31 resultados para Displaced homemakers


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Zinc finger domains are structures that mediate sequence recognition for a large number of DNA-binding proteins. These domains consist of sequences of amino acids containing cysteine and histidine residues tetrahedrally coordinated to a zinc ion. In this report, we present a means to selectively inhibit a zinc finger transcription factor with cobalt(III) Schiff-base complexes. 1H NMR spectroscopy confirmed that the structure of a zinc finger peptide is disrupted by axial ligation of the cobalt(III) complex to the nitrogen of the imidazole ring of a histidine residue. Fluorescence studies reveal that the zinc ion is displaced from the model zinc finger peptide in the presence of the cobalt complex. In addition, gel-shift and filter-binding assays reveal that cobalt complexes inhibit binding of a complete zinc finger protein, human transcription factor Sp1, to its consensus sequence. Finally, a DNA-coupled conjugate of the cobalt complexes selectively inhibited Sp1 in the presence of several other transcription factors.


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The formation of heteroduplex joints in Escherichia coli recombination is initiated by invasion of double-stranded DNA by a single-stranded homologue. To determine the polarity of the invasive strand, linear molecules with direct terminal repeats were released by in vivo restriction of infecting chimeric phage DNA and heteroduplex products of intramolecular recombination were analyzed. With this substrate, the invasive strand is expected to be incorporated into the circular crossover product and the complementary strand is expected to be incorporated into the reciprocal linear product. Strands of both polarities were incorporated into heteroduplex structures, but only strands ending 3′ at the break were incorporated into circular products. This result indicates that invasion of the 3′-ending strand initiates the heteroduplex joint formation and that the complementary 5′-ending strand is incorporated into heteroduplex structures in the process of reciprocal strand exchange. The polarity of the invasive strand was not affected by recD, recJ, or xonA mutations. However, xonA and recJ mutations increased the proportion of heteroduplexes containing 5′-ending strands. This observation suggests that RecJ exonuclease and exonuclease I may enhance recombination by degrading the displaced strands during branch migration and thereby causing strand exchange to be unidirectional.


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Preservation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) minerals formed at depths of 90–125 km require unusual conditions. Our subduction model involves underflow of a salient (250 ± 150 km wide, 90–125 km long) of continental crust embedded in cold, largely oceanic crust-capped lithosphere; loss of leading portions of the high-density oceanic lithosphere by slab break-off, as increasing volumes of microcontinental material enter the subduction zone; buoyancy-driven return toward midcrustal levels of a thin (2–15 km thick), low-density slice; finally, uplift, backfolding, normal faulting, and exposure of the UHP terrane. Sustained over ≈20 million years, rapid (≈5 mm/year) exhumation of the thin-aspect ratio UHP sialic sheet caught between cooler hanging-wall plate and refrigerating, downgoing lithosphere allows withdrawal of heat along both its upper and lower surfaces. The intracratonal position of most UHP complexes reflects consumption of an intervening ocean basin and introduction of a sialic promontory into the subduction zone. UHP metamorphic terranes consist chiefly of transformed, yet relatively low-density continental crust compared with displaced mantle material—otherwise such complexes could not return to shallow depths. Relatively rare metabasaltic, metagabbroic, and metacherty lithologies retain traces of phases characteristic of UHP conditions because they are massive, virtually impervious to fluids, and nearly anhydrous. In contrast, H2O-rich quartzofeldspathic, gneissose/schistose, more permeable metasedimentary and metagranitic units have backreacted thoroughly, so coesite and other UHP silicates are exceedingly rare. Because of the initial presence of biogenic carbon, and its especially sluggish transformation rate, UHP paragneisses contain the most abundantly preserved crustal diamonds.


