17 resultados para gene insertions


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The til-1 locus was identified as a common retroviral integration site in virus-accelerated lymphomas of CD2-myc transgenic mice. We now show that viral insertions at til-1 lead to transcriptional activation of PEBP2αA (CBFA1), a transcription factor related to the Drosophila segmentation gene product, Runt. Insertions are upstream and in the opposite orientation to the gene and appear to activate a variant promoter that is normally silent in T cells. Activity of this promoter was detected in rodent osteogenic sarcoma cells and primary osteoblasts, implicating bone as the normal site of promoter activity. The isoforms encoded by the activated gene all encompass the conserved runt DNA-binding domain and share a novel N terminus different from the previously reported PEBP2αA products. Minor products include isoforms with internal deletions due to exon skipping and a novel C-terminal domain unrelated to known runt domain factors. The major isoform expressed from the activated til-1 locus (G1) was found to account for virtually all of the core binding factor activity in nuclear extracts from its corresponding lymphoma cell line. Another member of this gene family, AML1(CBFA2), is well known for its involvement in human hemopoietic tumors. These results provide evidence of a direct oncogenic role for PEBP2αA and indicate that the Myc and Runt family genes can cooperate in oncogenesis.


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Insights into the function of a gene can be gained in multiple ways, including loss-of-function phenotype, sequence similarity, expression pattern, and by the consequences of its misexpression. Analysis of the phenotypes produced by expression of a gene at an abnormal time, place, or level may provide clues to a gene’s function when other approaches are not illuminating. Here we report that an eye-specific, enhancer–promoter present in the P element expression vector pGMR is able to drive high level expression in the eye of genes near the site of P element insertion. Cell fate determination, differentiation, proliferation, and death are essential for normal eye development. Thus the ability to carry out eye-specific misexpression of a significant fraction of genes in the genome, given the dispensability of the eye for viability and fertility of the adult, should provide a powerful approach for identifying regulators of these processes. To test this idea we carried out two overexpression screens for genes that function to regulate cell death. We screened for insertion-dependent dominant phenotypes in a wild-type background, and for dominant modifiers of a reaper overexpression-induced small eye phenotype. Multiple chromosomal loci were identified, including an insertion 5′ to hid, a potent inducer of apoptosis, and insertions 5′ to DIAP1, a cell death suppressor. To facilitate the cloning of genes near the P element insertion new misexpression vectors were created. A screen with one of these vectors identified eagle as a suppressor of a rough eye phenotype associated with overexpression of an activated Ras1 gene.


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The b locus encodes a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes that produce purple anthocyanin pigment. Different b alleles are expressed in distinct tissues, causing tissue-specific anthocyanin production. Understanding how phenotypic diversity is produced and maintained at the b locus should provide models for how other regulatory genes, including those that influence morphological traits and development, evolve. We have investigated how different levels and patterns of pigmentation have evolved by determining the phenotypic and evolutionary relationships between 18 alleles that represent the diversity of b alleles in Zea mays. Although most of these alleles have few phenotypic differences, five alleles have very distinct tissue-specific patterns of pigmentation. Superimposing the phenotypes on the molecular phylogeny reveals that the alleles with strong and distinctive patterns of expression are closely related to alleles with weak expression, implying that the distinctive patterns have arisen recently. We have identified apparent insertions in three of the five phenotypically distinct alleles, and the fourth has unique upstream restriction fragment length polymorphisms relative to closely related alleles. The insertion in B-Peru has been shown to be responsible for its unique expression and, in the other two alleles, the presence of the insertion correlates with the phenotype. These results suggest that major changes in gene expression are probably the result of large-scale changes in DNA sequence and/or structure most likely mediated by transposable elements.


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We present an approach to map large numbers of Tc1 transposon insertions in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans. Strains have been described that contain up to 500 polymorphic Tc1 insertions. From these we have cloned and shotgun sequenced over 2000 Tc1 flanks, resulting in an estimated set of 400 or more distinct Tc1 insertion alleles. Alignment of these sequences revealed a weak Tc1 insertion site consensus sequence that was symmetric around the invariant TA target site and reads CAYATATRTG. The Tc1 flanking sequences were compared with 40 Mbp of a C. elegans genome sequence. We found 151 insertions within the sequenced area, a density of ≈1 Tc1 insertion in every 265 kb. As the rest of the C. elegans genome sequence is obtained, remaining Tc1 alleles will fall into place. These mapped Tc1 insertions can serve two functions: (i) insertions in or near genes can be used to isolate deletion derivatives that have that gene mutated; and (ii) they represent a dense collection of polymorphic sequence-tagged sites. We demonstrate a strategy to use these Tc1 sequence-tagged sites in fine-mapping mutations.


