106 resultados para parasitoid-specific protein
Leishmania donovani is the etiologic agent of fatal visceral leishmaniasis in man. During their life cycle, Leishmania exist as flagellated promastigotes within the sandfly vector and as nonflagellated amastigotes in the macrophage phagolysosomal compartment of the mammalian host. The transformation from promastigotes to amastigotes is a critical step for the establishment of infection, and the molecular basis for this transformation is poorly understood. To define the molecular basis for amastigote survival in the mammalian host, we previously identified an amastigote stage-specific gene family termed “A2.” In the present study, we have inhibited the expression of A2 mRNA and A2 protein in amastigotes using antisense RNA and show that the resulting A2-deficient amastigotes are severely compromised with respect to virulence in mice. Amastigotes that did survive in the mice had restored A2 protein expression. These data demonstrate that A2 protein is required for L. donovani survival in a mammalian host, and this represents the first identified amastigote-specific virulence factor identified in Leishmania. This study also reveals that it is possible to study gene function in Leishmania through the expression of antisense RNA.
Myosin II heavy chain (MHC) specific protein kinase C (MHC-PKC), isolated from Dictyostelium discoideum, regulates myosin II assembly and localization in response to the chemoattractant cyclic AMP. Immunoprecipitation of MHC-PKC revealed that it resides as a complex with several proteins. We show herein that one of these proteins is a homologue of the 14–3-3 protein (Dd14–3-3). This protein has recently been implicated in the regulation of intracellular signaling pathways via its interaction with several signaling proteins, such as PKC and Raf-1 kinase. We demonstrate that the mammalian 14–3-3 ζ isoform inhibits the MHC-PKC activity in vitro and that this inhibition is carried out by a direct interaction between the two proteins. Furthermore, we found that the cytosolic MHC-PKC, which is inactive, formed a complex with Dd14–3-3 in the cytosol in a cyclic AMP-dependent manner, whereas the membrane-bound active MHC-PKC was not found in a complex with Dd14–3-3. This suggests that Dd14–3-3 inhibits the MHC-PKC in vivo. We further show that MHC-PKC binds Dd14–3-3 as well as 14–3-3ζ through its C1 domain, and the interaction between these two proteins does not involve a peptide containing phosphoserine as was found for Raf-1 kinase. Our experiments thus show an in vivo function for a member of the 14–3-3 family and demonstrate that MHC-PKC interacts directly with Dd14–3-3 and 14–3-3ζ through its C1 domain both in vitro and in vivo, resulting in the inhibition of the kinase.
To identify genes involved in macrophage development, we used the differential display technique and compared the gene expression profiles for human myeloid HL-60 leukemia cell lines susceptible and resistant to macrophage maturation. We identified a gene coding for a protein kinase, protein kinase X (PRKX), which was expressed in the maturation-susceptible, but not in the resistant, cell line. The expression of the PRKX gene was found to be induced during monocyte, macrophage, and granulocyte maturation of HL-60 cells. We also studied the expression of the PRKX gene in 12 different human tissues and transformed cell lines and found that, among these tissues and cell types, the PRKX gene is expressed only in blood. Among the blood cell lineages, the PRKX gene is specifically expressed in macrophages and granulocytes. Antisense inhibition of PRKX expression blocked terminal development in both the leukemic HL-60 cells and normal peripheral blood monocytes, implying that PRKX is a key mediator of macrophage and granulocyte maturation. Using the HL-60 cell variant deficient in protein kinase C-β (PKC-β) and several stable PKC-β transfectants, we found that PRKX gene expression is under control of PKC-β; hence PRKX is likely to act downstream of this PKC isozyme in the same signal transduction pathway leading to macrophage maturation.
