73 resultados para E3 ligase


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Mutations of von Hippel–Lindau disease (VHL) tumor-suppressor gene product (pVHL) are found in patients with dominant inherited VHL syndrome and in the vast majority of sporadic clear cell renal carcinomas. The function of the pVHL protein has not been clarified. pVHL has been shown to form a complex with elongin B and elongin C (VBC) and with cullin (CUL)-2. In light of the structural analogy of VBC-CUL-2 to SKP1-CUL-1-F-box ubiquitin ligases, the ubiquitin ligase activity of VBC-CUL-2 was examined in this study. We show that VBC-CUL-2 exhibits ubiquitin ligase activity, and we identified UbcH5a, b, and c, but not CDC34, as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes of the VBC-CUL-2 ubiquitin ligase. The protein Rbx1/ROC1 enhances ligase activity of VBC-CUL-2 as it does in the SKP1-CUL-1-F-box protein ligase complex. We also found that pVHL associates with two proteins, p100 and p220, which migrate at a similar molecular weight as two major bands in the ubiquitination assay. Furthermore, naturally occurring pVHL missense mutations, including mutants capable of forming a complex with elongin B–elongin C-CUL-2, fail to associate with p100 and p220 and cannot exhibit the E3 ligase activity. These results suggest that pVHL might be the substrate recognition subunit of the VBC-CUL-2 E3 ligase. This is also, to our knowledge, the first example of a human tumor-suppressor protein being directly involved in the ubiquitin conjugation system which leads to the targeted degradation of substrate proteins.


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The infected cell protein 0 (ICP0) of herpes simplex virus 1, a promiscuous transactivator shown to enhance the expression of genes introduced into cells by infection or transfection, interacts with numerous cellular proteins and has been linked to the disruption of ND10 and degradation of several proteins. ICP0 contains a RING finger domain characteristic of a class of E3 ubiquitin ligases. We report that: (i) in infected cells, ICP0 interacts dynamically with proteasomes and is bound to proteasomes in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Also in infected cells, cdc34, a polyubiquitinated E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, exhibits increased ICP0-dependent dynamic interaction with proteasomes. (ii) In an in vitro substrate-independent ubiquitination system, the RING finger domain encoded by exon 2 of ICP0 binds cdc34, whereas the carboxyl-terminal domain of ICP0 functions as an E3 ligase independent of the RING finger domain. The results indicate that ICP0 can act as a unimolecular E3 ubiquitin ligase and that it promotes ubiquitin-protein ligation and binds the E2 cdc34. It differs from other unimolecular E3 ligases in that the domain containing the RING finger binds E2, whereas the ligase activity maps to a different domain of the protein. The results also suggest that ICP0 shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm as a function of its dynamic interactions with proteasomes.


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Smads are signal mediators for the members of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily. Upon phosphorylation by the TGF-β receptors, Smad3 translocates into the nucleus, recruits transcriptional coactivators and corepressors, and regulates transcription of target genes. Here, we show that Smad3 activated by TGF-β is degraded by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Smad3 interacts with a RING finger protein, ROC1, through its C-terminal MH2 domain in a ligand-dependent manner. An E3 ubiquitin ligase complex ROC1-SCFFbw1a consisting of ROC1, Skp1, Cullin1, and Fbw1a (also termed βTrCP1) induces ubiquitination of Smad3. Recruitment of a transcriptional coactivator, p300, to nuclear Smad3 facilitates the interaction with the E3 ligase complex and triggers the degradation process of Smad3. Smad3 bound to ROC1-SCFFbw1a is then exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm for proteasomal degradation. TGF-β/Smad3 signaling is thus irreversibly terminated by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway.


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Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder in which familial-linked genes have provided novel insights into the pathogenesis of this disorder. Mutations in Parkin, a ring-finger-containing protein of unknown function, are implicated in the pathogenesis of autosomal recessive familial Parkinson's disease. Here, we show that Parkin binds to the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating human enzyme 8 (UbcH8) through its C-terminal ring-finger. Parkin has ubiquitin–protein ligase activity in the presence of UbcH8. Parkin also ubiquitinates itself and promotes its own degradation. We also identify and show that the synaptic vesicle-associated protein, CDCrel-1, interacts with Parkin through its ring-finger domains. Furthermore, Parkin ubiquitinates and promotes the degradation of CDCrel-1. Familial-linked mutations disrupt the ubiquitin–protein ligase function of Parkin and impair Parkin and CDCrel-1 degradation. These results suggest that Parkin functions as an E3 ubiquitin–protein ligase through its ring domains and that it may control protein levels via ubiquitination. The loss of Parkin's ubiquitin–protein ligase function in familial-linked mutations suggests that this may be the cause of familial autosomal recessive Parkinson's disease.


