36 resultados para leaves


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We describe mutations of three genes in Arabidopsis thaliana—extra cotyledon1 (xtc1), extra cotyledon2 (xtc2), and altered meristem programming1 (amp1)—that transform leaves into cotyledons. In all three of these mutations, this transformation is associated with a change in the timing of events in embryogenesis. xtc1 and xtc2 delay the morphogenesis of the embryo proper at the globular-to-heart transition but permit the shoot apex to develop to an unusually advanced stage late in embryogenesis. Both mutations have little or no effect on seed maturation and do not affect the viability of the shoot or the rate of leaf initiation after germination. amp1 perturbs the pattern of cell division at an early globular stage, dramatically increases the size of the shoot apex and, like xtc1 and xtc2, produces enlarged leaf primordia during seed development. These unusual phenotypes suggest that these genes play important regulatory roles in embryogenesis and demonstrate that the development of the shoot apical meristem and the development of the embryo proper are regulated by independent processes that must be temporally coordinated to ensure normal organ identity.


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In response to wounding, a 48-kDa myelin basic protein (MBP) kinase is activated within 2 min, both locally and systemically, in leaves of young tomato plants. The activating signal is able to pass through a steam girdle on the stem, indicating that it moves through the xylem and does not require intact phloem tissue. A 48-kDa MBP kinase is also activated by the 18-amino acid polypeptide systemin, a potent wound signal for the synthesis of systemic wound response proteins (swrps). The kinase activation by systemin is strongly inhibited by a systemin analog having a Thr-17 → Ala-17 substitution, which is a powerful antagonist of systemin activation of swrp genes. A 48-kDa MBP kinase activity also increases in response to polygalacturonic acid and chitosan but not in response to jasmonic acid or phytodienoic acid. In def1, a mutant tomato line having a defective octadecanoid pathway, the 48-kDa MBP kinase is activated by wounding and systemin as in the wild-type plants. This indicates that MBP kinase functions between the perception of primary signals and the DEF1 gene product. In response to wounding, the MBP kinase is phosphorylated on phosphotyrosine residues, indicating a relationship to the mitogen-activated protein kinase family of protein kinases.


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Two outstanding features of the flowering plant family Winteraceae are the occlusion of their stomatal pores by cutin plugs and the absence of water-conducting xylem vessels. An adaptive relationship between these two unusual features has been suggested whereby stomatal plugs restrict gas exchange to compensate for the presumed poor conductivity of their vesselless wood. This hypothesized connection fueled evolutionary arguments that the vesselless condition is ancestral in angiosperms. Here we show that in Drimys winteri, a tree common to wet forests, these stomatal occlusions pose only a small fixed resistance to water loss. In addition, they modify the humidity response of guard cells such that under high evaporative demand, leaves with plugs lose water at a faster rate than leaves from which the plugs have been experimentally removed. Instead of being adaptations for drought, we present evidence that these cuticular structures function to maintain photosynthetic activity under conditions of excess water on the leaf surface. Stomatal plugs decrease leaf wettability by preventing the formation of a continuous water film that would impede diffusion of CO2 into the leaf. Misting of leaves had no effect on photosynthetic rate of leaves with plugs, but resulted in a marked decrease (≈40%) in leaves from which the plugs had been removed. These findings do not support a functional association between stomatal plugs and hydraulic competence and provide a new perspective on debates surrounding the evolution of vessels in angiosperms.


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We have previously shown that in HEp-2 cells, multivesicular bodies (MVBs) processing internalized epidermal growth factor–epidermal growth factor receptor complexes mature and fuse directly with lysosomes in which the complexes are degraded. The MVBs do not fuse with a prelysosomal compartment enriched in mannose 6-phosphate receptor (M6PR) as has been described in other cell types. Here we show that the cation-independent M6PR does not become enriched in the endocytic pathway en route to the lysosome, but if a pulse of M6PR or an M6PR ligand, cathepsin D, is followed, a significant fraction of these proteins are routed from the trans-Golgi to MVBs. Accumulation of M6PR does not occur because when the ligand dissociates, the receptor rapidly leaves the MVB. At steady state, most M6PR are distributed within the trans-Golgi and trans-Golgi network and in vacuolar structures distributed in the peripheral cytoplasm. We suggest that these M6PR-rich vacuoles are on the return route from MVBs to the trans-Golgi network and that a separate stable M6PR-rich compartment equivalent to the late endosome/prelysosome stage does not exist on the endosome–lysosome pathway in these cells.


