130 resultados para Major Gene


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Although adaptive evolution is thought to depend primarily on mutations of small effect, major gene effects may underlie many of the important differences observed among species in nature. The Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) has a derived mode of development that is characterized by metamorphic failure (paedomorphosis), an adaptation for an entirely aquatic life cycle. By using an interspecific crossing design and genetic linkage analysis, a major quantitative trait locus for expression of metamorphosis was identified in a local map of amplified fragment length polymorphisms. These data are consistent with a major gene hypothesis for the evolution of paedomorphosis in A. mexicanum.


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Genomic mapping has been used to identify a region of the host genome that determines resistance to fusiform rust disease in loblolly pine where no discrete, simply inherited resistance factors had been previously found by conventional genetic analysis over four decades. A resistance locus, behaving as a single dominant gene, was mapped by association with genetic markers, even though the disease phenotype deviated from the expected Mendelian ratio. The complexity of forest pathosystems and the limitations of genetic analysis, based solely on phenotype, had led to an assumption that effective long-term disease resistance in trees should be polygenic. However, our data show that effective long-term resistance can be obtained from a single qualitative resistance gene, despite the presence of virulence in the pathogen population. Therefore, disease resistance in this endemic coevolved forest pathosystem is not exclusively polygenic. Genomic mapping now provides a powerful tool for characterizing the genetic basis of host pathogen interactions in forest trees and other undomesticated, organisms, where conventional genetic analysis often is limited or not feasible.


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Identification of individual major genes affecting quantitative traits in livestock species has been limited to date. By using a candidate gene approach and a divergent breed cross involving the Chinese Meishan pig, we have shown that a specific allele of the estrogen receptor (ER) locus is associated with increased litter size. Female pigs from synthetic lines with a 50% Meishan background that were homozygous for this beneficial allele produced 2.3 more pigs in first parities and 1.5 more pigs averaged over all parities than females from the same synthetic lines and homozygous for the undesirable allele. This beneficial ER allele was also found in pigs with Large White breed ancestory. Analysis of females with Large White breed background showed an advantage for females homozygous for the beneficial allele as compared to females homozygous for the other allele of more than 1 total pig born. Analyses of growth performance test records detected no significant unfavorable associations of the beneficial allele with growth and developmental traits. Mapping of the ER gene demonstrated that the closest known genes or markers were 3 centimorgans from ER. To our knowledge, one of these, superoxide dismutase gene (SOD2), was mapped for the first time in the pig. Analysis of ER and these linked markers indicated that ER is the best predictor of litter size differences. Introgression of the beneficial allele into commercial pig breeding lines, in which the allele was not present, and marker-assisted selection for the beneficial allele in lines with Meishan and Large White background have begun.


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The prevalence of cholesterol gallstones differs among inbred strains of mice fed a diet containing 15% (wt/wt) dairy fat, 1% (wt/wt) cholesterol, and 0.5% (wt/wt) cholic acid. Strains C57L, SWR, and A were notable for a high prevalence of cholelithiasis; strains C57BL/6, C3H, and SJL had an intermediate prevalence; and strains SM, AKR, and DBA/2 exhibited no cholelithiasis after consuming the diet for 18 weeks. Genetic analysis of the difference in gallstone prevalence rates between strains AKR and C57L was carried out by using the AKXL recombinant inbred strain set and (AKR x C57L)F1 x AKR backcross mice. Susceptibility to gallstone formation was found to be a dominant trait determined by at least two genes. A major gene, named Lith1, mapped to mouse chromosome 2. When examined after 6 weeks on the lithogenic diet, the activity of hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (EC was downregulated as expected in the gallstone-resistant strains, AKR and SJL, but this enzyme failed to downregulate in C57L and SWR, the gallstone-susceptible strains. This suggests that regulation of the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis may be pivotal in determining the occurrence and severity of cholesterol hypersecretion and hence lithogenicity of gallbladder bile. These studies indicate that genetic factors are critical in determining gallstone formation and that the genetic resources of the mouse model may permit these factors to be identified.