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Yeast Rsp5p and its mammalian homologue, Nedd4, are hect domain ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s) required for the ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of plasma membrane proteins. Because ubiquitination is sufficient to induce internalization, E3-mediated ubiquitination is a key regulatory event in plasma membrane protein endocytosis. Rsp5p is an essential, multidomain protein containing an amino-terminal C2 domain, three WW protein-protein interaction domains, and a carboxy-terminal hect domain that carries E3 activity. In this study, we demonstrate that Rsp5p is peripherally associated with membranes and provide evidence that Rsp5p functions as part of a multimeric protein complex. We define the function of Rsp5p and its domains in the ubiquitin-dependent internalization of the yeast α-factor receptor, Ste2p. Temperature-sensitive rsp5 mutants were unable to ubiquitinate or to internalize Ste2p at the nonpermissive temperature. Deletion of the entire C2 domain had no effect on α-factor internalization; however, point mutations in any of the three WW domains impaired both receptor ubiquitination and internalization. These observations indicate that the WW domains play a role in the important regulatory event of selecting phosphorylated proteins as endocytic cargo. In addition, mutations in the C2 and WW1 domains had more severe defects on transport of fluid-phase markers to the vacuole than on receptor internalization, suggesting that Rsp5p functions at multiple steps in the endocytic pathway.


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BRCA1 is a breast and ovarian cancer-specific tumor suppressor that seems to be involved in transcription and DNA repair. Here we report that BRCA1 exhibits a bona fide ubiquitin (Ub) protein ligase (E3) activity, and that cancer-predisposing mutations within the BRCA1 RING domain abolish its Ub ligase activity. Furthermore, these mutants are unable to reverse γ-radiation hypersensitivity of BRCA1-null human breast cancer cells, HCC1937. Additionally, these mutations within the BRCA1 RING domain are not capable of restoring a G2 + M checkpoint in HCC1937 cells. These results establish a link between Ub protein ligase activity and γ-radiation protection function of BRCA1, and provide an explanation for why mutations within the BRCA1 RING domain predispose to cancer. Furthermore, we propose that the analysis of the Ub ligase activity of RING-domain mutations identified in patients may constitute an assay to predict predisposition to cancer.


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Cyclin B/cdc2 is responsible both for driving cells into mitosis and for activating the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of mitotic cyclins near the end of mitosis, an event required for the completion of mitosis and entry into interphase of the next cell cycle. Previous work with cell-free extracts of rapidly dividing clam embryos has identified two specific components required for the ubiquitination of mitotic cyclins: E2-C, a cyclin-selective ubiquitin carrier protein that is constitutively active during the cell cycle, and E3-C, a cyclin-selective ubiquitin ligase that purifies as part of a approximately 1500-kDa complex, termed the cyclosome, and which is active only near the end of mitosis. Here, we have separated the cyclosome from its ultimate upstream activator, cdc2. The mitotic, active form of the cyclosome can be inactivated by incubation with a partially purified, endogenous okadaic acid-sensitive phosphatase; addition of cdc2 restores activity to the cyclosome after a lag that reproduces that seen previously in intact cells and in crude extracts. These results demonstrate that activity of cyclin-ubiquitin ligase is controlled by reversible phosphorylation of the cyclosome complex.


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E6-AP is a 100-kDa cellular protein that interacts with the E6 protein of the cancer-associated human papillomavirus types 16 and 18. The E6/E6-AP complex binds to and targets the p53 tumor-suppressor protein for ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. E6-AP is an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase which accepts ubiquitin from an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme in the form of a thioester and then directly transfers the ubiquitin to targeted substrates. The amino acid sequence of E6-AP shows similarity to a number of protein sequences over an approximately 350-aa region corresponding to the carboxyl termini of both E6-AP and the E6-AP-related proteins. Of particular note is a conserved cysteine residue within the last 32-34 aa, which in E6-AP is likely to be the site of ubiquitin thioester formation. Two of the E6-AP-related proteins, a rat 100-kDa protein and a yeast 95-kDa protein (RSP5), both of previously unknown function, are shown here to form thioesters with ubiquitin. Mutation of the conserved cysteine residue of these proteins destroys their ability to accept ubiquitin. These data strongly suggest that the rat 100-kDa protein and RSP5, as well as the other E6-AP-related proteins, belong to a class of functionally related E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases, defined by a domain homologous to the E6-AP carboxyl terminus (hect domain).


