55 resultados para Diet, Protein-Restricted


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In the intracellular death program, hetero- and homodimerization of different anti- and pro-apoptotic Bcl-2-related proteins are critical in the determination of cell fate. From a rat ovarian fusion cDNA library, we isolated a new pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 gene, Bcl-2-related ovarian killer (Bok). Bok had conserved Bcl-2 homology (BH) domains 1, 2, and 3 and a C-terminal transmembrane region present in other Bcl-2 proteins, but lacked the BH4 domain found only in anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. In the yeast two-hybrid system, Bok interacted strongly with some (Mcl-1, BHRF1, and Bfl-1) but not other (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Bcl-w) anti-apoptotic members. This finding is in direct contrast to the ability of other pro-apoptotic members (Bax, Bak, and Bik) to interact with all of the anti-apoptotic proteins. In addition, negligible interaction was found between Bok and different pro-apoptotic members. In mammalian cells, overexpression of Bok induced apoptosis that was blocked by the baculoviral-derived cysteine protease inhibitor P35. Cell killing induced by Bok was also suppressed following coexpression with Mcl-1 and BHRF1 but not with Bcl-2, further indicating that Bok heterodimerized only with selective anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. Northern blot analysis indicated that Bok was highly expressed in the ovary, testis and uterus. In situ hybridization analysis localized Bok mRNA in granulosa cells, the cell type that underwent apoptosis during follicle atresia. Identification of Bok as a new pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein with restricted tissue distribution and heterodimerization properties could facilitate elucidation of apoptosis mechanisms in reproductive tissues undergoing hormone-regulated cyclic cell turnover.


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Prion replication in spleen and neuroinvasion after i.p. inoculation of mice is impaired in forms of immunodeficiency where mature B lymphocytes are lacking. In spleens of wild-type mice, infectivity is associated with B and T lymphocytes and stroma but not with circulating lymphocytes. We generated transgenic prion protein knockout mice overexpressing prion protein in B lymphocytes and found that they failed to accumulate prions in spleen after i.p. inoculation. We conclude that splenic B lymphocytes are not prion-replication competent and that they acquire prions from other cells, most likely follicular dendritic cells with which they closely associate and whose maturation depends on them.


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Studies to date have identified only a few proteins that are expressed in a segment-specific manner within the mammalian brain. Here we report that a nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase, PTPH1, is selectively expressed in the adult thalamus. Expression of PTPH1 mRNA is detected in most, but not all, thalamic nuclei. Nuclei that are derived embryonically from the dorsal thalamus and project to the neocortex express this gene, whereas those derived from the ventral thalamus do not. PTPH1 mRNA expression is also restricted to the dorsal thalamus during development and, thus, can serve as a specific marker for the dorsal thalamic nuclei. Since the subcellular localization of PTPH1 protein is not known, its functional role is not clear. However, the restriction of its expression to the thalamic nuclei that have thalamocortical connections suggests that PTPH1 may play a role in the maintenance of these connections or in determining the physiological properties of thalamic relay nuclei.


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Vaccination of mice with activated autoantigen-reactive CD4+ T cells (T cell vaccination, TCV) has been shown to induce protection from the subsequent induction of a variety of experimental autoimmune diseases, including experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE). Although the mechanisms involved in TCV-mediated protection are not completely known, there is some evidence that TCV induces CD8+ regulatory T cells that are specific for pathogenic CD4+ T cells. Previously, we demonstrated that, after superantigen administration in vivo, CD8+ T cells emerge that preferentially lyse and regulate activated autologous CD4+ T cells in a T cell receptor (TCR) Vβ-specific manner. This TCR Vβ-specific regulation is not observed in β2-microglobulin-deficient mice and is inhibited, in vitro, by antibody to Qa-1. We now show that similar Vβ8-specific Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells are also induced by TCV with activated CD4+ Vβ8+ T cells. These CD8+ T cells specifically lyse murine or human transfectants coexpressing Qa-1 and murine TCR Vβ8. Further, CD8+ T cell hybridoma clones generated from B10.PL mice vaccinated with a myelin basic protein-specific CD4+Vβ8+ T cell clone specifically recognize other CD4+ T cells and T cell tumors that express Vβ8 and the syngeneic Qa-1a but not the allogeneic Qa-1b molecule. Thus, Vβ-specific Qa-1-restricted CD8+ T cells are induced by activated CD4+ T cells. We suggest that these CD8+ T cells may function to specifically regulate activated CD4+ T cells during immune responses.