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Filamentous fungi are a large group of diverse and economically important microorganisms. Large-scale gene disruption strategies developed in budding yeast are not applicable to these organisms because of their larger genomes and lower rate of targeted integration (TI) during transformation. We developed transposon-arrayed gene knockouts (TAGKO) to discover genes and simultaneously create gene disruption cassettes for subsequent transformation and mutant analysis. Transposons carrying a bacterial and fungal drug resistance marker are used to mutagenize individual cosmids or entire libraries in vitro. Cosmids are annotated by DNA sequence analysis at the transposon insertion sites, and cosmid inserts are liberated to direct insertional mutagenesis events in the genome. Based on saturation analysis of a cosmid insert and insertions in a fungal cosmid library, we show that TAGKO can be used to rapidly identify and mutate genes. We further show that insertions can create alterations in gene expression, and we have used this approach to investigate an amino acid oxidation pathway in two important fungal phytopathogens.


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Transposable elements provide a convenient and flexible means to disrupt plant genes, so allowing their function to be assessed. By engineering transposons to carry reporter genes and regulatory signals, the expression of target genes can be monitored and to some extent manipulated. Two strategies for using transposons to assess gene function are outlined here: First, the PCR can be used to identify plants that carry insertions into specific genes from among pools of heavily mutagenized individuals (site-selected transposon mutagenesis). This method requires that high copy transposons be used and that a relatively large number of reactions be performed to identify insertions into genes of interest. Second, a large library of plants, each carrying a unique insertion, can be generated. Each insertion site then can be amplified and sequenced systematically. These two methods have been demonstrated in maize, Arabidopsis, and other plant species, and the relative merits of each are discussed in the context of plant genome research.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an important opportunistic human pathogen, persists in certain tissues in the form of specialized bacterial communities, referred to as biofilm. The biofilm is formed through series of interactions between cells and adherence to surfaces, resulting in an organized structure. By screening a library of Tn5 insertions in a nonpiliated P. aeruginosa strain, we identified genes involved in early stages of biofilm formation. One class of mutations identified in this study mapped in a cluster of genes specifying the components of a chaperone/usher pathway that is involved in assembly of fimbrial subunits in other microorganisms. These genes, not previously described in P. aeruginosa, were named cupA1–A5. Additional chaperone/usher systems (CupB and CupC) have been also identified in the genome of P. aeruginosa PAO1; however, they do not appear to play a role in adhesion under the conditions where the CupA system is expressed and functions in surface adherence. The identification of these putative adhesins on the cell surface of P. aeruginosa suggests that this organism possess a wide range of factors that function in biofilm formation. These structures appear to be differentially regulated and may function at distinct stages of biofilm formation, or in specific environments colonized by this organism.


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We have developed an efficient reverse-genetics protocol that uses expedient pooling and hybridization strategies to identify individual transfer-DNA insertion lines from a collection of 6000 independently transformed lines in as few as 36 polymerase chain reactions. We have used this protocol to systematically isolate Arabidopsis lines containing insertional mutations in individual cytochrome P450 genes. In higher plants P450 genes encode enzymes that perform an exceptionally wide range of functions, including the biosynthesis of primary metabolites necessary for normal growth and development, the biosynthesis of secondary products, and the catabolism of xenobiotics. Despite their importance, progress in assigning enzymatic function to individual P450 gene products has been slow. Here we report the isolation of the first 12 such lines, including one (CYP83B1-1) that displays a runt phenotype (small plants with hooked leaves), and three insertions in abundantly expressed genes. The DNAs used in this study are publicly available and can be used to systematically isolate mutants in Arabidopsis.


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We have modified the infectious reovirus RNA system so as to generate a reovirus reverse genetics system. The system consists of (i) the plus strands of nine wild-type reovirus genome segments; (ii) transcripts of the genetically modified cDNA form of the tenth genome segment; and (iii) a cell line transformed so as to express the protein normally encoded by the tenth genome segment. In the work described here, we have generated a serotype 3 reovirus into the S2 double-stranded RNA genome segment of which the CAT gene has been cloned. The virus is stable, replicates in cells that have been transformed (so as to express the S2 gene product, protein σ2), and expresses high levels of CAT activity. This technology can be extended to members of the orbivirus and rotavirus genera. This technology provides a powerful system for basic studies of double-stranded RNA virus replication; a nonpathogenic viral vector that replicates to high titers and could be used for clinical applications; and a system for providing nonselectable viral variants (the result of mutations, insertions, and deletions) that could be valuable for the construction of viral vaccine strains against human and animal pathogens.


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We report a pioneering approach using Tetrahymena thermophila that permits rapid identification of genes based on their null or hypomorphic phenotypes. This technique involves cell transformation with a library of plasmids that encode 26S ribosomal subunits containing short insertions. The insertions correspond to antisense sequences for a large number of genes. The majority of cells each acquires a single antisense sequence, which silences a single genomic locus. Because the insertion site within the ribosomal sequence is known, the silenced gene is easily amplified. We demonstrate that this approach can be used to identify genes required for dense core granule exocytosis.