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Asthma is a complex heritable inflammatory disorder of the airways associated with clinical signs of atopy and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Recent studies localized a major gene for asthma to chromosome 5q31-q33 in humans. Thus, this segment of the genome represents a candidate region for genes that determine susceptibility to bronchial hyperresponsiveness and atopy in animal models. Homologs of candidate genes on human chromosome 5q31-q33 are found in four regions in the mouse genome, two on chromosome 18, and one each on chromosomes 11 and 13. We assessed bronchial responsiveness as a quantitative trait in mice and found it linked to chromosome 13. Interleukin 9 (IL-9) is located in the linked region and was analyzed as a gene candidate. The expression of IL-9 was markedly reduced in bronchial hyporesponsive mice, and the level of expression was determined by sequences within the qualitative trait locus (QTL). These data suggest a role for IL-9 in the complex pathogenesis of bronchial hyperresponsiveness as a risk factor for asthma.


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The proton-pumping ATPase (H+-ATPase) of the plant plasma membrane is encoded by two major gene subfamilies. To characterize individual H+-ATPases, PMA2, an H+-ATPase isoform of tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia), was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and found to functionally replace the yeast H+-ATPase if the external pH was kept above 5.0 (A. de Kerchove d'Exaerde, P. Supply, J.P. Dufour, P. Bogaerts, D. Thinès, A. Goffeau, M. Boutry [1995] J Biol Chem 270: 23828–23837). In the present study we replaced the yeast H+-ATPase with PMA4, an H+-ATPase isoform from the second subfamily. Yeast expressing PMA4 grew at a pH as low as 4.0. This was correlated with a higher acidification of the external medium and an approximately 50% increase of ATPase activity compared with PMA2. Although both PMA2 and PMA4 had a similar pH optimum (6.6–6.8), the profile was different on the alkaline side. At pH 7.2 PMA2 kept more than 80% of the maximal activity, whereas that of PMA4 decreased to less than 40%. Both enzymes were stimulated up to 3-fold by 100 μg/mL lysophosphatidylcholine, but this stimulation vanished at a higher concentration in PMA4. These data demonstrate functional differences between two plant H+-ATPases expressed in the same heterologous host. Characterization of two PMA4 mutants selected to allow yeast growth at pH 3.0 revealed that mutations within the carboxy-terminal region of PMA4 could still improve the enzyme, resulting in better growth of yeast cells.


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One of the rare examples of a single major gene underlying a naturally occurring behavioral polymorphism is the foraging locus of Drosophila melanogaster. Larvae with the rover allele, forR, have significantly longer foraging path lengths on a yeast paste than do those homozygous for the sitter allele, fors. These variants do not differ in general activity in the absence of food. The evolutionary significance of this polymorphism is not as yet understood. Here we examine the effect of high and low animal rearing densities on the larval foraging path-length phenotype and show that density-dependent natural selection produces changes in this trait. In three unrelated base populations the long path (rover) phenotype was selected for under high-density rearing conditions, whereas the short path (sitter) phenotype was selected for under low-density conditions. Genetic crosses suggested that these changes resulted from alterations in the frequency of the fors allele in the low-density-selected lines. Further experiments showed that density-dependent selection during the larval stage rather than the adult stage of development was sufficient to explain these results. Density-dependent mechanisms may be sufficient to maintain variation in rover and sitter behavior in laboratory populations.


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Ewes from the Booroola strain of Australian Mérino sheep are characterized by high ovulation rate and litter size. This phenotype is due to the action of the FecBB allele of a major gene named FecB, as determined by statistical analysis of phenotypic data. By genetic analysis of 31 informative half-sib families from heterozygous sires, we showed that the FecB locus is situated in the region of ovine chromosome 6 corresponding to the human chromosome 4q22–23 that contains the bone morphogenetic protein receptor IB (BMPR-IB) gene encoding a member of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) receptor family. A nonconservative substitution (Q249R) in the BMPR-IB coding sequence was found to be associated fully with the hyperprolificacy phenotype of Booroola ewes. In vitro, ovarian granulosa cells from FecBB/FecBB ewes were less responsive than granulosa cells from FecB+/FecB+ ewes to the inhibitory effect on steroidogenesis of GDF-5 and BMP-4, natural ligands of BMPR-IB. It is suggested that in FecBB/FecBB ewes, BMPR-IB would be inactivated partially, leading to an advanced differentiation of granulosa cells and an advanced maturation of ovulatory follicles.


