265 resultados para SUBUNIT DISSOCIATION


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Individuals with hemophilia A require frequent infusion of preparations of coagulation factor VIII. The activity of factor VIII (FVIII) as a cofactor for factor IXa in the coagulation cascade is limited by its instability after activation by thrombin. Activation of FVIII occurs through proteolytic cleavage and generates an unstable FVIII heterotrimer that is subject to rapid dissociation of its subunits. In addition, further proteolytic cleavage by thrombin, factor Xa, factor IXa, and activated protein C can lead to inactivation. We have engineered and characterized a FVIII protein, IR8, that has enhanced in vitro stability of FVIII activity due to resistance to subunit dissociation and proteolytic inactivation. FVIII was genetically engineered by deletion of residues 794-1689 so that the A2 domain is covalently attached to the light chain. Missense mutations at thrombin and activated protein C inactivation cleavage sites provided resistance to proteolysis, resulting in a single-chain protein that has maximal activity after a single cleavage after arginine-372. The specific activity of partially purified protein produced in transfected COS-1 monkey cells was 5-fold higher than wild-type (WT) FVIII. Whereas WT FVIII was inactivated by thrombin after 10 min in vitro, IR8 still retained 38% of peak activity after 4 hr. Whereas binding of IR8 to von Willebrand factor (vWF) was reduced 10-fold compared with WT FVIII, in the presence of an anti-light chain antibody, ESH8, binding of IR8 to vWF increased 5-fold. These results demonstrate that residues 1690–2332 of FVIII are sufficient to support high-affinity vWF binding. Whereas ESH8 inhibited WT factor VIII activity, IR8 retained its activity in the presence of ESH8. We propose that resistance to A2 subunit dissociation abrogates inhibition by the ESH8 antibody. The stable FVIIIa described here provides the opportunity to study the activated form of this critical coagulation factor and demonstrates that proteins can be improved by rationale design through genetic engineering technology.


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A large family of membrane channel proteins selective for transport of water (aquaporins) or water plus glycerol (aquaglyceroporins) has been found in diverse life forms. Escherichia coli has two members of this family—a water channel, AqpZ, and a glycerol facilitator, GlpF. Despite having similar primary amino acid sequences and predicted structures, the oligomeric state and solute selectivity of AqpZ and GlpF are disputed. Here we report biochemical and functional characterizations of affinity-purified GlpF and compare it to AqpZ. Histidine-tagged (His-GlpF) and hemagglutinin-tagged (HA-GlpF) polypeptides encoded by a bicistronic construct were expressed in bacteria. HA-GlpF and His-GlpF appear to form oligomers during Ni-nitrilotriacetate affinity purification. Sucrose gradient sedimentation analyses showed that the oligomeric state of octyl glucoside-solubilized GlpF varies: low ionic strength favors subunit dissociation, whereas Mg2+ stabilizes tetrameric assembly. Reconstitution of affinity-purified GlpF into proteoliposomes increases glycerol permeability more than 100-fold and water permeability up to 10-fold compared with control liposomes. Glycerol and water permeability of GlpF both occur with low Arrhenius activation energies and are reversibly inhibited by HgCl2. Our studies demonstrate that, unlike AqpZ, a water-selective stable tetramer, purified GlpF exists in multiple oligomeric forms under nondenaturing conditions and is highly permeable to glycerol but less well permeated by water.


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Surface labeling of Escherichia coli ribosomes with the use of the tritium bombardment technique has revealed a minor unidentified ribosome-bound protein (spot Y) that is hidden in the 70S ribosome and becomes highly labeled on dissociation of the 70S ribosome into subunits. In the present work, the N-terminal sequence of the protein Y was determined and its gene was identified as yfia, an ORF located upstream the phe operon of E. coli. This 12.7-kDa protein was isolated and characterized. An affinity of the purified protein Y for the 30S subunit, but not for the 50S ribosomal subunit, was shown. The protein proved to be exposed on the surface of the 30S subunit. The attachment of the 50S subunit resulted in hiding the protein Y, thus suggesting the protein location at the subunit interface in the 70S ribosome. The protein was shown to stabilize ribosomes against dissociation. The possible role of the protein Y as ribosome association factor in translation is discussed.


