142 resultados para Cortactin actin assembly
To investigate the role of filamentous actin in the endocytic pathway, we used the cell-permeant drug Jasplakinolide (JAS) to polymerize actin in intact polarized Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The uptake and accumulation of the fluid-phase markers fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were followed in JAS-treated or untreated cells with confocal fluorescence microscopy, biochemical assays, and electron microscopy. Pretreatment with JAS increased the uptake and accumulation of fluid-phase markers in MDCK cells. JAS increased endocytosis in a polarized manner, with a marked effect on fluid-phase uptake from the basolateral surface but not from the apical surface of polarized MDCK cells. The early uptake of FITC-dextran and HRP was increased more than twofold in JAS-treated cells. At later times, FITC-dextran and HRP accumulated in clustered endosomes in the basal and middle regions of JAS-treated cells. The large accumulated endosomes were similar to late endosomes but they were not colabeled for other late endosome markers, such as rab7 or mannose-6-phosphate receptor. JAS altered transport in the endocytic pathway at a later stage than the microtubule-dependent step affected by nocodazole. JAS also had a notable effect on cell morphology, inducing membrane bunching at the apical pole of MDCK cells. Although other studies have implicated actin in endocytosis at the apical cell surface, our results provide novel evidence that filamentous actin is also involved in the endocytosis of fluid-phase markers from the basolateral membrane of polarized cells.
We identify an actin-based protrusive structure in growth cones termed “intrapodium.” Unlike filopodia, intrapodia are initiated exclusively within lamellipodia and elongate in a continuous (nonsaltatory) manner parallel to the plane of the dorsal plasma membrane causing a ridge-like protrusion. Intrapodia resemble the actin-rich structures induced by intracellular pathogens (e.g., Listeria) or by extracellular beads. Cytochalasin B inhibits intrapodial elongation and removal of cytochalasin B produced a burst of intrapodial activity. Electron microscopic studies revealed that lamellipodial intrapodia contain both short and long actin filaments oriented with their barbed ends toward the membrane surface or advancing end. Our data suggest an interaction between microtubule endings and intrapodia formation. Disruption of microtubules by acute nocodazole treatment decreased intrapodia frequency, and washout of nocodazole or addition of the microtubule-stabilizing drug Taxol caused a burst of intrapodia formation. Furthermore, individual microtubule ends were found near intrapodia initiation sites. Thus, microtubule ends or associated structures may regulate these actin-dependent structures. We propose that intrapodia are the consequence of an early step in a cascade of events that leads to the development of F-actin-associated plasma membrane specializations.
Drosophila Numb is a membrane associated protein of 557 amino acids (aa) that localizes asymmetrically into a cortical crescent in mitotic neural precursor cells and segregates into one of the daughter cells, where it is required for correct cell fate specification. We demonstrate here that asymmetric localization but not membrane localization of Numb in Drosophila embryos is inhibited by latrunculin A, an inhibitor of actin assembly. We also show that deletion of either the first 41 aa or aa 41–118 of Numb eliminates both localization to the cell membrane and asymmetric localization during mitosis, whereas C-terminal deletions or deletions of central portions of Numb do not affect its subcellular localization. Fusion of the first 76 or the first 119 aa of Numb to β-galactosidase results in a fusion protein that localizes to the cell membrane, but fails to localize asymmetrically during mitosis. In contrast, a fusion protein containing the first 227 aa of Numb and β-galactosidase localizes asymmetrically during mitosis and segregates into the same daughter cell as the endogenous Numb protein, demonstrating that the first 227 aa of the Numb protein are sufficient for asymmetric localization.
Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-linked immunodeficiency caused by mutations that affect the WAS protein (WASP) and characterized by cytoskeletal abnormalities in hematopoietic cells. By using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a proline-rich WASP-interacting protein (WIP), which coimmunoprecipitated with WASP from lymphocytes. WIP binds to WASP at a site distinct from the Cdc42 binding site and has actin as well as profilin binding motifs. Expression of WIP in human B cells, but not of a WIP truncation mutant that lacks the actin binding motif, increased polymerized actin content and induced the appearance of actin-containing cerebriform projections on the cell surface. These results suggest that WIP plays a role in cortical actin assembly that may be important for lymphocyte function.