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Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus due to autoimmune T lymphocyte-mediated destruction of pancreatic β cells. Although both major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CD8+ and class II-restricted CD4+ T cell subsets are required, the specific role each subset plays in the pathogenic process is still unclear. Here we show that class I-dependent T cells are required for all but the terminal stages of autoimmune diabetes development. To characterize the diabetogenic CD8+ T cells responsible, we isolated and propagated in vitro CD8+ T cells from the earliest insulitic lesions of NOD mice. They were cytotoxic to NOD islet cells, restricted to H-2Kd, and showed a diverse T cell receptor β chain repertoire. In contrast, their α chain repertoire was more restricted, with a recurrent amino acid sequence motif in the complementarity-determining region 3 loop and a prevalence of Vα17 family members frequently joined to the Jα42 gene segment. These results suggest that a number of the CD8+ T cells participating in the initial phase of autoimmune β cell destruction recognize a common structural component of Kd/peptide complexes on pancreatic β cells, possibly a single peptide.


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The inhibition of β-galactosidase expression in a medium containing both glucose and lactose is a typical example of the glucose effect in Escherichia coli. We studied the glucose effect in the lacL8UV5 promoter mutant, which is independent of cAMP and cAMP receptor protein (CRP). A strong inhibition of β-galactosidase expression by glucose and a diauxic growth were observed when the lacL8UV5 cells were grown on a glucose–lactose medium. The addition of isopropyl β-d-thiogalactoside to the culture medium eliminated the glucose effect. Disruption of the crr gene or overproduction of LacY also eliminated the glucose effect. These results are fully consistent with our previous finding that the glucose effect in wild-type cells growing in a glucose–lactose medium is not due to the reduction of CRP–cAMP levels but is due to the inducer exclusion. We found that the glucose effect in the lacL8UV5 cells was no longer observed when either the crp or the cya gene was disrupted. Evidence suggested that CRP–cAMP may not enhance directly the lac repressor action in vivo. Northern blot analysis revealed that the mRNA for ptsG, a major glucose transporter gene, was markedly reduced in a Δcrp or Δcya background. The constitutive expression of the ptsG gene by the introduction of a multicopy plasmid restored the glucose effect in Δcya or Δcrp cells. We conclude that CRP–cAMP plays a crucial role in inducer exclusion, which is responsible for the glucose–lactose diauxie, by activating the expression of the ptsG gene.


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A DNA sequence has been obtained for a 35.6-kb genomic segment from Heliobacillus mobilis that contains a major cluster of photosynthesis genes. A total of 30 ORFs were identified, 20 of which encode enzymes for bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis, reaction-center (RC) apoprotein, and cytochromes for cyclic electron transport. Donor side electron-transfer components to the RC include a putative RC-associated cytochrome c553 and a unique four-large-subunit cytochrome bc complex consisting of Rieske Fe-S protein (encoded by petC), cytochrome b6 (petB), subunit IV (petD), and a diheme cytochrome c (petX). Phylogenetic analysis of various photosynthesis gene products indicates a consistent grouping of oxygenic lineages that are distinct and descendent from anoxygenic lineages. In addition, H. mobilis was placed as the closest relative to cyanobacteria, which form a monophyletic origin to chloroplast-based photosynthetic lineages. The consensus of the photosynthesis gene trees also indicates that purple bacteria are the earliest emerging photosynthetic lineage. Our analysis also indicates that an ancient gene-duplication event giving rise to the paralogous bchI and bchD genes predates the divergence of all photosynthetic groups. In addition, our analysis of gene duplication of the photosystem I and photosystem II core polypeptides supports a “heterologous fusion model” for the origin and evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis.


