of G alpha q/G alpha 11 were recovered in the desmin- and tubulin-free F-actin-rich fraction obtained by a double depolymerization-repolymerization cycle. Disorganization of F-actin filaments with cytochalasin D preserved G alpha q/G alpha 11 and F-actin colocalization but partially inhibited vasopressin- and fluoroaluminate-sensitive phospholipase C activity, suggesting that actin-associated G alpha q/G alpha 11 proteins play a role in signal transduction.


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We examined the functional consequences of cellular transformation of rat IAR-2 epithelial cells, by a mutant N-ras oncogene, on the dynamics of active lamellae, structures that play an important role in cell motility, adhesion, and surface-receptor capping. Lamellar activity was assessed by measuring the rate of outer-edge pseudopodial activity and by analyzing the motility of Con A-coated beads placed on lamellar surfaces with optical tweezers. Although transformation dramatically affected the shape and size of active cellular lamellae, there was little detectable effect on either pseudopodial activity or bead movement. To investigate the potential relationship between functional lamellar activity and the microtubule cytoskeleton, lamellar activity was examined in nontransformed and transformed cells treated with the microtubule-disrupting drug nocodazole. In the absence of microtubules, transformed cells were less polarized and possessed decreased rates of pseudopodial and bead motility. On the basis of these observations, it is suggested that ras-induced transformation of epithelial cells consists of two cytoskeletal modifications: overall diminished actin cytoskeletal dynamics in lamellae and reorganization of the microtubule cytoskeleton that directs pseudopodial activity to smaller polarized lamellae.


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Arabidopsis COP1 acts inside the nucleus to suppress photomorphogenic cellular development, and light inactivation of COP1 may involve a specific control of its nuclear activity in hypocotyls and cotyledons, but not in roots, of developing seedlings. To understand the molecular mechanisms of COP1 action during light-mediated development, we initiated a screen for Arabidopsis cDNAs encoding proteins which interact directly with COP1 in vitro as a step to identify the cellular components involved. We report here the isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone encoding a protein designated CIP1 (COP1-interactive protein 1). CIP1 is predominantly alpha-helical and most likely involved in coiled-coil formation. It interacts specifically with the putative coiled-coil region of COP1 in vitro. Further, CIP1 is encoded by a single gene in Arabidopsis, and its mRNA and protein levels are not regulated by light. Immunofluorescent labeling of CIP1 in Arabidopsis seedling protoplasts demonstrated that CIP1 is part of, or associated with, a cytoskeletal structure in hypocotyl and cotyledon cells, but not in roots. Our results are consistent with a possible role of CIP1 in mediating light control of COP1 nuclear activity by regulating its nucleocytoplasmic partitioning.


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The DNA in a germ-line nucleus (a micronucleus) undergoes extensive processing when it develops into a somatic nucleus (a macronucleus) after cell mating in hypotrichous ciliates. Processing includes destruction of a large amount of spacer DNA between genes and excision of gene-sized molecules from chromosomes. Before processing, micronuclear genes are interrupted by numerous noncoding segments called internal eliminated sequences (IESs). The IESs are excised and destroyed, and the retained macro-nuclear-destined sequences (MDSs) are spliced. MDSs in some micronuclear genes are not in proper order and must be reordered during processing to create functional gene-sized molecules for the macronucleus. Here we report that the micronuclear actin I gene in Oxytricha trifallax WR consists of 10 MDSs and 9 IESs compared to the previously reported 9 MDSs and 8 IESs in the micronuclear actin I gene of Oxytricha nova. The MDSs in the actin I gene are scrambled in a similar pattern in the two species, but the positions of MDS-IES junctions are shifted by up to 14 bp for scrambled and 138 bp for the nonscrambled MDSs. The shifts in MDS-IES junctions create differences in the repeat sequences that are believed to guide MDS splicing. Also, the sizes and sequences of IESs in the micronuclear actin I genes are different in the two Oxytricha species. These observations give insight about the possible origins of IES insertion and MDS scrambling in evolution and show the extraordinary malleability of the germ-line DNA in hypotrichs.