24 resultados para viral vector


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Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme α-galactosidase A (α-gal A). This enzyme deficiency leads to impaired catabolism of α-galactosyl-terminal lipids such as globotriaosylceramide (Gb3). Patients develop painful neuropathy and vascular occlusions that progressively lead to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal dysfunction and early death. Although enzyme replacement therapy and bone marrow transplantation have shown promise in the murine analog of Fabry disease, gene therapy holds a strong potential for treating this disease in humans. Delivery of the normal α-gal A gene (cDNA) into a depot organ such as liver may be sufficient to elicit corrective circulating levels of the deficient enzyme. To investigate this possibility, a recombinant adeno-associated viral vector encoding human α-gal A (rAAV-AGA) was constructed and injected into the hepatic portal vein of Fabry mice. Two weeks postinjection, α-gal A activity in the livers of rAAV-AGA-injected Fabry mice was 20–35% of that of the normal mice. The transduced animals continued to show higher α-gal A levels in liver and other tissues compared with the untouched Fabry controls as long as 6 months after treatment. In parallel to the elevated enzyme levels, we see significant reductions in Gb3 levels to near normal at 2 and 5 weeks posttreatment. The lower Gb3 levels continued in liver, spleen, and heart, up to 25 weeks with no significant immune response to the virus or α-gal A. Also, no signs of liver toxicity occurred after the rAAV-AGA administration. These findings suggest that an AAV-mediated gene transfer may be useful for the treatment of Fabry disease and possibly other metabolic disorders.


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The promoter of the bean PAL2 gene (encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; EC is a model for studies of tissue-restricted gene expression in plants. Petal epidermis is one of the tissues in which this promoter is activated in tobacco. Previous work suggested that a major factor establishing the pattern of PAL2 expression in tobacco petals is the tissue distribution of a protein closely related to Myb305, which is a Myb-like transcriptional activator from snapdragon. In the present work, we show that Myb305 expression in tobacco leaves causes ectopic activation of the PAL2 promoter. To achieve Myb305 expression in planta, a viral expression vector was used. This approach combines the utility of transient assays with the possibility of direct biochemical detection of the introduced factor and may have wider application for studying the function of plant transcription factors.


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About 70% of hepatocellular carcinomas are known to express α-fetoprotein, which is normally expressed in fetal but not in adult livers. To induce herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase expression in these cancer cells, we constructed an adeno-associated viral vector containing the HSV-TK gene under the control of the α-fetoprotein enhancer and albumin promoter. We previously demonstrated in vitro that although this vector can transduce a variety of human cells, only transduced AFP and albumin-expressing hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines were sensitive to killing by ganciclovir (GCV). In the present study, we explored the effect of this vector on hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vivo. Subcutaneous tumors generated in nude mice by implanting hepatocellular carcinoma cells previously transduced with this vector shrank dramatically after treatment with GCV. Bystander effect was also observed on the tumors generated by mixing transduced and untransduced cells. To test whether the tumor cells can be transduced by the virus in vivo, we injected the recombinant adeno-associated virus into tumors generated by untransduced hepatocarcinoma cell line. Tumor growth were retarded after treatment with GCV. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of in vivo transduction of tumor cell with rAAV.


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A recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector capable of infecting cells and expressing rat glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (rGDNF), a putative central nervous system dopaminergic survival factor, under the control of a potent cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate/early promoter (AAV-MD-rGDNF) was constructed. Two experiments were performed to evaluate the time course of expression of rAAV-mediated GDNF protein expression and to test the vector in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease. To evaluate the ability of rAAV-rGDNF to protect nigral dopaminergic neurons in the progressive Sauer and Oertel 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion model, rats received perinigral injections of either rAAV-rGDNF virus or rAAV-lacZ control virus 3 weeks prior to a striatal 6-OHDA lesion and were sacrificed 4 weeks after 6-OHDA. Cell counts of back-labeled fluorogold-positive neurons in the substantia nigra revealed that rAAV-MD-rGDNF protected a significant number of cells when compared with cell counts of rAAV-CMV-lacZ-injected rats (94% vs. 51%, respectively). In close agreement, 85% of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells remained in the nigral rAAV-MD-rGDNF group vs. only 49% in the lacZ group. A separate group of rats were given identical perinigral virus injections and were sacrificed at 3 and 10 weeks after surgery. Nigral GDNF protein expression remained relatively stable over the 10 weeks investigated. These data indicate that the use of rAAV, a noncytopathic viral vector, can promote delivery of functional levels of GDNF in a degenerative model of Parkinson’s disease.