Chromosome-specific gene regulation is known thus far only as a mechanism to equalize the transcriptional activity of the single male X chromosome with that of the two female X chromosomes. In Drosophila melanogaster, a complex including the five Male-Specific Lethal (MSL) proteins, “paints” the male X chromosome, mediating its hypertranscription. Here, with the molecular cloning of Painting of fourth (Pof), we describe a previously uncharacterized gene encoding a chromosome-specific protein in Drosophila. Unlike the MSL proteins, POF paints an autosome, the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Chromosome translocation analysis shows that the binding depends on an initiation site in the proximal region of chromosome 4 and spreads in cis to involve the entire chromosome. The spreading depends on sequences or structures specific to chromosome 4 and cannot extend to parts of other chromosomes translocated to the fourth. Spreading can also occur in trans to a paired homologue that lacks the initiation region. In the related species Drosophila busckii, POF paints the entire X chromosome exclusively in males, suggesting relationships between the fourth chromosome and the X and between POF complexes and dosage-compensation complexes.
We present a method for discovering conserved sequence motifs from families of aligned protein sequences. The method has been implemented as a computer program called emotif (http://motif.stanford.edu/emotif). Given an aligned set of protein sequences, emotif generates a set of motifs with a wide range of specificities and sensitivities. emotif also can generate motifs that describe possible subfamilies of a protein superfamily. A disjunction of such motifs often can represent the entire superfamily with high specificity and sensitivity. We have used emotif to generate sets of motifs from all 7,000 protein alignments in the blocks and prints databases. The resulting database, called identify (http://motif.stanford.edu/identify), contains more than 50,000 motifs. For each alignment, the database contains several motifs having a probability of matching a false positive that range from 10−10 to 10−5. Highly specific motifs are well suited for searching entire proteomes, while generating very few false predictions. identify assigns biological functions to 25–30% of all proteins encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome and by several bacterial genomes. In particular, identify assigned functions to 172 of proteins of unknown function in the yeast genome.
We have used a novel site-specific protein-DNA photocrosslinking procedure to define the positions of polypeptide chains relative to promoter DNA in binary, ternary, and quaternary complexes containing human TATA-binding protein, human or yeast transcription factor IIA (TFIIA), human transcription factor IIB (TFIIB), and promoter DNA. The results indicate that TFIIA and TFIIB make more extensive interactions with promoter DNA than previously anticipated. TATA-binding protein, TFIIA, and TFIIB surround promoter DNA for two turns of DNA helix and thus may form a "cylindrical clamp" effectively topologically linked to promoter DNA. Our results have implications for the energetics, DNA-sequence-specificity, and pathway of assembly of eukaryotic transcription complexes.
Recent progress in the structural identification of human melanoma antigens recognized by autologous cytotoxic T cells has led to the recognition of a new melanocyte differentiation antigen, Melan-A(MART-1). To determine the properties of the Melan-A gene product, Melan-A recombinant protein was produced in Escherichia coli and used to generate mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Two prototype mAbs, A103 and A355, were selected for detailed study. Immunoblotting results with A103 showed a 20-22-kDa doublet In Melan-A mRNA positive melanoma cell lines and no reactivity with Melan-A mRNA-negative cell lines. A355, in addition to the 20-22-kDa doublet, recognized several other protein species in Melan-A mRNA-positive cell lines. Immunocytochemical assays on cultured melanoma cells showed specific and uniform cytoplasmic staining in Melan-A mRNA-positive cell lines. Immunohistochemical analysis of normal human tissues with both mAbs showed staining of adult melanocytes and no reactivity with the other normal tissues tested. Analysis of 21 melanoma specimens showed homogenous staining of tumor cell cytoplasm in 16 of 17 Melan-A mRNA-positive cases and no reactivity with the three Melan-A mRNA-negative cases.
Phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is one of the four major protein serine/threonine phosphatases found in all eukaryotic cells. We have shown that the 36-kDa catalytic subunit of PP2A is carboxyl methylated in eukaryotic cells, and we have previously identified and purified a novel methyltransferase (MTase) that is responsible for this modification. Here, we describe a novel protein carboxyl methyl-esterase (MEase) from bovine brain that demethylates PP2A. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity as a monomeric 46-kDa soluble protein. The MEase is highly specific for PP2A. It does not catalyze the demethylation of other protein or peptide methylesters. Moreover, MEase activity is dramatically inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of okadaic acid, a specific inhibitor of PP2A. From these results, we conclude that PP2A methylation is controlled by two specific enzymes, a MTase and a MEase. Since PP2A methylation is highly conserved in eukaryotes ranging from human to yeast, it is likely that this system plays an important role in phosphatase regulation.
