35 resultados para MITOCHONDRIA


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Nuclear-coded valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) of eukaryotes is regarded of mitochondrial origin. Complete ValRS sequences obtained by us from two amitochondriate protists, the diplomonad, Giardia lamblia and the parabasalid, Trichomonas vaginalis were of the eukaryotic type, strongly suggesting an identical history of ValRS in all eukaryotes studied so far. The findings indicate that diplomonads are secondarily amitochondriate and give further evidence for such conclusion reached recently concerning parabasalids. Together with similar findings on other amitochondriate groups (microsporidia and entamoebids), this work provides critical support for the emerging notion that no representatives of the premitochondrial stage of eukaryotic phylogenesis exist among the species living today.


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Human cytomegalovirus (CMV), a herpesvirus that causes congenital disease and opportunistic infections in immunocompromised individuals, encodes functions that facilitate efficient viral propagation by altering host cell behavior. Here we show that CMV blocks apoptosis mediated by death receptors and encodes a mitochondria-localized inhibitor of apoptosis, denoted vMIA, capable of suppressing apoptosis induced by diverse stimuli. vMIA, a product of the viral UL37 gene, inhibits Fas-mediated apoptosis at a point downstream of caspase-8 activation and Bid cleavage but upstream of cytochrome c release, while residing in mitochondria and associating with adenine nucleotide translocator. These functional properties resemble those ascribed to Bcl-2; however, the absence of sequence similarity to Bcl-2 or any other known cell death suppressors suggests that vMIA defines a previously undescribed class of anti-apoptotic proteins.


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The cluA gene of Dictyostelium discoideum encodes a novel 150-kDa protein. Disruption of cluA results in clustering of mitochondria near the cell center. This is a striking difference from normal cells, whose mitochondria are dispersed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. The mutant cell populations also exhibit an increased frequency of multinucleated cells, suggesting an impairment in cytokinesis. Both phenotypes are reversed by transformation of cluA− cells with a plasmid carrying a constitutively expressed cluA gene. The predicted sequence of the cluA gene product is homologous to sequences encoded by open reading frames in the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans, but not to any known protein. The only exception is a short region with some homology to the 42-residue imperfect repeats present in the kinesin light chain, which probably function in protein–protein interaction. These studies identify a new class of proteins that appear to be required for the proper distribution of mitochondria.


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Group I introns are mobile, self-splicing genetic elements found principally in organellar genomes and nuclear rRNA genes. The only group I intron known from mitochondrial genomes of vascular plants is located in the cox1 gene of Peperomia, where it is thought to have been recently acquired by lateral transfer from a fungal donor. Southern-blot surveys of 335 diverse genera of land plants now show that this intron is in fact widespread among angiosperm cox1 genes, but with an exceptionally patchy phylogenetic distribution. Four lines of evidence—the intron’s highly disjunct distribution, many incongruencies between intron and organismal phylogenies, and two sources of evidence from exonic coconversion tracts—lead us to conclude that the 48 angiosperm genera found to contain this cox1 intron acquired it by 32 separate horizontal transfer events. Extrapolating to the over 13,500 genera of angiosperms, we estimate that this intron has invaded cox1 genes by cross-species horizontal transfer over 1,000 times during angiosperm evolution. This massive wave of lateral transfers is of entirely recent occurrence, perhaps triggered by some key shift in the intron’s invasiveness within angiosperms.