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The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) controls signal transmission between cells in the nervous system. Abused drugs such as cocaine inhibit this receptor. Transient kinetic investigations indicate that inhibitors decrease the channel-opening equilibrium constant [Hess, G. P. & Grewer, C. (1998) Methods Enzymol. 291, 443–473]. Can compounds be found that compete with inhibitors for their binding site but do not change the channel-opening equilibrium? The systematic evolution of RNA ligands by exponential enrichment methodology and the AChR in Torpedo californica electroplax membranes were used to find RNAs that can displace inhibitors from the receptor. The selection of RNA ligands was carried out in two consecutive steps: (i) a gel-shift selection of high-affinity ligands bound to the AChR in the electroplax membrane, and (ii) subsequent use of nitrocellulose filters to which both the membrane-bound receptor and RNAs bind strongly, but from which the desired RNA can be displaced from the receptor by a high-affinity AChR inhibitor, phencyclidine. After nine selection rounds, two classes of RNA molecules that bind to the AChR with nanomolar affinities were isolated and sequenced. Both classes of RNA molecules are displaced by phencyclidine and cocaine from their binding site on the AChR. Class I molecules are potent inhibitors of AChR activity in BC3H1 muscle cells, as determined by using the whole-cell current-recording technique. Class II molecules, although competing with AChR inhibitors, do not affect receptor activity in this assay; such compounds or derivatives may be useful for alleviating the toxicity experienced by millions of addicts.


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The isomerization of chorismate to prephenate by chorismate mutase in the biosynthetic pathway that forms Tyr and Phe involves C5—O (ether) bond cleavage and C1—C9 bond formation in a Claisen rearrangement. Development of negative charge on the ether oxygen, stabilized by Lys-168 and Glu-246, is inferred from the structure of a complex with a transition state analogue (TSA) and from the pH-rate profile of the enzyme and the E246Q mutant. These studies imply a protonated Glu-246 well above pH 7. Here, several 500-ps molecular dynamics simulations test the stability of enzyme–TSA complexes by using a solvated system with stochastic boundary conditions. The simulated systems are (i) protonated Glu-246 (stable), (ii) deprotonated Glu-246 (unstable), (iii) deprotonated Glu-246 plus one H2O between Glu-246 and the ether oxygen (unstable), (iv) the E246Q mutant (stable), and (v) addition of OH− between protonated Glu-246 and the ether oxygen. In (v), a local conformational change of Lys-168 displaced the OH− into the solvent region, suggesting a possible rate-determining step that precedes the catalytic step. In a 500-ps simulation of the enzyme complexed with the reactant chorismate or the product prephenate, no water molecule remained near the oxygen of the ligand. Calculations using the linearized Poisson–Boltzmann equation show that the effective pKa of Glu-246 is shifted from 5.8 to 8.1 as the negative charge on the ether oxygen of the TSA is changed from −0.56 electron to −0.9 electron. Altogether, these results support retention of a proton on Glu-246 to high pH and the absence of a water molecule in the catalytic steps.


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Rhinoviruses are a frequent cause of the common cold. A series of antirhinoviral compounds have been developed that bind into a hydrophobic pocket in the viral capsid, stabilizing the capsid and interfering with cell attachment. The structures of a variety of such compounds, complexed with rhinovirus serotypes 14, 16, 1A, and 3, previously have been examined. Three chemically similar compounds, closely related to a drug that is undergoing phase III clinical trials, were chosen to determine the structural impact of the heteroatoms in one of the three rings. The compounds were found to have binding modes that depend on their electronic distribution. In the compound with the lowest efficacy, the terminal ring is displaced by 1 Å and rotated by 180° relative to the structure of the other two. The greater polarity of the terminal ring in one of the three compounds leads to a small displacement of its position relative to the other compounds in the hydrophobic end of the antiviral compound binding pocket to a site where it makes fewer interactions. Its lower efficacy is likely to be the result of the reduced number of interactions. A region of conserved residues has been identified near the entrance to the binding pocket where there is a corresponding conservation of the mode of binding of these compounds to different serotypes. Thus, variations in residues lining the more hydrophobic end of the pocket are primarily responsible for the differences in drug efficacies.