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The bronze (bz) locus exhibits the highest rate of recombination of any gene in higher plants. To investigate the possible basis of this high rate of recombination, we have analyzed the physical organization of the region around the bz locus. Two adjacent bacterial artificial chromosome clones, comprising a 240-kb contig centered around the Bz-McC allele, were isolated, and 60 kb of contiguous DNA spanning the two bacterial artificial chromosome clones was sequenced. We find that the bz locus lies in an unusually gene-rich region of the maize genome. Ten genes, at least eight of which are shown to be transcribed, are contained in a 32-kb stretch of DNA that is uninterrupted by retrotransposons. We have isolated nearly full length cDNAs corresponding to the five proximal genes in the cluster. The average intertranscript distance between them is just 1 kb, revealing a surprisingly compact packaging of adjacent genes in this part of the genome. At least 11 small insertions, including several previously described miniature inverted repeat transposable elements, were detected in the introns and 3′ untranslated regions of genes and between genes. The gene-rich region is flanked at the proximal and distal ends by retrotransposon blocks. Thus, the maize genome appears to have scattered regions of high gene density similar to those found in other plants. The unusually high rate of intragenic recombination seen in bz may be related to the very high gene density of the region.


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The transferred DNA (T-DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens serves as an insertional mutagen once integrated into a host plant's genome. As a means of facilitating reverse genetic analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana, we have developed a method that allows one to search for plants carrying F-DNA insertions within any sequenced Arabidopsis gene. Using PCR, we screened a collection of 9100 independent T-DNA-transformed Arabidopsis lines and found 17 T-DNA insertions within the 63 genes analyzed. The genes surveyed include members of various gene families involved in signal transduction and ion transport. As an example, data are shown for a T-DNA insertion that was found within CPK-9, a member of the gene family encoding calmodulin-domain protein kinases.


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The A subunit of DNA gyrase in Mycobacterium leprae, unlike its counterpart in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is produced by protein splicing as its gene, gyrA, harbors a 1260-bp in-frame insertion encoding an intein, a putative homing endonuclease. Analysis of the gyrA locus from different mycobacterial species revealed the presence of inteins in Mycobacterium flavescens, Mycobacterium gordonae and Mycobacterium kansasii but not in 10 other pathogenic or saprophytic mycobacteria. In all four cases where intein coding sequences were found, they were localized in the same position in gyrA, immediately downstream of the codon for the key active-site residue Tyr-130. The intein products were similar, but not identical, in sequence and the splice junctions displayed all the features found in other polypeptides known to be produced by protein splicing from a precursor protein. Paired motifs, found in homing endonucleases encoded by some group I RNA introns, and inteins showing endonuclease activity, were present in the gyrA inteins as were other intein-specific signatures. Some strains of M. flavescens, M. gordonae, and M. kansasii were shown by PCR analysis to have inteinless gyrA genes, in contrast to the situation in M. leprae where all the isolates possessed insertions in gyrA. Sequencing of the corresponding regions revealed that, although the GyrA protein sequence was conserved, the nucleotide sequences differed in gyrA genes with and without inteins, suggesting that the homing endonuclease displays sequence specificity.


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We have developed a novel induction gene trap approach that preselects in vitro for integrations into genes that lie downstream of receptor/ligand-mediated signaling pathways. Using this approach, we have identified 20 gene trap integrations in embryonic stem cells, 9 of which were induced and 11 of which were repressed after exposure to exogenous retinoic acid (RA). All but one of these integrations showed unique spatially restricted or tissue-specific patterns of expression between 8.5 and 11.5 days of embryogenesis. Interestingly, expression was observed in tissues that are affected by alterations in RA levels during embryogenesis. Sequence analysis of fusion transcripts from six integrations revealed five novel gene sequences and the previously identified protooncogene c-fyn. To date, germ-line transmission and breeding has uncovered one homozygous embryonic lethal and three homozygous viable insertions. These studies demonstrate the potential of this induction gene trap approach for identifying and mutating genes downstream of signal transduction pathways.


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Biologists require genetic as well as molecular tools to decipher genomic information and ultimately to understand gene function. The Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project is addressing these needs with a massive gene disruption project that uses individual, genetically engineered P transposable elements to target open reading frames throughout the Drosophila genome. DNA flanking the insertions is sequenced, thereby placing an extensive series of genetic markers on the physical genomic map and associating insertions with specific open reading frames and genes. Insertions from the collection now lie within or near most Drosophila genes, greatly reducing the time required to identify new mutations and analyze gene functions. Information revealed from these studies about P element site specificity is being used to target the remaining open reading frames.