19 resultados para mesenteric lymphadenitis


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Three different stable lipoxin A4 (LXA4) analogs (i.e., 16-phenoxy-LXA4-Me, 15-cyclohexyl-LXA4-Me, and 15-R/S-methyl-LXA4-Me) were studied for their ability to modulate leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in the rat mesenteric microvasculature. Superfusion of the rat mesentery with 50 μmol/liter NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) caused a significant, time-dependent increase in leukocyte rolling (56 ± 8 cells/min; P < 0.01 vs. control) and leukocyte adherence (12.5 ± 1.2 cells/100 μm length of venule; P < 0.01 vs. control) after 120 min of superfusion. Concomitant superfusion of the rat mesentery with 10 nmol/liter of each of three lipoxin analogs consistently and markedly attenuated l-NAME-induced leukocyte rolling to 10 ± 4 (P < 0.01), 4 ± 1 (P < 0.01), and 32 ± 7 (P < 0.05) cells/min, and adherence to 4 ± 0.8 (P < 0.01), 1.1 ± 0.4 (P < 0.01), and 7 ± 0.7 (P < 0.05) cells/100 μm length of venule (16-phenoxy-LXA4-Me, 15-cyclohexyl-LXA4-Me, and 15-R/S- methyl-LXA4-Me, respectively). No alterations of systemic blood pressure or mesenteric venular shear rates were observed in any group. Immunohistochemical up-regulation of P-selectin expression on intestinal venular endothelium was significantly increased (P < 0.01) after exposure to l-NAME, and this was significantly attenuated by these lipoxin analogs (P < 0.01). Thus, in vivo superfusion of the rat mesentery with stable lipoxin analogs at 10 nmol/liter reduces l-NAME-induced leukocyte rolling and adherence in the mesenteric rat microvasculature by attenuating P-selectin expression. This anti-inflammatory mechanism may represent a novel and potent regulatory action of lipoxins on the immune system.


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Cannabinoids, including the endogenous ligand arachidonyl ethanolamide (anandamide), elicit not only neurobehavioral but also cardiovascular effects. Two cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, have been cloned, and studies with the selective CB1 receptor antagonist SR141716A have implicated peripherally located CB1 receptors in the hypotensive action of cannabinoids. In rat mesenteric arteries, anandamide-induced vasodilation is inhibited by SR141716A, but other potent CB1 receptor agonists, such as HU-210, do not cause vasodilation, which implicates an as-yet-unidentified receptor in this effect. Here we show that “abnormal cannabidiol” (Abn-cbd) is a neurobehaviorally inactive cannabinoid that does not bind to CB1 receptors, yet causes SR141716A-sensitive hypotension and mesenteric vasodilation in wild-type mice and in mice lacking CB1 receptors or both CB1 and CB2 receptors. Hypotension by Abn-cbd is also inhibited by cannabidiol (20 μg/g), which does not influence anandamide- or HU-210-induced hypotension. In the rat mesenteric arterial bed, Abn-cbd-induced vasodilation is unaffected by blockade of endothelial NO synthase, cyclooxygenase, or capsaicin receptors, but it is abolished by endothelial denudation. Mesenteric vasodilation by Abn-cbd, but not by acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside, or capsaicine, is blocked by SR141716A (1 μM) or by cannabidiol (10 μM). Abn-cbd-induced vasodilation is also blocked in the presence of charybdotoxin (100 nM) plus apamin (100 nM), a combination of K+-channel toxins reported to block the release of an endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF). These findings suggest that Abn-cbd and cannabidiol are a selective agonist and antagonist, respectively, of an as-yet-unidentified endothelial receptor for anandamide, activation of which elicits NO-independent mesenteric vasodilation, possibly by means of the release of EDHF.