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Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generated in response to wounding can be detected at wound sites and in distal leaf veins within 1 hr after wounding. The response is systemic and maximizes at about 4–6 hr in both wounded and unwounded leaves, and then declines. The timing of the response corresponds with an increase in wound-inducible polygalacturonase (PG) mRNA and enzyme activity previously reported, suggesting that oligogalacturonic acid (OGA) fragments produced by PG are triggering the H2O2 response. Systemin, OGA, chitosan, and methyl jasmonate (MJ) all induce the accumulation of H2O2 in leaves. Tomato plants transformed with an antisense prosystemin gene produce neither PG activity or H2O2 in leaves in response to wounding, implicating systemin as a primary wound signal. The antisense plants do produce both PG activity and H2O2 when supplied with systemin, OGA, chitosan, or MJ. A mutant tomato line compromised in the octadecanoid pathway does not exhibit PG activity or H2O2 in response to wounding, systemin, OGA, or chitosan, but does respond to MJ, indicating that the generation of H2O2 requires a functional octadecanoid signaling pathway. Among 18 plant species from six families that were assayed for wound-inducible PG activity and H2O2 generation, 14 species exhibited both wound-inducible PG activity and the generation of H2O2. Four species, all from the Fabaceae family, exhibited little or no wound-inducible PG activity and did not generate H2O2. The time course of wound-inducible PG activity and H2O2 in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves was similar to that found in tomato. The cumulative data suggest that systemic wound signals that induce PG activity and H2O2 are widespread in the plant kingdom and that the response may be associated with the defense of plants against both herbivores and pathogens.


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Net photosynthesis (Pn) is inhibited by moderate heat stress. To elucidate the mechanism of inhibition, we examined the effects of temperature on gas exchange and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activation in cotton and tobacco leaves and compared the responses to those of the isolated enzymes. Depending on the CO2 concentration, Pn decreased when temperatures exceeded 35–40°C. This response was inconsistent with the response predicted from the properties of fully activated Rubisco. Rubisco deactivated in leaves when temperature was increased and also in response to high CO2 or low O2. The decrease in Rubisco activation occurred when leaf temperatures exceeded 35°C, whereas the activities of isolated activase and Rubisco were highest at 42°C and >50°C, respectively. In the absence of activase, isolated Rubisco deactivated under catalytic conditions and the rate of deactivation increased with temperature but not with CO2. The ability of activase to maintain or promote Rubisco activation in vitro also decreased with temperature but was not affected by CO2. Increasing the activase/Rubisco ratio reduced Rubisco deactivation at higher temperatures. The results indicate that, as temperature increases, the rate of Rubisco deactivation exceeds the capacity of activase to promote activation. The decrease in Rubisco activation that occurred in leaves at high CO2 was not caused by a faster rate of deactivation, but by reduced activase activity possibly in response to unfavorable ATP/ADP ratios. When adjustments were made for changes in activation state, the kinetic properties of Rubisco predicted the response of Pn at high temperature and CO2.


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Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) similar to three pathogenesis-related proteins, a glucanase-like protein (GLP), a chitinase-like protein (CLP), and a thaumatin-like protein (TLP), accumulate during cold acclimation in winter rye (Secale cereale) leaves, where they are thought to modify the growth of intercellular ice during freezing. The objective of this study was to characterize the rye AFPs in their native forms, and our results show that these proteins form oligomeric complexes in vivo. Nine proteins were separated by native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from apoplastic extracts of cold-acclimated winter rye leaves. Seven of these proteins exhibited multiple polypeptides when denatured and separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. After isolation of the individual proteins, six were shown by immunoblotting to contain various combinations of GLP, CLP, and TLP in addition to other unidentified proteins. Antisera produced against individual cold-induced winter rye GLP, CLP, and TLP all dramatically inhibited glucanase activity in apoplastic extracts from cold-acclimated winter rye leaves, and each antiserum precipitated all three proteins. These results indicate that each of the polypeptides may be exposed on the surface of the protein complexes. By forming oligomeric complexes, AFPs may form larger surfaces to interact with ice, or they may simply increase the mass of the protein bound to ice. In either case, the complexes of AFPs may inhibit ice growth and recrystallization more effectively than the individual polypeptides.