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The intermediate filament protein vimentin is a major phosphoprotein in mammalian fibroblasts, and reversible phosphorylation plays a key role in its dynamic rearrangement. Selective inhibition of type 2A but not type 1 protein phosphatases led to hyperphosphorylation and concomitant disassembly of vimentin, characterized by a collapse into bundles around the nucleus. We have analyzed the potential role of one of the major protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunits, B55, in vimentin dephosphorylation. In mammalian fibroblasts, B55 protein was distributed ubiquitously throughout the cytoplasm with a fraction associated to vimentin. Specific depletion of B55 in living cells by antisense B55 RNA was accompanied by disassembly and increased phosphorylation of vimentin, as when type 2A phosphatases were inhibited using okadaic acid. The presence of B55 was a prerequisite for PP2A to efficiently dephosphorylate vimentin in vitro or to induce filament reassembly in situ. Both biochemical fractionation and immunofluorescence analysis of detergent-extracted cells revealed that fractions of PP2Ac, PR65, and B55 were tightly associated with vimentin. Furthermore, vimentin-associated PP2A catalytic subunit was displaced in B55-depleted cells. Taken together these data show that, in mammalian fibroblasts, the intermediate filament protein vimentin is dephosphorylated by PP2A, an event targeted by B55.


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Increased expression of the serine protease urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in tumor tissues is highly correlated with tumor cell migration, invasion, proliferation, progression, and metastasis. Thus inhibition of uPA activity represents a promising target for antimetastatic therapy. So far, only the x-ray crystal structure of uPA inactivated by H-Glu-Gly-Arg-chloromethylketone has been reported, thus limited data are available for a rational structure-based design of uPA inhibitors. Taking into account the trypsin-like arginine specificity of uPA, (4-aminomethyl)phenylguanidine was selected as a potential P1 residue and iterative derivatization of its amino group with various hydrophobic residues, and structure–activity relationship-based optimization of the spacer in terms of hydrogen bond acceptor/donor properties led to N-(1-adamantyl)-N′-(4-guanidinobenzyl)urea as a highly selective nonpeptidic uPA inhibitor. The x-ray crystal structure of the uPA B-chain complexed with this inhibitor revealed a surprising binding mode consisting of the expected insertion of the phenylguanidine moiety into the S1 pocket, but with the adamantyl residue protruding toward the hydrophobic S1′ enzyme subsite, thus exposing the ureido group to hydrogen-bonding interactions. Although in this enzyme-bound state the inhibitor is crossing the active site, interactions with the catalytic residues Ser-195 and His-57 are not observed, but their side chains are spatially displaced for steric reasons. Compared with other trypsin-like serine proteases, the S2 and S3/S4 pockets of uPA are reduced in size because of the 99-insertion loop. Therefore, the peculiar binding mode of the new type of uPA inhibitors offers the possibility of exploiting optimized interactions at the S1′/S2′ subsites to further enhance selectivity and potency. Because crystals of the uPA/benzamidine complex allow inhibitor exchange by soaking procedures, the structure-based design of new generations of uPA inhibitors can rely on the assistance of x-ray analysis.


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To examine the role of microtubules in growth cone turning, we have compared the microtubule organization in growth cones advancing on uniform laminin substrates with their organization in growth cones turning at a laminin–tenascin border. The majority (82%) of growth cones on laminin had a symmetrical microtubule organization, in which the microtubules entering the growth cone splay out toward the periphery of the growth cone. Growth cones at tenascin borders had symmetrically arranged microtubules in only 34% of cases, whereas in the majority of cases the microtubules were displaced toward one-half of the growth cone, presumably stabilizing in the direction of the turn along the tenascin border. These results suggest that reorganization of microtubules could underlie growth cone turning. Further evidence for the involvement of microtubule rearrangement in growth cone turning was provided by experiments in which growth cones approached tenascin borders in the presence of nanomolar concentrations of the microtubule stabilizing compound, Taxol. Taxol altered the organization of microtubules in growth cones growing on laminin by restricting their distribution to the proximal regions of the growth cone and increasing their bundling. Taxol did not stop growth cone advance on laminin. When growing in the presence of Taxol, growth cones at tenascin borders were not able to turn and grow along the laminin–tenascin border, and consequently stopped at the border. Growth cones were arrested at borders for as long as Taxol was present (up to 6 h) without showing any signs of drug toxicity. These effects of Taxol were reversible. Together, these results suggest that microtubule reorganization in growth cones is a necessary event in growth cone turning.


