31 resultados para Targeting Sequence


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SF3b155 is an essential spliceosomal protein, highly conserved during evolution. It has been identified as a subunit of splicing factor SF3b, which, together with a second multimeric complex termed SF3a, interacts specifically with the 12S U2 snRNP and converts it into the active 17S form. The protein displays a characteristic intranuclear localization. It is diffusely distributed in the nucleoplasm but highly concentrated in defined intranuclear structures termed “speckles,” a subnuclear compartment enriched in small ribonucleoprotein particles and various splicing factors. The primary sequence of SF3b155 suggests a multidomain structure, different from those of other nuclear speckles components. To identify which part of SF3b155 determines its specific intranuclear localization, we have constructed expression vectors encoding a series of epitope-tagged SF3b155 deletion mutants as well as chimeric combinations of SF3b155 sequences with the soluble cytoplasmic protein pyruvate kinase. Following transfection of cultured mammalian cells, we have identified (i) a functional nuclear localization signal of the monopartite type (KRKRR, amino acids 196–200) and (ii) a molecular segment with multiple threonine-proline repeats (amino acids 208–513), which is essential and sufficient to confer a specific accumulation in nuclear speckles. This latter sequence element, in particular amino acids 208–440, is required for correct subcellular localization of SF3b155 and is also sufficient to target a reporter protein to nuclear speckles. Moreover, this “speckle-targeting sequence” transfers the capacity for interaction with other U2 snRNP components.


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In this work, we describe the isolation of a new cDNA encoding an NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH). The nucleotide sequence in its 5′ region gives a deduced amino acid sequence indicative of a targeting peptide. However, even if this cDNA clearly encodes a noncytosolic ICDH, it is not possible to say from the targeting peptide sequence to which subcellular compartment the protein is addressed. To respond to this question, we have transformed tobacco plants with a construct containing the entire targeting signal-encoding sequence in front of a modified green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. This construct was placed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, and transgenic tobacco plants were regenerated. At the same time, and as a control, we also have transformed tobacco plants with the same construct but lacking the nucleotide sequence corresponding to the ICDH-targeting peptide, in which the GFP is retained in the cytoplasm. By optical and confocal microscopy of leaf epiderm and Western blot analyses, we show that the putative-targeting sequence encoded by the cDNA addresses the GFP exclusively into the mitochondria of plant cells. Therefore, we conclude that this cDNA encodes a mitochondrial ICDH.


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Geranyl diphosphate synthase, which catalyzes the condensation of dimethylallyl diphosphate and isopentenyl diphosphate to geranyl diphosphate, the key precursor of monoterpene biosynthesis, was purified from isolated oil glands of spearmint. Peptide fragments generated from the pure proteins of 28 and 37 kDa revealed amino acid sequences that matched two cDNA clones obtained by random screening of a peppermint-oil gland cDNA library. The deduced sequences of both proteins showed some similarity to existing prenyltransferases, and both contained a plastid-targeting sequence. Expression of each cDNA individually yielded no detectable prenyltransferase activity; however, coexpression of the two together produced functional geranyl diphosphate synthase. Antibodies raised against each protein were used to demonstrate that both subunits were required to produce catalytically active native and recombinant enzymes, thus confirming that geranyl diphosphate synthase is a heterodimer.


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In plants, the biosynthesis of isopentenyl diphosphate, the central precursor of all isoprenoids, proceeds via two separate pathways. The cytosolic compartment harbors the mevalonate pathway, whereas the newly discovered deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate pathway, which also operates in certain eubacteria, including Escherichia coli, is localized to plastids. Only the first two steps of the plastidial pathway, which involve the condensation of pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate followed by intramolecular rearrangement and reduction to 2-C-methylerythritol 4-phosphate, have been established. Here we report the cloning from peppermint (Mentha × piperita) and E. coli, and expression, of a kinase that catalyzes the phosphorylation of isopentenyl monophosphate as the last step of this biosynthetic sequence to isopentenyl diphosphate. The plant gene defines an ORF of 1,218 bp that, when the proposed plastidial targeting sequence is excluded, corresponds to ≈308 aa with a mature size of ≈33 kDa. The E. coli gene (ychB), which is located at 27.2 min of the chromosomal map, consists of 852 nt, encoding a deduced enzyme of 283 aa with a size of 31 kDa. These enzymes represent a conserved class of the GHMP family of kinases, which includes galactokinase, homoserine kinase, mevalonate kinase, and phosphomevalonate kinase, with homologues in plants and several eubacteria. Besides the preferred substrate isopentenyl monophosphate, the recombinant peppermint and E. coli kinases also phosphorylate isopentenol, and, much less efficiently, dimethylallyl alcohol, but dimethylallyl monophosphate does not serve as a substrate. Incubation of secretory cells isolated from peppermint glandular trichomes with isopentenyl monophosphate resulted in the rapid production of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, confirming that isopentenyl monophosphate is the physiologically relevant, terminal intermediate of the deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate pathway.