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We have modified the infectious reovirus RNA system so as to generate a reovirus reverse genetics system. The system consists of (i) the plus strands of nine wild-type reovirus genome segments; (ii) transcripts of the genetically modified cDNA form of the tenth genome segment; and (iii) a cell line transformed so as to express the protein normally encoded by the tenth genome segment. In the work described here, we have generated a serotype 3 reovirus into the S2 double-stranded RNA genome segment of which the CAT gene has been cloned. The virus is stable, replicates in cells that have been transformed (so as to express the S2 gene product, protein σ2), and expresses high levels of CAT activity. This technology can be extended to members of the orbivirus and rotavirus genera. This technology provides a powerful system for basic studies of double-stranded RNA virus replication; a nonpathogenic viral vector that replicates to high titers and could be used for clinical applications; and a system for providing nonselectable viral variants (the result of mutations, insertions, and deletions) that could be valuable for the construction of viral vaccine strains against human and animal pathogens.


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There is a need for more effective therapy for chronic virus infections. A principle natural mechanism for elimination of virus-infected host cells is activation of viral antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). In an effort to develop methods of inducing virus-specific CTL responses that might be utilized in therapy of virus infections, we have investigated the effect of B7, a costimulatory factor for T-cell activation. In this study we show that delivery of genes encoding human B7-1 and a viral antigen in the same recombinant viral vector to cells of mice induces a greater viral antigen-specific CTL response than does similar delivery of the viral antigen gene alone. Two recombinant adenovirus vectors were constructed with the foreign genes inserted in the early region 3. One of them (Ad1312) directed expression of the surface antigen gene of hepatitis B virus (HBS); the other (Ad1310) directed coexpression of HBS and human B7-1 (CD80) by means of an internal ribosomal entry site placed between the two coding sequences. When inoculated into BALB/c mice, both vectors induced a viral surface antigen-specific CTL response. The response induced by Ad1310 was stronger than that by Adl312 as measured by a chromium release assay for CTL activity and limiting dilution analysis for CTL precursor frequency, indicating that the B7-1 gene co-delivered with the HBS gene had an enhancing effect on the CTL response against surface antigen. Ad1310 also induced a higher titer of antibody against surface antigen than did Ad1312. This result suggests that expression of a costimulatory protein and a viral antigen in the same cells in vivo induces stronger immune responses than expression of the antigen alone. This could be a novel strategy for development of both preventive and therapeutic vaccines against infectious agents.


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Adenoviral vector-mediated gene transfer offers significant potential for gene therapy of many human diseases. However, progress has been slowed by several limitations. First, the insert capacity of currently available adenoviral vectors is limited to 8 kb of foreign DNA. Second, the expression of viral proteins in infected cells is believed to trigger a cellular immune response that results in inflammation and in only transient expression of the transferred gene. We report the development of a new adenoviral vector that has all viral coding sequences removed. Thus, large inserts are accommodated and expression of all viral proteins is eliminated. The first application of this vector system carries a dual expression cassette comprising 28.2 kb of nonviral DNA that includes the full-length murine dystrophin cDNA under control of a large muscle-specific promoter and a lacZ reporter construct. Using this vector, we demonstrate independent expression of both genes in primary mdx (dystrophin-deficient) muscle cells.


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Treatment of a human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-435) in nude mice with a recombinant adenovirus containing the human interferon (IFN) consensus gene, IFN-con1 (ad5/IFN), resulted in tumor regression in 100% of the animals. Tumor regression occurred when virus was injected either within 24 hr of tumor cell implantation or with established tumors. However, regression of the tumor was also observed in controls in which either the wild-type virus or a recombinant virus containing the luciferase gene was used, although tumor growth was not completely suppressed. Tumor regression was accompanied by a decrease in p53 expression. Two other tumors, the human myelogenous leukemic cell line K562 and the hamster melanoma tumor RPMI 1846, also responded to treatment but only with ad5/IFN. In the case of K562 tumors, there was complete regression of the tumor, and tumors derived from RPMI 1846 showed partial regression. We propose that the complete regression of the breast cancer with the recombinant virus ad5/IFN was the result of two events: viral oncolysis in which tumor cells are being selectively lysed by the replication-competent virus and the enhanced effect of expression of the IFN-con1 gene. K562 and RPMI 1846 tumors regressed only as a result of IFN gene therapy. This was confirmed by in vitro analysis. Our results indicate that a combination of viral oncolysis with a virus of low pathogenicity, itself resistant to the effects of IFN and IFN gene therapy, might be a fruitful approach to the treatment of a variety of different tumors, in particular breast cancers.