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13C-selective NMR, combined with inhibitor perturbation experiments, shows that the Cɛ1—H proton of the catalytic histidine in resting α-lytic protease and subtilisin BPN′ resonates, when protonated, at 9.22 ppm and 9.18 ppm, respectively, which is outside the normal range for such protons and ≈0.6 to 0.8 ppm further downfield than previously reported. They also show that the previous α-lytic protease assignments [Markley, J. L., Neves, D. E., Westler, W. M., Ibanez, I. B., Porubcan, M. A. & Baillargeon, M. W. (1980) Front. Protein Chem. 10, 31–61] were to signals from inactive or denatured protein. Simulations of linewidth vs. pH demonstrate that the true signal is more difficult to detect than corresponding signals from inactive derivatives, owing to higher imidazole pKa values and larger chemical shift differences between protonated and neutral forms. A compilation and analysis of available NMR data indicates that the true Cɛ1—H signals from other serine proteases are similarly displaced downfield, with past assignments to more upfield signals probably in error. The downfield displacement of these proton resonances is shown to be consistent with an H-bond involving the histidine Cɛ1—H as donor, confirming the original hypothesis of Derewenda et al. [Derewenda, Z. S., Derewenda, U. & Kobos, P. M. (1994) J. Mol. Biol. 241, 83–93], which was based on an analysis of literature x-ray crystal structures of serine hydrolases. The invariability of this H-bond among enzymes containing Asp-His-Ser triads indicates functional importance. Here, we propose that it enables a reaction-driven imidazole ring flip mechanism, overcoming a major dilemma inherent in all previous mechanisms, namely how these enzymes catalyze both the formation and productive breakdown of tetrahedral intermediates.


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Mitochondrial genomes of all vertebrate animals analyzed to date have the same 37 genes, whose arrangement in the circular DNA molecule varies only in the relative position of a few genes. This relative conservation suggests that mitochondrial gene order characters have potential utility as phylogenetic markers for higher-level vertebrate taxa. We report discovery of a mitochondrial gene order that has had multiple independent originations within birds, based on sampling of 137 species representing 13 traditionally recognized orders. This provides evidence of parallel evolution in mitochondrial gene order for animals. Our results indicate operation of physical constraints on mitochondrial gene order changes and support models for gene order change based on replication error. Bird mitochondria have a displaced OL (origin of light-strand replication site) as do various other Reptilia taxa prone to gene order changes. Our findings point to the need for broad taxonomic sampling in using mitochondrial gene order for phylogenetic analyses. We found, however, that the alternative mitochondrial gene orders distinguish the two primary groups of songbirds (order Passeriformes), oscines and suboscines, in agreement with other molecular as well as morphological data sets. Thus, although mitochondrial gene order characters appear susceptible to some parallel evolution because of mechanistic constraints, they do hold promise for phylogenetic studies.