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Metallothionein (MT) localizes in the intermembrane space of liver mitochondria as well as in the cytosol and nucleus. Incubation of intact liver mitochondria with physiological, micromolar concentrations of MT leads to the import of MT into the mitochondria where it inhibits respiration. This activity is caused by the N-terminal β-domain of MT; in this system, the isolated C-terminal α-domain is inactive. Free zinc inhibits respiration at concentrations commensurate with the zinc content of either MT or the isolated β-domain, indicating that MT inhibition involves zinc delivery to mitochondria. Respiratory inhibition of uncoupled mitochondria identifies the electron transfer chain as the primary site of inhibition. The apoform of MT, thionein, is an endogenous chelating agent and activates zinc-inhibited respiration with a 1:1 stoichiometry ([zinc binding sites]/[zinc]). Carbamoylation of the lysines of MT significantly attenuates the inhibitory effect, suggesting that these residues are critical for the passage of MT through the outer mitochondrial membrane. Such an import pathway has been proposed for other proteins that also lack a mitochondrial targeting sequence, e.g., apocytochrome c, and possibly Cox17, a mitochondrial copper chaperone that is the only protein known so far to exhibit significant primary sequence homology to MT. The presence and respiratory inhibition of MT in liver, but not heart, mitochondria suggest a hitherto unknown biological modulating activity of MT in cellular respiration and energy metabolism in a tissue-specific manner.


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Chrysanthemyl diphosphate synthase (CPPase) catalyzes the condensation of two molecules of dimethylallyl diphosphate to produce chrysanthemyl diphosphate (CPP), a monoterpene with a non-head-to-tail or irregular c1′-2-3 linkage between isoprenoid units. Irregular monoterpenes are common in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium and related members of the Asteraceae family. In C. cinerariaefolium, CPP is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of the pyrethrin ester insecticides. CPPase was purified from immature chrysanthemum flowers, and the N terminus of the protein was sequenced. A C. cinerariaefolium λ cDNA library was screened by using degenerate oligonucleotide probes based on the amino acid sequence to identify a CPPase clone that encoded a 45-kDa preprotein. The first 50 aa of the ORF constitute a putative plastidial targeting sequence. Recombinant CPPase bearing an N-terminal polyhistidine affinity tag in place of the targeting sequence was purified to homogeneity from an overproducing Escherichia coli strain by Ni2+ chromatography. Incubation of recombinant CPPase with dimethylallyl diphosphate produced CPP. The diphosphate ester was hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatase, and the resulting monoterpene alcohol was analyzed by GC/MS to confirm its structure. The amino acid sequence of CPPase aligns closely with that of the chain elongation prenyltransferase farnesyl diphosphate synthase rather than squalene synthase or phytoene synthase, which catalyze c1′-2-3 cyclopropanation reactions similar to the CPPase reaction.


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NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP-ICDH) activity is increased in roots of Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata ex Maiden Kirkp. during colonization by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius Coker and Couch. To investigate the regulation of the enzyme expression, a cDNA (EgIcdh) encoding the NADP-ICDH was isolated from a cDNA library of E. globulus-P. tinctorius ectomycorrhizae. The putative polypeptide sequence of EgIcdh showed a high amino acid similarity with plant NADP-ICDHs. Because the deduced EgICDH protein lacks an amino-terminal targeting sequence and shows highest similarity to plant cytosolic ICDHs, it probably represents a cytoplasmic isoform. RNA analysis showed that the steady-state level of EgIcdh transcripts was enhanced nearly 2-fold in ectomycorrhizal roots compared with nonmycorrhizal roots. Increased accumulation of NADP-ICDH transcripts occurred as early as 2 d after contact and likely led to the observed increased enzyme activity. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that NADP-ICDH was preferentially accumulated in the epidermis and stele parenchyma of nonmycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal lateral roots. The putative role of cytosolic NADP-ICDH in ectomycorrhizae is discussed.