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CD4-expressing T cells in lymphoid organs are infected by the primary strains of HIV and represent one of the main sources of virus replication. Gene therapy strategies are being developed that allow the transfer of exogenous genes into CD4+ T lymphocytes whose expression might prevent viral infection or replication. Insights into the mechanisms that govern virus entry into the target cells can be exploited for this purpose. Major determinants of the tropism of infection are the CD4 molecules on the surface of the target cells and the viral envelope glycoproteins at the viral surface. The best characterized and most widely used gene transfer vectors are derived from Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). To generate MuLV-based retroviral gene transfer vector particles with specificity of infection for CD4-expressing cells, we attempted to produce viral pseudotypes, consisting of MuLV capsid particles and the surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) envelope glycoproteins gp120-SU and gp41-TM of HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Full-length HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins were expressed in the MuLV env-negative packaging cell line TELCeB6. Formation of infectious pseudotype particles was not observed. However, using a truncated variant of the transmembrane protein, lacking sequences of the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain, pseudotyped retroviruses were generated. Removal of the carboxyl-terminal domain of the transmembrane envelope protein of HIV-1 was therefore absolutely required for the generation of the viral pseudotypes. The virus was shown to infect CD4-expressing cell lines, and infection was prevented by antisera specific for gp120-SU. This retroviral vector should prove useful for the study of HIV infection events mediated by HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins, and for the targeting of CD4+ cells during gene therapy of AIDS.


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We are interested in using recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors in the treatment of hemophilia A. Because of the size constraints of recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors, we delivered the heavy and light chains of the human factor 8 (hFVIII) cDNA independently by using two separate vectors. Recombinant AAV vectors were constructed that utilized the human elongation factor 1α promoter, a human growth factor polyadenylation signal, and the cDNA sequences encoding either the heavy or light chain of hFVIII. Portal vein injections of each vector alone, a combination of both vectors, or a hFIX control vector were performed in C57BL/6 mice. An ELISA specific for the light chain of hFVIII demonstrated very high levels (2–10 μg/ml) of protein expression in animals injected with the light chain vector alone or with both vectors. We utilized a chromogenic assay in combination with an antibody specific to hFVIII to determine the amount of biologically active hFVIII in mouse plasma. In animals injected with both the heavy and light chain vectors, greater than physiological levels (200–400 ng/ml) of biologically active hFVIII were produced. This suggests that coexpression of the heavy and light chains of hFVIII may be a feasible approach for treatment of hemophilia A.


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The efficiency of first-generation adenoviral vectors as gene delivery tools is often limited by the short duration of transgene expression, which can be related to immune responses and to toxic effects of viral proteins. In addition, readministration is usually ineffective unless the animals are immunocompromised or a different adenovirus serotype is used. Recently, adenoviral vectors devoid of all viral coding sequences (helper-dependent or gutless vectors) have been developed to avoid expression of viral proteins. In mice, liver-directed gene transfer with AdSTK109, a helper-dependent adenoviral (Ad) vector containing the human α1-antitrypsin (hAAT) gene, resulted in sustained expression for longer than 10 months with negligible toxicity to the liver. In the present report, we have examined the duration of expression of AdSTK109 in the liver of baboons and compared it to first-generation vectors expressing hAAT. Transgene expression was limited to approximately 3–5 months with the first-generation vectors. In contrast, administration of AdSTK109 resulted in transgene expression for longer than a year in two of three baboons. We have also investigated the feasibility of circumventing the humoral response to the virus by sequential administration of vectors of different serotypes. We found that the ineffectiveness of readministration due to the humoral response to an Ad5 first-generation vector was overcome by use of an Ad2-based vector expressing hAAT. These data suggest that long-term expression of transgenes should be possible by combining the reduced immunogenicity and toxicity of helper-dependent vectors with sequential delivery of vectors of different serotypes.


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Gene silencing is an important but little understood regulatory mechanism in plants. Here we report that a viral sequence, initially identified as a mediator of synergistic viral disease, acts to suppress the establishment of both transgene-induced and virus-induced posttranscriptional gene silencing. The viral suppressor of silencing comprises the 5′-proximal region of the tobacco etch potyviral genomic RNA encoding P1, helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro) and a small part of P3, and is termed the P1/HC-Pro sequence. A reversal of silencing assay was used to assess the effect of the P1/HC-Pro sequence on transgenic tobacco plants (line T4) that are posttranscriptionally silenced for the uidA reporter gene. Silencing was lifted in offspring of T4 crosses with four independent transgenic lines expressing P1/HC-Pro, but not in offspring of control crosses. Viral vectors were used to assess the effect of P1/HC-Pro expression on virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). The ability of a potato virus X vector expressing green fluorescent protein to induce silencing of a green fluorescent protein transgene was eliminated or greatly reduced when P1/HC-Pro was expressed from the same vector or from coinfecting potato virus X vectors. Expression of the HC-Pro coding sequence alone was sufficient to suppress virus-induced gene silencing, and the HC-Pro protein product was required for the suppression. This discovery points to the role of gene silencing as a natural antiviral defense system in plants and offers different approaches to elucidate the molecular basis of gene silencing.