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Temperature lability of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP; glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase; ADP: α-d-glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase, EC, a key starch biosynthetic enzyme, may play a significant role in the heat-induced loss in maize seed weight and yield. Here we report the isolation and characterization of heat-stable variants of maize endosperm AGP. Escherichia coli cells expressing wild type (WT) Shrunken2 (Sh2), and Brittle2 (Bt2) exhibit a reduced capacity to produce glycogen when grown at 42°C. Mutagenesis of Sh2 and coexpression with WT Bt2 led to the isolation of multiple mutants capable of synthesizing copious amounts of glycogen at this temperature. An increase in AGP stability was found in each of four mutants examined. Initial characterization revealed that the BT2 protein was elevated in two of these mutants. Yeast two-hybrid studies were conducted to determine whether the mutant SH2 proteins more efficiently recruit the BT2 subunit into tetramer assembly. These experiments showed that replacement of WT SH2 with the heat-stable SH2HS33 enhanced interaction between the SH2 and BT2 subunits. In agreement, density gradient centrifugation of heated and nonheated extracts from WT and one of the mutants, Sh2hs33, identified a greater propensity for heterotetramer dissociation in WT AGP. Sequencing of Sh2hs33 and several other mutants identified a His-to-Tyr mutation at amino acid position 333. Hence, a single point mutation in Sh2 can increase the stability of maize endosperm AGP through enhanced subunit interactions.


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The immortalization of human cells is a critical step during tumorigenesis. In vitro, normal human somatic cells must overcome two proliferative blockades, senescence and crisis, to become immortal. Transformation with viral oncogenes extends the life span of human cells beyond senescence. Such transformed cells eventually succumb to crisis, a period of widespread cellular death that has been proposed to be the result of telomeric shortening. We now show that ectopic expression of the telomerase catalytic subunit (human telomerase reverse transcriptase or hTERT) and subsequent activation of telomerase can allow postsenescent cells to proliferate beyond crisis, the last known proliferative blockade to cellular immortality. Moreover, we demonstrate that alteration of the carboxyl terminus of human telomerase reverse transcriptase does not affect telomerase enzymatic activity but impedes the ability of this enzyme to maintain telomeres. Telomerase-positive cells expressing this mutant enzyme fail to undergo immortalization, further tightening the connection between telomere maintenance and immortalization.


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Oncoprotein 18/stathmin (Op18) has been identified recently as a protein that destabilizes microtubules, but the mechanism of destabilization is currently controversial. Based on in vitro microtubule assembly assays, evidence has been presented supporting conflicting destabilization models of either tubulin sequestration or promotion of microtubule catastrophes. We found that Op18 can destabilize microtubules by both of these mechanisms and that these activities can be dissociated by changing pH. At pH 6.8, Op18 slowed microtubule elongation and increased catastrophes at both plus and minus ends, consistent with a tubulin-sequestering activity. In contrast, at pH 7.5, Op18 promoted microtubule catastrophes, particularly at plus ends, with little effect on elongation rates at either microtubule end. Dissociation of tubulin-sequestering and catastrophe-promoting activities of Op18 was further demonstrated by analysis of truncated Op18 derivatives. Lack of a C-terminal region of Op18 (aa 100–147) resulted in a truncated protein that lost sequestering activity at pH 6.8 but retained catastrophe-promoting activity. In contrast, lack of an N-terminal region of Op18 (aa 5–25) resulted in a truncated protein that still sequestered tubulin at pH 6.8 but was unable to promote catastrophes at pH 7.5. At pH 6.8, both the full length and the N-terminal–truncated Op18 bound tubulin, whereas truncation at the C-terminus resulted in a pronounced decrease in tubulin binding. Based on these results, and a previous study documenting a pH-dependent change in binding affinity between Op18 and tubulin, it is likely that tubulin sequestering observed at lower pH resulted from the relatively tight interaction between Op18 and tubulin and that this tight binding requires the C-terminus of Op18; however, under conditions in which Op18 binds weakly to tubulin (pH 7.5), Op18 stimulated catastrophes without altering tubulin subunit association or dissociation rates, and Op18 did not depolymerize microtubules capped with guanylyl (α, β)-methylene diphosphonate–tubulin subunits. We hypothesize that weak binding between Op18 and tubulin results in free Op18, which is available to interact with microtubule ends and thereby promote catastrophes by a mechanism that likely involves GTP hydrolysis.


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Intact Escherichia coli ribosomes have been projected into the gas phase of a mass spectrometer by means of nanoflow electrospray techniques. Species with mass/charge ratios in excess of 20,000 were detected at the level of individual ions by using time-of-flight analysis. Once in the gas phase the stability of intact ribosomes was investigated and found to increase as a result of cross-linking ribosomal proteins to the rRNA. By lowering the Mg2+ concentration in solutions containing ribosomes the particles were found to dissociate into 30S and 50S subunits. The resolution of the charge states in the spectrum of the 30S subunit enabled its mass to be determined as 852,187 ± 3,918 Da, a value within 0.6% of that calculated from the individual proteins and the 16S RNA. Further dissociation into smaller macromolecular complexes and then individual proteins could be induced by subjecting the particles to increasingly energetic gas phase collisions. The ease with which proteins dissociated from the intact species was found to be related to their known interactions in the ribosome particle. The results show that emerging mass spectrometric techniques can be used to characterize a fully functional biological assembly as well as its isolated components.