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In higher plants, dominant mitochondrial mutations are associated with pollen sterility. This phenomenon is known as cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). It is thought that the disruption in pollen development is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction. To provide definitive evidence that expression of an abnormal mitochondrial gene can interrupt pollen development, a CMS-associated mitochondrial DNA sequence from common bean, orf239, was introduced into the tobacco nuclear genome. Several transformants containing the orf239 gene constructs, with or without a mitochondrial targeting sequence, exhibited a semi sterile or male-sterile phenotype. Expression of the gene fusions in transformed anthers was confirmed using RNA gel blotting, ELISA, and light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Immunocytological analysis showed that the ORF239 protein could associate with the cell wall of aberrant developing microspores. This pattern of extracellular localization was earlier observed in the CMS common bean line containing orf239 in the mitochondrial genome. Results presented here demonstrate that ORF239 causes pollen disruption in transgenic tobacco plants and may do so without targeting of the protein to the mitochondrion.


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Proteasomes are located both in the nuclei and in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. Active transport of these complexes through the nuclear pores has been proposed to be mediated by nuclear localization signals (NLS), which have been found in several of the alpha-type proteasomal subunits. We have tested three different putative NLS sequences from human alpha-type proteasomal subunits (Hsc iota, Hsc9, and Hsc3), as well as a putative NLS-type sequence from the archaeon Thermoplasma acidophilum, for their ability to direct non-nuclear proteins to the nucleus. Synthetic peptides containing these putative NLS sequences were generated and conjugated to large fluorescent reporter molecules: allophycocyanin or fluorescein-labeled bovine serum albumin. The conjugates were introduced into digitonin-permeabilized HeLa and 3T3 cells in the presence of cell lysate and ATP, and nuclear import was monitored by fluorescence microscopy. All three putative NLS sequences from human proteasomal subunits were able to direct the reporter molecules to the nucleus in both cell types, although differences in efficiency were observed. Substitution of threonine for the first lysine residue of the eukaryotic NLS motifs inhibited nuclear import completely. Interestingly, the putative NLS sequence found in T. acidophilum was also functional as a nuclear targeting sequence.


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Cyclophilins are a family of ubiquitous proteins that are the intracellular target of the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporin A. Although cyclophilins catalyze peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerization in vitro, it has remained open whether they also perform this function in vivo. Here we show that Cpr3p, a cyclophilin in the matrix of yeast mitochondria, accelerates the refolding of a fusion protein that was synthesized in a reticulocyte lysate and imported into the matrix of isolated yeast mitochondria. The fusion protein consisted of the matrix-targeting sequence of subunit 9 of F1F0-ATPase fused to mouse dihydrofolate reductase. Refolding of the dihydrofolate reductase moiety in the matrix was monitored by acquisition of resistance to proteinase K. The rate of refolding was reduced by a factor of 2-6 by 2.5 microM cyclosporin A. This reduced rate of folding was also observed with mitochondria lacking Cpr3p. In these mitochondria, protein folding was insensitive to cyclosporin A. The rate of protein import was not affected by cyclosporin A or by deletion of Cpr3p.


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Dissecting aortic aneurysm is the hallmark of Marfan syndrome (MFS) and the result of mutations in fibrillin-1, the major constituent of elastin-associated extracellular microfibrils. It is yet to be established whether dysfunction of fibrillin-1 perturbs the ability of the elastic vessel wall to sustain hemodynamic stress by disrupting microfibrillar assembly, by impairing the homeostasis of established elastic fibers, or by a combination of both mechanisms. The pathogenic sequence responsible for the mechanical collapse of the elastic lamellae in the aortic wall is also unknown. Targeted mutation of the mouse fibrillin-1 gene has recently suggested that deficiency of fibrillin-1 reduces tissue homeostasis rather than elastic fiber formation. Here we describe another gene-targeting mutation, mgR, which shows that underexpression of fibrillin-1 similarly leads to MFS-like manifestations. Histopathological analysis of mgR/mgR specimens implicates medial calcification, the inflammatory–fibroproliferative response, and inflammation-mediated elastolysis in the natural history of dissecting aneurysm. More generally, the phenotypic severity associated with various combinations of normal and mutant fibrillin-1 alleles suggests a threshold phenomenon for the functional collapse of the vessel wall that is based on the level and the integrity of microfibrils.


