29 resultados para Motor Cortical Areas
Although neuronal synchronization has been shown to exist in primary motor cortex (MI), very little is known about its possible contribution to coding of movement. By using cross-correlation techniques from multi-neuron recordings in MI, we observed that activity of neurons commonly synchronized around the time of movement initiation. For some cell pairs, synchrony varied with direction in a manner not readily predicted by the firing of either neuron. Information theoretic analysis demonstrated quantitatively that synchrony provides information about movement direction beyond that expected by simple rate changes. Thus, MI neurons are not simply independent encoders of movement parameters but rather engage in mutual interactions that could potentially provide an additional coding dimension in cortex.
The postinhibitory rebound excitation is an intrinsic property of thalamic and cortical neurons that is implicated in a variety of normal and abnormal operations of neuronal networks, such as slow or fast brain rhythms during different states of vigilance as well as seizures. We used dual simultaneous intracellular recordings of thalamocortical neurons from the ventrolateral nucleus and neurons from the motor cortex, together with thalamic and cortical field potentials, to investigate the temporal relations between thalamic and cortical events during the rebound excitation that follows prolonged periods of stimulus-induced inhibition. Invariably, the rebound spike-bursts in thalamocortical cells occurred before the rebound depolarization in cortical neurons and preceded the peak of the depth-negative, rebound field potential in cortical areas. Also, the inhibitory-rebound sequences were more pronounced and prolonged in cortical neurons when elicited by thalamic stimuli, compared with cortical stimuli. The role of thalamocortical loops in the rebound excitation of cortical neurons was shown further by the absence of rebound activity in isolated cortical slabs. However, whereas thalamocortical neurons remained hyperpolarized after rebound excitation, because of the prolonged spike-bursts in inhibitory thalamic reticular neurons, the rebound depolarization in cortical neurons was prolonged, suggesting the role of intracortical excitatory circuits in this sustained activity. The role of intrathalamic events in triggering rebound cortical activity should be taken into consideration when analyzing information processes at the cortical level; at each step, corticothalamic volleys can set into action thalamic inhibitory neurons, leading to rebound spike-bursts that are transferred back to the cortex, thus modifying cortical activities.
Investigation of the three-generation KE family, half of whose members are affected by a pronounced verbal dyspraxia, has led to identification of their core deficit as one involving sequential articulation and orofacial praxis. A positron emission tomography activation study revealed functional abnormalities in both cortical and subcortical motor-related areas of the frontal lobe, while quantitative analyses of magnetic resonance imaging scans revealed structural abnormalities in several of these same areas, particularly the caudate nucleus, which was found to be abnormally small bilaterally. A recent linkage study [Fisher, S., Vargha-Khadem, F., Watkins, K. E., Monaco, A. P. & Pembry, M. E. (1998) Nat. Genet. 18, 168–170] localized the abnormal gene (SPCH1) to a 5.6-centiMorgan interval in the chromosomal band 7q31. The genetic mutation or deletion in this region has resulted in the abnormal development of several brain areas that appear to be critical for both orofacial movements and sequential articulation, leading to marked disruption of speech and expressive language.
Repetitive stimuli reliably induce long-term potentiation (LTP) of synapses in the upper layers of the granular somatosensory cortex but not the agranular motor cortex of rats. Herein we examine, in these same cortical areas, short-term changes in synaptic strength that occur during the LTP induction period. theta-Burst stimulation produced a strong short-term enhancement of synapses in the granular area but only weak enhancement in the agranular area. The magnitude of enhancement during stimulation was strongly correlated with the magnitude of LTP subsequently expressed. Short-term enhancement was abolished by an antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors but remained in the presence of a non-NMDA receptor antagonist. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials of the granular and agranular areas displayed similar frequency sensitivity, but the frequency sensitivity of NMDA receptor-dependent excitatory postsynaptic potentials differed significantly between areas. We propose that pathway-specific differences in short-term enhancement are due to variations in the frequency dependence of NMDA currents; different capacities for short-term enhancement may explain why repetitive stimulation more readily induces LTP in the somatosensory cortex than in the motor cortex.