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We have generated mice with markedly elevated plasma levels of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) and reduced plasma levels of high density lipoprotein. These mice have no functional LDL receptors [LDLR−/−] and express a human apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB) transgene [Tg(apoB+/+)] with or without an apo(a) transgene [Tg(apoa+/−)]. Twenty animals (10 males and 10 females) of each of the following four genotypes were maintained on a chow diet: (i) LDLR−/−, (ii) LDLR−/−;Tg(apoa+/−), (iii) LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+), and (iv)LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+);Tg(apo+/−). The mice were killed at 6 mo, and the percent area of the aortic intimal surface that stained positive for neutral lipid was quantified. Mean percent areas of lipid staining were not significantly different between the LDLR−/− and LDLR−/−;Tg(apoa+/−) mice (1.0 ± 0.2% vs. 1.4 ± 0.3%). However, the LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice had ≈15-fold greater mean lesion area than the LDLR−/− mice. No significant difference was found in percent lesion area in the LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice whether or not they expressed apo(a) [18.5 ± 2.5%, without lipoprotein(a), Lp(a), vs. 16.0 ± 1.7%, with Lp(a)]. Histochemical analyses of the sections from the proximal aorta of LDLR−/−;Tg(apoB+/+) mice revealed large, complex, lipid-laden atherosclerotic lesions that stained intensely with human apoB-100 antibodies. In mice expressing Lp(a), large amounts of apo(a) protein colocalized with apoB-100 in the lesions. We conclude that LDLR−/−; Tg(apoB+/+) mice exhibit accelerated atherosclerosis on a chow diet and thus provide an excellent animal model in which to study atherosclerosis. We found no evidence that apo(a) increased atherosclerosis in this animal model.


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In the practice of “osmotic stress,” the effect of excluded cosolvents on a biochemical equilibrium is interpreted as the number of water molecules participating in the reaction. This action is attributed to lowering of solvent water activity by the cosolvent. This concept of osmotic stress in disperse solution is erroneous: (i) A cosolvent cannot be both excluded and inert, i.e., noninteracting, because exclusion requires a positive free energy change; (ii) a decrease in water activity alone by addition of solute cannot affect an equilibrium when the reacting surface is in contact with the solvent; and (iii) osmotic stress in disperse solution is a restricted case of preferential interactions; the reaction is driven by the free energy of cosolvent exclusion, and the derived number of water molecules is solely a measure of the mutual perturbations of the chemical potentials of the cosolvent and the protein.


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It has been widely reported that the small GTP-binding protein Rap1 has an anti-Ras and anti-mitogenic activity. Thus, it is generally accepted that a normal physiological role of Rap1 proteins is to antagonize Ras mitogenic signals, presumably by forming nonproductive complexes with proteins that are typically effectors or modulators of Ras. Rap1 is activated by signals that raise intracellular levels of cAMP, a molecule that has long been known to exert both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on cell growth. We have now tested the intriguing hypothesis that Rap1 could have mitogenic effects in systems in which cAMP stimulates cell proliferation. The result of experiments addressing this possibility revealed that Rap1 has full oncogenic potential. Expression of Rap1 in these cells results in a decreased doubling time, an increased saturation density, and an unusual anchorage-dependent morphological transformation. Most significantly, however, Rap1-expressing cells formed tumors when injected into nude mice. Thus, we propose that the view that holds Rap1 as an antimitogenic protein should be restricted and conclude that Rap1 is a conditional oncoprotein.


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We describe the identification of Neuregulin-3 (NRG3), a novel protein that is structurally related to the neuregulins (NRG1). The NRG1/neuregulins are a diverse family of proteins that arise by alternative splicing from a single gene. These proteins play an important role in controlling the growth and differentiation of glial, epithelial, and muscle cells. The biological effects of NRG1 are mediated by receptor tyrosine kinases ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4. However, genetic studies have suggested that the activity of ErbB4 may also be regulated in the central nervous system by a ligand distinct from NRG1. NRG3 is predicted to contain an extracellular domain with an epidermal growth factor (EGF) motif, a transmembrane domain, and a large cytoplasmic domain. We show that the EGF-like domain of NRG3 binds to the extracellular domain of ErbB4 in vitro. Moreover, NRG3 binds to ErbB4 expressed on cells and stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of this receptor. The expression of NRG3 is highly restricted to the developing and adult nervous system. These data suggest that NRG3 is a novel, neural-enriched ligand for ErbB4.