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Photosynthetic and metabolic acclimation to low growth temperatures were studied in Arabidopsis (Heynh.). Plants were grown at 23°C and then shifted to 5°C. We compared the leaves shifted to 5°C for 10 d and the new leaves developed at 5°C with the control leaves on plants that had been left at 23°C. Leaf development at 5°C resulted in the recovery of photosynthesis to rates comparable with those achieved by control leaves at 23°C. There was a shift in the partitioning of carbon from starch and toward sucrose (Suc) in leaves that developed at 5°C. The recovery of photosynthetic capacity and the redirection of carbon to Suc in these leaves were associated with coordinated increases in the activity of several Calvin-cycle enzymes, even larger increases in the activity of key enzymes for Suc biosynthesis, and an increase in the phosphate available for metabolism. Development of leaves at 5°C also led to an increase in cytoplasmic volume and a decrease in vacuolar volume, which may provide an important mechanism for increasing the enzymes and metabolites in cold-acclimated leaves. Understanding the mechanisms underlying such structural changes during leaf development in the cold could result in novel approaches to increasing plant yield.


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Embolism and refilling of vessels was monitored directly by cryomicroscopy of field-grown corn (Zea mays L.) roots. To test the reliability of an earlier study showing embolism refilling in roots at negative leaf water potentials, embolisms were counted, and root water potentials (Ψroot) and osmotic potentials of exuded xylem sap from the same roots were measured by isopiestic psychrometry. All vessels were full at dawn (Ψroot −0.1 MPa). Embolisms were first seen in late metaxylem vessels at 8 am. Embolized late metaxylem vessels peaked at 50% at 10 am (Ψroot −0.1 MPa), fell to 44% by 12 pm (Ψroot −0.23 MPa), then dropped steadily to zero by early evening (Ψroot −0.28 MPa). Transpiration was highest (8.5 μg cm−2 s−1) between 12 and 2 pm when the percentage of vessels embolized was falling. Embolized vessels were refilled by liquid moving through their lateral walls. Xylem sap was very low in solutes. The mechanism of vessel refilling, when Ψroot is negative, requires further investigation. Daily embolism and refilling in roots of well-watered plants is a normal occurrence and may be a component of an important hydraulic signaling mechanism between roots and shoots.


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Salt accumulation in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves first inhibits photosynthesis by decreasing stomatal and mesophyll conductances to CO2 diffusion and then impairs ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (S. Delfine, A. Alvino, M. Zacchini, F. Loreto [1998] Aust J Plant Physiol 25: 395–402). We measured gas exchange and fluorescence in spinach recovering from salt accumulation. When a 21-d salt accumulation was reversed by 2 weeks of salt-free irrigation (rewatering), stomatal and mesophyll conductances and photosynthesis partially recovered. For the first time, to our knowledge, it is shown that a reduction of mesophyll conductance can be reversed and that this may influence photosynthesis. Photosynthesis and conductances did not recover when salt drainage was restricted and Na content in the leaves was greater than 3% of the dry matter. Incomplete recovery of photosynthesis in rewatered and control leaves may be attributed to an age-related reduction of conductances. Biochemical properties were not affected by the 21-d salt accumulation. However, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity and content were reduced by a 36- to 50-d salt accumulation. Photochemical efficiency was reduced only in 50-d salt-stressed leaves because of a decrease in the fraction of open photosystem II centers. A reduction in chlorophyll content and an increase in the chlorophyll a/b ratio were observed in 43- and 50-d salt-stressed leaves. Low chlorophyll affects light absorptance but is unlikely to change light partitioning between photosystems.