T-cell activation requires cooperative signals generated by the T-cell antigen receptor zeta-chain complex (TCR zeta-CD3) and the costimulatory antigen CD28. CD28 interacts with three intracellular proteins-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), T cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase ITK (formerly TSK or EMT), and the complex between growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 and son of sevenless guanine nucleotide exchange protein (GRB-2-SOS). PI 3-kinase and GRB-2 bind to the CD28 phosphotyrosine-based Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif by means of intrinsic Src-homology 2 (SH2) domains. The requirement for tyrosine phosphorylation of the Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif for SH2 domain binding implicates an intervening protein-tyrosine kinase in the recruitment of PI 3-kinase and GRB-2 by CD28. Candidate kinases include p56Lck, p59Fyn, zeta-chain-associated 70-kDa protein (ZAP-70), and ITK. In this study, we demonstrate in coexpression studies that p56Lck and p59Fyn phosphorylate CD28 primarily at Tyr-191 of the Tyr-Met-Asn-Met motif, inducing a 3- to 8-fold increase in p85 (subunit of PI 3-kinase) and GRB-2 SH2 binding to CD28. Phosphatase digestion of CD28 eliminated binding. In contrast to Src kinases, ZAP-70 and ITK failed to induce these events. Further, ITK binding to CD28 was dependent on the presence of p56Lck and is thus likely to act downstream of p56Lck/p59Fyn in a signaling cascade. p56Lck is therefore likely to be a central switch in T-cell activation, with the dual function of regulating CD28-mediated costimulation as well as TCR-CD3-CD4 signaling.
N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation has been implicated in forms of synaptic plasticity involving long-term changes in neuronal structure, function, or protein expression. Transcriptional alterations have been correlated with NMDAR-mediated synaptic plasticity, but the problem of rapidly targeting new proteins to particular synapses is unsolved. One potential solution is synapse-specific protein translation, which is suggested by dendritic localization of numerous transcripts and subsynaptic polyribosomes. We report here a mechanism by which NMDAR activation at synapses may control this protein synthetic machinery. In intact tadpole tecta, NMDAR activation leads to phosphorylation of a subset of proteins, one of which we now identify as the eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2). Phosphorylation of eEF2 halts protein synthesis and may prepare cells to translate a new set of mRNAs. We show that NMDAR activation-induced eEF2 phosphorylation is widespread in tadpole tecta. In contrast, in adult tecta, where synaptic plasticity is reduced, this phosphorylation is restricted to short dendritic regions that process binocular information. Biochemical and anatomical evidence shows that this NMDAR activation-induced eEF2 phosphorylation is localized to subsynaptic sites. Moreover, eEF2 phosphorylation is induced by visual stimulation, and NMDAR blockade before stimulation eliminates this effect. Thus, NMDAR activation, which is known to mediate synaptic changes in the developing frog, could produce local postsynaptic alterations in protein synthesis by inducing eEF2 phosphorylation.
Casein kinase 1 protein kinases are ubiquitous and abundant Ser/Thr-specific protein kinases with activity on acidic substrates. In yeast, the products of the redundant YCK1 and YCK2 genes are together essential for cell viability. Mutants deficient for these proteins display defects in cellular morphogenesis, cytokinesis, and endocytosis. Yck1p and Yck2p are peripheral plasma membrane proteins, and we report here that the localization of Yck2p within the membrane is dynamic through the cell cycle. Using a functional green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion, we have observed that Yck2p is concentrated at sites of polarized growth during bud morphogenesis. At cytokinesis, GFP–Yck2p becomes associated with a ring at the bud neck and then appears as a patch of fluorescence, apparently coincident with the dividing membranes. The bud neck association of Yck2p at cytokinesis does not require an intact septin ring, and septin assembly is altered in a Yck-deficient mutant. The sites of GFP–Yck2p concentration and the defects observed for Yck-deficient cells together suggest that Yck plays distinct roles in morphogenesis and cytokinesis that are effected by differential localization.
Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-KII) regulates numerous physiological functions, including neuronal synaptic plasticity through the phosphorylation of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-type glutamate receptors. To identify proteins that may interact with and modulate CaM-KII function, a yeast two-hybrid screen was performed by using a rat brain cDNA library. This screen identified a unique clone of 1.4 kb, which encoded a 79-aa brain-specific protein that bound the catalytic domain of CaM-KII α and β and potently inhibited kinase activity with an IC50 of 50 nM. The inhibitory protein (CaM-KIIN), and a 28-residue peptide derived from it (CaM-KIINtide), was highly selective for inhibition of CaM-KII with little effect on CaM-KI, CaM-KIV, CaM-KK, protein kinase A, or protein kinase C. CaM-KIIN interacted only with activated CaM-KII (i.e., in the presence of Ca2+/CaM or after autophosphorylation) by using glutathione S-transferase/CaM-KIIN precipitations as well as coimmunoprecipitations from rat brain extracts or from HEK293 cells cotransfected with both constructs. Colocalization of CaM-KIIN with activated CaM-KII was demonstrated in COS-7 cells transfected with green fluorescent protein fused to CaM-KIIN. In COS-7 cells phosphorylation of transfected α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid-type glutamate receptors by CaM-KII, but not by protein kinase C, was blocked upon cotransfection with CaM-KIIN. These results characterize a potent and specific cellular inhibitor of CaM-KII that may have an important role in the physiological regulation of this key protein kinase.
We introduce a computational method to optimize the in vitro evolution of proteins. Simulating evolution with a simple model that statistically describes the fitness landscape, we find that beneficial mutations tend to occur at amino acid positions that are tolerant to substitutions, in the limit of small libraries and low mutation rates. We transform this observation into a design strategy by applying mean-field theory to a structure-based computational model to calculate each residue's structural tolerance. Thermostabilizing and activity-increasing mutations accumulated during the experimental directed evolution of subtilisin E and T4 lysozyme are strongly directed to sites identified by using this computational approach. This method can be used to predict positions where mutations are likely to lead to improvement of specific protein properties.
Rad54 and Rad51 are important proteins for the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks by homologous recombination in eukaryotes. As previously shown, Rad51 protein forms nucleoprotein filaments on single-stranded DNA, and Rad54 protein directly interacts with such filaments to enhance synapsis, the homologous pairing with a double-stranded DNA partner. Here we demonstrate that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad54 protein has an additional role in the postsynaptic phase of DNA strand exchange by stimulating heteroduplex DNA extension of established joint molecules in Rad51/Rpa-mediated DNA strand exchange. This function depended on the ATPase activity of Rad54 protein and on specific protein:protein interactions between the yeast Rad54 and Rad51 proteins.
Huntington disease stems from a mutation of the protein huntingtin and is characterized by selective loss of discrete neuronal populations in the brain. Despite a massive loss of neurons in the corpus striatum, NO-generating neurons are intact. We recently identified a brain-specific protein that associates with huntingtin and is designated huntingtin-associated protein (HAP1). We now describe selective neuronal localizations of HAP1. In situ hybridization studies reveal a resemblance of HAP1 and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) mRNA localizations with dramatic enrichment of both in the pedunculopontine nuclei, the accessory olfactory bulb, and the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus. Both nNOS and HAP1 are enriched in subcellular fractions containing synaptic vesicles. Immunocytochemical studies indicate colocalizations of HAP1 and nNOS in some neurons. The possible relationship of HAP1 and nNOS in the brain is reminiscent of the relationship of dystrophin and nNOS in skeletal muscle and suggests a role of NO in Huntington disease, analogous to its postulated role in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.