21 resultados para Free fat acids


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Reef-building corals and other tropical anthozoans harbor endosymbiotic dinoflagellates. It is now recognized that the dinoflagellates are fundamental to the biology of their hosts, and their carbon and nitrogen metabolisms are linked in important ways. Unlike free living species, growth of symbiotic dinoflagellates is unbalanced and a substantial fraction of the carbon fixed daily by symbiont photosynthesis is released and used by the host for respiration and growth. Release of fixed carbon as low molecular weight compounds by freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates is evoked by a factor (i.e., a chemical agent) present in a homogenate of host tissue. We have identified this "host factor" in the Hawaiian coral Pocillopora damicornis as a set of free amino acids. Synthetic amino acid mixtures, based on the measured free amino acid pools of P. damicornis tissues, not only elicit the selective release of 14C-labeled photosynthetic products from isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates but also enhance total 14CO2 fixation.


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The main function of white adipose tissue is to store nutrient energy in the form of triglycerides. The mechanism by which free fatty acids (FFA) move into and out of the adipocyte has not been resolved. We show here that changes in intracellular pH (pH1) in adipocytes correlate with the movement of FFA across cellular membranes as predicted by the Kamp and Hamilton model of passive diffusion of FFA. Exposure of fat cells to lipolytic agents or external FFA results is a rapid intracellular acidification that is reversed by metabolism of the FFA or its removal by albumin. In contrast, insulin causes an alkalinization of the cell, consistent with its main function to promote esterification. Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange in adipocytes does not prevent the changes in pHi caused by FFA, lipolytic agents, or insulin. A fatty acid dimer, which diffuses into the cell but is not metabolized, causes an irreversible acidification. Taken together, the data suggest that changes in pHi occur in adipocytes in response to the passive diffusion of un-ionized FFA (flip-flop) into and out of the cell and in response to their metabolism and production within the cell. These changes in pHi may, in turn, modulate hormonal signaling and metabolism with significant impact on cell function.


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We tested the effect of chronic leptin treatment on fasting-induced torpor in leptin-deficient A-ZIP/F-1 and ob/ob mice. A-ZIP/F-1 mice have virtually no white adipose tissue and low leptin levels, whereas ob/ob mice have an abundance of fat but no leptin. These two models allowed us to examine the roles of adipose tissue and leptin in the regulation of entry into torpor. Torpor is a short-term hibernation-like state that allows conservation of metabolic fuels. We first characterized the A-ZIP/F-1 animals, which have a 10-fold reduction in total body triglyceride stores. Upon fasting, A-ZIP/F-1 mice develop a lower metabolic rate and decreased plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels, with no increase in free fatty acids or β-hydroxybutyrate. Unlike control mice, by 24 hr of fasting, they have nearly exhausted their triglycerides and are catabolizing protein. To conserve energy supplies during fasting, A-ZIP/F-1 (but not control) mice entered deep torpor, with a minimum core body temperature of 24°C, 2°C above ambient. In ob/ob mice, fasting-induced torpor was completely reversed by leptin treatment. In contrast, neither leptin nor thyroid hormone prevented torpor in A-ZIP/F-1 mice. These data suggest that there are at least two signals for entry into torpor in mice, a low leptin level and another signal that is independent of leptin and thyroid hormone levels. Studying rodent torpor provides insight into human torpor-like states such as near drowning in cold water and induced hypothermia for surgery.


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Adipocyte complement-related protein (30 kDa) (Acrp30), a secreted protein of unknown function, is exclusively expressed in differentiated adipocytes; its mRNA is decreased in obese humans and mice. Here we describe novel pharmacological properties of the protease-generated globular head domain of Acrp30 (gAcrp30). Acute treatment of mice with gAcrp30 significantly decreased the elevated levels of plasma free fatty acids caused either by administration of a high fat test meal or by i.v. injection of Intralipid. This effect of gAcrp30 was caused, at least in part, by an acute increase in fatty acid oxidation by muscle. As a result, daily administration of a very low dose of gAcrp30 to mice consuming a high-fat/sucrose diet caused profound and sustainable weight reduction without affecting food intake. Thus, gAcrp30 is a novel pharmacological compound that controls energy homeostasis and exerts its effect primarily at the peripheral level.


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Abnormalities of fatty acid metabolism are recognized to play a significant role in human disease, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCAD) catalyzes the initial step in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO). We produced a mouse model of LCAD deficiency with severely impaired FAO. Matings between LCAD +/− mice yielded an abnormally low number of LCAD +/− and −/− offspring, indicating frequent gestational loss. LCAD −/− mice that reached birth appeared normal, but had severely reduced fasting tolerance with hepatic and cardiac lipidosis, hypoglycemia, elevated serum free fatty acids, and nonketotic dicarboxylic aciduria. Approximately 10% of adult LCAD −/− males developed cardiomyopathy, and sudden death was observed in 4 of 75 LCAD −/− mice. These results demonstrate the crucial roles of mitochondrial FAO and LCAD in vivo.


