27 resultados para L Cv Sparkle
Plant accumulation of Fe and other metals can be enhanced under Fe deficiency. We investigated the influence of Fe status on heavy-metal and divalent-cation uptake in roots of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Sparkle) seedlings using Cd2+ uptake as a model system. Radiotracer techniques were used to quantify unidirectional 109Cd influx into roots of Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient pea seedlings. The concentration-dependent kinetics for 109Cd influx were graphically complex and nonsaturating but could be resolved into a linear component and a saturable component exhibiting Michaelis-Menten kinetics. We demonstrated that the linear component was apoplastically bound Cd2+ remaining in the root cell wall after desorption, whereas the saturable component was transporter-mediated Cd2+ influx across the root-cell plasma membrane. The Cd2+ transport system in roots of both Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient seedlings exhibited similar Michaelis constant values, 1.5 and 0.6 μm, respectively, for saturable Cd2+ influx, whereas the maximum initial velocity for Cd2+ uptake in Fe-deficient seedlings was nearly 7-fold higher than that in Fe-grown seedlings. Investigations into the mechanistic basis for this response demonstrated that Fe-deficiency-induced stimulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase did not play a role in the enhanced Cd2+ uptake. Expression studies with the Fe2+ transporter cloned from Arabidopsis, IRT1, indicated that Fe deficiency induced the expression of this transporter, which might facilitate the transport of heavy-metal divalent cations such as Cd2+ and Zn2+, in addition to Fe2+.
Many reports have shown that plant growth and yield is superior on mixtures of NO3− and NH4+ compared with provision of either N source alone. Despite its clear practical importance, the nature of this N-source synergism at the cellular level is poorly understood. In the present study we have used the technique of compartmental analysis by efflux and the radiotracer 13N to measure cellular turnover kinetics, patterns of flux partitioning, and cytosolic pool sizes of both NO3− and NH4+ in seedling roots of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv IR72), supplied simultaneously with the two N sources. We show that plasma membrane fluxes for NH4+, cytosolic NH4+ accumulation, and NH4+ metabolism are enhanced by the presence of NO3−, whereas NO3− fluxes, accumulation, and metabolism are strongly repressed by NH4+. However, net N acquisition and N translocation to the shoot with dual N-source provision are substantially larger than when NO3− or NH4+ is provided alone at identical N concentrations.
Nicotianamine synthase (NAS), the key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway for the mugineic acid family of phytosiderophores, catalyzes the trimerization of S-adenosylmethionine to form one molecule of nicotianamine. We purified NAS protein and isolated the genes nas1, nas2, nas3, nas4, nas5-1, nas5-2, and nas6, which encode NAS and NAS-like proteins from Fe-deficient barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Ehimehadaka no. 1) roots. Escherichia coli expressing nas1 showed NAS activity, confirming that this gene encodes a functional NAS. Expression of nas genes as determined by northern-blot analysis was induced by Fe deficiency and was root specific. The NAS genes form a multigene family in the barley and rice genomes.
The extent of in vitro formation of the borate-dimeric-rhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II) complex was stimulated by Ca2+. The complex formed in the presence of Ca2+ was more stable than that without Ca2+. A naturally occurring boron (B)-RG-II complex isolated from radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv Aokubi-daikon) root contained equimolar amounts of Ca2+ and B. Removal of the Ca2+ by trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid induced cleavage of the complex into monomeric RG-II. These data suggest that Ca2+ is a normal component of the B-RG-II complex. Washing the crude cell walls of radish roots with a 1.5% (w/v) sodium dodecyl sulfate solution, pH 6.5, released 98% of the tissue Ca2+ but only 13% of the B and 22% of the pectic polysaccharides. The remaining Ca2+ was associated with RG-II. Extraction of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-washed cell walls with 50 mm trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid, pH 6.5, removed the remaining Ca2+, 78% of B, and 49% of pectic polysaccharides. These results suggest that not only Ca2+ but also borate and Ca2+ cross-linking in the RG-II region retain so-called chelator-soluble pectic polysaccharides in cell walls.