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Recent evidence in vivo indicates that spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) exhibit an increase in oxyradical production in and around microvascular endothelium. This study is aimed to examine whether xanthine oxidase plays a role in overproduction of oxidants and thereby may contribute to hypertensive states as a consequence of the increasing microvascular tone. The xanthine oxidase activity in SHR was inhibited by dietary supplement of tungsten (0.7 g/kg) that depletes molybdenum as a cofactor for the enzyme activity as well as by administration of (−)BOF4272 [(−)-8-(3-methoxy-4-phenylsulfinylphenyl)pyrazolo(1,5-α)-1,3,5-triazine-4-monohydrate], a synthetic inhibitor of the enzyme. The characteristic elevation of mean arterial pressure in SHR was normalized by the tungsten diet, whereas Wistar Koto (WKY) rats displayed no significant alteration in the pressure. Multifunctional intravital videomicroscopy in mesentery microvessels with hydroethidine, an oxidant-sensitive fluoroprobe, showed that SHR endothelium exhibited overproduction of oxyradicals that coincided with the elevated arteriolar tone as compared with WKY rats. The tungsten diet significantly repressed these changes toward the levels observed in WKY rats. The activity of oxyradical-producing form of xanthine oxidase in the mesenteric tissue of SHR was ≈3-fold greater than that of WKY rats, and pretreatment with the tungsten diet eliminated detectable levels of the enzyme activity. The inhibitory effects of the tungsten diet on the increasing blood pressure and arteriolar tone in SHR were also reproducible by administration of (−)BOF4272. These results suggest that xanthine oxidase accounts for a putative source of oxyradical generation that is associated with an increasing arteriolar tone in this form of hypertension.


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One of the most important functions of the blood circulation is O2 delivery to the tissue. This process occurs primarily in microvessels that also regulate blood flow and are the site of many metabolic processes that require O2. We measured the intraluminal and perivascular pO2 in rat mesenteric arterioles in vivo by using noninvasive phosphorescence quenching microscopy. From these measurements, we calculated the rate at which O2 diffuses out of microvessels from the blood. The rate of O2 efflux and the O2 gradients found in the immediate vicinity of arterioles indicate the presence of a large O2 sink at the interface between blood and tissue, a region that includes smooth muscle and endothelium. Mass balance analyses show that the loss of O2 from the arterioles in this vascular bed primarily is caused by O2 consumption in the microvascular wall. The high metabolic rate of the vessel wall relative to parenchymal tissue in the rat mesentery suggests that in addition to serving as a conduit for the delivery of O2 the microvasculature has other functions that require a significant amount of O2.


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The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family cytokines lymphotoxin (LT) α and LTβ form heterotrimers that are expressed on the surface of activated lymphocytes and natural killer cells; LTα homotrimers can be secreted as well. Mice with a disrupted LTα gene lack lymph nodes (LN), Peyer’s patches (PP), and follicular dendritic cell (FDC) networks and reveal profound defects of the splenic architecture. However, it is unclear which of these abnormalities is the result of the absence in LTα homotrimers or LTαβ heterotrimers. To distinguish between these two possibilities, a mouse strain deficient in LTβ was created employing Cre/loxP-mediated gene targeting. Mice deficient in LTβ reveal severe defects in organogenesis of the lymphoid system similar to those of LTα−/− mice, except that mesenteric and cervical LN are present in most LTβ-deficient mice. Both LTβ- and LTα-deficient mice show significant lymphocytosis in the circulation and peritoneal cavity and lymphocytic infiltrations in lungs and liver. After immunization, PNA-positive B cell clusters were detected in the splenic white pulp of LTβ-deficient mice, but FDC networks were severely underdeveloped. Collectively, these results indicate that LTα can signal independently from LTβ in the formation of PNA-positive foci in the spleen, and especially in the development of mesenteric and cervical LN.