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IL-7 functions as a trophic factor during T lymphocyte development by a mechanism that is partly based on the induction of Bcl-2, which protects cells from apoptosis. Here we report a mechanism by which cytokine withdrawal activates the prodeath protein Bax. On loss of IL-7 in a dependent cell line, Bax protein translocated from the cytosol to the mitochondria, where it integrated into the mitochondrial membrane. This translocation was attributable to a conformational change in the Bax protein itself. We show that a rise in intracellular pH preceded mitochondrial translocation and triggered the change in Bax conformation. Intracellular pH in the IL-7-dependent cells rose steadily to peak over pH 7.8 by 6 hr after cytokine withdrawal, paralleling the time point of Bax translocation (a similar alkalinization and Bax translocation was also observed after IL-3 withdrawal from a dependent cell line). The conformation of Bax was directly altered by pH of 7.8 or higher and was demonstrated by increased protease sensitivity, exposure of N terminus epitopes, and exposure of a hydrophobic domain in the C terminus. Eliminating charged amino acids at the C or N termini of Bax induced a conformational change similar to that induced by raising pH, implicating these residues in the pH effect. Therefore, we have shown that by either cytokine withdrawal, experimental manipulation of pH, or site-directed mutagenesis, Bax protein changes conformation, exposing membrane-seeking domains, thereby inducing mitochondrial translocation and initiating the cascade of events leading to apoptotic death.


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Cytochrome c release and the mitochondrial permeability transition (PT), including loss of the transmembrane potential (Δψ), play an important role in apoptosis. Using isolated mitochondria, we found that recombinant Bax and Bak, proapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, induced mitochondrial Δψ loss, swelling, and cytochrome c release. All of these changes were dependent on Ca2+ and were prevented by cyclosporin A (CsA) and bongkrekic acid, both of which close the PT pores (megachannels), indicating that Bax- and Bak-induced mitochondrial changes were mediated through the opening of these pores. Bax-induced mitochondrial changes were inhibited by recombinant Bcl-xL and transgene-derived Bcl-2, antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, as well as by oligomycin, suggesting a possible regulatory effect of F0F1-ATPase on Bax-induced mitochondrial changes. Proapoptotic Bax- and Bak-BH3 (Bcl-2 homology) peptides, but not a mutant BH3 peptide nor a mutant Bak lacking BH3, induced the mitochondrial changes, indicating an essential role of the BH3 region. A coimmunoprecipitation study revealed that Bax and Bak interacted with the voltage-dependent anion channel, which is a component of PT pores. Taken together, these findings suggest that proapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins, including Bax and Bak, induce the mitochondrial PT and cytochrome c release by interacting with the PT pores.


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On the basis of the sequence of the mitochondrial genome in the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana, RNA editing events were systematically investigated in the respective RNA population. A total of 456 C to U, but no U to C, conversions were identified exclusively in mRNAs, 441 in ORFs, 8 in introns, and 7 in leader and trailer sequences. No RNA editing was seen in any of the rRNAs or in several tRNAs investigated for potential mismatch corrections. RNA editing affects individual coding regions with frequencies varying between 0 and 18.9% of the codons. The predominance of RNA editing events in the first two codon positions is not related to translational decoding, because it is not correlated with codon usage. As a general effect, RNA editing increases the hydrophobicity of the coded mitochondrial proteins. Concerning the selection of RNA editing sites, little significant nucleotide preference is observed in their vicinity in comparison to unedited C residues. This sequence bias is, per se, not sufficient to specify individual C nucleotides in the total RNA population in Arabidopsis mitochondria.


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Multiple isoforms of type 1 hexokinase (HK1) are transcribed during spermatogenesis in the mouse, including at least three that are presumably germ cell specific: HK1-sa, HK1-sb, and HK1-sc. Each of these predicted proteins contains a common, germ cell-specific sequence that replaces the porin-binding domain found in somatic HK1. Although HK1 protein is present in mature sperm and is tyrosine phosphorylated, it is not known whether the various potential isoforms are differentially translated and localized within the developing germ cells and mature sperm. Using antipeptide antisera against unique regions of HK1-sa and HK1-sb, it was demonstrated that these isoforms were not found in pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, condensing spermatids, or sperm, suggesting that HK1-sa and HK1-sb are not translated during spermatogenesis. Immunoreactivity was detected in protein from round spermatids, condensing spermatids, and mature sperm using an antipeptide antiserum against the common, germ cell-specific region, suggesting that HK1-sc was the only germ cell-specific isoform present in these cells. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE suggested that all of the sperm HK1-sc was tyrosine phosphorylated, and that the somatic HK1 isoform was not present. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that HK1-sc was associated with the mitochondria and with the fibrous sheath of the flagellum and was found in discrete clusters in the region of the membranes of the sperm head. The unusual distribution of HK1-sc in sperm suggests novel functions, such as extramitochondrial energy production, and also demonstrates that a hexokinase without a classical porin-binding domain can localize to mitochondria.