Treatment of soybean (Glycine max L. cv Williams 82) cell-suspension cultures with Pseudomonas syringae pv glycinea (Psg) harboring an avirulence gene (avrA) or with yeast elicitor resulted in an oxidative burst characterized by the accumulation of H2O2. This burst, and the resultant induction of glutathione S-transferase transcripts, occurred more rapidly and was more prolonged if cells were simultaneously treated with serine protease inhibitors such as phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) or diisopropylfluorophosphate. PMSF and diisopropylfluorophosphate potentiate a large oxidative burst in cells exposed to Psg harboring the avrC avirulence gene, which is not recognized by the soybean cultivar used in this study. The potentiated burst was inhibited by diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase, and by the protein kinase inhibitor K252a. PMSF treatment of elicited cells or cells exposed to Psg:avrA caused a large increase in the accumulation of the isoflavonoid phytoalexin glyceollin; however, this was not associated with increased levels of transcripts encoding key phytoalexin biosynthetic enzymes. Glyceollin accumulation was inhibited by diphenylene iodonium; however, the oxidative burst in cells treated with Psg:avrC and PMSF was not followed by phytoalexin accumulation. We conclude that active oxygen species from the oxidative burst are necessary but not sufficient for inducing isoflavonoid phytoalexin accumulation in soybean cells.
Elongation rates of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Hanna) leaves decreased with decreasing soil water content, whereas the pH of xylem sap increased from 5.9 to 6.9 over 6 d as the soil dried. The reduction in leaf-elongation rate (LER) was correlated with the increase in sap pH. Artificial sap buffered to different pH values was fed via the subcrown internode to derooted seedlings. Although leaves elongated at in planta rates when fed artificial sap at a well-watered pH of 6.0, LER declined with increasing sap pH. This effect persisted in the light and in the dark. pH had no effect on the relative water content or the bulk abscisic acid (ABA) concentration of the growing zone of these leaves. LERs of the ABA-deficient mutant Az34 were uniformly high over the pH range tested, whereas those of its isogenic wild-type cultivar Steptoe were reduced as the artificial sap pH was increased from 6.0 to 7.0. However, supplying a well-watered concentration of ABA (3 × 10−8 m) in the artificial xylem sap restored the pH response of the Az34 mutant. The results suggest that increased xylem sap pH acts as a drought signal to reduce LER via an ABA-dependent mechanism.
This work illustrates potential adverse effects linked with the expression of proteinase inhibitor (PI) in plants used as a strategy to enhance pest resistance. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi) and Arabidopsis [Heynh.] ecotype Wassilewskija) transgenic plants expressing the mustard trypsin PI 2 (MTI-2) at different levels were obtained. First-instar larvae of the Egyptian cotton worm (Spodoptera littoralis Boisd.) were fed on detached leaves of these plants. The high level of MTI-2 expression in leaves had deleterious effects on larvae, causing mortality and decreasing mean larval weight, and was correlated with a decrease in the leaf surface eaten. However, larvae fed leaves from plants expressing MTI-2 at the low expression level did not show increased mortality, but a net gain in weight and a faster development compared with control larvae. The low MTI-2 expression level also resulted in increased leaf damage. These observations are correlated with the differential expression of digestive proteinases in the larval gut; overexpression of existing proteinases on low-MTI-2-expression level plants and induction of new proteinases on high-MTI-2-expression level plants. These results emphasize the critical need for the development of a PI-based defense strategy for plants obtaining the appropriate PI-expression level relative to the pest's sensitivity threshold to that PI.
A Gouy-Chapman-Stern model has been developed for the computation of surface electrical potential (ψ0) of plant cell membranes in response to ionic solutes. The present model is a modification of an earlier version developed to compute the sorption of ions by wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Scout 66) root plasma membranes. A single set of model parameters generates values for ψ0 that correlate highly with published ζ potentials of protoplasts and plasma membrane vesicles from diverse plant sources. The model assumes ion binding to a negatively charged site (R− = 0.3074 μmol m−2) and to a neutral site (P0 = 2.4 μmol m−2) according to the reactions R− + IΖ ⇌ RIΖ−1 and P0 + IΖ ⇌ PIΖ, where IΖ represents an ion of charge Ζ. Binding constants for the negative site are 21,500 m−1 for H+, 20,000 m−1 for Al3+, 2,200 m−1 for La3+, 30 m−1 for Ca2+ and Mg2+, and 1 m−1 for Na+ and K+. Binding constants for the neutral site are 1/180 the value for binding to the negative site. Ion activities at the membrane surface, computed on the basis of ψ0, appear to determine many aspects of plant-mineral interactions, including mineral nutrition and the induction and alleviation of mineral toxicities, according to previous and ongoing studies. A computer program with instructions for the computation of ψ0, ion binding, ion concentrations, and ion activities at membrane surfaces may be requested from the authors.