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The synthetic amino acid copolymer copolymer 1 (Cop 1) suppresses experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and is beneficial in multiple sclerosis. To further understand Cop 1 suppressive activity, we studied the cytokine secretion profile of various Cop 1-induced T cell lines and clones. Unlike T cell lines induced by myelin basic protein (MBP), which secreted either T cell helper type 1 (Th1) or both Th1 and Th2 cytokines, the T cell lines/clones induced by Cop 1 showed a progressively polarized development toward the Th2 pathway, until they completely lost the ability to secrete Th1 cytokines. Our findings indicate that the polarization of the Cop 1-induced lines did not result from the immunization vehicle or the in vitro growing conditions, but rather from the tendency of Cop 1 to preferentially induce a Th2 response. The response of all of the Cop 1 specific lines/clones, which were originated in the (SJL/J×BALB/c)F1 hybrids, was restricted to the BALB/c parental haplotype. Even though the Cop 1-induced T cells had not been exposed to the autoantigen MBP, they crossreacted with MBP by secretion of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, and IL-10. Administration of these T cells in vivo resulted in suppression of EAE induced by whole mouse spinal cord homogenate, in which several autoantigens may be involved. Secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines by Cop 1-induced suppressor cells, in response to either Cop 1 or MBP, may explain the therapeutic effect of Cop 1 in EAE and in multiple sclerosis.


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Understanding the mechanism for sucrose-induced protein stabilization is important in many diverse fields, ranging from biochemistry and environmental physiology to pharmaceutical science. Timasheff and Lee [Lee, J. C. & Timasheff, S. N. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 7193–7201] have established that thermodynamic stabilization of proteins by sucrose is due to preferential exclusion of the sugar from the protein’s surface, which increases protein chemical potential. The current study measures the preferential exclusion of 1 M sucrose from a protein drug, recombinant interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (rhIL-1ra). It is proposed that the degree of preferential exclusion and increase in chemical potential are directly proportional to the protein surface area and that, hence, the system will favor the protein state with the smallest surface area. This mechanism explains the observed sucrose-induced restriction of rhIL-1ra conformational fluctuations, which were studied by hydrogen–deuterium exchange and cysteine reactivity measurements. Furthermore, infrared spectroscopy of rhlL-1ra suggested that a more ordered native conformation is induced by sucrose. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated that in the presence of sucrose, spin-labeled cysteine 116 becomes more buried in the protein’s interior and that the hydrodynamic diameter of the protein is reduced. The preferential exclusion of sucrose from the protein and the resulting shift in the equilibrium between protein states toward the most compact conformation account for sucrose-induced effects on rhIL-1ra.


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Paraneoplastic opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia (POMA) is a neurologic disorder thought to be mediated by an autoimmune attack against onconeural disease antigens that are expressed by gynecologic or lung tumors and by neurons. One POMA disease antigen, termed Nova-1, has been identified as a neuron-specific KH-type RNA-binding protein. Nova-1 expression is restricted to specific regions of the central nervous system, primarily the hindbrain and ventral spinal cord, which correlate with the predominantly motor symptoms in POMA. However, POMA antisera recognize antigens that are widely expressed in both caudal and rostral regions of the central nervous system, and some patients develop cognitive symptoms. We have used POMA antisera to clone a cDNA encoding a second POMA disease antigen termed Nova-2. Nova-2 is closely related to Nova-1, and is expressed at high levels in neurons during development and in adulthood, and at lower levels in the adult lung. In the postnatal mouse brain, Nova-2 is expressed in a pattern that is largely reciprocal with Nova-1, including high levels of Nova-2 expression in the neocortex and hippocampus. Functional characterization of Nova-2 in RNA selection and nitrocellulose filter-binding assays reveals that Nova-2 binds RNA with high affinity and with sequence specificity that differs from Nova-1. Our results demonstrate that the immune response in POMA targets a family of highly related sequence-specific neuronal RNA-binding proteins. The expression pattern of the Nova-2 protein is likely to underlie the development of cognitive deficits in some POMA patients.