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Activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) is controlled by proteolysis of its inhibitory subunit (IκB) via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Signal-induced phosphorylation of IκBα by a large multisubunit complex containing IκB kinases is a prerequisite for ubiquitination. Here, we show that FWD1 (a mouse homologue of Slimb/βTrCP), a member of the F-box/WD40-repeat proteins, is associated specifically with IκBα only when IκBα is phosphorylated. The introduction of FWD1 into cells significantly promotes ubiquitination and degradation of IκBα in concert with IκB kinases, resulting in nuclear translocation of NF-κB. In addition, FWD1 strikingly evoked the ubiquitination of IκBα in the in vitro system. In contrast, a dominant-negative form of FWD1 inhibits the ubiquitination, leading to stabilization of IκBα. These results suggest that the substrate-specific degradation of IκBα is mediated by a Skp1/Cull 1/F-box protein (SCF) FWD1 ubiquitin-ligase complex and that FWD1 serves as an intracellular receptor for phosphorylated IκBα. Skp1/Cullin/F-box protein FWD1 might play a critical role in transcriptional regulation of NF-κB through control of IκB protein stability.


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The SCF ubiquitin ligase complex of budding yeast triggers DNA replication by catalyzing ubiquitination of the S phase cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor SIC1. SCF is composed of three proteins—ySKP1, CDC53 (Cullin), and the F-box protein CDC4—that are conserved from yeast to humans. As part of an effort to identify components and substrates of a putative human SCF complex, we isolated hSKP1 in a two-hybrid screen with hCUL1, the closest human homologue of CDC53. Here, we show that hCUL1 associates with hSKP1 in vivo and directly interacts with both hSKP1 and the human F-box protein SKP2 in vitro, forming an SCF-like particle. Moreover, hCUL1 complements the growth defect of yeast cdc53ts mutants, associates with ubiquitination-promoting activity in human cell extracts, and can assemble into functional, chimeric ubiquitin ligase complexes with yeast SCF components. Taken together, these data suggest that hCUL1 functions as part of an SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in human cells. Further application of biochemical assays similar to those described here can now be used to identify regulators/components of hCUL1-based SCF complexes, to determine whether the hCUL2–hCUL5 proteins also are components of ubiquitin ligase complexes in human cells, and to screen for chemical compounds that modulate the activities of the hSKP1 and hCUL1 proteins.


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The rapid loss of muscle mass that accompanies many disease states, such as cancer or sepsis, is primarily a result of increased protein breakdown in muscle, and several observations have suggested an activation of the ubiquitin–proteasome system. Accordingly, in extracts of atrophying muscles from tumor-bearing or septic rats, rates of 125I-ubiquitin conjugation to endogenous proteins were found to be higher than in control extracts. On the other hand, in extracts of muscles from hypothyroid rats, where overall proteolysis is reduced below normal, the conjugation of 125I-ubiquitin to soluble proteins decreased by 50%, and treatment with triiodothyronine (T3) restored ubiquitination to control levels. Surprisingly, the N-end rule pathway, which selectively degrades proteins with basic or large hydrophobic N-terminal residues, was found to be responsible for most of these changes in ubiquitin conjugation. Competitive inhibitors of this pathway that specifically block the ubiquitin ligase, E3α, suppressed most of the increased ubiquitin conjugation in the muscle extracts from tumor-bearing and septic rats. These inhibitors also suppressed ubiquitination in normal extracts toward levels in hypothyroid extracts, which showed little E3α-dependent ubiquitination. Thus, the inhibitors eliminated most of the differences in ubiquitination under these different pathological conditions. Moreover, 125I-lysozyme, a model N-end rule substrate, was ubiquitinated more rapidly in extracts from tumor-bearing and septic rats, and more slowly in those from hypothyroid rats, than in controls. Thus, the rate of ubiquitin conjugation increases in atrophying muscles, and these hormone- and cytokine-dependent responses are in large part due to activation of the N-end rule pathway.