Ca2+ in rooting medium is essential for root elongation, even in the absence of added toxicants. In the presence of rhizotoxic levels of Al3+, H+, or Na+ (or other cationic toxicants), supplementation of the medium with higher levels of Ca2+ alleviates growth inhibition. Experiments to determine the mechanisms of alleviation entailed measurements of root elongation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Scout 66) seedlings in controlled medium. A Gouy-Chapman-Stern model was used to compute the electrical potentials and the activities of ions at the root-cell plasma membrane surfaces. Analysis of root elongation relative to the computed surface activities of ions revealed three separate mechanisms of Ca2+ alleviation. Mechanism I is the displacement of cell-surface toxicant by the Ca2+-induced reduction in cell-surface negativity. Mechanism II is the restoration of Ca2+ at the cell surface if the surface Ca2+ has been reduced by the toxicant to growth-limiting levels. Mechanism III is the collective ameliorative effect of Ca2+ beyond mechanisms I and II, and may involve Ca2+-toxicant interactions at the cell surface other than the displacement interactions of mechanisms I and II. Mechanism I operated in the alleviation of all of the tested toxicities; mechanism II was generally a minor component of alleviation; and mechanism III was toxicant specific and operated strongly in the alleviation of Na+ toxicity, moderately in the alleviation of H+ toxicity, and not at all in the alleviation of Al3+ toxicity.
Evidence That Auxin-Induced Growth of Tobacco Leaf Tissues Does Not Involve Cell Wall Acidification1
Interveinal strips (10 × 1.5 mm) excised from growing tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi) leaves have an auxin-specific, epinastic growth response that is developmentally regulated and is not the result of ethylene induction (C.P. Keller, E. Van Volkenburgh [1997] Plant Physiol 113: 603–610). We report here that auxin (10 μm naphthalene acetic acid) treatment of strips does not result in plasma membrane hyperpolarization or detectable proton efflux. This result is in contrast to the expected responses elicited by 1 μm fusicoccin (FC) treatment, which in other systems mimics auxin growth promotion through stimulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase and resultant acid wall loosening; FC produced both hyperpolarization and proton efflux in leaf strips. FC-induced growth was much more inhibited by a strong neutral buffer than was auxin-induced growth. Measurements of the osmotic concentration of strips suggested that osmotic adjustment plays no role in the auxin-induced growth response. Although cell wall loosening of some form appears to be involved, taken together, our results suggest that auxin-induced growth stimulation of tobacco leaf strips results primarily from a mechanism not involving acid growth.
Salicylic acid (SA) is an important component of systemic-acquired resistance in plants. It is synthesized from benzoic acid (BA) as part of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Benzaldehyde (BD), a potential intermediate of this pathway, was found in healthy and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-inoculated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Xanthi-nc) leaf tissue at 100 ng/g fresh weight concentrations as measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. BD was also emitted as a volatile organic compound from tobacco tissues. Application of gaseous BD to plants enclosed in jars caused a 13-fold increase in SA concentration, induced the accumulation of the pathogenesis-related transcript PR-1, and increased the resistance of tobacco to TMV inoculation. [13C6]BD and [2H5]benzyl alcohol were converted to BA and SA. Labeling experiments using [13C1]Phe in temperature-shifted plants inoculated with the TMV showed high enrichment of cinnamic acids (72%), BA (34%), and SA (55%). The endogenous BD, however, contained nondetectable enrichment, suggesting that BD was not the intermediate between cinnamic acid and BA. These results show that BD and benzyl alcohol promote SA accumulation and expression of defense responses in tobacco, and provide insight into the early steps of SA biosynthesis.