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T cell receptor ζ (TcRζ)/CD3 ligation initiates a signaling cascade that involves src kinases p56lck and ζ-associated protein 70, leading to the phosphorylation of substrates such as TcRζ, Vav, SH2-domain-containing leukocyte protein 76 (SLP-76), cbl, and p120/130. FYN binding protein (FYB or p120/130) associates with p59fyn, the TcRζ/CD3 complex, and becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to receptor ligation. In this study, we report the cDNA cloning of human and murine FYB and show that it is restricted in expression to T cells and myeloid cells and possesses an overall unique hydrophilic sequence with several tyrosine-based motifs, proline-based type I and type II SH3 domain binding motifs, several putative lysine/glutamic acid-rich nuclear localization motifs, and a SH3-like domain. In addition to binding the src kinase p59fyn, FYB binds specifically to the hematopoietic signaling protein SLP-76, an interaction mediated by the SLP-76 SH2 domain. In keeping with this, expression of FYB augmented interleukin 2 secretion from a T cell hybridoma, DC27.10, in response to TcRζ/CD3 ligation. FYB is therefore a novel hematopoietic protein that acts as a component of the FYN and SLP-76 signaling cascades in T cells.


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Studies in melanoma patients have revealed that self proteins can function as targets for tumor-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). One group of self proteins MAGE, BAGE, and GAGE are normally only expressed in testis and placenta, whilst another group of CTL recognized proteins are melanocyte-specific differentiation antigens. In this study we have investigated whether CTL can be raised against a ubiquitously expressed self protein, mdm-2, which is frequently overexpressed in tumors. The observation that T-cell tolerance is self major histocompatibility complex-restricted was exploited to generate CTL specific for an mdm-2 derived peptide presented by nonself major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Thus, the allo-restricted T-cell repertoire of H-2d mice was used to isolate CTL specific for the mdm100 peptide presented by allogeneic H-2Kb class I molecules. In vitro, these CTL discriminated between transformed and normal cells, killing specifically Kb-positive melanoma and lymphoma tumors but not Kb-expressing dendritic cells. In vivo, the CTL showed antitumor activity and delayed the growth of melanoma as well as lymphoma tumors in H-2b recipient mice. These experiments show that it is possible to circumvent T-cell tolerance to ubiquitously expressed self antigens, and to target CTL responses against tumors expressing elevated levels of structurally unaltered proteins.


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The TATA-binding protein (TBP)-related factor TRF1, has been described in Drosophila and a related protein, TRF2, has been found in a variety of higher eukaryotes. We report that human (h)TRF2 is encoded by two mRNAs with common protein coding but distinct 5′ nontranslated regions. One mRNA is expressed ubiquitously (hTRF2-mRNA1), whereas the other (hTRF2-mRNA2) shows a restricted expression pattern and is extremely abundant in testis. In addition, we show that hTRF2 forms a stable stoichiometric complex with hTFIIA, but not with TAFs, in HeLa cells stably transfected with flag-tagged hTRF2. Neither recombinant human (rh)TRF2 nor the native flag⋅hTRF2-TFIIA complex is able to replace TBP or TFIID in basal or activated transcription from various RNA polymerase II promoters. Instead, rhTRF2, but not the flag⋅hTRF2–TFIIA complex, moderately inhibits basal or activated transcription in the presence of rhTBP or flag⋅TFIID. This effect is either completely (TBP-mediated transcription) or partially (TFIID-mediated transcription) counteracted by addition of free TFIIA. Neither rhTRF2 nor flag⋅hTRF2–TFIIA has any effect on the repression of TFIID-mediated transcription by negative cofactor-2 (NC2) and neither substitutes for TBP in RNA polymerase III-mediated transcription.


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Extensive G protein-coupled receptor families in both the main and accessory olfactory systems have been implicated in axonal targeting, sensory function, and cell survival. Although sensory function seems to be mediated by G proteins, axonal guidance and cell survival may be G protein-independent processes. In the accessory olfactory system, the Go-containing neurons in the basal vomeronasal organ (VNO) project to the posterior accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), whereas more apically located VNO neurons contain Gi2 and project to the anterior AOB. Herein, we investigate the organization of the accessory olfactory system in mice with a targeted deletion in the Goα gene. The accessory olfactory system seems normal at birth; however, postnatally, the number of Go-receptor-containing VNO neurons decreases by half, and apoptotic neurons are detected. The axons of VNO neurons remain restricted to the posterior AOB. The posterior AOB is reduced in size but contains a synaptophysin-positive layer with the normal number of glomeruli. The posterior AOB has reduced mitral cell c-Fos immunoreactivity, consistent with decreased sensory activation of Go protein-coupled VNO receptor neurons. Thus, in the accessory olfactory system, receptor-coupled G proteins are required for cell survival.