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Hyperglycemia is a common feature of diabetes mellitus. It results from a decrease in glucose utilization by the liver and peripheral tissues and an increase in hepatic glucose production. Glucose phosphorylation by glucokinase is an initial event in glucose metabolism by the liver. However, glucokinase gene expression is very low in diabetic animals. Transgenic mice expressing the P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase/glucokinase chimeric gene were generated to study whether the return of the expression of glucokinase in the liver of diabetic mice might prevent metabolic alterations. In contrast to nontransgenic mice treated with streptozotocin, mice with the transgene previously treated with streptozotocin showed high levels of both glucokinase mRNA and its enzyme activity in the liver, which were associated with an increase in intracellular levels of glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen. The liver of these mice also showed an increase in pyruvate kinase activity and lactate production. Furthermore, normalization of both the expression of genes involved in gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis in the liver and the production of glucose and ketone body by hepatocytes in primary culture were observed in streptozotocin-treated transgenic mice. Thus, glycolysis was induced while gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis were blocked in the liver of diabetic mice expressing glucokinase. This was associated with normalization of blood glucose, ketone bodies, triglycerides, and free fatty acids even in the absence of insulin. These results suggest that the expression of glucokinase during diabetes might be a new approach to the normalization of hyperglycemia.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that the overexpression of the c-myc gene in the liver of transgenic mice leads to an increase in both utilization and accumulation of glucose in the liver, suggesting that c-Myc transcription factor is involved in the control of liver carbohydrate metabolism in vivo. To determine whether the increase in c-Myc might control glucose homeostasis, an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test was performed. Transgenic mice showed lower levels of blood glucose than control animals, indicating that the overexpression of c-Myc led to an increase of blood glucose disposal by the liver. Thus, the increase in c-Myc might counteract diabetic hyperglycemia. In contrast to control mice, transgenic mice treated with streptozotocin showed normalization of concentrations of blood glucose, ketone bodies, triacylglycerols and free fatty acids in the absence of insulin. These findings resulted from the normalization of liver metabolism in these animals. While low glucokinase activity was detected in the liver of diabetic control mice, high levels of both glucokinase mRNA and enzyme activity were noted in the liver of streptozotocin-treated transgenic mice, which led to an increase in intracellular levels of glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen. The liver of these mice also showed an increase in pyruvate kinase activity and lactate production. Furthermore, normalization of both the expression of genes involved in the control of gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis and the production of glucose and ketone bodies was observed in streptozotocin-treated transgenic mice. Thus, these results suggested that c-Myc counteracted diabetic alterations through its ability to induce hepatic glucose uptake and utilization and to block the activation of gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis.


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Of all humans thus far studied, Sherpas are considered by many high-altitude biomedical scientists as most exquisitely adapted for life under continuous hypobaric hypoxia. However, little is known about how the heart is protected in hypoxia. Hypoxia defense mechanisms in the Sherpa heart were explored by in vivo, noninvasive 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Six Sherpas were examined under two experimental conditions [normoxic (21% FiO2) and hypoxic (11% FiO2) and in two adaptational states--the acclimated state (on arrival at low-altitude study sites) and the deacclimating state (4 weeks of ongoing exposure to low altitude). Four lowland subjects were used for comparison. We found that the concentration ratios of phosphocreatine (PCr)/adenosine triphosphate (ATP) were maintained at steady-state normoxic values (0.96, SEM = 0.22) that were about half those found in normoxic lowlanders (1.76, SEM = 0.03) monitored the same way at the same time. These differences in heart energetic status between Sherpas and lowlanders compared under normoxic conditions remained highly significant (P < 0.02) even after 4 weeks of deacclimation at low altitudes. In Sherpas under acute hypoxia, the heart rate increased by 20 beats per min from resting values of about 70 beats per min, and the percent saturation of hemoglobin decreased to about 75%. However, these perturbations did not alter the PCr/ATP concentration ratios, which remained at about 50% of the values expected in healthy lowlanders. Because the creatine phosphokinase reaction functions close to equilibrium, these steady-state PCr/ATP ratios presumably coincided with about 3-fold higher free adenosine diphosphate (ADP) concentrations. Higher ADP concentrations (i.e., lower [PCr]/[ATP] ratios) were interpreted to correlate with the Km values for ADP-requiring kinases of glycolysis and to reflect elevated carbohydrate contributions to heart energy needs. This metabolic organization is postulated as advantageous in hypobaria because the ATP yield per O2 molecule is 25-60% higher with glucose than with free fatty acids (the usual fuels utilized in the human heart in postfasting conditions).