Changes in the respiratory rate and the contribution of the cytochrome (Cyt) c oxidase and alternative oxidase (COX and AOX, respectively) were investigated in soybean (Glycine max L. cv Stevens) root seedlings using the 18O-discrimination method. In 4-d-old roots respiration proceeded almost entirely via COX, but by d 17 more than 50% of the flux occurred via AOX. During this period the capacity of COX, the theoretical yield of ATP synthesis, and the root relative growth rate all decreased substantially. In extracts from whole roots of different ages, the ubiquinone pool was maintained at 50% to 60% reduction, whereas pyruvate content fluctuated without a consistent trend. In whole-root immunoblots, AOX protein was largely in the reduced, active form at 7 and 17 d but was partially oxidized at 4 d. In isolated mitochondria, Cyt pathway and succinate dehydrogenase capacities and COX I protein abundance decreased with root age, whereas both AOX capacity and protein abundance remained unchanged. The amount of mitochondrial protein on a dry-mass basis did not vary significantly with root age. It is concluded that decreases in whole-root respiration during growth of soybean seedlings can be largely explained by decreases in maximal rates of electron transport via COX. Flux via AOX is increased so that the ubiquinone pool is maintained in a moderately reduced state.
Tissues expressing mRNAs of three cold-induced genes, blt101, blt14, and blt4.9, and a control gene, elongation factor 1α, were identified in the crown and immature leaves of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Igri). Hardiness and tissue damage were assessed. blt101 and blt4.9 mRNAs were not detected in control plants; blt14 was expressed in control plants but only in the inner layers of the crown cortex. blt101 was expressed in many tissues of cold-acclimated plants but most strongly in the vascular-transition zone of the crown; blt14 was expressed only in the inner layers of the cortex and in cell layers partly surrounding vascular bundles in the vascular-transition zone; expression of blt4.9, which codes for a nonspecific lipid-transfer protein, was confined to the epidermis of the leaf and to the epidermis of the older parts of the crown. None of the cold-induced genes was expressed in the tunica, although the control gene was most strongly expressed there. Thus, the molecular aspects of acclimation differed markedly between tissues. Damage in the vascular-transition zone of the crown correlated closely with plant survival. Therefore, the strong expression of blt101 and blt14 in this zone may indicate a direct role in freezing tolerance of the crown.
Chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis in chill (7°C)- and heat (42°C)-stressed cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv poinsette) seedlings was affected by 90 and 60%, respectively. Inhibition of Chl biosynthesis was partly due to impairment of 5-aminolevulinic acid biosynthesis both in chill- (78%) and heat-stress (70%) conditions. Protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) synthesis in chill- and heat-stressed seedlings was inhibited by 90 and 70%, respectively. Severe inhibition of Pchlide biosynthesis in chill-stressed seedlings was caused by inactivations of all of the enzymes involved in protoporphyrin IX (Proto IX) synthesis, Mg-chelatase, and Mg-protoporphyrin IX monoester cyclase. In heat-stressed seedlings, although 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and porphobilinogen deaminase were partially inhibited, one of the porphyrinogen-oxidizing enzymes, uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, was stimulated and coproporphyrinogen oxidase and protoporphyrinogen oxidase were not substantially affected, which demonstrated that protoporphyrin IX synthesis was relatively more resistant to heat stress. Pchlide oxidoreductase, which is responsible for phototransformation of Pchlide to chlorophyllide, increased in heat-stress conditions by 46% over that of the control seedlings, whereas it was not affected in chill-stressed seedlings. In wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv HD2329) seedlings porphobilinogen deaminase, Pchlide synthesis, and Pchlide oxidoreductase were affected in a manner similar to that of cucumber, suggesting that temperature stress has a broadly similar effect on Chl biosynthetic enzymes in both cucumber and wheat.
During ripening of grape (Vitis labruscana L. cv Concord) berries, abundance of several proteins increased, coordinately with hexoses, to the extent that these became the predominant proteins in the ovary. These proteins have been identified by N-terminal amino acid-sequence analysis and/or function to be a thaumatin-like protein (grape osmotin), a lipid-transfer protein, and a basic and an acidic chitinase. The basic chitinase and grape osmotin exhibited activities against the principal grape fungal pathogens Guignardia bidwellii and Botrytis cinerea based on in vitro growth assays. The growth-inhibiting activity of the antifungal proteins was substantial at levels comparable to those that accumulate in the ripening fruit, and these activities were enhanced by as much as 70% in the presence of 1 m glucose, a physiological hexose concentration in berries. The simultaneous accumulation of the antifungal proteins and sugars during berry ripening was correlated with the characteristic development of pathogen resistance that occurs in fruits during ripening. Taken together, accumulation of these proteins, in combination with sugars, appears to constitute a novel, developmentally regulated defense mechanism against phytopathogens in the maturing fruit.