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Protein translocation into peroxisomes takes place via recognition of a peroxisomal targeting signal present at either the extreme C termini (PTS1) or N termini (PTS2) of matrix proteins. In mammals and yeast, the peroxisomal targeting signal receptor, Pex5p, recognizes the PTS1 consisting of -SKL or variants thereof. Although many plant peroxisomal matrix proteins are transported through the PTS1 pathway, little is known about the PTS1 receptor or any other peroxisome assembly protein from plants. We cloned tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cDNAs encoding Pex5p (NtPEX5) based on the protein’s interaction with a PTS1-containing protein in the yeast two-hybrid system. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the tobacco Pex5p contains seven tetratricopeptide repeats and that NtPEX5 shares greater sequence similarity with its homolog from humans than from yeast. Expression of NtPEX5 fusion proteins, consisting of the N-terminal part of yeast Pex5p and the C-terminal region of NtPEX5, in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae pex5 mutant restored protein translocation into peroxisomes. These experiments confirmed the identity of the tobacco protein as a PTS1 receptor and indicated that components of the peroxisomal translocation apparatus are conserved functionally. Two-hybrid assays showed that NtPEX5 interacts with a wide range of PTS1 variants that also interact with the human Pex5p. Interestingly, the C-terminal residues of some of these peptides deviated from the established plant PTS1 consensus sequence. We conclude that there are significant sequence and functional similarities between the plant and human Pex5ps.


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Aryloxyphenoxypropionates, inhibitors of the plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) of grasses, also inhibit Toxoplasma gondii ACC. Clodinafop, the most effective of the herbicides tested, inhibits growth of T. gondii in human fibroblasts by 70% at 10 μM in 2 days and effectively eliminates the parasite in 2–4 days at 10–100 μM. Clodinafop is not toxic to the host cell even at much higher concentrations. Parasite growth inhibition by different herbicides is correlated with their ability to inhibit ACC enzyme activity, suggesting that ACC is a target for these agents. Fragments of genes encoding the biotin carboxylase domain of multidomain ACCs of T. gondii, Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium knowlesi, and Cryptosporidium parvum were sequenced. One T. gondii ACC (ACC1) amino acid sequence clusters with P. falciparum ACC, P. knowlesi ACC, and the putative Cyclotella cryptica chloroplast ACC. Another sequence (ACC2) clusters with that of C. parvum ACC, probably the cytosolic form.


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Proteins with RER-specific signal sequences are cotranslationally translocated across the rough endoplasmic reticulum through a proteinaceous channel composed of oligomers of the Sec61 complex. The Sec61 complex also binds ribosomes with high affinity. The dual function of the Sec61 complex necessitates a mechanism to prevent signal sequence-independent binding of ribosomes to the translocation channel. We have examined the hypothesis that the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC), respectively, act as positive and negative regulatory factors to mediate the signal sequence-specific attachment of the ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) to the translocation channel. Here, SRP-independent translocation of a nascent secretory polypeptide was shown to occur in the presence of endogenous wheat germ or rabbit reticulocyte NAC. Furthermore, SRP markedly enhanced RNC binding to the translocation channel irrespective of the presence of NAC. Binding of RNCs, but not SRP-RNCs, to the Sec61 complex is competitively inhibited by 80S ribosomes. Thus, the SRP-dependent targeting pathway provides a mechanism for delivery of RNCs to the translocation channel that is not inhibited by the nonselective interaction between the ribosome and the Sec61 complex.


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Multiple isoforms of type 1 hexokinase (HK1) are transcribed during spermatogenesis in the mouse, including at least three that are presumably germ cell specific: HK1-sa, HK1-sb, and HK1-sc. Each of these predicted proteins contains a common, germ cell-specific sequence that replaces the porin-binding domain found in somatic HK1. Although HK1 protein is present in mature sperm and is tyrosine phosphorylated, it is not known whether the various potential isoforms are differentially translated and localized within the developing germ cells and mature sperm. Using antipeptide antisera against unique regions of HK1-sa and HK1-sb, it was demonstrated that these isoforms were not found in pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, condensing spermatids, or sperm, suggesting that HK1-sa and HK1-sb are not translated during spermatogenesis. Immunoreactivity was detected in protein from round spermatids, condensing spermatids, and mature sperm using an antipeptide antiserum against the common, germ cell-specific region, suggesting that HK1-sc was the only germ cell-specific isoform present in these cells. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE suggested that all of the sperm HK1-sc was tyrosine phosphorylated, and that the somatic HK1 isoform was not present. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that HK1-sc was associated with the mitochondria and with the fibrous sheath of the flagellum and was found in discrete clusters in the region of the membranes of the sperm head. The unusual distribution of HK1-sc in sperm suggests novel functions, such as extramitochondrial energy production, and also demonstrates that a hexokinase without a classical porin-binding domain can localize to mitochondria.