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The b locus encodes a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes that produce purple anthocyanin pigment. Different b alleles are expressed in distinct tissues, causing tissue-specific anthocyanin production. Understanding how phenotypic diversity is produced and maintained at the b locus should provide models for how other regulatory genes, including those that influence morphological traits and development, evolve. We have investigated how different levels and patterns of pigmentation have evolved by determining the phenotypic and evolutionary relationships between 18 alleles that represent the diversity of b alleles in Zea mays. Although most of these alleles have few phenotypic differences, five alleles have very distinct tissue-specific patterns of pigmentation. Superimposing the phenotypes on the molecular phylogeny reveals that the alleles with strong and distinctive patterns of expression are closely related to alleles with weak expression, implying that the distinctive patterns have arisen recently. We have identified apparent insertions in three of the five phenotypically distinct alleles, and the fourth has unique upstream restriction fragment length polymorphisms relative to closely related alleles. The insertion in B-Peru has been shown to be responsible for its unique expression and, in the other two alleles, the presence of the insertion correlates with the phenotype. These results suggest that major changes in gene expression are probably the result of large-scale changes in DNA sequence and/or structure most likely mediated by transposable elements.


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The gene(s) encoded within major histocompatibility complex (MHC) act as one of the major genetic elements contributing to the susceptibility of murine systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We have recently demonstrated that lupus susceptibility is more closely linked to the I-E− H-2b haplotype than to the I-E+ H-2d haplotype in lupus-prone BXSB and (NZB × BXSB)F1 hybrid mice. To investigate whether the reduced susceptibility to SLE in H-2d mice is related to the expression of the MHC class II Ea gene (absent in H-2b mice), we determined the possible role of the Ea gene as a lupus protective gene in mice. Our results showed that (i) the development of SLE was almost completely prevented in BXSB (H-2b) mice expressing two copies of the Ead transgene at the homozygous level as well as in BXSB H-2k (I-E+) congenic mice as for H-2d BXSB mice, and (ii) the expression of two functional Ea (transgenic and endogenous) genes in either H-2d/b (NZB × BXSB)F1 or H-2k/b (MRL × BXSB)F1 mice provided protection from SLE at levels comparable to those conferred by the H-2d/d or H-2k/k haplotype. In addition, the level of the Ea gene-mediated protection appeared to be dependent on the genetic susceptibility to SLE in individual lupus-prone mice. Our results indicate that the reduced susceptibility associated with the I-E+ H-2d and H-2k haplotypes (versus the I-E− H-2b haplotype) is largely, if not all, contributed by the apparent autoimmune suppressive effect of the Ea gene, independently of the expression of the I-A or other MHC-linked genes.


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The molecular genetic mechanism of gene conversion in higher eukaryotes remains unknown. We find it of considerable interest to determine when during spermatogenesis gene conversion occurs. We have therefore purified pachytene spermatocytes and haploid spermatocytes from adult mice and analyzed these fractions for the presence of gene conversion products resulting from the transfer between the major histocompatibility complex class II genes Ebd and Abk in a polymerase chain reaction assay. We have further isolated spermatogenic cells from prepubescent mice and analyzed them for the presence of the same gene conversion products. We can detect gene conversion products in testis cells as early as in 8-d-old mice where the only existing spermatogenic cells are spermatogonia. The frequency of gene conversion products remains the same as the cells reach meiosis in 18-d-old mice, and is unchanged after meiosis is completed in haploid spermatocytes. Gene conversion of this specific fragment therefore appears to be a premeiotic event and, consequently, relies on genetic mechanisms other than normal meiotic recombination.


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Analysis of the antitumor immune response after gene transfer of a foreign major histocompatibility complex class I protein, HLA-B7, was performed. Ten HLA-B7-negative patients with stage IV melanoma were treated in an effort to stimulate local tumor immunity. Plasmid DNA was detected within treated tumor nodules, and RNA encoding recombinant HLA-B7 or HLA-B7 protein was demonstrated in 9 of 10 patients. T cell migration into treated lesions was observed and tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte reactivity was enhanced in six of seven and two of two patients analyzed, respectively. In contrast, the frequency of cytotoxic T lymphocyte against autologous tumor in circulating peripheral blood lymphocytes was not altered significantly, suggesting that peripheral blood lymphocyte reactivity is not indicative of local tumor responsiveness. Local inhibition of tumor growth was detected after gene transfer in two patients, one of whom showed a partial remission. This patient subsequently received treatment with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes derived from gene-modified tumor, with a complete regression of residual disease. Thus, gene transfer with DNA–liposome complexes encoding an allogeneic major histocompatibility complex protein stimulated local antitumor immune responses that facilitated the generation of effector cells for immunotherapy of cancer.