192 resultados para MAJOR CAPSID PROTEIN


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The capsid protein of hepatitis B virus, consisting of an “assembly” domain (residues 1–149) and an RNA-binding “protamine” domain (residues 150–183), assembles from dimers into icosahedral capsids of two different sizes. The C terminus of the assembly domain (residues 140–149) functions as a morphogenetic switch, longer C termini favoring a higher proportion of the larger capsids, it also connects the protamine domain to the capsid shell. We now have defined the location of this peptide in capsids assembled in vitro by engineering a mutant assembly domain with a single cysteine at its C terminus (residue 150), labeling it with a gold cluster and visualizing the cluster by cryo-electron microscopy. The labeled protein is unimpaired in its ability to form capsids. Our density map reveals a single undecagold cluster under each fivefold and quasi-sixfold vertex, connected to sites at either end of the undersides of the dimers. Considering the geometry of the vertices, the C termini must be more crowded at the fivefolds. Thus, a bulky C terminus would be expected to favor formation of the larger (T = 4) capsids, which have a greater proportion of quasi-sixfolds. Capsids assembled by expressing the full-length protein in Escherichia coli package bacterial RNAs in amounts equivalent to the viral pregenome. Our density map of these capsids reveals a distinct inner shell of density—the RNA. The RNA is connected to the protein shell via the C-terminal linkers and also makes contact around the dimer axes.


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Repeated, specific interactions between capsid protein (CP) subunits direct virus capsid assembly and exemplify regulated proteinprotein interactions. The results presented here reveal a striking in vivo switch in CP assembly. Using cryoelectron microscopy, three-dimensional image reconstruction, and molecular modeling, we show that brome mosaic virus (BMV) CP can assemble in vivo two remarkably distinct capsids that selectively package BMV-derived RNAs in the absence of BMV RNA replication: a 180-subunit capsid indistinguishable from virions produced in natural infections and a previously unobserved BMV capsid type with 120 subunits arranged as 60 CP dimers. Each such dimer contains two CPs in distinct, nonequivalent environments, in contrast to the quasi-equivalent CP environments throughout the 180-subunit capsid. This 120-subunit capsid utilizes most of the CP interactions of the 180-subunit capsid plus nonequivalent CP–CP interactions. Thus, the CP of BMV, and perhaps other viruses, can encode CP–CP interactions that are not apparent from mature virions and may function in assembly or disassembly. Shared structural features suggest that the 120- and 180-subunit capsids share assembly steps and that a common pentamer of CP dimers may be an important assembly intermediate. The ability of a single CP to switch between distinct capsids by means of alternate interactions also implies reduced evolutionary barriers between different capsid structures. The in vivo switch between alternate BMV capsids is controlled by the RNA packaged: a natural BMV genomic RNA was packaged in 180-subunit capsids, whereas an engineered mRNA containing only the BMV CP gene was packaged in 120-subunit capsids. RNA features can thus direct the assembly of a ribonucleoprotein complex between alternate structural pathways.


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Recently, cryoelectron microscopy of isolated macromolecular complexes has advanced to resolutions below 10 Å, enabling direct visualization of α-helical secondary structure. To help correlate such density maps with the amino acid sequences of the component proteins, we advocate peptide-based difference mapping, i.e., insertion of peptides, ≈10 residues long, at targeted points in the sequence and visualization of these peptides as bulk labels in cryoelectron microscopy-derived difference maps. As proof of principle, we have appended an extraneous octapeptide at the N terminus of hepatitis B virus capsid protein and determined its location on the capsid surface by difference imaging at 11 Å resolution. Hepatitis B virus capsids are icosahedral particles, ≈300 Å in diameter, made up of T-shaped dimers (subunit Mr, 16–21 kDa, depending on construct). The stems of the Ts protrude outward as spikes, whereas the crosspieces pack to form the contiguous shell. The two N termini per dimer reside on either side of the spike-stem, at the level at which it enters the shell. This location is consistent with formation of the known intramolecular disulfide bond between the cysteines at positions 61 and −7 (in the residual propeptide) in the “e-antigen” form of the capsid protein and has implications for why this clinically important antigen remains unassembled in vivo.