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The motor protein kinesin is implicated in the intracellular transport of organelles along microtubules. Kinesin light chains (KLCs) have been suggested to mediate the selective binding of kinesin to its cargo. To test this hypothesis, we isolated KLC cDNA clones from a CHO-K1 expression library. Using sequence analysis, they were found to encode five distinct isoforms of KLCs. The primary region of variability lies at the carboxyl termini, which were identical or highly homologous to carboxyl-terminal regions of rat KLC B and C, human KLCs, sea urchin KLC isoforms 1–3, and squid KLCs. To examine whether the KLC isoforms associate with different cytoplasmic organelles, we made an antibody specific for a 10-amino acid sequence unique to B and C isoforms. In an indirect immunofluorescence assay, this antibody specifically labeled mitochondria in cultured CV-1 cells and human skin fibroblasts. On Western blots of total cell homogenates, it recognized a single KLC isoform, which copurified with mitochondria. Taken together, these data indicate a specific association of a particular KLC (B type) with mitochondria, revealing that different KLC isoforms can target kinesin to different cargoes.


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Import of tRNA into the mitochondrial matrix of Trypanosoma brucei was reconstituted in vitro. Efficient import required the hydrolysis of externally added ATP and was shown to be a carrier-mediated process depending on proteinaceous receptors on the surface of mitochondria. A partly synthetic tRNATyr as well as a physiological tRNALys were imported along the same pathway. Contrary to import of all matrix-localized proteins, tRNA import does not require a membrane potential. Furthermore, addition of an excess of import-competent tRNA had no effect on import of a mitochondrial matrix protein. In summary, these results show that tRNAs and proteins in T. brucei are imported by fundamentally different mechanisms.


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Mammalian mitochondrial ribosomes contain two prokaryotic-like rRNAs, 12S and 16S, both encoded by mitochondrial DNA. As opposed to cytosolic ribosomes, however, these ribosomes are not thought to contain 5S rRNA. For this reason, it has been unclear whether 5S rRNA, which can be detected in mitochondrial preparations, is an authentic organellar species imported from the cytosol or is merely a copurifying cytosol-derived contaminant. We now show that 5S rRNA is tightly associated with highly purified mitochondrial fractions of human and rat cells and that 5S rRNA transcripts derived from a synthetic gene transfected transiently into human cells are both expressed in vivo and present in highly purified mitochondria and mitoplasts. We conclude that 5S rRNA is imported into mammalian mitochondria, but its function there still remains to be clarified.


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The Tim23 protein is an essential inner membrane (IM) component of the yeast mitochondrial protein import pathway. Tim23p does not carry an amino-terminal presequence; therefore, the targeting information resides within the mature protein. Tim23p is anchored in the IM via four transmembrane segments and has two positively charged loops facing the matrix. To identify the import signal for Tim23p, we have constructed several altered versions of the Tim23 protein and examined their function and import in yeast cells, as well as their import into isolated mitochondria. We replaced the positively charged amino acids in one or both loops with alanine residues and found that the positive charges are not required for import into mitochondria, but at least one positively charged loop is required for insertion into the IM. Furthermore, we find that the signal to target Tim23p to mitochondria is carried in at least two of the hydrophobic transmembrane segments. Our results suggest that Tim23p contains separate import signals: hydrophobic segments for targeting Tim23p to mitochondria, and positively charged loops for insertion into the IM. We therefore propose that Tim23p is imported into mitochondria in at least two distinct steps.


