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A hypoxic/anoxic microenvironment has been proposed to exist within a vascular lesion due to intimal or medial cell proliferation in vascular diseases. Here, we examined whether hypoxia alters macrophage function by exposing murine macrophage-like RAW 264.7 (RAW) cells to hypoxia (2% O2). When cells were exposed to hypoxia, a significant number of RAW cells underwent apoptosis. Additionally, small subpopulations of RAW cells were resistant to hypoxia-induced apoptosis. Through repeated cycles of hypoxia exposure, hypoxia-induced apoptosis-resistant macrophages (HARMs) were selected; HARM cells demonstrate >70% resistance to hypoxia-induced apoptosis, as compared with the parental RAW cells. When heat shock protein (HSP) expression was examined after hypoxia, we observed a significant decrease in constitutive heat shock protein 70 (HSC 70) in RAW cells, but not in HARMs, as compared with the control normoxic condition (21% O2). In contrast, the expression level of glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP 78) in RAW and HARM cells after hypoxia treatment was not altered, suggesting that HSC 70 and not GRP 78 may play a role in protection against hypoxia-induced apoptosis. When tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) production was examined after hypoxic treatment, a significant increase in TNF-α production in HARM but decrease in RAW was observed, as compared with cells cultured in normoxic conditions. HARM cells also exhibit a much lower level of modified-LDL uptake than do RAW cells, suggesting that HARMs may not transform into foam cells. These results suggest that a selective population of macrophages may adapt to potentially pathological hypoxic conditions by overcoming the apoptotic signal.


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The expression of the cell adhesion molecules ICAM-1, ICAM-2, and VCAM-1 and the secretion of the cytokine interleukin 6 have been measured in mouse Sertoli cells cultured in vitro. Cytometric analysis revealed that, in basal conditions, low levels of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 were present on the surface of the cells, whereas treatment with interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor alpha, lipopolysaccharide, or interferon gamma induced, with different kinetics, increases in their expression. ICAM-2 was not detectable in basal conditions, nor was it inducible. Electron microscopic analysis and binding experiments using 51Cr-labeled lymphocytes demonstrated that increased expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 on the surface of Sertoli cells, induced by inflammatory mediators, determines an augmented adhesion between the two cell types. The same stimuli, with the exception of interferon gamma, produced a rapid and remarkable increment of interleukin 6 production by Sertoli cells. These results suggest the presence of both direct and paracrine mechanisms of interaction between Sertoli and immune-competent cells, possibly involved in the control of immune reactions in the testis. Such mechanisms are of interest for the understanding of autoimmune pathologies of the testis and, if confirmed in humans, they could be involved in the sexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus infection.


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Several mechanisms have been identified that may underlie inflammation-induced sensitization of high-threshold primary afferent neurons, including the modulation of voltage- and Ca2+-dependent ion channels and ion channels responsible for the production of generator potentials. One such mechanism that has recently received a lot of attention is the modulation of a tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant voltage-gated Na+ current. Evidence supporting a role for TTX-resistant Na+ currents in the sensitization of primary afferent neurons and inflammatory hyperalgesia is reviewed. Such evidence is derived from studies on the distribution of TTX-resistant Na+ currents among primary afferent neurons and other tissues of the body that suggest that these currents are expressed only in a subpopulation of primary afferent neurons that are likely to be involved in nociception. Data from studies on the biophysical properties of these currents suggest that they are ideally suited to mediate the repetitive discharge associated with prolonged membrane depolarizations. Data from studies on the effects of inflammatory mediators and antinociceptive agents on TTX-resistant Na+ currents suggest that modulation of these currents is an underlying mechanism of primary afferent neuron sensitization. In addition, the second-messenger pathways underlying inflammatory mediator-induced modulation of these currents appear to underlie inflammatory mediator-induced hyperalgesia. Finally, recent antisense studies have also yielded data supporting a role for TTX-resistant Na+ currents in inflammatory hyperalgesia. Although data from these studies are compelling, data presented at the Neurobiology of Pain colloquium raised a number of interesting questions regarding the role of TTX-resistant Na+ currents in inflammatory hyperalgesia; implications of three of these questions are discussed.