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Protein synthesis is believed to be initiated with the amino acid methionine because the AUG translation initiation codon of mRNAs is recognized by the anticodon of initiator methionine transfer RNA. A group of positive-stranded RNA viruses of insects, however, lacks an AUG translation initiation codon for their capsid protein gene, which is located at the downstream part of the genome. The capsid protein of one of these viruses, Plautia stali intestine virus, is synthesized by internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation. Here we report that methionine is not the initiating amino acid in the translation of the capsid protein in this virus. Its translation is initiated with glutamine encoded by a CAA codon that is the first codon of the capsid-coding region. The nucleotide sequence immediately upstream of the capsid-coding region interacts with a loop segment in the stem–loop structure located 15–43 nt upstream of the 5′ end of the capsid-coding region. The pseudoknot structure formed by this base pair interaction is essential for translation of the capsid protein. This mechanism for translation initiation differs from the conventional one in that the initiation step controlled by the initiator methionine transfer RNA is not necessary.


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Both cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin or cis-DDP) and trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) form covalent adducts with DNA. However, only the cis isomer is a potent anticancer agent. It has been postulated that the selective action of cis-DDP occurs through specific binding of nuclear proteins to cis-DDP-damaged DNA sites and that binding blocks DNA repair. We find that a very abundant nuclear protein, the linker histone H1, binds much more strongly to cis-platinated DNA than to trans-platinated or unmodified DNA. In competition experiments, H1 is shown to bind much more strongly than HMG1, which had been previously considered a major candidate for such binding in vivo.


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Cells infected with herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) undergo productive or latent infection without exhibiting features characteristic of apoptosis. In this report, we show that HSV-1 induces apoptosis but has evolved a function that blocks apoptosis induced by infection as well as by other means. Specifically, (i) Vero cells infected with a HSV-1 mutant deleted in the regulatory gene alpha 4 (that encodes repressor and transactivating functions), but not those infected with wild-type HSV-1(F), exhibit cytoplasmic blebbing, chromatin condensation, and fragmented DNA detected as a ladder in agarose gels or by labeling free DNA ends with terminal transferase; (ii) Vero cells infected with wild-type HSV-1(F) or cells expressing the alpha 4 gene and infected with the alpha 4- virus did not exhibit apoptosis; (iii) fragmentation of cellular DNA was observed in Vero cells that were mock-infected or infected with the alpha 4- virus and maintained at 39.5 degrees C, but not in cells infected with wild-type virus and maintained at the same temperature. Wild-type strains of HSV-1 with limited extrahuman passages, such as HSV-1 (F), carry a temperature-sensitive lesion in the alpha 4 gene and at 39.5 degrees C only alpha genes are expressed. These results indicate that the product of the alpha 4 gene is able to suppress apoptosis induced by the virus as well by other means.


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Alternatives to cell culture systems for production of recombinant proteins could make very safe vaccines at a lower cost. We have used genetically engineered plants for expression of candidate vaccine antigens with the goal of using the edible plant organs for economical delivery of oral vaccines. Transgenic tobacco and potato plants were created that express the capsid protein of Norwalk virus, a calicivirus that causes epidemic acute gastroenteritis in humans. The capsid protein could be extracted from tobacco leaves in the form of 38-nm Norwalk virus-like particles. Recombinant Norwalk virus-like particle (rNV) was previously recovered when the same gene was expressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells. The capsid protein expressed in tobacco leaves and potato tubers cosedimented in sucrose gradients with insect cell-derived rNV and appeared identical to insect cell-derived rNV on immunoblots of SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The plant-expressed rNV was orally immunogenic in mice. Extracts of tobacco leaf expressing rNV were given to CD1 mice by gavage, and the treated mice developed both serum IgG and secretory IgA specific for rNV. Furthermore, when potato tubers expressing rNV were fed directly to mice, they developed serum IgG specific for rNV. These results indicate the potential usefulness of plants for production and delivery of edible vaccines. This is an appropriate technology for developing countries where vaccines are urgently needed.