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In this study we investigated, using intravital microscopy, how neutrophil extravasation across mouse mesenteric postcapillary venules is inhibited by the glucocorticoid-regulated protein lipocortin (LC; also termed annexin) 1. Intraperitoneal injection of 1 mg of zymosan into mice induced neutrophil rolling on the activated mesenteric endothelium followed by adhesion (maximal at 2 hr: 5–6 cells per 100-μm of vessel length) and emigration (maximal at 4 hr: 8–10 cells per high-powered field). Treatment of mice with human recombinant LC1 (2 mg/kg s.c.) or its mimetic peptide Ac2–26 (13 mg/kg s.c.) did not modify cell rolling but markedly reduced (≥50%) the degree of neutrophil adhesion and emigration (P < 0.05). Intravenous treatment with peptide Ac2–26 (13 mg/kg) or recombinant human LC1 (0.7–2 mg/kg) promoted detachment of neutrophils adherent to the endothelium 2 hr after zymosan administration, with adherent cells detaching within 4.12 ± 0.75 min and 2.36 ± 0.31 min, respectively (n = 20–25 cells). Recruitment of newly adherent cells to the endothelium was unaffected. The structurally related protein LC5 was inactive in this assay, whereas a chimeric molecule constructed from the N terminus of LC1 (49 aa) attached to the core region of LC5 produced cell detachment with kinetics similar to LC1. Removal of adherent neutrophils from activated postcapillary endothelium is a novel pharmacological action, and it is at this site where LC1 and its mimetics operate to down-regulate this aspect of the host inflammatory response.


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Although the function of metallothionein (MT), a 6- to 7-kDa cysteine-rich metal binding protein, remains unclear, it has been suggested from in vitro studies that MT is an important component of intracellular redox signaling, including being a target for nitric oxide (NO). To directly study the interaction between MT and NO in live cells, we generated a fusion protein consisting of MT sandwiched between two mutant green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). In vitro studies with this chimera (FRET-MT) demonstrate that fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used to follow conformational changes indicative of metal release from MT. Imaging experiments with live endothelial cells show that agents that increase cytoplasmic Ca2+ act via endogenously generated NO to rapidly and persistently release metal from MT. A role for this interaction in intact tissue is supported by the finding that the myogenic reflex of mesenteric arteries is absent in MT knockout mice (MT−/−) unless endogenous NO synthesis is blocked. These results are the first application of intramolecular green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based FRET in a native protein and demonstrate the utility of FRET-MT as an intracellular surrogate indicator of NO production. In addition, an important role of metal thiolate clusters of MT in NO signaling in vascular tissue is revealed.


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To identify the physiological functions of the retinoid-related orphan receptor γ (RORγ), a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, mice deficient in RORγ function were generated by targeted disruption. RORγ−/− mice lack peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer's patches, indicating that RORγ expression is indispensable for lymph node organogenesis. Although the spleen is enlarged, its architecture is normal. The number of peripheral blood CD3+ and CD4+ lymphocytes is reduced 6- and 10-fold, respectively, whereas the number of circulating B cells is normal. The thymus of RORγ−/− mice contains 74.4% ± 8.9% fewer thymocytes than that of wild-type mice. Flow cytometric analysis showed a decrease in the CD4+CD8+ subpopulation. Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining demonstrated a 4-fold increase in apoptotic cells in the cortex of the thymus of RORγ−/− mice. The latter was supported by the observed increase in annexin V-positive cells. RORγ−/− thymocytes placed in culture exhibit a dramatic increase in the rate of “spontaneous” apoptosis. This increase is largely associated with CD4+CD8+ thymocytes and may, at least in part, be related to the greatly reduced level of expression of the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-XL. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated a 6-fold rise in the percentage of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle among thymocytes from RORγ−/− mice. Our observations indicate that RORγ is essential for lymphoid organogenesis and plays an important regulatory role in thymopoiesis. Our findings support a model in which RORγ negatively controls apoptosis in thymocytes.


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We cloned a rat vascular chymase (RVCH) from smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that converts angiotensin I to II and is up-regulated in SMC from spontaneously hypertensive vs. normotensive rats. To determine whether increased activity of RVCH is sufficient to cause hypertension, transgenic mice were generated with targeted conditional expression of RVCH to SMC, with the use of the tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA). We confirmed conditional expression of RVCH by mRNA, protein, and chymase activity in the absence, but not in the presence, of dietary doxycycline. The systolic blood pressure (mmHg), measured by carotid artery cannulation at 10–12 weeks of age, was higher in tTA+/RVCH+ mice than in nonbinary transgenic littermates (136 ± 4 vs. 109 ± 3) (P < 0.05), as were the diastolic and mean pressures. Hypertension was completely reversed by doxycycline, suggesting a causal link with chymase expression. Medial thickening of mesenteric arteries from tTA+/RVCH+ mice vs. littermates (0.82 ± 0.1 vs. 0.42 ± 0.02) (P < 0.05) was associated with increased SMC proliferation, as judged by positive immunoreactivity, with the use of an antibody to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. These structural changes were prevented by doxycycline. Perfusion myography of mesenteric arteries from tTA+/RVCH+ mice also revealed increased vasoconstriction in response to phenylephrine and impaired metacholine-induced vasodilatation when compared with littermate controls or with the doxycyline-treated group. Our studies suggest that up-regulation of this vascular chymase is sufficient to cause a hypertensive arteriopathy, and that RVCH may be a candidate gene and a therapeutic target in patients with high blood pressure.