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Inflammatory pain manifests as spontaneous pain and pain hypersensitivity. Spontaneous pain reflects direct activation of specific receptors on nociceptor terminals by inflammatory mediators. Pain hypersensitivity is the consequence of early posttranslational changes, both in the peripheral terminals of the nociceptor and in dorsal horn neurons, as well as later transcription-dependent changes in effector genes, again in primary sensory and dorsal horn neurons. This inflammatory neuroplasticity is the consequence of a combination of activity-dependent changes in the neurons and specific signal molecules initiating particular signal-transduction pathways. These pathways phosphorylate membrane proteins, changing their function, and activate transcription factors, altering gene expression. Two distinct aspects of sensory neuron function are changed as a result of these processes, basal sensitivity, or the capacity of peripheral stimuli to evoke pain, and stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, the capacity of certain inputs to generate prolonged alterations in the sensitivity of the system. Posttranslational changes largely alter basal sensitivity. Transcriptional changes both potentiate the system and alter neuronal phenotype. Potentiation occurs as a result of the up-regulation in the dorsal root ganglion of centrally acting neuromodulators and simultaneously in the dorsal horn of their receptors. This means that the response to subsequent inputs is augmented, particularly those that induce stimulus-induced hypersensitivity. Alterations in phenotype includes the acquisition by A fibers of neurochemical features typical of C fibers, enabling these fibers to induce stimulus-evoked hypersensitivity, something only C fiber inputs normally can do. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms responsible provides new opportunities for therapeutic approaches to managing inflammatory pain.


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Resting epidermal keratinocytes contain large amounts of interleukin 1 (IL-1), but the function of this cytokine in the skin remains unclear. To further define the role of IL-1 in cutaneous biology, we have generated two lines of transgenic mice (TgIL-1.1 and TgIL-1.2) which overexpress IL-1 alpha in basal keratinocytes. There was high-level tissue-specific expression of transgene mRNA and protein and large quantities of IL-1 alpha were liberated into the circulation from epidermis in both lines. TgIL-1.1 mice, which had the highest level of transgene expression, developed a spontaneous skin disease characterized by hair loss, scaling, and focal inflammatory skin lesions. Histologically, nonlesional skin of these animals was characterized by hyperkeratosis and a dermal mononuclear cell infiltrate of macrophage/monocyte lineage. Inflammatory lesions were marked by a mixed cellular infiltrate, acanthosis, and, in some cases, parakeratosis. These findings confirm the concept of IL-1 as a primary cytokine, release of which is able to initiate and localize an inflammatory reaction. Furthermore, these mice provide the first definitive evidence that inflammatory mediators can be released from the epidermis to enter the systemic circulation and thereby influence, in a paracrine or endocrine fashion, a wide variety of other cell types.


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Cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage play a central role in both innate and acquired immunity of the host. However, the acquisition of functional competence and the ability to respond to a variety of activating or modulating signals require maturation and differentiation of circulating monocytes and entail alterations in both biochemical and phenotypic profiles of the cells. The process of activation also confers survival signals essential for the functional integrity of monocytes enabling the cells to remain viable in microenvironments of immune or inflammatory lesions that are rich in cytotoxic inflammatory mediators and reactive free-radical species. However, the molecular mechanisms of activation-induced survival signals in monocytes remain obscure. To define the mechanistic basis of activation-induced resistance to apoptosis in human monocytes at the molecular level, we evaluated the modulation of expression profiles of genes associated with the cellular apoptotic pathways upon activation and demonstrate the following: (i) activation results in selective resistance to apoptosis particularly to that induced by signaling via death receptors and DNA damage; (ii) concurrent with activation, the most apical protease in the death receptor pathway, caspase-8/FLICE is rapidly down-regulated at the mRNA level representing a novel regulatory mechanism; and (iii) activation of monocytes also leads to dramatic induction of the Bfl-1 gene, an anti apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family. Our findings thus provide a potential mechanistic basis for the activation-induced resistance to apoptosis in human monocytes.