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The herpes simplex virus 1 infected cell protein 4 (ICP4) binds to DNA and regulates gene expression both positively and negatively. EAP (Epstein-Barr virus-encoded small nuclear RNA-associated protein) binds to small nonpolyadenylylated nuclear RNAs and is found in nucleoli and in ribosomes, where it is also known as L22. We report that EAP interacts with a domain of ICP4 that is known to bind viral DNA response elements and transcriptional factors. In a gel-shift assay, a glutathione S-transferase (GST)-EAP fusion protein disrupted the binding of ICP4 to its cognate site on DNA in a dose-dependent manner. This effect appeared to be specifically due to EAP binding to ICP4 because (i) GST alone did not alter the binding of ICP4 to DNA, (ii) GST-EAP did not bind to the probe DNA, and (iii) GST-EAP did not influence the binding of the alpha gene trans-inducing factor (alphaTIF or VP16) to its DNA cognate site. Early in infection, ICP4 was dispersed throughout the nucleoplasm, whereas EAP was localized to the nucleoli. Late in infection, EAP was translocated from nucleoli and colocalized with ICP4 in small, dense nuclear structures. The formation of dense structures and the colocalization of EAP and ICP4 did not occur if virus DNA synthesis and late gene expression were prevented by the infection of cells at the nonpermissive temperature with a mutant virus defective in DNA synthesis, or in cells infected and maintained in the presence of phosphonoacetate, which is an inhibitor of viral DNA synthesis. These results suggest that the translocation of EAP from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasm is a viral function and that EAP plays a role in the regulatory functions expressed by ICP4.


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Infection of mucosal epithelium by papillomaviruses is responsible for the induction of genital and oral warts and plays a critical role in the development of human cervical and oropharyngeal cancer. We have employed a canine model to develop a systemic vaccine that completely protects against experimentally induced oral mucosal papillomas. The major capsid protein, L1, of canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) was expressed in Sf9 insect cells in native conformation. L1 protein, which self-assembled into virus-like particles, was purified on CsCl gradients and injected intradermally into the foot pad of beagles. Vaccinated animals developed circulating antibodies against COPV and became completely resistant to experimental challenge with COPV. Successful immunization was strictly dependent upon native L1 protein conformation and L1 type. Partial protection was achieved with as little as 0.125 ng of L1 protein, and adjuvants appeared useful for prolonging the host immune response. Serum immunoglobulins passively transferred from COPV L1-immunized beagles to naive beagles conferred protection from experimental infection with COPV. Our results indicate the feasibility of developing a human vaccine to prevent mucosal papillomas, which can progress to malignancy.


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Leishmaniavirus (LRV) is a double-stranded RNA virus that persistently infects the protozoan parasite Leishmania. LRV produces a short RNA transcript, corresponding to the 5' end of positive-sense viral RNA, both in vivo and in in vitro polymerase assays. The short transcript is generated by a single site-specific cleavage event in the 5' untranslated region of the 5.3-kb genome. This cleavage event can be reproduced in vitro with purified viral particles and a substrate RNA transcript possessing the viral cleavage site. A region of nucleotides required for cleavage was identified by analyzing the cleavage sites yielding the short transcripts of various LRV isolates. A 6-nt deletion at this cleavage site completely abolished RNA processing. In an in vitro cleavage assay, baculovirus-expressed capsid protein possessed an endonuclease activity identical to that of native virions, showing that the viral capsid protein is the RNA endonuclease. Identification of the LRV capsid protein as an RNA endonuclease is unprecedented among known viral capsid proteins.


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The polyomavirus virion has an outer capsid comprised of 72 pentamers of the VP1 protein associated with the minor virion proteins, VP2 and VP3, and the viral minichromosome. To investigate the interaction between VP1 and VP2/VP3, we mapped VP1 phosphorylation sites and assayed VP1 recognition by anti-peptide antibodies after coexpression of VP1 with VP2 or VP3 by using recombinant baculovirus vectors. VP1, expressed either alone or with VP3, was phosphorylated on serine residues, which are not modified during polyomavirus infection of mouse cells. When VP1 was coexpressed with VP2, the nonphysiologic serine phosphorylation of VP1 was decreased, and a tryptic peptide containing Thr-63, a site modified during virus infection of mouse cells, was phosphorylated. An anti-peptide antibody directed against the VP1 BC loop domain containing Thr-63 recognized VP1 expressed alone but not VP1 coexpressed with VP2 or VP3. The change in phosphorylation resulting from coexpression of two structural proteins identifies the potential of the baculovirus system for studying protein-protein interactions and defines a functional role for the VP1-VP2 interaction.