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The Schizosaccharomyces pombe dhp1+ gene is an ortholog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAT1 gene, which encodes a nuclear 5′→3′ exoribonuclease, and is essential for cell viability. To clarify the cellular functions of the nuclear 5′→3′ exoribonuclease, we isolated and characterized a temperature-sensitive mutant of dhp1 (dhp1-1 mutant). The dhp1-1 mutant showed nuclear accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA at the restrictive temperature, as was already reported for the rat1 mutant. Interestingly, the dhp1-1 mutant exhibited aberrant chromosome segregation at the restrictive temperature. The dhp1-1 cells frequently contained condensed chromosomes, most of whose sister chromatids failed to separate during mitosis despite normal mitotic spindle elongation. Finally, chromosomes were displaced or unequally segregated. As similar mitotic defects were also observed in Dhp1p-depleted cells, we concluded that dhp1+ is required for proper chromosome segregation as well as for poly(A)+ RNA metabolism in fission yeast. Furthermore, we isolated a multicopy suppressor of the dhp1-1 mutant, referred to as din1+. We found that the gene product of dhp1-1 was unstable at high temperatures, but that reduced levels of Dhp1-1p could be suppressed by overexpressing Din1p at the restrictive temperature. Thus, Din1p may physically interact with Dhp1p and stabilize Dhp1p and/or restore its activity.


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Cd1 nitrite reductase catalyzes the conversion of nitrite to NO in denitrifying bacteria. Reduction of the substrate occurs at the d1-heme site, which faces on the distal side some residues thought to be essential for substrate binding and catalysis. We report the results obtained by mutating to Ala the two invariant active site histidines, His-327 and His-369, of the enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both mutants have lost nitrite reductase activity but maintain the ability to reduce O2 to water. Nitrite reductase activity is impaired because of the accumulation of a catalytically inactive form, possibly because the productive displacement of NO from the ferric d1-heme iron is impaired. Moreover, the two distal His play different roles in catalysis; His-369 is absolutely essential for the stability of the Michaelis complex. The structures of both mutants show (i) the new side chain in the active site, (ii) a loss of density of Tyr-10, which slipped away with the N-terminal arm, and (iii) a large topological change in the whole c-heme domain, which is displaced 20 Å from the position occupied in the wild-type enzyme. We conclude that the two invariant His play a crucial role in the activity and the structural organization of cd1 nitrite reductase from P. aeruginosa.


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How tau mutations lead to neurodegeneration is unknown but may be related to altered microtubule binding properties of mutant tau protein. The tendency for the mutations to cluster around the microtubule-binding domain of tau or to alter the ratios of those splice isoforms that affect binding supports the view that the tau/microtubule interaction is critical and finely regulated. In cells transfected with both mutant and wild-type tau isoforms fused to either yellow fluorescent protein or cyan fluorescent protein we can observe tau fusion proteins that differ by a single amino acid or by the inclusion or exclusion of exon 10. With coexpression of mutant and wild-type tau, the mutant isoform appears diffuse throughout the cytoplasm; however, when mutant tau is expressed alone, it appears mostly bound to the microtubules. Dual imaging of the three- and four-repeat tau isoforms indicated that the expression of four-repeat tau displaced three-repeat tau from the microtubules. These results suggest that altered kinetic competition among the isoforms for microtubule binding could be a disease precipitant.


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Three sequential hurricanes, Dennis, Floyd, and Irene, affected coastal North Carolina in September and October 1999. These hurricanes inundated the region with up to 1 m of rainfall, causing 50- to 500-year flooding in the watershed of the Pamlico Sound, the largest lagoonal estuary in the United States and a key West Atlantic fisheries nursery. We investigated the ecosystem-level impacts on and responses of the Sound to the floodwater discharge. Floodwaters displaced three-fourths of the volume of the Sound, depressed salinity by a similar amount, and delivered at least half of the typical annual nitrogen load to this nitrogen-sensitive ecosystem. Organic carbon concentrations in floodwaters entering Pamlico Sound via a major tributary (the Neuse River Estuary) were at least 2-fold higher than concentrations under prefloodwater conditions. A cascading set of physical, chemical, and ecological impacts followed, including strong vertical stratification, bottom water hypoxia, a sustained increase in algal biomass, displacement of many marine organisms, and a rise in fish disease. Because of the Sound's long residence time (≈1 year), we hypothesize that the effects of the short-term nutrient enrichment could prove to be multiannual. A predicted increase in the frequency of hurricane activity over the next few decades may cause longer-term biogeochemical and trophic changes in this and other estuarine and coastal habitats.