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Helper-dependent adenoviral vectors deleted of all viral coding sequences have shown an excellent gene expression profile in a variety of animal models, as well as a reduced toxicity after systemic delivery. What is still unclear is whether long-term expression and therapeutic dosages of these vectors can be obtained also in the presence of a preexisting immunity to adenovirus, a condition found in a high proportion of the adult human population. In this study we performed intramuscular delivery of helper-dependent vectors carrying mouse erythropoietin as a marker transgene. We found that low doses of helper-dependent adenoviral vectors can direct long-lasting gene expression in the muscles of fully immunocompetent mice. The best performance—i.e., 100% of treated animals showing sustained expression after 4 months—was achieved with the latest generation helper-dependent backbones, which replicate and package at high efficiency during vector propagation. Moreover, efficient and prolonged transgene expression after intramuscular injection was observed with limited vector load also in animals previously immunized against the same adenovirus serotype. These data suggest that human gene therapy by intramuscular delivery of helper-dependent adenoviral vectors is feasible.


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Oncolytic herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) vectors are promising therapeutic agents for cancer. Their efficacy depends on the extent of both intratumoral viral replication and induction of a host antitumor immune response. To enhance these properties while employing ample safeguards, two conditionally replicating HSV-1 vectors, termed G47Δ and R47Δ, have been constructed by deleting the α47 gene and the promoter region of US11 from γ34.5-deficient HSV-1 vectors, G207 and R3616, respectively. Because the α47 gene product is responsible for inhibiting the transporter associated with antigen presentation (TAP), its absence led to increased MHC class I expression in infected human cells. Moreover, some G47Δ-infected human melanoma cells exhibited enhanced stimulation of matched antitumor T cell activity. The deletion also places the late US11 gene under control of the immediate-early α47 promoter, which suppresses the reduced growth properties of γ34.5-deficient mutants. G47Δ and R47Δ showed enhanced viral growth in a variety of cell lines, leading to higher virus yields and enhanced cytopathic effect in tumor cells. G47Δ was significantly more efficacious in vivo than its parent G207 at inhibiting tumor growth in both immune-competent and immune-deficient animal models. Yet, when inoculated into the brains of HSV-1-sensitive A/J mice at 2 × 106 plaque forming units, G47Δ was as safe as G207. These results suggest that G47Δ may have enhanced antitumor activity in humans.


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Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Turkish Samsun NN) plants expressing a truncated replicase gene sequence from RNA-2 of strain Fny of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) are resistant to systemic CMV disease. This is due to suppression of virus replication and cell-to-cell movement in the inoculated leaves of these plants. In this study, microinjection protocols were used to directly examine cell-to-cell trafficking of CMV viral RNA in these resistant plants. CMV RNA fluorescently labeled with the nucleotide-specific TOTO-1 iodide dye, when coinjected with unlabeled CMV 3a movement protein (MP), moved rapidly into the surrounding mesophyll cells in mature tobacco leaves of vector control and untransformed plants. Such trafficking required the presence of functional CMV 3a MP. In contrast, coinjection of CMV 3a MP and CMV TOTO-RNA failed to move in transgenic resistant plants expressing the CMV truncated replicase gene. Furthermore, coinjection of 9.4-kDa fluorescein-conjugated dextran (F-dextran) along with unlabeled CMV 3a MP resulted in cell-to-cell movement of the F-dextran in control plants, but not in the transgenic plants. Similar results were obtained with viral RNA when the 30-kDa MP of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was coinjected with TMV TOTO-RNA into replicase-resistant transgenic tobacco expressing the 54-kDa gene sequence of TMV. However, in these transgenic plants, the TMV-MP was still capable of mediating cell-to-cell movement of itself and the 9.4-kDa F-dextran. These results indicate that an inhibition of cell-to-cell viral RNA trafficking is correlated with replicase-mediated resistance. This raises the possibility that the RNA-2 product is potentially involved in the regulation of cell-to-cell movement of viral infectious material during CMV replication.