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We report the discovery and molecular characterization of a small and very acidic nucleolar protein of an SDS/PAGE mobility corresponding to Mr 29,000 (NO29). The cDNA-deduced sequence of the Xenopus laevis protein defines a polypeptide of a calculated molecular mass of 20,121 and a pI of 3.75, with an extended acidic region near its C terminus, and is related to the major nucleolar protein, NO38, and the histone-binding protein, nucleoplasmin. This member of the nucleoplasmin family of proteins was immunolocalized to nucleoli in Xenopus oocytes and diverse somatic cells. Protein NO29 is associated with nuclear particles from Xenopus oocytes, partly complexed with protein NO38, and occurs in preribosomes but not in mature ribosomes. The location and the enormously high content of negatively charged amino acids lead to the hypothesis that NO29 might be involved in the nuclear and nucleolar accumulation of ribosomal proteins and the coordinated assembly of pre-ribosomal particles.


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Rotavirus contains two outer capsid viral proteins, the spike protein VP4 and major capsid component VP7, both of which are implicated in cell entry. We show that VP4 and VP7 contain tripeptide sequences previously shown to act as recognition sites for integrins in extracellular matrix proteins. VP4 contains the α2β1 integrin ligand site DGE. In VP7, the αxβ2 integrin ligand site GPR and the α4β1 integrin ligand site LDV are embedded in a novel disintegrin-like domain that also shows sequence similarity to fibronectin and the tie receptor tyrosine kinase. Microorganism sequence homology to these ligand motifs and to disintegrins has not been reported previously. In our experiments, peptides including these rotaviral tripeptides and mAbs directed to these integrins specifically blocked rotavirus infection of cells shown to express α2β1 and β2 integrins. Rotavirus VP4-mediated cell entry may involve the α2β1 integrin, whereas VP7 appears to interact with αxβ2 and α4β1 integrins.


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The endosperm of a sorghum mutant cultivar, with high in vitro uncooked and cooked protein digestibilities, was examined by transmission electron microscopy and α-, β-, and γ-kafirins (storage proteins) were localized within its protein bodies. Transmission electron microscopy micrographs revealed that these protein bodies had a unique microstructure related to high protein digestibility. They were irregular in shape and had numerous invaginations, often reaching to the central area of the protein body. Protein bodies from normal cultivars, such as P721N studied here, with much lower uncooked and cooked digestibilities are spherical and contain no invaginations. Immunocytochemistry results showed that the relative location of α- and β-kafirins within the protein bodies of the highly digestible genotype were similar to the normal cultivar, P721N. γ-Kafirin, however, was concentrated in dark-staining regions at the base of the folds instead of at the protein body periphery, as is typical of normal cultivars. The resulting easy accessibility of digestive enzymes to α-kafirin, the major storage protein, in addition to the increased surface area of the protein bodies of the highly digestible cultivar appear to account for its high in vitro protein digestibility.


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c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are potently activated by a number of cellular stimuli. Small GTPases, in particular Rac, are responsible for initiating the activation of the JNK pathways. So far, the signals leading from extracellular stimuli to the activation of Rac have remained elusive. Recent studies have demonstrated that the Src homology 2 (SH2)- and Src homology 3 (SH3)-containing adaptor protein Crk is capable of activating JNK when ectopically expressed. We found here that transient expression of Crk induces JNK activation, and this activation was dependent on both the SH2- and SH3-domains of Crk. Expression of p130Cas (Cas), a major binding protein for the Crk SH2-domain, also induced JNK activation, which was blocked by the SH2-mutant of Crk. JNK activation by Cas and Crk was effectively blocked by a dominant-negative form of Rac, suggesting for a linear pathway from the Cas-Crk-complex to the Rac-JNK activation. Many of the stimuli that activate the Rac-JNK pathway enhance engagement of the Crk SH2-domain. JNK activation by these stimuli, such as epidermal growth factor, integrin ligand binding and v-Src, was efficiently blocked by dominant-negative mutants of Crk. A dominant-negative form of Cas in turn blocked the integrin-, but not epidermal growth factor - nor v-Src-mediated JNK activation. Together, these results demonstrate an important role for Crk in connecting multiple cellular stimuli to the Rac-JNK pathway, and a role for the Cas-Crk complex in integrin-mediated JNK activation.