26 resultados para human herpesvirus 8


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Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is the leading neoplasm of HIV-infected patients and is also found in several HIV-negative populations. Recently, DNA sequences from a novel herpesvirus, termed KS-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) have been identified within KS tissue from both HIV-positive and HIV-negative cases; infection with this agent has been proposed as a possible factor in the etiology or pathogenesis of the tumor. Here we have examined the pattern of KSHV/HHV-8 gene expression in KS and find it to be highly restricted. We identify and characterize two small transcripts that represent the bulk of the virus-specific RNA transcribed from over 120 kb of the KSHV genome in infected cells. One transcript is predicted to encode a small membrane protein; the other is an unusual polyadenylylated RNA that accumulates in the nucleus to high copy number. This pattern of viral gene expression suggests that most infected cells in KS are latently infected, with lytic viral replication likely restricted to a much smaller subpopulation of cells. These findings have implications for the therapeutic utility of currently available antiviral drugs targeted against the lytic replication cycle.


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Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) like other herpesviruses, expresses sequentially immediate early (IE), early, and late genes during lytic infection. Evidence of ability to establish latent infection has not been available, but by analogy with other herpesviruses it could be expected that IE genes that regulate and transactivate late genes would not be expressed. We report that peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy individuals infected with HHV-6 express the U94 gene, transcribed under IE conditions. Transcription of other IE genes (U16/17, U39, U42, U81, U89/90, U91) was not detected. To verify that U94 may play a role in the maintenance of the latent state, we derived lymphoid cell lines that stably expressed U94. HHV-6 was able to infect these cells, but viral replication was restricted. No cytopathic effect developed. Furthermore, viral transcripts were present in the first days postinfection and declined thereafter. A similar decline in the level of intracellular viral DNA also was observed. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the U94 gene product of HHV-6 regulates viral gene expression and enables the establishment and/or maintenance of latent infection in lymphoid cells.


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A newly recognized gamma herpesvirus known as Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) is present in Kaposi sarcomas and body-cavity-based lymphomas. Here we identify a novel abundant 1.2-kb RNA, polyadenylated nuclear RNA (PAN RNA), encoded by the virus. The majority of cDNAs produced from poly(A)-selected RNA isolated from a human body cavity lymphoma cell line 48 hr after butyrate induction of KSHV lytic replication represented PAN RNA. Within PAN RNA were two 9 and 16 nt stretches with 89% and 94% identity to U1 RNA. A third stretch of 14 nt was 93% complementary to U1. The 5' upstream region of PAN RNA contained both proximal and distal sequence elements characteristic of regulatory regions of U snRNAs, whereas the 3' end was polyadenylylated. PAN RNA was transcribed by RNA polymerase II, lacked a trimethylguanosine cap, and did not associate with polyribosomes. PAN RNA formed a speckled pattern in the nucleus typical of U snRNAs and colocalized with Sm protein. Therefore, PAN represents a new type of RNA, possessing features of both U snRNA and mRNA.


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Representational difference analysis was used to search for pathogens in multiple sclerosis brains. We detected a 341-nucleotide fragment that was 99.4% identical to the major DNA binding protein gene of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6). Examination of 86 brain specimens by PCR demonstrated that HHV-6 was present in > 70% of MS cases and controls and is thus a commensal virus of the human brain. By DNA sequencing, 36/37 viruses from MS cases and controls were typed as HHV-6 variant B group 2. Other herpesviruses, retroviruses, and measles virus were detected infrequently or not at all. HHV-6 expression was examined by immunocytochemistry with monoclonal antibodies against HHV-6 virion protein 101K and DNA binding protein p41. Nuclear staining of oligodendrocytes was observed in MS cases but not in controls, and in MS cases it was observed around plaques more frequently than in uninvolved white matter. MS cases showed prominent cytoplasmic staining of neurons in gray matter adjacent to plaques, although neurons expressing HHV-6 were also found in certain controls. Since destruction of oligodendrocytes is a hallmark of MS, these studies suggest an association of HHV-6 with the etiology or pathogenesis of MS.


