29 resultados para High-throughput
In proteomic research, it is often necessary to screen a large number of polypeptides for the presence of stable structure. Described here is a technique (referred to as SUPREX, stability of unpurified proteins from rates of H/D exchange) for measuring the stability of proteins in a rapid, high-throughput fashion. The method uses hydrogen exchange to estimate the stability of microgram quantities of unpurified protein extracts by using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS. The stabilities of maltose binding protein and monomeric λ repressor variants determined by SUPREX agree well with stability data obtained from conventional CD denaturation of purified protein. The method also can detect the change in stability caused by the binding of maltose to maltose binding protein. The results demonstrate the precision of the method over a wide range of stabilities.
Linkage and association analyses were performed to identify loci affecting disease susceptibility by scoring previously characterized sequence variations such as microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms. Lack of markers in regions of interest, as well as difficulty in adapting various methods to high-throughput settings, often limits the effectiveness of the analyses. We have adapted the Escherichia coli mismatch detection system, employing the factors MutS, MutL and MutH, for use in PCR-based, automated, high-throughput genotyping and mutation detection of genomic DNA. Optimal sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratios were obtained in a straightforward fashion because the detection reaction proved to be principally dependent upon monovalent cation concentration and MutL concentration. Quantitative relationships of the optimal values of these parameters with length of the DNA test fragment were demonstrated, in support of the translocation model for the mechanism of action of these enzymes, rather than the molecular switch model. Thus, rapid, sequence-independent optimization was possible for each new genomic target region. Other factors potentially limiting the flexibility of mismatch scanning, such as positioning of dam recognition sites within the target fragment, have also been investigated. We developed several strategies, which can be easily adapted to automation, for limiting the analysis to intersample heteroduplexes. Thus, the principal barriers to the use of this methodology, which we have designated PCR candidate region mismatch scanning, in cost-effective, high-throughput settings have been removed.
An automated oligonucleotide synthesizer has been developed that can simultaneously and rapidly synthesize up to 96 different oligonucleotides in a 96-well microtiter format using phosphoramidite synthesis chemistry. A modified 96-well plate is positioned under reagent valve banks, and appropriate reagents are delivered into individual wells containing the growing oligonucleotide chain, which is bound to a solid support. Each well has a filter bottom that enables the removal of spent reagents while retaining the solid support matrix. A seal design is employed to control synthesis environment and the entire instrument is automated via computer control. Synthesis cycle times for 96 couplings are < 11 min, allowing a plate of 96 20-mers to be synthesized in < 5 hr. Oligonucleotide synthesis quality is comparable to commercial machines, with average coupling efficiencies routinely > 98% across the entire 96-well plate. No significant well-to-well variations in synthesis quality have been observed in > 6000 oligonucleotides synthesized to date. The reduced reagent usage and increased capacity allow the overall synthesis cost to drop by at least a factor of 10. With the development of this instrument, it is now practical and cost-effective to synthesize thousands to tens of thousands of oligonucleotides.
Isoprostanes (iPs) are free radical catalyzed prostaglandin isomers. Analysis of individual isomers of PGF2α—F2-iPs—in urine has reflected lipid peroxidation in humans. However, up to 64 F2-iPs may be formed, and it is unknown whether coordinate generation, disposition, and excretion of F2-iPs occurs in humans. To address this issue, we developed methods to measure individual members of the four structural classes of F2-iPs, using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), in which sample preparation is minimized. Authentic standards of F2-iPs of classes III, IV, V, and VI were used to identify class-specific ions for multiple reaction monitoring. Using iPF2α-VI as a model compound, we demonstrated the reproducibility of the assay in human urine. Urinary levels of all F2-iPs measured were elevated in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. However, only three of eight F2-iPs were elevated in patients with congestive heart failure, compared with controls. Paired analyses by GC/MS and LC/MS/MS of iPF2α-VI in hypercholesterolemia and of 8,12-iso-iPF2α-VI in congestive heart failure were highly correlated. This approach will permit high throughput analysis of multiple iPs in human disease.
