18 resultados para Wasson, Ellis


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cAMP, through the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), is involved in transcriptional regulation. In eukaryotic cells, cAMP is not considered to alter the binding affinity of CREB/ATF to cAMP-responsive element (CRE) but to induce serine phosphorylation and consequent increase in transcriptional activity. In contrast, in prokaryotic cells, cAMP enhances the DNA binding of the catabolite repressor protein to regulate the transcription of several operons. The structural similarity of the cAMP binding sites in catabolite repressor protein and regulatory subunit of PKA type II (RII) suggested the possibility of a similar role for RII in eukaryotic gene regulation. Herein we report that RIIβ subunit of PKA is a transcription factor capable of interacting physically and functionally with a CRE. In contrast to CREB/ATF, the binding of RIIβ to a CRE was enhanced by cAMP, and in addition, RIIβ exhibited transcriptional activity as a Gal4-RIIβ fusion protein. These experiments identify RIIβ as a component of an alternative pathway for regulation of CRE-directed transcription in eukaryotic cells.


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To examine the role of intercellular interaction on cell differentiation and gene expression in human prostate, we separated the two major epithelial cell populations and studied them in isolation and in combination with stromal cells. The epithelial cells were separated by flow cytometry using antibodies against differentially expressed cell-surface markers CD44 and CD57. Basal epithelial cells express CD44, and luminal epithelial cells express CD57. The CD57+ luminal cells are the terminally differentiated secretory cells of the gland that synthesize prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Expression of PSA is regulated by androgen, and PSA mRNA is one of the abundant messages in these cells. We show that PSA expression by the CD57+ cells is abolished after prostate tissue is dispersed by collagenase into single cells. Expression is restored when CD57+ cells are reconstituted with stromal cells. The CD44+ basal cells possess characteristics of stem cells and are the candidate progenitors of luminal cells. Differentiation, as reflected by PSA production, can be detected when CD44+ cells are cocultured with stromal cells. Our studies show that cell–cell interaction plays an important role in prostatic cytodifferentiation and the maintenance of the differentiated state.


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Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) play a critical role in the defense of plants against invading pathogens. Produced during the “oxidative burst,” they are thought to activate programmed cell death (PCD) and induce antimicrobial defenses such as pathogenesis-related proteins. It was shown recently that during the interaction of plants with pathogens, the expression of ROI-detoxifying enzymes such as ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) is suppressed. It was suggested that this suppression, occurring upon pathogen recognition and coinciding with an enhanced rate of ROI production, plays a key role in elevating cellular ROI levels, thereby potentiating the induction of PCD and other defenses. To examine the relationship between the suppression of antioxidative mechanisms and the induction of PCD and other defenses during pathogen attack, we studied the interaction between transgenic antisense tobacco plants with reduced APX or CAT and a bacterial pathogen that triggers the hypersensitive response. Transgenic plants with reduced capability to detoxify ROI (i.e., antisense APX or CAT) were found to be hyperresponsive to pathogen attack. They activated PCD in response to low amounts of pathogens that did not trigger the activation of PCD in control plants. Our findings support the hypothesis that suppression of ROI-scavenging enzymes during the hypersensitive response plays an important role in enhancing pathogen-induced PCD.


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Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors have been used to transduce murine skeletal muscle as a platform for secretion of therapeutic proteins. The utility of this approach for treating alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency was tested in murine myocytes in vitro and in vivo. AAV vectors expressing the human AAT gene from either the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter (AAV-C-AT) or the human elongation factor 1-α promoter (AAV-E-AT) were examined. In vitro in C2C12 murine myoblasts, the expression levels in transient transfections were similar between the two vectors. One month after transduction, however, the human elongation factor 1 promoter mediated 10-fold higher stable human AAT expression than the CMV promoter. In vivo transduction was performed by injecting doses of up to 1.4 × 1013 particles into skeletal muscles of several mouse strains (C57BL/6, BALB/c, and SCID). In vivo, the CMV vector mediated higher levels of expression, with sustained serum levels over 800 μg/ml in SCID and over 400 μg/ml in C57BL/6 mice. These serum concentrations are 100,000-fold higher than those previously observed with AAV vectors in muscle and are at levels which would be therapeutic if achieved in humans. High level expression was delayed for several weeks but was sustained for over 15 wk. Immune responses were dependent upon the mouse strain and the vector dosage. These data suggest that recombinant AAV vector transduction of skeletal muscle could provide a means for replacing AAT or other essential serum proteins but that immune responses may be elicited under certain conditions.


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An intracellular protein termed CD2 binding protein 2 (CD2BP2), which binds to a site containing two PPPGHR segments within the cytoplasmic region of CD2, was identified. Mutagenesis and NMR analysis demonstrated that the CD2 binding region of CD2BP2 includes a 17-aa motif (GPY[orF]xxxxM[orV]xxWxxx GYF), also found in several yeast and Caenorhabditis elegans proteins of unknown function. In Jurkat T cells, over-expression of the isolated CD2BP2 domain binding to CD2 enhances the production of interleukin 2 on crosslinking of CD2 but not the T cell receptor. Hence, a proline-binding module distinct from SH3 and WW domains regulates protein–protein interactions.