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The goal of this study was to determine whether sphingosine and ceramide, second messengers derived from sphingolipid breakdown, alter kidney proximal tubular cell viability and their adaptive responses to further damage. Adult human kidney proximal tubular (HK-2) cells were cultured for 0-20 hr in the presence or absence of sphingosine, sphingosine metabolites (sphingosine 1-phosphate, dimethylsphingosine), or C2, C8, or C16 ceramide. Acute cell injury was assessed by vital dye exclusion and tetrazolium dye transport. Their subsequent impact on superimposed ATP depletion/Ca2+ ionophore-induced damage was also assessed. Sphingosine (> or = 10 microM), sphingosine 1-phosphate, dimethylsphingosine, and selected ceramides (C2 and C8, but not C16) each induced rapid, dose-dependent cytotoxicity. This occurred in the absence of DNA laddering or morphologic changes of apoptosis, suggesting a necrotic form of cell death. Prolonged exposure (20 hr) to subtoxic sphingosine doses (< or = 7.5 microM) induced substantial cytoresistance to superimposed ATP depletion/Ca2+ ionophore-mediated damage. Conversely, neither short-term sphingosine treatment (< or = 8.5 hr) nor 20-hr exposures to any of the above sphingosine/ceramide derivatives/metabolites or various free fatty acids reproduced this effect. Sphingosine-induced cytoresistance was dissociated from the extent of cytosolic Ca2+ loading (indo-1 fluorescence), indicating a direct increase in cell resistance to attack. We conclude that sphingosine can exert dual effects on proximal renal tubular viability: in high concentrations it induces cell necrosis, whereas in low doses it initiates a cytoresistant state. These results could be reproduced in human foreskin fibroblasts, suggesting broad-based relevance to the area of acute cell injury and repair.


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The effects of free polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on the binding of ligands to receptors on voltage-sensitive Na+ channels of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes were assessed. The radioligand was [benzoyl-2,5-(3)H] batrachotoxinin A 20alpha-benzoate ([(3)H]BTXB), a toxin that binds to the Na+ channel. The PUFA that have been shown to be antiarrhythmic, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; C20:5n-3), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6n-3), eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), linolenic acid (C18:3n-3), and linoleic acid (C18:2n-6), inhibited [(3)H]BTXB binding in a dose-dependent fashion with IC50 values of 28-35 microM, whereas those fatty acids that have no antiarrhythmic effects including saturated fatty acid (stearic acid, C18:0), monounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid; C18:1n-9), and EPA methyl ester did not have a significant effect on [(3)H]BTXB binding. Enrichment of the myocyte membrane with cholesterol neither affected [(3)H]BTXB binding when compared with control cells nor altered the inhibitory effects of PUFA on [(3)H]BTXB binding. Scatchard analysis of [(3)H]BTXB binding showed that EPA reduced the maximal binding without altering the Kd for [(3)H]BTXB binding, indicating allosteric inhibition. The inhibition by EPA of [(3)H]BTXB binding was reversible (within 30 min) when delipidated bovine serum albumin was added. The binding of the PUFA to this site on the Na+ channel is reversible and structure-specific and occurs at concentrations close to those required for apparent antiarrhythmic effects and a blocking effect on the Na+ current, suggesting that binding of the PUFA at this site relates to their antiarrhythmic action.


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Because previous studies showed that polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce the contraction rate of spontaneously beating heart cells and have antiarrhythmic effects, we examined the effects of the fatty acids on the electrophysiology of the cardiac cycle in isolated neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. Exposure of cardiomyocytes to 10 microM eicosapentaenoic acid for 2-5 min markedly increased the strength of the depolarizing current required to elicit an action potential (from 18.0 +/- 2.4 pA to 26.8 +/- 2.7 pA, P < 0.01) and the cycle length of excitability (from 525 ms to 1225 ms, delta = 700 +/- 212, P < 0.05). These changes were due to an increase in the threshold for action potential (from -52 mV to -43 mV, delta = 9 +/- 3, P < 0.05) and a more negative resting membrane potential (from -52 mV to -57 mV, delta = 5 +/- 1, P < 0.05). There was a progressive prolongation of intervals between spontaneous action potentials and a slowed rate of phase 4 depolarization. Other polyunsaturated fatty acids--including docosahexaenoic acid, linolenic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, and its nonmetabolizable analog eicosatetraynoic acid, but neither the monounsaturated oleic acid nor the saturated stearic acid--had similar effects. The effects of the fatty acids could be reversed by washing with fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin. These results show that free polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce membrane electrical excitability of heart cells and provide an electrophysiological basis for the antiarrhythmic effects of these fatty acids.