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Hereditary tyrosinemia type I (HT1) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism caused by the deficiency of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase, the last enzyme in the tyrosine catabolism pathway. This defect results in accumulation of succinylacetone (SA) that reacts with amino acids and proteins to form stable adducts via Schiff base formation, lysine being the most reactive amino acid. HT1 patients surviving beyond infancy are at considerable risk for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, and a high level of chromosomal breakage is observed in HT1 cells, suggesting a defect in the processing of DNA. In this paper we show that the overall DNA-ligase activity is low in HT1 cells (about 20% of the normal value) and that Okazaki fragments are rejoined at a reduced rate compared with normal fibroblasts. No mutation was found by sequencing the ligase I cDNA from HT1 cells, and the level of expression of the ligase I mRNA was similar in normal and HT1 fibroblasts, suggesting the presence of a ligase inhibitor. SA was shown to inhibit in vitro the overall DNA-ligase activity present in normal cell extracts. The activity of purified T4 DNA-ligase, whose active site is also a lysine residue, was inhibited by SA in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that accumulation of SA reduces the overall ligase activity in HT1 cells and indicate that metabolism errors may play a role in regulating enzymatic activities involved in DNA replication and repair.


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The adenovirus (Ad) genome contains immunoregulatory and cytokine inhibitory genes that are presumed to function in facilitating acute infection or in establishing persistence in vivo. Some of these genes are clustered in early region 3 (E3), which contains a 19-kDa glycoprotein (gp19) that inhibits the transport of selected class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules out of the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, the E3 region contains three protein inhibitors of the cytolytic function of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α). Because type I autoimmune diabetes destroys islets by mechanisms that involve class I MHC and TNF-α, we investigated whether the entire cassette of Ad E3 genes might prevent the onset of diabetes in a well studied lymphocytic choriomeningitis viral (LCMV) murine model of virus-induced autoimmune diabetes. In this model, a LCMV polypeptide (either glycoprotein or nucleoprotein) expressed as a transgene in the islets is a target for autoimmune destruction of β cells after LCMV infection. In this scenario the LCMV-induced immune response is directed not only against the virus but also against the LCMV transgenes expressed in the β cells. Our experiments demonstrated a very efficient prevention of this LCMV-triggered diabetes by the Ad E3 genes. This resulted from the inhibition of target cell recognition by a fully competent and LCMV-primed immune system. Unlike the results from the β-2 microglobulin gene deletion experiments, our approach shows that selective regulation at the level of the target cell is sufficient to prevent autoimmune diabetes without disrupting the function of the systemic immune response. Although the Ad genes in these experiments were provided as transgenes, recent experiments may permit the introduction of such genes through the use of viral vectors. Although the decrease in class I MHC in islets by Ad genes was demonstrated in these in vivo studies, the relative importance of this process and the control of TNF-α cytolysis must await further genetic dissection of the introduced Ad genes.


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The VanC phenotype for clinical resistance of enterococci to vancomycin is exhibited by Enterococcus gallinarum and Enterococcus casseliflavus. Based on the detection of the cell precursor UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid pentapeptide intermediate terminating in d-Ala-d-Ser instead of d-Ala-d-Ala, it has been predicted that the VanC ligase would be a d-Ala-d-Ser rather than a d-Ala-d-Ala ligase. Overproduction of the E. casseliflavus ATCC 25788 vanC2 gene in Escherichia coli and its purification to homogeneity allowed demonstration of ATP-dependent d-Ala-d-Ser ligase activity. The kcat/Km2 (Km2 = Km for d-Ser or C-terminal d-Ala) ratio for d-Ala-d-Ser/d-Ala-d-Ala dipeptide formation is 270/0.69 for a 400-fold selection against d-Ala in the C-terminal position. VanC2 also has substantial d-Ala-d-Asn ligase activity (kcat/Km2 = 74 mM−1min−1).


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Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) regulates a broad range of biological processes, including cell growth, development, differentiation, and immunity. TGF-β signals through its cell surface receptor serine kinases that phosphorylate Smad2 or Smad3 proteins. Because Smad3 and its partner Smad4 bind to only 4-bp Smad binding elements (SBEs) in DNA, a central question is how specificity of TGF-β-induced transcription is achieved. We show that Smad3 selectively binds to two of the three SBEs in PE2.1, a TGF-β-inducible fragment of the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 promoter, to mediate TGF-β-induced transcription; moreover, a precise 3-bp spacer between one SBE and the E-box, a binding site for transcription factor μE3 (TFE3), is essential for TGF-β-induced transcription. Whereas an isolated Smad3 MH1 domain binds to TFE3, TGF-β receptor-mediated phosphorylation of full-length Smad3 enhances its binding to TFE3. Together, these studies elucidate an important mechanism for specificity in TGF-β-induced transcription of the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 gene.