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Macrophages become activated by bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) and other stimuli to release proinflammatory cytokines and NO. To prevent release of toxic or potentially lethal quantities of these factors, the state of macrophage activation is counter-regulated by anti-inflammatory mediators (e.g., glucocorticoid hormones, interleukin 10, and transforming growth factor type β). Fetuin, a negative acute-phase protein, recently was implicated as an anti-inflammatory mediator, because it is required for macrophage deactivation by spermine. In the present studies, we found that fetuin is necessary for macrophages to respond to CNI-1493, a tetravalent guanylhydrazone inhibitor of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation. Fetuin dose-dependently increases macrophage uptake of CNI-1493, which can be specifically inhibited by anti-human fetuin antibodies. Anti-human fetuin antibodies render primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells insensitive to deactivation by CNI-1493. Thus, macrophages use fetuin as an opsonin for cationic-deactivating molecules, both endogenous (e.g., spermine) and pharmacologic (e.g., CNI-1493). This role of fetuin as an opsonic participant in macrophage-deactivating mechanisms has implications for understanding and manipulating the innate immune response.


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To investigate the relationship between major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II compartments, secretory granules, and secretory lysosomes, we analyzed the localization and fate of MHC class II molecules in mast cells. In bone marrow-derived mast cells, the bulk of MHC class II molecules is contained in two distinct compartments, with features of both lysosomal compartments and secretory granules defined by their protein content and their accessibility to endocytic tracers. Type I granules display internal membrane vesicles and are accessed by exogenous molecules after a time lag of 20 min; type II granules are reached by the endocytic tracer later and possess a serotonin-rich electron-dense core surrounded by a multivesicular domain. In these type I and type II granules, MHC class II molecules, mannose-6-phosphate receptors and lysosomal membrane proteins (lamp1 and lamp2) localize to small intralumenal vesicles. These 60–80-nm vesicles are released along with inflammatory mediators during mast cell degranulation triggered by IgE-antigen complexes. These observations emphasize the intimate connection between the endocytic and secretory pathways in cells of the hematopoietic lineage which allows regulated secretion of the contents of secretory lysosomes, including membrane proteins associated with small vesicles.


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5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) catalyzes the initial steps in the formation of leukotrienes, a group of inflammatory mediators derived from arachidonic acid (AA). Here we describe that activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes and in Mono Mac 6 cells leads to activation of downstream kinases, which can subsequently phosphorylate 5-LO in vitro. Different agents activated the 5-LO kinase activities, including stimuli for cellular leukotriene biosynthesis (A23187, thapsigargin, N-formyl-leucyl-phenylalanine), compounds that up-regulate the capacity for leukotriene biosynthesis (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, tumor necrosis factor α, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor), and well known p38 stimuli as sodium arsenite and sorbitol. For all stimuli, 5-LO kinase activation was counteracted by SB203580 (3 μM or less), an inhibitor of p38 kinase. At least two p38-dependent 5-LO kinase activities were found. Based on migration properties in in-gel kinase assays and immunoreactivity, one of these was identified as mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAP kinase 2). The other appeared to be MAPKAP kinase 3; however, it could not be excluded that also other p38-dependent kinases contributed. When polymorphonuclear leukocytes were incubated with sodium arsenite (strong activator of 5-LO kinases), platelet-activating factor and exogenous AA, there was a 4-fold increase in 5-LO activity as compared with incubations with only platelet-activating factor and AA. This indicates that 5-LO phosphorylation can be one factor determining cellular 5-LO activity.