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Hormonal activation of Gs, the stimulatory regulator of adenylyl cyclase, promotes dissociation of αs from Gβγ, accelerates removal of covalently attached palmitate from the Gα subunit, and triggers release of a fraction of αs from the plasma membrane into the cytosol. To elucidate relations among these three events, we assessed biochemical effects in vitro of attached palmitate on recombinant αs prepared from Sf9 cells. In comparison to the unpalmitoylated protein (obtained from cytosol of Sf9 cells, treated with a palmitoyl esterase, or expressed as a mutant protein lacking the site for palmitoylation), palmitoylated αs (from Sf9 membranes, 50% palmitoylated) was more hydrophobic, as indicated by partitioning into TX-114, and bound βγ with 5-fold higher affinity. βγ protected GDP-bound αs, but not αs· GTP[γS], from depalmitoylation by a recombinant esterase. We conclude that βγ binding and palmitoylation reciprocally potentiate each other in promoting membrane attachment of αs and that dissociation of αs·GTP from βγ is likely to mediate receptor-induced αs depalmitoylation and translocation of the protein to cytosol in intact cells.


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Voltage-dependent and calcium-sensitive K+ (MaxiK) channels are key regulators of neuronal excitability, secretion, and vascular tone because of their ability to sense transmembrane voltage and intracellular Ca2+. In most tissues, their stimulation results in a noninactivating hyperpolarizing K+ current that reduces excitability. In addition to noninactivating MaxiK currents, an inactivating MaxiK channel phenotype is found in cells like chromaffin cells and hippocampal neurons. The molecular determinants underlying inactivating MaxiK channels remain unknown. Herein, we report a transmembrane β subunit (β2) that yields inactivating MaxiK currents on coexpression with the pore-forming α subunit of MaxiK channels. Intracellular application of trypsin as well as deletion of 19 N-terminal amino acids of the β2 subunit abolished inactivation of the α subunit. Conversely, fusion of these N-terminal amino acids to the noninactivating smooth muscle β1 subunit leads to an inactivating phenotype of MaxiK channels. Furthermore, addition of a synthetic N-terminal peptide of the β2 subunit causes inactivation of the MaxiK channel α subunit by occluding its K+-conducting pore resembling the inactivation caused by the “ball” peptide in voltage-dependent K+ channels. Thus, the inactivating phenotype of MaxiK channels in native tissues can result from the association with different β subunits.


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The proton-translocating NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (EC is the largest and least understood enzyme complex of the respiratory chain. The mammalian mitochondrial enzyme (also called complex I) contains more than 40 subunits, whereas its structurally simpler bacterial counterpart (NDH-1) in Paracoccus denitrificans and Thermus thermophilus HB-8 consists of 14 subunits. A major unsolved question is the location and mechanism of the terminal electron transfer step from iron–sulfur cluster N2 to quinone. Potent inhibitors acting at this key region are candidate photoaffinity probes to dissect NADH-quinone oxidoreductases. Complex I and NDH-1 are very sensitive to inhibition by a variety of structurally diverse toxicants, including rotenone, piericidin A, bullatacin, and pyridaben. We designed (trifluoromethyl)diazirinyl[3H]pyridaben ([3H]TDP) as our photoaffinity ligand because it combines outstanding inhibitor potency, a suitable photoreactive group, and tritium at high specific activity. Photoaffinity labeling of mitochondrial electron transport particles was specific and saturable. Isolation, protein sequencing, and immunoprecipitation identified the high-affinity specifically labeled 23-kDa subunit as PSST of complex I. Immunoprecipitation of labeled membranes of P. denitrificans and T. thermophilus established photoaffinity labeling of the equivalent bacterial NQO6. Competitive binding and enzyme inhibition studies showed that photoaffinity labeling of the specific high-affinity binding site of PSST is exceptionally sensitive to each of the high-potency inhibitors mentioned above. These findings establish that the homologous PSST of mitochondria and NQO6 of bacteria have a conserved inhibitor-binding site and that this subunit plays a key role in electron transfer by functionally coupling iron–sulfur cluster N2 to quinone.


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We present evidence that Escherichia coli RNA polymerase β subunit may be a transcriptional activator contact site. Stimulation of the activity of the pR promoter by DnaA protein is necessary for replication of plasmids derived from bacteriophage λ. We found that DnaA activates the pR promoter in vitro. Particular mutations in the rpoB gene were able to suppress negative effects that certain dnaA mutations had on the replication of λ plasmids; this suppression was allele-specific. When a potential DnaA-binding sequence located several base pairs downstream of the pR promoter was scrambled by in vitro mutagenesis, the pR promoter was no longer activated by DnaA both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, we conclude that DnaA may contact the β subunit of RNA polymerase during activation of the pR promoter. A new classification of prokaryotic transcriptional activators is proposed.