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Proteins can be very tolerant to amino acid substitution, even within their core. Understanding the factors responsible for this behavior is of critical importance for protein engineering and design. Mutations in proteins have been quantified in terms of the changes in stability they induce. For example, guest residues in specific secondary structures have been used as probes of conformational preferences of amino acids, yielding propensity scales. Predicting these amino acid propensities would be a good test of any new potential energy functions used to mimic protein stability. We have recently developed a protein design procedure that optimizes whole sequences for a given target conformation based on the knowledge of the template backbone and on a semiempirical potential energy function. This energy function is purely physical, including steric interactions based on a Lennard-Jones potential, electrostatics based on a Coulomb potential, and hydrophobicity in the form of an environment free energy based on accessible surface area and interatomic contact areas. Sequences designed by this procedure for 10 different proteins were analyzed to extract conformational preferences for amino acids. The resulting structure-based propensity scales show significant agreements with experimental propensity scale values, both for α-helices and β-sheets. These results indicate that amino acid conformational preferences are a natural consequence of the potential energy we use. This confirms the accuracy of our potential and indicates that such preferences should not be added as a design criterion.


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Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is the rate-limiting enzyme for the import of triglyceride-derived fatty acids by muscle, for utilization, and adipose tissue (AT), for storage. Relative ratios of LPL expression in these two tissues have therefore been suggested to determine body mass composition as well as play a role in the initiation and/or development of obesity. To test this, LPL knockout mice were mated to transgenics expressing LPL under the control of a muscle-specific promoter (MCK) to generate induced mutants with either relative (L2-MCK) or absolute AT LPL deficiency (L0-MCK). L0-MCK mice had normal weight gain and body mass composition. However, AT chemical composition indicated that LPL deficiency was compensated for by large increases in endogenous AT fatty acid synthesis. Histological analysis confirmed that such up-regulation of de novo fatty acid synthesis in L0-MCK mice could produce normal amounts of AT as early as 20 h after birth. To assess the role of AT LPL during times of profound weight gain, L0-MCK and L2-MCK genotypes were compared on the obese ob/ob background. ob/ob mice rendered deficient in AT LPL (L0-MCK-ob/ob) also demonstrated increased endogenous fatty acid synthesis but had diminished weight and fat mass. These findings reveal marked alterations in AT metabolism that occur during LPL deficiency and provide strong evidence for a role of AT LPL in one type of genetic obesity.


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The influence of the excitotoxic cascade on the developing brain was investigated using ibotenate, a glutamatergic agonist of both N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropic receptors and metabotropic receptors. Injected in the neopallium of the golden hamster at the time of production of neurons normally destined for layers IV, III, and II, ibotenate induces arrests of migrating neurons at different distances from the germinative zone within the radial migratory corridors. The resulting cytoarchitectonic patterns include periventricular nodular heterotopias, subcortical band heterotopias, and intracortical arrests of migrating neurons. The radial glial cells and the extracellular matrix are free of detectable damage that could suggest a defect in their guiding role. The migration disorders are prevented by coinjection of dl-2-amino-7-phosphoheptanoic acid, an NMDA ionotropic antagonist, but are not prevented by coinjection of l(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid, a metabotropic antagonist. This implies that an excess of ionic influx through the NMDA channels of neurons alters the metabolic pathways supporting neuronal migration. Ibotenate, a unique molecular trigger of the excitotoxic cascade, produces a wide spectrum of abnormal neuronal migration patterns recognized in mammals, including the neocortical deviations encountered in the human brain.


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We report a general method for screening, in solution, the impact of deviations from canonical Watson-Crick composition on the thermodynamic stability of nucleic acid duplexes. We demonstrate how fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used to detect directly free energy differences between an initially formed “reference” duplex (usually a Watson-Crick duplex) and a related “test” duplex containing a lesion/alteration of interest (e.g., a mismatch, a modified, a deleted, or a bulged base, etc.). In one application, one titrates into a solution containing a fluorescently labeled, FRET-active, reference duplex, an unlabeled, single-stranded nucleic acid (test strand), which may or may not compete successfully to form a new duplex. When a new duplex forms by strand displacement, it will not exhibit FRET. The resultant titration curve (normalized fluorescence intensity vs. logarithm of test strand concentration) yields a value for the difference in stability (free energy) between the newly formed, test strand-containing duplex and the initial reference duplex. The use of competitive equilibria in this assay allows the measurement of equilibrium association constants that far exceed the magnitudes accessible by conventional titrimetric techniques. Additionally, because of the sensitivity of fluorescence, the method requires several orders of magnitude less material than most other solution methods. We discuss the advantages of this method for detecting and characterizing any modification that alters duplex stability, including, but not limited to, mutagenic lesions. We underscore the wide range of accessible free energy values that can be defined by this method, the applicability of the method in probing for a myriad of nucleic acid variations, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, and the potential of the method for high throughput screening.