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Pre-B-cell growth-stimulating factor/stromal cell-derived factor 1 (PBSF/SDF-1) is a member of the CXC group of chemokines that is initially identified as a bone marrow stromal cell-derived factor and as a pre-B-cell stimulatory factor. Although most chemokines are thought to be inducible inflammatory mediators, PBSF/SDF-1 is essential for perinatal viability, B lymphopoiesis, bone marrow myelopoiesis, and cardiac ventricular septal formation, and it has chemotactic activities on resting lymphocytes and monocytes. In this paper, we have isolated a cDNA that encodes a seven transmembrane-spanning-domain receptor, designated pre-B-cell-derived chemokine receptor (PB-CKR) from a murine pre-B-cell clone, DW34. The deduced amino acid sequence has 90% identity with that of a HUMSTSR/fusin, a human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) entry coreceptor. However, the second extracellular region has lower identity (67%) compared with HUMSTSR/fusin. PB-CKR is expressed during embryo genesis and in many organs and T cells of adult mice. Murine PBSF/SDF-1 induced an increase in intracellular free Ca2+ in DW34 cells and PB-CKR-transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, suggesting that PB-CKR is a functional receptor for murine PBSF/SDF-1. Murine PBSF/SDF-1 also induced Ca2+ influx in fusin-transfected CHO cells. On the other hand, considering previous results that HIV-1 does not enter murine T cells that expressed human CD4, PB-CKR may not support HIV-1 infection. Thus, PB-CKR will be an important tool for functional mapping of HIV-1 entry coreceptor fusin and for understanding the function of PBSF/SDF-1 further.


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We compared peripheral and mucosal primary CD8 T cell responses to inflammatory and noninflammatory forms of antigen in a T cell-adoptive transfer system. Immunization with the soluble antigen, ovalbumin (ova), administered i.p. or orally without adjuvant, activated nonmucosal CD8 T cells but did not induce cytotoxic activity. However, after activation, the transferred cells entered the intestinal mucosa and became potent antigen-specific killers. Thus, exogenous intact soluble protein entered the major histocompatibility complex class I antigen presentation pathway and induced mucosal cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Moreover, distinct costimulatory requirements for activation of peripheral versus mucosal T cells were noted in that the CD28 ligand, B7-1, was critical for activated mucosal T cell generation but not for activation of peripheral CD8 T cells. The costimulator, B7-2, was required for optimum activation of both populations. Infection with a new recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus encoding ovalbumin induced lytic activity in mucosal as well as peripheral sites, demonstrating an adjuvant effect of inflammatory mediators produced during virus infection. Generation of antiviral cytotoxic T lymphocytes was also costimulation-dependent. The results indicated that induction of peripheral tolerance via antigen administration may not extend to mucosal sites because of distinct costimulatory and inflammatory signals in the mucosa.


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Stimulation of endothelial cells by various inflammatory mediators leads to release of Weibel–Palade bodies and therefore to exocytosis of both P-selectin (adhesion receptor for leukocytes) and von Willebrand factor (vWf) (platelet ligand). The potential role of vWf in leukocyte recruitment was investigated with the use of vWf-deficient mice. We report a strong reduction of leukocyte rolling in venules of vWf-deficient mice. Similarly, vWf deficiency led to a decrease in neutrophil recruitment in a cytokine-induced meningitis model as well as in early skin wounds. In all instances with an antibody that preferentially recognizes plasma membrane P-selectin, we observed a dramatic reduction in P-selectin expression at the cell surface of vWf-deficient endothelium. With confocal microscopy, we found that the typical rodlike shape of the Weibel–Palade body is missing in vWf −/− endothelial cells and that part of the P-selectin content in the vWf −/− cells colocalized with LAMP-1, a lysosomal marker. However, intracellular P-selectin levels were similar in tumor necrosis factor α- and lipopolysaccharide-activated cells of both genotypes. We conclude that the absence of vWf, as found in severe von Willebrand disease, leads to a defect in Weibel–Palade body formation. This defect results in decreased P-selectin translocation to the cell surface and reduced leukocyte recruitment in early phases of inflammation.