Planning a goal-directed sequence of behavior is a higher function of the human brain that relies on the integrity of prefrontal cortical areas. In the Tower of London test, a puzzle in which beads sliding on pegs must be moved to match a designated goal configuration, patients with lesioned prefrontal cortex show deficits in planning a goal-directed sequence of moves. We propose a neuronal network model of sequence planning that passes this test and, when lesioned, fails in a way that mimics prefrontal patients’ behavior. Our model comprises a descending planning system with hierarchically organized plan, operation, and gesture levels, and an ascending evaluative system that analyzes the problem and computes internal reward signals that index the correct/erroneous status of the plan. Multiple parallel pathways connecting the evaluative and planning systems amend the plan and adapt it to the current problem. The model illustrates how specialized hierarchically organized neuronal assemblies may collectively emulate central executive or supervisory functions of the human brain.
Neocortex, a new and rapidly evolving brain structure in mammals, has a similar layered architecture in species over a wide range of brain sizes. Larger brains require longer fibers to communicate between distant cortical areas; the volume of the white matter that contains long axons increases disproportionally faster than the volume of the gray matter that contains cell bodies, dendrites, and axons for local information processing, according to a power law. The theoretical analysis presented here shows how this remarkable anatomical regularity might arise naturally as a consequence of the local uniformity of the cortex and the requirement for compact arrangement of long axonal fibers. The predicted power law with an exponent of 4/3 minus a small correction for the thickness of the cortex accurately accounts for empirical data spanning several orders of magnitude in brain sizes for various mammalian species, including human and nonhuman primates.
Little is known about the specific functional contribution of the human orbitofrontal cortex with regard to memory processing, although there is strong evidence from lesion studies in monkeys that it may play an important role. The present investigation measured changes in regional cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography in normal human subjects who were instructed to commit to memory abstract visual patterns. The results indicated that the rostral orbitofrontal region (area 11), which is primarily linked with the anterior medial temporal limbic region and lateral prefrontal cortical areas, is involved in the process of encoding of new information.
Clinical evidence suggests that control mechanisms for local and global attention are lateralized in the temporal–parietal cortex. However, in the human occipital (visual) cortex, the evidence for lateralized local/global attention is controversial. To clarify this matter, we used functional MRI to map activity in the human occipital cortex, during local and global attention, with sustained visual fixation. Data were analyzed in a flattened cortical format, relative to maps of retinotopy and spatial frequency peak tuning. Neither local nor global attention was lateralized in the occipital cortex. Instead, local attention and global attention appear to be special cases of visual spatial attention, which are mapped consistently with the maps of retinotopy and spatial frequency tuning, in multiple visual cortical areas.
Proper understanding of processes underlying visual perception requires information on the activation order of distinct brain areas. We measured dynamics of cortical signals with magnetoencephalography while human subjects viewed stimuli at four visual quadrants. The signals were analyzed with minimum current estimates at the individual and group level. Activation emerged 55–70 ms after stimulus onset both in the primary posterior visual areas and in the anteromedial part of the cuneus. Other cortical areas were active after this initial dual activation. Comparison of data between species suggests that the anteromedial cuneus either comprises a homologue of the monkey area V6 or is an area unique to humans. Our results show that visual stimuli activate two cortical areas right from the beginning of the cortical response. The anteromedial cuneus has the temporal position needed to interact with the primary visual cortex V1 and thereby to modify information transferred via V1 to extrastriate cortices.
Auditory conditioning (associative learning) causes reorganization of the cochleotopic (frequency) maps of the primary auditory cortex (AI) and the inferior colliculus. Focal electric stimulation of the AI also evokes basically the same cortical and collicular reorganization as that caused by conditioning. Therefore, part of the neural mechanism for the plasticity of the central auditory system caused by conditioning can be explored by focal electric stimulation of the AI. The reorganization is due to shifts in best frequencies (BFs) together with shifts in frequency-tuning curves of single neurons. In the AI of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) and the posterior division of the AI of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii), focal electric stimulation evokes BF shifts of cortical auditory neurons located within a 0.7-mm distance along the frequency axis. The amount and direction of BF shift differ depending on the relationship in BF between stimulated and recorded neurons, and between the gerbil and mustached bat. Comparison in BF shift between different mammalian species and between different cortical areas of a single species indicates that BF shift toward the BF of electrically stimulated cortical neurons (centripetal BF shift) is common in the AI, whereas BF shift away from the BF of electrically stimulated cortical neurons (centrifugal BF shift) is special. Therefore, we propose a hypothesis that reorganization, and accordingly organization, of cortical auditory areas caused by associative learning can be quite different between specialized and nonspecialized (ordinary) areas of the auditory cortex.