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Noninvasive, ion-selective vibrating microelectrodes were used to measure the kinetics of H+, Ca2+, K+, and Cl− fluxes and the changes in their concentrations caused by illumination near the mesophyll and attached epidermis of bean (Vicia faba L.). These flux measurements were related to light-induced changes in the plasma membrane potential. The influx of Ca2+ was the main depolarizing agent in electrical responses to light in the mesophyll. Changes in the net fluxes of H+, K+, and Cl− occurred only after a significant delay of about 2 min, whereas light-stimulated influx of Ca2+ began within the time resolution of our measurements (5 s). In the absence of H+ flux, light caused an initial quick rise of external pH near the mesophyll and epidermal tissues. In the mesophyll this fast alkalinization was followed by slower, oscillatory pH changes (5–15 min); in the epidermis the external pH increased steadily and reached a plateau 3 min later. We explain the initial alkalinization of the medium as a result of CO2 uptake by photosynthesizing tissue, whereas activation of the plasma membrane H+ pump occurred 1.5 to 2 min later. The epidermal layer seems to be a substantial barrier for ion fluxes but not for CO2 diffusion into the leaf.


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We analyzed the kinetics of nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qN) in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves, chloroplasts, and purified light-harvesting complexes. The characteristic biphasic pattern of fluorescence quenching in dark-adapted leaves, which was removed by preillumination, was evidence of light activation of qN, a process correlated with the de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle carotenoids. Chloroplasts isolated from dark-adapted and light-activated leaves confirmed the nature of light activation: faster and greater quenching at a subsaturating transthylakoid pH gradient. The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding complexes of photosystem II were isolated from dark-adapted and light-activated leaves. When isolated from light-activated leaves, these complexes showed an increase in the rate of quenching in vitro compared with samples prepared from dark-adapted leaves. In all cases, the quenching kinetics were fitted to a single component hyperbolic function. For leaves, chloroplasts, and light-harvesting complexes, the presence of zeaxanthin was associated with an increased rate constant for the induction of quenching. We discuss the significance of these observations in terms of the mechanism and control of qN.


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Cellular compartmentation of Zn in the leaves of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens was investigated using energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis and single-cell sap extraction. Energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis of frozen, hydrated leaf tissues showed greatly enhanced Zn accumulation in the epidermis compared with the mesophyll cells. The relative Zn concentration in the epidermal cells correlated linearly with cell length in both young and mature leaves, suggesting that vacuolation of epidermal cells may promote the preferential Zn accumulation. The results from single-cell sap sampling showed that the Zn concentrations in the epidermal vacuolar sap were 5 to 6.5 times higher than those in the mesophyll sap and reached an average of 385 mm in plants with 20,000 μg Zn g−1 dry weight of shoots. Even when the growth medium contained no elevated Zn, preferential Zn accumulation in the epidermal vacuoles was still evident. The concentrations of K, Cl, P, and Ca in the epidermal sap generally decreased with increasing Zn. There was no evidence of association of Zn with either P or S. The present study demonstrates that Zn is sequestered in a soluble form predominantly in the epidermal vacuoles in T. caerulescens leaves and that mesophyll cells are able to tolerate up to at least 60 mm Zn in their sap.


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The distribution of S to sulfate, glucosinolates, glutathione, and the insoluble fraction within oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) leaves of different ages was investigated during vegetative growth. The concentrations of glutathione and glucosinolates increased from the oldest to the youngest leaves, whereas the opposite was observed for SO42−. The concentration of insoluble S was similar among all of the leaves. At sufficient S supply and in the youngest leaves, 2% of total S was allocated to glutathione, 6% to glucosinolates, 50% to the insoluble fraction, and the remainder accumulated as SO42−. In the middle and oldest leaves, 70% to 90% of total S accumulated as SO42−, whereas glutathione and glucosinolates together accounted for less than 1% of S. When the S supply was withdrawn (minus S), the concentrations of all S-containing compounds, particularly SO42−, decreased in the youngest and middle leaves. Neither glucosinolates nor glutathione were major sources of S during S deficiency. Plants grown on nutrient solution containing minus S and low N were less deficient than plants grown on solution containing minus S and high N. The effect of N was explained by differences in growth rate. The different responses of leaves of different ages to S deficiency have to be taken into account for the development of field diagnostic tests to determine whether plants are S deficient.