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Varicella–zoster virus (VZV) is a human herpesvirus that causes varicella (chicken pox) as a primary infection and, after a variable period of latency in trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia, reactivates to cause herpes zoster (shingles). Both of these conditions may be followed by a variety of neurological complications, especially in immunocompromised individuals such as those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. There have been a number of conflicting reports regarding the cellular location of latent VZV within human ganglia. To address this controversy we examined fixed wax-embedded trigeminal ganglia from 30 individuals obtained at autopsy, including 11 with HIV infection, 2 neonates, and 17 immunocompetent individuals, for the presence of latent VZV. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in situ hybridization, and PCR in situ amplification techniques with oligonucleotide probes and primer sequences to VZV genes 18, 21, 29, and 63 were used. VZV DNA in ganglia was detected in 15 individuals by using PCR alone, and in 12 individuals (6 normal non-HIV and 6 positive HIV individuals, but not neonatal ganglia) by using PCR in situ amplification. When in situ hybridization alone was used, 5 HIV-positive individuals and only 1 non-HIV individual showed VZV nucleic acid signals in ganglia. In all of the VZV-positive ganglia examined, VZV nucleic acid was detected in neuronal nuclei. Only occasional nonneuronal cells contained VZV DNA. We conclude from these studies that the neuron is the predominant site of latent VZV in human trigeminal ganglia.


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Earlier studies have shown that Kaposi sarcomas contain cells infected with human herpesvirus (HHV) 6B, and in current studies we report that both AIDS-associated and classic-sporadic Kaposi sarcoma contain HHV-7 genome sequences detectable by PCR. To determine the distribution of HHV-7-infected cells relative to those infected with HHV-6, sections from paraffin-embedded tissues were allowed to react with antibodies to HHV-7 virion tegument phosphoprotein pp85 and to HHV-6B protein p101. The antibodies are specific for HHV-7 and HHV-6B, respectively, and they retained reactivity for antigens contained in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. We report that (i) HHV-7 pp85 was present in 9 of 32 AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcomas, and in 1 of 7 classical-sporadic HIV-negative Kaposi sarcomas; (ii) HHV-7 pp85 was detected primarily in cells bearing the CD68 marker characteristic of the monocyte/macrophage lineage present in or surrounding the Kaposi sarcoma lesions; and (iii) in a number of Kaposi sarcoma specimens, tumor-associated CD68+ monocytes/macrophages expressed simultaneously antigens from both HHV-7 and HHV-6B, and therefore appeared to be doubly infected with the two viruses. CD68+ monocytes/macrophages infected with HHV-7 were readily detectable in Kaposi sarcoma, but virtually absent from other normal or pathological tissues that harbor macrophages. Because all of the available data indicate that HHV-7 infects CD4+ T lymphocytes, these results suggest that the environment of the Kaposi sarcoma (i) attracts circulating peripheral lymphocytes and monocytes, triggers the replication of latent viruses, and thereby increases the local concentration of viruses, (ii) renders CD68+ monocytes/macrophages susceptible to infection with HHV-7, and (iii) the combination of both events enables double infections of cells with both HHV-6B and HHV-7.


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Herpesviruses exist in two states, latency and a lytic productive cycle. Here we identify an immediate-early gene encoded by Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV)/human herpesvirus eight (HHV8) that activates lytic cycle gene expression from the latent viral genome. The gene is a homologue of Rta, a transcriptional activator encoded by Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). KSHV/Rta activated KSHV early lytic genes, including virus-encoded interleukin 6 and polyadenylated nuclear RNA, and a late gene, small viral capsid antigen. In cells dually infected with Epstein–Barr virus and KSHV, each Rta activated only autologous lytic cycle genes. Expression of viral cytokines under control of the KSHV/Rta gene is likely to contribute to the pathogenesis of KSHV-associated diseases.


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We are interested in using recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors in the treatment of hemophilia A. Because of the size constraints of recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors, we delivered the heavy and light chains of the human factor 8 (hFVIII) cDNA independently by using two separate vectors. Recombinant AAV vectors were constructed that utilized the human elongation factor 1α promoter, a human growth factor polyadenylation signal, and the cDNA sequences encoding either the heavy or light chain of hFVIII. Portal vein injections of each vector alone, a combination of both vectors, or a hFIX control vector were performed in C57BL/6 mice. An ELISA specific for the light chain of hFVIII demonstrated very high levels (2–10 μg/ml) of protein expression in animals injected with the light chain vector alone or with both vectors. We utilized a chromogenic assay in combination with an antibody specific to hFVIII to determine the amount of biologically active hFVIII in mouse plasma. In animals injected with both the heavy and light chain vectors, greater than physiological levels (200–400 ng/ml) of biologically active hFVIII were produced. This suggests that coexpression of the heavy and light chains of hFVIII may be a feasible approach for treatment of hemophilia A.