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A large superfamily of transmembrane receptors control cellular responses to diverse extracellular signals by catalyzing activation of specific types of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins. How these receptors recognize and promote nucleotide exchange on G protein α subunits to initiate signal amplification is unknown. The three-dimensional structure of the transducin (Gt) α subunit C-terminal undecapeptide Gtα(340–350) IKENLKDCGLF was determined by transferred nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy while it was bound to photoexcited rhodopsin. Light activation of rhodopsin causes a dramatic shift from a disordered conformation of Gtα(340–350) to a binding motif with a helical turn followed by an open reverse turn centered at Gly-348, a helix-terminating C capping motif of an αL type. Docking of the NMR structure to the GDP-bound x-ray structure of Gt reveals that photoexcited rhodopsin promotes the formation of a continuous helix over residues 325–346 terminated by the C-terminal helical cap with a unique cluster of crucial hydrophobic side chains. A molecular mechanism by which activated receptors can control G proteins through reversible conformational changes at the receptor–G protein interface is demonstrated.


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β subunits of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are encoded in four genes and display additional molecular diversity because of alternative splicing. At the functional level, all forms are very similar except for β2a, which differs in that it does not support prepulse facilitation of α1C Ca2+ channels, inhibits voltage-induced inactivation of neuronal α1E Ca2+ channels, and is more effective in blocking inhibition of α1E channels by G protein-coupled receptors. We show that the distinguishing properties of β2a, rather than interaction with a distinct site of α1, are because of the recently described palmitoylation of cysteines in positions three and four, which also occurs in the Xenopus oocyte. Essentially, all of the distinguishing features of β2a were lost in a mutant that could not be palmitoylated [β2a(Cys3,4Ser)]. Because protein palmitoylation is a dynamic process, these findings point to the possibility that regulation of palmitoylation may contribute to activity-dependent neuronal and synaptic plasticity. Evidence is presented that there may exist as many as three β2 splice variants differing only in their N-termini.


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Sensory transduction in olfactory neurons involves the activation of a cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel by cAMP. Previous studies identified a CNG channel α subunit (CNG2) and a β subunit (CNG5), which when heterologously expressed form a channel with properties similar but not identical to those of native olfactory neurons. We have cloned a new type of CNG channel β subunit (CNG4.3) from rat olfactory epithelium. CNG4.3 derives from the same gene as the rod photoreceptor β subunit (CNG4.1) but lacks the long, glutamic acid-rich domain found in the N terminus of CNG4.1. Northern blot and in situ hybridization revealed that CNG4.3 is expressed specifically in olfactory neurons. Expression of CNG4.3 in human embryonic kidney 293 cells did not lead to detectable currents. Coexpression of CNG4.3 with CNG2 induced a current with significantly increased sensitivity for cAMP whereas cGMP affinity was not altered. Additionally, CNG4.3 weakened the outward rectification of the current in the presence of extracellular Ca2+, decreased the relative permeability for Ca2+, and enhanced the sensitivity for l-cis diltiazem. Upon coexpression of CNG2, CNG4.3, and CNG5, a conductance with a cAMP sensitivity greater than that of either the CNG2/CNG4.3 or the CNG2/CNG5 channel and near that of native olfactory channel was observed. Our data suggest that CNG4.3 forms a subunit of the native olfactory CNG channel. The expression of various CNG4 isoforms in retina and olfactory epithelium indicates that the CNG4 subunit may be necessary for normal function of both photoreceptor and olfactory CNG channels.


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The assembly and composition of human excision nuclease were investigated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNase I footprinting. Individual repair factors or any combination of up to four repair factors failed to form DNA–protein complexes of high specificity and stability. A stable complex of high specificity can be detected only when XPA/RPA, transcription factor IIH, XPC⋅HHR23B, and XPG and ATP are present in the reaction mixture. The XPF⋅ERCC1 heterodimer changes the electrophoretic mobility of the DNA–protein complex formed with the other five repair factors, but it does not confer additional specificity. By using proteins with peptide tags or antibodies to the repair factors in electrophoretic mobility shift assays, it was found that XPA, replication protein A, transcription factor IIH, XPG, and XPF⋅excision repair cross-complementing 1 but not XPC⋅HHR23B were present in the penultimate and ultimate dual incision complexes. Thus, it appears that XPC⋅HHR23B is a molecular matchmaker that participates in the assembly of the excision nuclease but is not present in the ultimate dual incision complex. The excision nuclease makes an assymmetric DNase I footprint of ≈30 bp around the damage and increases the DNase I sensitivity of the DNA on both sides of the footprint.