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To identify yeast cytosolic proteins that mediate targeting of precursor proteins to mitochondria, we developed an in vitro import system consisting of purified yeast mitochondria and a radiolabeled mitochondrial precursor protein whose C terminus was still attached to the ribosome. In this system, the N terminus of the nascent chain was translocated across both mitochondrial membranes, generating a translocation intermediate spanning both membranes. The nascent chain could then be completely chased into the mitochondrial matrix after release from the ribosome. Generation of this import intermediate was dependent on a mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial surface proteins, and was stimulated by proteins that could be released from the ribosomes by high salt. The major salt-released stimulatory factor was yeast nascent polypeptide–associated complex (NAC). Purified NAC fully restored import of salt-washed ribosome-bound nascent chains by enhancing productive binding of the chains to mitochondria. We propose that ribosome-associated NAC facilitates recognition of nascent precursor chains by the mitochondrial import machinery.


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The dynamin family of large GTPases has been implicated in vesicle formation from both the plasma membrane and various intracellular membrane compartments. The dynamin-like protein DLP1, recently identified in mammalian tissues, has been shown to be more closely related to the yeast dynamin proteins Vps1p and Dnm1p (42%) than to the mammalian dynamins (37%). Furthermore, DLP1 has been shown to associate with punctate vesicles that are in intimate contact with microtubules and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in mammalian cells. To define the function of DLP1, we have transiently expressed both wild-type and two mutant DLP1 proteins, tagged with green fluorescent protein, in cultured mammalian cells. Point mutations in the GTP-binding domain of DLP1 (K38A and D231N) dramatically changed its intracellular distribution from punctate vesicular structures to either an aggregated or a diffuse pattern. Strikingly, cells expressing DLP1 mutants or microinjected with DLP1 antibodies showed a marked reduction in ER fluorescence and a significant aggregation and tubulation of mitochondria by immunofluorescence microscopy. Consistent with these observations, electron microscopy of DLP1 mutant cells revealed a striking and quantitative change in the distribution and morphology of mitochondria and the ER. These data support very recent studies by other authors implicating DLP1 in the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology in both yeast and mammalian cells. Furthermore, this study provides the first evidence that a dynamin family member participates in the maintenance and distribution of the ER. How DLP1 might participate in the biogenesis of two presumably distinct organelle systems is discussed.


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Three cytosolic and one plasma membrane-bound 5′-nucleotidases have been cloned and characterized. Their various substrate specificities suggest widely different functions in nucleotide metabolism. We now describe a 5′-nucleotidase in mitochondria. The enzyme, named dNT-2, dephosphorylates specifically the 5′- and 2′(3′)-phosphates of uracil and thymine deoxyribonucleotides. The cDNA of human dNT-2 codes for a 25.9-kDa polypeptide with a typical mitochondrial leader peptide, providing the structural basis for two-step processing during import into the mitochondrial matrix. The deduced amino acid sequence is 52% identical to that of a recently described cytosolic deoxyribonucleotidase (dNT-1). The two enzymes share many catalytic properties, but dNT-2 shows a narrower substrate specificity. Mitochondrial localization of dNT-2 was demonstrated by the mitochondrial fluorescence of 293 cells expressing a dNT-2-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein. 293 cells expressing fusion proteins without leader peptide or with dNT-1 showed a cytosolic fluorescence. During in vitro import into mitochondria, the preprotein lost the leader peptide. We suggest that dNT-2 protects mitochondrial DNA replication from overproduction of dTTP, in particular in resting cells. Mitochondrial toxicity of dTTP can be inferred from a severe inborn error of metabolism in which the loss of thymidine phosphorylase led to dTTP accumulation and aberrant mitochondrial DNA replication. We localized the gene for dNT-2 on chromosome 17p11.2 in the Smith–Magenis syndrome-critical region, raising the possibility that dNT-2 is involved in the etiology of this genetic disease.