Early detection is an effective means of reducing cancer mortality. Here, we describe a highly sensitive high-throughput screen that can identify panels of markers for the early detection of solid tumor cells disseminated in peripheral blood. The method is a two-step combination of differential display and high-sensitivity cDNA arrays. In a primary screen, differential display identified 170 candidate marker genes differentially expressed between breast tumor cells and normal breast epithelial cells. In a secondary screen, high-sensitivity arrays assessed expression levels of these genes in 48 blood samples, 22 from healthy volunteers and 26 from breast cancer patients. Cluster analysis identified a group of 12 genes that were elevated in the blood of cancer patients. Permutation analysis of individual genes defined five core genes (P ≤ 0.05, permax test). As a group, the 12 genes generally distinguished accurately between healthy volunteers and patients with breast cancer. Mean expression levels of the 12 genes were elevated in 77% (10 of 13) untreated invasive cancer patients, whereas cluster analysis correctly classified volunteers and patients (P = 0.0022, Fisher's exact test). Quantitative real-time PCR confirmed array results and indicated that the sensitivity of the assay (1:2 × 108 transcripts) was sufficient to detect disseminated solid tumor cells in blood. Expression-based blood assays developed with the screening approach described here have the potential to detect and classify solid tumor cells originating from virtually any primary site in the body.
The ability to carry out high-resolution genetic mapping at high throughput in the mouse is a critical rate-limiting step in the generation of genetically anchored contigs in physical mapping projects and the mapping of genetic loci for complex traits. To address this need, we have developed an efficient, high-resolution, large-scale genome mapping system. This system is based on the identification of polymorphic DNA sites between mouse strains by using interspersed repetitive sequence (IRS) PCR. Individual cloned IRS PCR products are hybridized to a DNA array of IRS PCR products derived from the DNA of individual mice segregating DNA sequences from the two parent strains. Since gel electrophoresis is not required, large numbers of samples can be genotyped in parallel. By using this approach, we have mapped > 450 polymorphic probes with filters containing the DNA of up to 517 backcross mice, potentially allowing resolution of 0.14 centimorgan. This approach also carries the potential for a high degree of efficiency in the integration of physical and genetic maps, since pooled DNAs representing libraries of yeast artificial chromosomes or other physical representations of the mouse genome can be addressed by hybridization of filter representations of the IRS PCR products of such libraries.
We report the development of a practical ultrafast allelic profiling assay for the analysis of short tandem repeats (STRs) by using a highly optimized microfluidic electrophoresis device. We have achieved baseline-resolved electrophoretic separations of single-locus STR samples in 30 sec. Analyses of PCR samples containing the four loci CSF1PO, TPOX, THO1, and vWA (abbreviated as CTTv) were performed in less than 2 min. This constitutes a 10- to 100-fold improvement in speed relative to capillary or slab gel systems. The separation device consists of a microfabricated channel 45 μm × 100 μm in cross section and 26 mm in length, filled with a replaceable polyacrylamide matrix operated under denaturing conditions at 50°C. A fluorescently labeled STR ladder was used as an internal standard for allele identification. Samples were prepared by standard procedures and only 4 μl was required for each analysis. The device is capable of repetitive operation and is suitable for automated high-speed and high-throughput applications.
A homogeneous DNA diagnostic assay based on template-directed primer extension detected by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, named template-directed dye-terminator incorporation (TDI) assay, has been developed for mutation detection and high throughput genome analysis. Here, we report the successful application of the TDI assay to detect mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, the human leukocyte antigen H (HLA-H) gene, and the receptor tyrosin kinase (RET) protooncogene that are associated with cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, and multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2, respectively. Starting with total human DNA, the samples are amplified by the PCR followed by enzymatic degradation of excess primers and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates before the primer extension reaction is performed. All these standardized steps are performed in the same tube, and the fluorescence changes are monitored in real time, making it a useful clinical DNA diagnostic method.
We used plants as an in vivo pathogenesis model for the identification of virulence factors of the human opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Nine of nine TnphoA mutant derivatives of P. aeruginosa strain UCBPP-PA14 that were identified in a plant leaf assay for less pathogenic mutants also exhibited significantly reduced pathogenicity in a burned mouse pathogenicity model, suggesting that P. aeruginosa utilizes common strategies to infect both hosts. Seven of these nine mutants contain TnphoA insertions in previously unknown genes. These results demonstrate that an alternative nonvertebrate host of a human bacterial pathogen can be used in an in vivo high throughput screen to identify novel bacterial virulence factors involved in mammalian pathogenesis.