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Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder in which familial-linked genes have provided novel insights into the pathogenesis of this disorder. Mutations in Parkin, a ring-finger-containing protein of unknown function, are implicated in the pathogenesis of autosomal recessive familial Parkinson's disease. Here, we show that Parkin binds to the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating human enzyme 8 (UbcH8) through its C-terminal ring-finger. Parkin has ubiquitin–protein ligase activity in the presence of UbcH8. Parkin also ubiquitinates itself and promotes its own degradation. We also identify and show that the synaptic vesicle-associated protein, CDCrel-1, interacts with Parkin through its ring-finger domains. Furthermore, Parkin ubiquitinates and promotes the degradation of CDCrel-1. Familial-linked mutations disrupt the ubiquitin–protein ligase function of Parkin and impair Parkin and CDCrel-1 degradation. These results suggest that Parkin functions as an E3 ubiquitin–protein ligase through its ring domains and that it may control protein levels via ubiquitination. The loss of Parkin's ubiquitin–protein ligase function in familial-linked mutations suggests that this may be the cause of familial autosomal recessive Parkinson's disease.


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The stem cell leukemia (SCL) gene encodes a tissue-specific basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) protein with a pivotal role in hemopoiesis and vasculogenesis. Several enhancers have been identified within the murine SCL locus that direct reporter gene expression to subdomains of the normal SCL expression pattern, and long-range sequence comparisons of the human and murine SCL loci have identified additional candidate enhancers. To facilitate the characterization of regulatory elements, we have sequenced and analyzed 33 kb of the SCL genomic locus from the pufferfish Fugu rubripes, a species with a highly compact genome. Although the pattern of SCL expression is highly conserved from mammals to teleost fish, the genes flanking pufferfish SCL were unrelated to those known to flank both avian and mammalian SCL genes. These data suggest that SCL regulatory elements are confined to the region between the upstream and downstream flanking genes, a region of 65 kb in human and 8.5 kb in pufferfish. Consistent with this hypothesis, the entire 33-kb pufferfish SCL locus directed appropriate expression to hemopoietic and neural tissue in transgenic zebrafish embryos, as did a 10.4-kb fragment containing the SCL gene and extending to the 5′ and 3′ flanking genes. These results demonstrate the power of combining the compact genome of the pufferfish with the advantages that zebrafish provide for studies of gene regulation during development. Furthermore, the pufferfish SCL locus provides a powerful tool for the manipulation of hemopoiesis and vasculogenesis in vivo.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis, is a human herpesvirus associated with epithelial cell malignancies (nasopharyngeal carcinoma) as well as B-cell malignancies. Understanding how viral latency is disrupted is a central issue in herpesvirus biology. Epithelial cells are the major site of lytic EBV replication within the human host, and viral reactivation occurs in EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinomas. It is known that expression of a single viral immediate-early protein, BZLF1, is sufficient to initiate the switch from latent to lytic infection in B cells. Cellular regulation of BZLF1 transcription is therefore thought to play a key role in regulating the stringency of viral latency. Here we show that, unexpectedly, expression of another viral immediate-early protein, BRLF1, can disrupt viral latency in an epithelial cell-specific fashion. Therefore, the mechanisms leading to disruption of EBV latency appear to be cell-type specific.