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All animals need to sense temperature to avoid hostile environments and to regulate their internal homeostasis. A particularly obvious example is that animals need to avoid damagingly hot stimuli. The mechanisms by which temperature is sensed have until recently been mysterious, but in the last couple of years, we have begun to understand how noxious thermal stimuli are detected by sensory neurons. Heat has been found to open a nonselective cation channel in primary sensory neurons, probably by a direct action. In a separate study, an ion channel gated by capsaicin, the active ingredient of chili peppers, was cloned from sensory neurons. This channel (vanilloid receptor subtype 1, VR1) is gated by heat in a manner similar to the native heat-activated channel, and our current best guess is that this channel is the molecular substrate for the detection of painful heat. Both the heat channel and VR1 are modulated in interesting ways. The response of the heat channel is potentiated by phosphorylation by protein kinase C, whereas VR1 is potentiated by externally applied protons. Protein kinase C is known to be activated by a variety of inflammatory mediators, including bradykinin, whereas extracellular acidification is characteristically produced by anoxia and inflammation. Both modulatory pathways are likely, therefore, to have important physiological correlates in terms of the enhanced pain (hyperalgesia) produced by tissue damage and inflammation. Future work should focus on establishing, in molecular terms, how a single ion channel can detect heat and how the detection threshold can be modulated by hyperalgesic stimuli.


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Nontypeable Hemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is an important human pathogen in both children and adults. In children, it causes otitis media, the most common childhood infection and the leading cause of conductive hearing loss in the United States. In adults, it causes lower respiratory tract infections in the setting of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. The molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of NTHi-induced infections remain undefined, but they may involve activation of NF-κB, a transcriptional activator of multiple host defense genes involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Here, we show that NTHi strongly activates NF-κB in human epithelial cells via two distinct signaling pathways, NF-κB translocation-dependent and -independent pathways. The NF-κB translocation-dependent pathway involves activation of NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK)–IKKα/β complex leading to IκBα phosphorylation and degradation, whereas the NF-κB translocation-independent pathway involves activation of MKK3/6–p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. Bifurcation of NTHi-induced NIK–IKKα/β-IκBα and MKK3/6–p38 MAP kinase pathways may occur at transforming growth factor-β activated kinase 1 (TAK1). Furthermore, we show that toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) is required for NTHi-induced NF-κB activation. In addition, several key inflammatory mediators including IL-1β, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α are up-regulated by NTHi. Finally, P6, a 16-kDa lipoprotein highly conserved in the outer membrane of all NTHi and H. influenzae type b strains, appears to also activate NF-κB via similar signaling pathways. Taken together, our results demonstrate that NTHi activates NF-κB via TLR2–TAK1-dependent NIK–IKKα/β-IκBα and MKK3/6–p38 MAP kinase signaling pathways. These studies may bring new insights into molecular pathogenesis of NTHi-induced infections and open up new therapeutic targets for these diseases.


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The combined effects of hypoxia and interleukin 1, lipopolysaccharide, or tumor necrosis factor alpha on the expression of genes encoding endothelial constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthases, endothelin 1, interleukin 6, and interleukin 8 were investigated in human primary pulmonary endothelial cells and whole pulmonary artery organoid cultures. Hypoxia decreased the expression of constitutive endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS-3) mRNA and NOS-3 protein as compared with normoxic conditions. The inhibition of expression of NOS-3 corresponded with a reduced production of NO. A combination of hypoxia with bacterial lipopolysaccharide, interleukin 1 beta, or tumor necrosis factor alpha augmented both effects. In contrast, the combination of hypoxia and the inflammatory mediators superinduced the expression of endothelin 1, interleukin 6, and interleukin 8. Here, we have shown that inflammatory mediators aggravate the effect of hypoxia on the down-regulation of NOS-3 and increase the expression of proinflammatory cytokines in human pulmonary endothelial cells and whole pulmonary artery organoid cultures.