Large-scale gene expression studies can now be routinely performed on macroamounts of cells, but it is unclear to which extent current methods are valuable for analyzing complex tissues. In the present study, we used the method of serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) for quantitative mRNA profiling in the mouse kidney. We first performed SAGE at the whole-kidney level by sequencing 12,000 mRNA tags. Most abundant tags corresponded to transcripts widely distributed or enriched in the predominant kidney epithelial cells (proximal tubular cells), whereas transcripts specific for minor cell types were barely evidenced. To better explore such cells, we set up a SAGE adaptation for downsized extracts, enabling a 1,000-fold reduction of the amount of starting material. The potential of this approach was evaluated by studying gene expression in microdissected kidney tubules (50,000 cells). Specific gene expression profiles were obtained, and known markers (e.g., uromodulin in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop and aquaporin-2 in the collecting duct) were found appropriately enriched. In addition, several enriched tags had no databank match, suggesting that they correspond to unknown or poorly characterized transcripts with specific tissue distribution. It is concluded that SAGE adaptation for downsized extracts makes possible large-scale quantitative gene expression measurements in small biological samples and will help to study the tissue expression and function of genes not evidenced with other high-throughput methods.
We report a general method for screening, in solution, the impact of deviations from canonical Watson-Crick composition on the thermodynamic stability of nucleic acid duplexes. We demonstrate how fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used to detect directly free energy differences between an initially formed “reference” duplex (usually a Watson-Crick duplex) and a related “test” duplex containing a lesion/alteration of interest (e.g., a mismatch, a modified, a deleted, or a bulged base, etc.). In one application, one titrates into a solution containing a fluorescently labeled, FRET-active, reference duplex, an unlabeled, single-stranded nucleic acid (test strand), which may or may not compete successfully to form a new duplex. When a new duplex forms by strand displacement, it will not exhibit FRET. The resultant titration curve (normalized fluorescence intensity vs. logarithm of test strand concentration) yields a value for the difference in stability (free energy) between the newly formed, test strand-containing duplex and the initial reference duplex. The use of competitive equilibria in this assay allows the measurement of equilibrium association constants that far exceed the magnitudes accessible by conventional titrimetric techniques. Additionally, because of the sensitivity of fluorescence, the method requires several orders of magnitude less material than most other solution methods. We discuss the advantages of this method for detecting and characterizing any modification that alters duplex stability, including, but not limited to, mutagenic lesions. We underscore the wide range of accessible free energy values that can be defined by this method, the applicability of the method in probing for a myriad of nucleic acid variations, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, and the potential of the method for high throughput screening.
An approach to analyzing single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found in the human genome has been developed that couples a recently developed invasive cleavage assay for nucleic acids with detection by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The invasive cleavage assay is a signal amplification method that enables the analysis of SNPs by MALDI-TOF MS directly from human genomic DNA without the need for initial target amplification by PCR. The results presented here show the successful genotyping by this approach of twelve SNPs located randomly throughout the human genome. Conventional Sanger sequencing of these SNP positions confirmed the accuracy of the MALDI-TOF MS analysis results. The ability to unambiguously detect both homozygous and heterozygous genotypes is clearly demonstrated. The elimination of the need for target amplification by PCR, combined with the inherently rapid and accurate nature of detection by MALDI-TOF MS, gives this approach unique and significant advantages in the high-throughput genotyping of large numbers of SNPs, useful for locating, identifying, and characterizing the function of specific genes.
Generation of nanomechanical cantilever motion from biomolecular interactions can have wide applications, ranging from high-throughput biomolecular detection to bioactuation. Although it has been suggested that such motion is caused by changes in surface stress of a cantilever beam, the origin of the surface-stress change has so far not been elucidated. By using DNA hybridization experiments, we show that the origin of motion lies in the interplay between changes in configurational entropy and intermolecular energetics induced by specific biomolecular interactions. By controlling entropy change during DNA hybridization, the direction of cantilever motion can be manipulated. These thermodynamic principles were also used to explain the origin of motion generated from protein–ligand binding.