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Nociceptin (orphanin FQ), the newly discovered natural agonist of opioid receptor-like (ORL1) receptor, is a neuropeptide that is endowed with pronociceptive activity in vivo. Nociceptin is derived from a larger precursor, prepronociceptin (PPNOC), whose human, mouse, and rat genes we have now isolated. The PPNOC gene is highly conserved in the three species and displays organizational features that are strikingly similar to those of the genes of preproenkephalin, preprodynorphin, and preproopiomelanocortin, the precursors to endogenous opioid peptides, suggesting the four genes belong to the same family-i.e., have a common evolutionary origin. The PPNOC gene encodes a single copy of nociceptin as well as of other peptides whose sequence is strictly conserved across murine and human species; hence it is likely to be neurophysiologically significant. Northern blot analysis shows that the PPNOC gene is predominantly transcribed in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and, albeit weakly, in the ovary, the sole peripheral organ expressing the gene. By using a radiation hybrid cell line panel, the PPNOC gene was mapped to the short arm of human chromosome 8 (8p21), between sequence-tagged site markers WI-5833 and WI-1172, in close proximity of the locus encoding the neurofilament light chain NEFL. Analysis of yeast artificial chromosome clones belonging to the WC8.4 contig covering the 8p21 region did not allow to detect the presence of the gene on these yeast artificial chromosomes, suggesting a gap in the coverage within this contig.


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Using the mouse delta-opioid receptor cDNA as a probe, we have isolated genomic clones encoding the human mu- and kappa-opioid receptor genes. Their organization appears similar to that of the human delta receptor gene, with exon-intron boundaries located after putative transmembrane domains 1 and 4. The kappa gene was mapped at position q11-12 in human chromosome 8. A full-length cDNA encoding the human kappa-opioid receptor has been isolated. The cloned receptor expressed in COS cells presents a typical kappa 1 pharmacological profile and is negatively coupled to adenylate cyclase. The expression of kappa-opioid receptor mRNA in human brain, as estimated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, is consistent with the involvement of kappa-opioid receptors in pain perception, neuroendocrine physiology, affective behavior, and cognition. In situ hybridization studies performed on human fetal spinal cord demonstrate the presence of the transcript specifically in lamina II of the dorsal horn. Some divergences in structural, pharmacological, and anatomical properties are noted between the cloned human and rodent receptors.


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The DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) consists of three polypeptide components: Ku-70, Ku-80, and an approximately 350-kDa catalytic subunit (p350). The gene encoding the Ku-80 subunit is identical to the x-ray-sensitive group 5 complementing gene XRCC5. Expression of the Ku-80 cDNA rescues both DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and V(D)J recombination in group 5 mutant cells. The involvement of Ku-80 in these processes suggests that the underlying defect in these mutant cells may be disruption of the DNA-PK holoenzyme. In this report we show that the p350 kinase subunit is deleted in cells derived from the severe combined immunodeficiency mouse and in the Chinese hamster ovary cell line V-3, both of which are defective in DSB repair and V(D)J recombination. A centromeric fragment of human chromosome 8 that complements the scid defect also restores p350 protein expression and rescues in vitro DNA-PK activity. These data suggest the scid gene may encode the p350 protein or regulate its expression and are consistent with a model whereby DNA-PK is a critical component of the DSB-repair pathway.


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The inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) contains an amino-terminal oxygenase domain, a carboxy-terminal reductase domain, and an intervening calmodulin-binding region. For the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), iNOS is active as a homodimer. The human iNOS mRNA is subject to alternative splicing, including deletion of exons 8 and 9 that encode amino acids 242–335 of the oxygenase domain. In this study, iNOS8−9− and full-length iNOS (iNOSFL) were cloned from bronchial epithelial cells. Expression of iNOS8−9− in 293 cell line resulted in generation of iNOS8−9− mRNA and protein but did not lead to NO production. In contrast to iNOSFL, iNOS8−9− did not form dimers. Similar to iNOSFL, iNOS8−9− exhibited NADPH-diaphorase activity and contained tightly bound calmodulin, indicating that the reductase and calmodulin-binding domains were functional. To identify sequences in exons 8 and 9 that are critical for dimerization, iNOSFL was used to construct 12 mutants, each with deletion of eight residues in the region encoded by exons 8 and 9. In addition, two “control” iNOS deletion mutants were synthesized, lacking either residues 45–52 of the oxygenase domain or residues 1131–1138 of the reductase domain. Whereas both control deletion mutants generated NO and formed dimers, none of the 12 other mutants formed dimers or generated NO. The region encoded by exons 8 and 9 is critical for iNOS dimer formation and NO production but not for reductase activity. This region could be a potential target for therapeutic interventions aimed at inhibiting iNOS dimerization and hence NO synthesis.