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IN adult mice, the dominant adhesion molecules involved in homing to lymph nodes are L-selectin homing receptors on lymphocytes and the peripheral lymph node addressins on specialized high endothelial venules. Here we show that, from fetal life through the first 24 hr of life, the dominant adhesion molecules are the mucosal addressin MAdCAM-1 on lymph node high endothelial venules and its counterreceptor, the Peyer's patch homing receptor, integrin alpha 4 beta 7 on circulating cells. Before birth, 40-70% of peripheral blood leukocytes are L-selectin-positive, while only 1-2% expresses alpha 4 beta 7. However, the fetal lymph nodes preferentially attract alpha 4 beta 7-expressing cells, and this can be blocked by fetal administration of anti-MAdCAM-1 antibodies. During fetal and early neonatal life, when only MAdCAM-1 is expressed on high endothelial venules, an unusual subset of CD4 + CD3- cells, exclusively expressing alpha 4 beta 7 as homing receptors, enters the lymph nodes. Beginning 24 hr after birth a developmental switch occurs, and the peripheral node addressins are upregulated on high endothelial venules in peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes. This switch in addressin expression facilitates tissue-selective lymphocyte migration and mediates a sequential entry of different cell populations into the lymph nodes.


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In endothelial cells, stretch-activated cation channels have been proposed to act as mechanosensors for changes in hemodynamic forces. We have identified a novel mechanosensitive pressure-activated channel in intact endothelium from rat aorta and mesenteric artery. The 18-pS cation channel responded with a multifold increase in channel activity when positive pressure was applied to the luminal cell surface with the patch pipette and inactivated at negative pipette pressure. Channel permeability ratio for K+, Na+, and Ca2+ ions was 1:0.98:0.23. Ca2+ influx through the channel was sufficient to activate a neighboring Ca2(+)-dependent K+ channel. Hemodynamic forces are chronically disturbed in arterial hypertension. Endothelial cell dysfunction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension. In two comparative studies, density of the pressure-activated channel was found to be significantly higher in spontaneously hypertensive rats and renovascular hypertensive rats compared with their respective normotensive controls. Channel activity presumably leads to mechanosensitive Ca2+ influx and induces cell hyperpolarization by K+ channel activity. Both Ca2+ influx and hyperpolarization are known to induce a vasodilatory endothelial response by stimulating endothelial nitric oxide (NO) production. Up-regulation of channel density in hypertension could, therefore, represent a counterregulatory mechanism of vascular endothelium.


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The renin-angiotensin system plays a crucial role in the development and establishment of the hypertensive state in the spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rat. Interruption of this system's activity by pharmacological means results in the lowering of blood pressure (BP) and control of hypertension. However, such means are temporary and require the continuous use of drugs for the control of this pathophysiological state. Our objective in this investigation was to determine if a virally mediated gene-transfer approach using angiotensin type 1 receptor antisense (AT1R-AS) could be used to control hypertension on a long-term basis in the SH rat model of human essential hypertension. Injection of viral particles containing AT1R-AS (LNSV-AT1R-AS) in 5-day-old rats resulted in a lowering of BP exclusively in the SH rat and not in the Wistar Kyoto normotensive control. A maximal anti-hypertensive response of 33 +/- 5 mmHg was observed, was maintained throughout development, and still persisted 3 months after administration of LNSV-AT1R-AS. The lowering of BP was associated with the expression of AT1R-AS transcript and decreases in AT1-receptor in many peripheral angiotensin II target tissues such as mesenteric artery, adrenal gland, heart, and kidney. Attenuation of angiotensin II-stimulated physiological actions such as contraction of aortic rings and increase in BP was also observed in the LNSV-AT1R-AS-treated SH rat. These observations show that a single injection of LNSV-AT1R-AS normalizes BP in the SH rat on a long-term basis. They suggest that such a gene-transfer strategy can be successfully used to control the development of hypertension on a permanent basis.