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Bloom syndrome (BS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by growth deficiency, immunodeficiency, genomic instability, and the early development of cancers of many types. BLM, the protein encoded by BLM, the gene mutated in BS, is localized in nuclear foci and absent from BS cells. BLM encodes a DNA helicase, and proteins from three missense alleles lack displacement activity. BLM transfected into BS cells reduces the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges and restores BLM in the nucleus. Missense alleles fail to reduce the sister chromatid exchanges in transfected BS cells or restore the normal nuclear pattern. BLM complements a phenotype of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae sgs1 top3 strain, and the missense alleles do not. This work demonstrates the importance of the enzymatic activity of BLM for its function and nuclear localization pattern.


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Objectives: To evaluate impact of postnatal health education for mothers on infant care and postnatal family planning practices in Nepal.


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Objective: To compare the cost effectiveness of two possible modifications to the current UK screening programme: shortening the screening interval from three to two years and extending the age of invitation to a final screen from 64 to 69.


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The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database (UM-BBD, http://umbbd.ahc.umn.edu/) provides curated information on microbial catabolic enzymes and their organization into metabolic pathways. Currently, it contains information on over 400 enzymes. In the last year the enzyme page was enhanced to contain more internal and external links; it also displays the different metabolic pathways in which each enzyme participates. In collaboration with the Nomenclature Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 35 UM-BBD enzymes were assigned complete EC codes during 2000. Bacterial oxygenases are heavily represented in the UM-BBD; they are known to have broad substrate specificity. A compilation of known reactions of naphthalene and toluene dioxygenases were recently added to the UM-BBD; 73 and 108 were listed respectively. In 2000 the UM-BBD is mirrored by two prestigious groups: the European Bioinformatics Institute and KEGG (the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes). Collaborations with other groups are being developed. The increased emphasis on UM-BBD enzymes is important for predicting novel metabolic pathways that might exist in nature or could be engineered. It also is important for current efforts in microbial genome annotation.


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Arabidopsis has inducible responses for tolerance of O2 deficiency. Plants previously exposed to 5% O2 were more tolerant than the controls to hypoxic stress (0.1% O2 for 48 h) in both roots and shoots, but hypoxic acclimation did not improve tolerance to anoxia (0% O2). The acclimation of shoots was not dependent on the roots: increased shoot tolerance was observed when the roots of the plants were removed. An adh (alcohol dehydrogenase) null mutant did not show acclimation of the roots but retained the shoot survival response. Abscisic acid treatment also differentiated the root and shoot responses; pretreatment induced root survival in hypoxic stress conditions (0.1% O2) but did not induce any increase in the survival of shoots. Cycloheximide blocked both root and shoot acclimation, indicating that both acclimation mechanisms are dependent on protein synthesis.


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Particle candidates for astrophysical dark matter are reviewed, with particular emphasis on the lightest supersymmetric particle and the axion. The former is now constrained by accelerator experiments to have a mass above about 40 GeV, and ongoing searches at accelerators, in space, and in underground experiments have a good chance to detect it. A reevaluation of the constraint on the axion from supernova 1987a leaves open an interesting window where it may be detected if it constitutes the galactic halo.


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Homologous DNA recombination is a fundamental, regenerative process within living organisms. However, in most organisms, homologous recombination is a rare event, requiring a complex set of reactions and extensive homology. We demonstrate in this paper that Beta protein of phage λ generates recombinants in chromosomal DNA by using synthetic single-stranded DNAs (ssDNA) as short as 30 bases long. This ssDNA recombination can be used to mutagenize or repair the chromosome with efficiencies that generate up to 6% recombinants among treated cells. Mechanistically, it appears that Beta protein, a Rad52-like protein, binds and anneals the ssDNA donor to a complementary single-strand near the DNA replication fork to generate the recombinant. This type of homologous recombination with ssDNA provides new avenues for studying and modifying genomes ranging from bacterial pathogens to eukaryotes. Beta protein and ssDNA may prove generally applicable for repairing DNA in many organisms.


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The enzyme 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is important in providing activated thioester substrates for phenylpropanoid natural product biosynthesis. We tested different hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa × Populus deltoides) tissues for the presence of 4CL isoforms by fast-protein liquid chromatography and detected a minimum of three 4CL isoforms. These isoforms shared similar hydroxycinnamic acid substrate-utilization profiles and were all inactive against sinapic acid, but instability of the native forms precluded extensive further analysis. 4CL cDNA clones were isolated and grouped into two major classes, the predicted amino acid sequences of which were 86% identical. Genomic Southern blots showed that the cDNA classes represent two poplar 4CL genes, and northern blots provided evidence for their differential expression. Recombinant enzymes corresponding to the two genes were expressed using a baculovirus system. The two recombinant proteins had substrate utilization profiles similar to each other and to the native poplar 4CL isoforms (4-coumaric acid > ferulic acid > caffeic acid; there was no conversion of sinapic acid), except that both had relatively high activity toward cinnamic acid. These results are discussed with respect to the role of 4CL in the partitioning of carbon in phenylpropanoid metabolism.