Anatomical, physiological, and lesion data implicate multiple cortical regions in the complex experience of pain. These regions include primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, anterior cingulate cortex, insular cortex, and regions of the frontal cortex. Nevertheless, the role of different cortical areas in pain processing is controversial, particularly that of primary somatosensory cortex (S1). Human brain-imaging studies do not consistently reveal pain-related activation of S1, and older studies of cortical lesions and cortical stimulation in humans did not uncover a clear role of S1 in the pain experience. Whereas studies from a number of laboratories show that S1 is activated during the presentation of noxious stimuli as well as in association with some pathological pain states, others do not report such activation. Several factors may contribute to the different results among studies. First, we have evidence demonstrating that S1 activation is highly modulated by cognitive factors that alter pain perception, including attention and previous experience. Second, the precise somatotopic organization of S1 may lead to small focal activations, which are degraded by sulcal anatomical variability when averaging data across subjects. Third, the probable mixed excitatory and inhibitory effects of nociceptive input to S1 could be disparately represented in different experimental paradigms. Finally, statistical considerations are important in interpreting negative findings in S1. We conclude that, when these factors are taken into account, the bulk of the evidence now strongly supports a prominent and highly modulated role for S1 cortex in the sensory aspects of pain, including localization and discrimination of pain intensity.
Recent studies show that neuronal mechanisms for learning and memory both dynamically modulate and permanently alter the representations of visual stimuli in the adult monkey cortex. Three commonly observed neuronal effects in memory-demanding tasks are repetition suppression, enhancement, and delay activity. In repetition suppression, repeated experience with the same visual stimulus leads to both short- and long-term suppression of neuronal responses in subpopulations of visual neurons. Enhancement works in an opposite fashion, in that neuronal responses are enhanced for objects with learned behavioral relevance. Delay activity is found in tasks in which animals are required to actively hold specific information “on-line” for short periods. Repetition suppression appears to be an intrinsic property of visual cortical areas such as inferior temporal cortex and is thought to be important for perceptual learning and priming. By contrast, enhancement and delay activity may depend on feedback to temporal cortex from prefrontal cortex and are thought to be important for working memory. All of these mnemonic effects on neuronal responses bias the competitive interactions that take place between stimulus representations in the cortex when there is more than one stimulus in the visual field. As a result, memory will often determine the winner of these competitions and, thus, will determine which stimulus is attended.
This article reviews recent studies of memory systems in humans and nonhuman primates. Three major conclusions from recent work are that (i) the capacity for nondeclarative (nonconscious) learning can now be studied in a broad array of tasks that assess classification learning, perceptuomotor skill learning, artificial grammar learning, and prototype abstraction; (ii) cortical areas adjacent to the hippocampal formation, including entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal cortices, are an essential part of the medial temporal lobe memory system that supports declarative (conscious) memory; and (iii) in humans, bilateral damage limited to the hippocampal formation is nevertheless sufficient to produce severe anterograde amnesia and temporally graded retrograde amnesia covering as much as 25 years.
Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) provide high-resolution measures of the time course of neuronal activity patterns associated with perceptual and cognitive processes. New techniques for ERP source analysis and comparisons with data from blood-flow neuroimaging studies enable improved localization of cortical activity during visual selective attention. ERP modulations during spatial attention point toward a mechanism of gain control over information flow in extrastriate visual cortical pathways, starting about 80 ms after stimulus onset. Paying attention to nonspatial features such as color, motion, or shape is manifested by qualitatively different ERP patterns in multiple cortical areas that begin with latencies of 100–150 ms. The processing of nonspatial features seems to be contingent upon the prior selection of location, consistent with early selection theories of attention and with the hypothesis that spatial attention is “special.”
The auditory system of monkeys includes a large number of interconnected subcortical nuclei and cortical areas. At subcortical levels, the structural components of the auditory system of monkeys resemble those of nonprimates, but the organization at cortical levels is different. In monkeys, the ventral nucleus of the medial geniculate complex projects in parallel to a core of three primary-like auditory areas, AI, R, and RT, constituting the first stage of cortical processing. These areas interconnect and project to the homotopic and other locations in the opposite cerebral hemisphere and to a surrounding array of eight proposed belt areas as a second stage of cortical processing. The belt areas in turn project in overlapping patterns to a lateral parabelt region with at least rostral and caudal subdivisions as a third stage of cortical processing. The divisions of the parabelt distribute to adjoining auditory and multimodal regions of the temporal lobe and to four functionally distinct regions of the frontal lobe. Histochemically, chimpanzees and humans have an auditory core that closely resembles that of monkeys. The challenge for future researchers is to understand how this complex system in monkeys analyzes and utilizes auditory information.