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Pathogenesis of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection in rhesus macaques begins with acute viremia and then progresses to a distributed infection in the solid lymphoid tissues, which is followed by a process of cellular destruction leading to terminal disease and death. Blood and tissue specimens show the progress of infection at the cellular level but do not reveal the pattern of infection and host responses occurring throughout the body. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with intravenous 2-18F-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) could identify activated lymphoid tissues in a living animal and whether this pattern would reflect the extent of SIV infection. PET images from SIV-infected animals were distinguishable from uninfected controls and revealed a pattern consistent with widespread lymphoid tissue activation. Significant FDG accumulation in colon along with mesenteric and ileocaecal lymph nodes was found in SIV infection, especially during terminal disease stages. Areas of elevated FDG uptake in the PET images were correlated with productive SIV infection using in situ hybridization as a test for virus replication. PET-FDG images of SIV-infected animals correlated sites of virus replication with high FDG accumulation. These data show that the method can be used to evaluate the distribution and activity of infected tissues in a living animal without biopsy. Fewer tissues had high FDG uptake in terminal animals than midstage animals, and both were clearly distinguishable from uninfected animal scans.


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To analyze the role of alpha4-integrins in lymphoma metastasis, sublines of the T-cell lymphoma LB were generated by retrovirus-mediated gene transfer that differ exclusively in the expression of alpha4-integrins. Using LB-alpha4 and control LB-NTK cells, we demonstrate that expression of alpha4-integrins strongly suppresses metastasis formation of LB lymphoma cells in secondary lymphoid organs such as spleen, mesenteric and peripheral lymph nodes, or Peyer's patches after i.v. injection into syngeneic BALB/c mice. Moreover, alpha4-integrin expression inhibited development of metastatic tumors in liver, lung, and kidney. Expansion of LB lymphoma cells in bone marrow was not affected by alpha4-integrin expression. In vivo migration assays using 51Cr-labeled lymphoma cells demonstrated that low-metastatic LB-alpha4 cells accumulated with the same efficiency as high-metastatic LB-NTK cells in all target organs examined and were even enriched in mucosal lymphoid organs. Collectively, these results indicate that alpha4-integrins inhibit metastasis formation of lymphoma cells at a stage subsequent to the invasion of target organs.


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Adult Schistosoma mansoni blood flukes reside in the mesenteric veins of their vertebrate hosts, where they absorb immense quantities of glucose through their tegument by facilitated diffusion. Previously, we obtained S. mansoni cDNAs encoding facilitated-diffusion schistosome glucose transporter proteins 1 and 4 (SGTP1 and SGTP4) and localized SGTP1 to the basal membranes of the tegument and the underlying muscle. In this study, we characterize the expression and localization of SGTP4 during the schistosome life cycle. Antibodies specific to SGTP4 appear to stain only the double-bilayer, apical membranes of the adult parasite tegument, revealing an asymmetric distribution relative to the basal transporter SGTP1. On living worms, SGTP4 is available to surface biotinylation, suggesting that it is exposed at the hose-parasite interface. SGTP4 is detected shortly after the transformation of free-living, infectious cercariae into schistosomula and coincides with the appearance of the double membrane. Within 15 min after transformation, anti-SGTP4 staining produces a bright, patchy distribution at the surface of schistosomula, which becomes contiguous over the entire surface of the schistosomula by 24 hr after transformation. SGTP4 is not detected in earlier developmental stages (eggs, sporocysts, and cercariae) that do not possess the specialized double membrane. Thus, SGTP4 appears to be expressed only in the mammalian stages of the parasite's life cycle and specifically localized within the host-interactive, apical membranes of the tegument.