SLA1 was identified previously in budding yeast in a genetic screen for mutations that caused a requirement for the actin-binding protein Abp1p and was shown to be required for normal cortical actin patch structure and organization. Here, we show that Sla1p, like Abp1p, localizes to cortical actin patches. Furthermore, Sla1p is required for the correct localization of Sla2p, an actin-binding protein with homology to talin implicated in endocytosis, and the Rho1p-GTPase, which is associated with the cell wall biosynthesis enzyme β-1,3-glucan synthase. Mislocalization of Rho1p in sla1 null cells is consistent with our observation that these cells possess aberrantly thick cell walls. Expression of mutant forms of Sla1p in which specific domains were deleted showed that the phenotypes associated with the full deletion are functionally separable. In particular, a region of Sla1p encompassing the third SH3 domain is important for growth at high temperatures, for the organization of cortical actin patches, and for nucleated actin assembly in a permeabilized yeast cell assay. The apparent redundancy between Sla1p and Abp1p resides in the C-terminal repeat region of Sla1p. A homologue of SLA1 was identified in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Despite relatively low overall sequence homology, this gene was able to rescue the temperature sensitivity associated with a deletion of SLA1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
We have used the chemotactic ability of Dictyostelium cells to examine the roles of Rho family members, known regulators of the assembly of F-actin, in cell movement. Wild-type cells polarize with a leading edge enriched in F-actin toward a chemoattractant. Overexpression of constitutively active Dictyostelium Rac1B61L or disruption of DdRacGAP1, which encodes a Dictyostelium Rac1 GAP, induces membrane ruffles enriched with actin filaments around the perimeter of the cell and increased levels of F-actin in resting cells. Whereas wild-type cells move linearly toward the cAMP source, Rac1B61L and Ddracgap1 null cells make many wrong turns and chemotaxis is inefficient, which presumably results from the unregulated activation of F-actin assembly and pseudopod extension. Cells expressing dominant-negative DdRac1B17N do not have a well-defined F-actin-rich leading edge and do not protrude pseudopodia, resulting in very poor cell motility. From these studies and assays examining chemoattractant-mediated F-actin assembly, we suggest DdRac1 regulates the basal levels of F-actin assembly, its dynamic reorganization in response to chemoattractants, and cellular polarity during chemotaxis.
Profilins are thought to play a central role in the regulation of de novo actin assembly by preventing spontaneous actin polymerization through the binding of actin monomers, and the adding of monomeric actin to the barbed actin-filament ends. Other cellular functions of profilin in membrane trafficking and lipid based signaling are also likely. Binding of profilins to signaling molecules such as Arp2/3 complex, Mena, VASP, N-WASP, dynamin I, and others, further implicates profilin and actin as regulators of diverse motile activities. In mouse, two profilins are expressed from two distinct genes. Profilin I is expressed at high levels in all tissues and throughout development, whereas profilin II is expressed in neuronal cells. To examine the function of profilin I in vivo, we generated a null profilin I (pfn1ko) allele in mice. Homozygous pfn1ko/ko mice are not viable. Pfn1ko/ko embryos died as early as the two-cell stage, and no pfn1ko/ko blastocysts were detectable. Adult pfn1ko/wt mice show a 50% reduction in profilin I expression with no apparent impairment of cell function. However, pfn1ko/wt embryos have reduced survival during embryogenesis compared with wild type. Although weakly expressed in early embryos, profilin II cannot compensate for lack of profilin I. Our results indicate that mouse profilin I is an essential protein that has dosage-dependent effects on cell division and survival during embryogenesis.
We have tested the impact of tags on the structure and function of indirect flight muscle (IFM)-specific Act88F actin by transforming mutant Drosophila melanogaster, which do not express endogenous actin in their IFMs, with tagged Act88F constructs. Epitope tagging is often the method of choice to monitor the fate of a protein when a specific antibody is not available. Studies addressing the functional significance of the closely related actin isoforms rely almost exclusively on tagged exogenous actin, because only few antibodies exist that can discriminate between isoforms. Thereby it is widely presumed that the tag does not significantly interfere with protein function. However, in most studies the tagged actin is expressed in a background of endogenous actin and, as a rule, represents only a minor fraction of the total actin. The Act88F gene encodes the only Drosophila actin isoform exclusively expressed in the highly ordered IFM. Null mutations in this gene do not affect viability, but phenotypic effects in transformants can be directly attributed to the transgene. Transgenic flies that express Act88F with either a 6x histidine tag or an 11-residue peptide derived from vesicular stomatitis virus G protein at the C terminus were flightless. Overall, the ultrastructure of the IFM resembled that of the Act88F null mutant, and only low amounts of C-terminally tagged actins were found. In contrast, expression of N-terminally tagged Act88F at amounts comparable with that of wild-type flies yielded fairly normal-looking myofibrils and partially reconstituted flight ability in the transformants. Our findings suggest that the N terminus of actin is less sensitive to modifications than the C terminus, because it can be tagged and still polymerize into functional thin filaments.
Fibroblasts, when plated on the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin (FN), rapidly spread and form an organized actin cytoskeleton. This process is known to involve both the central α5β1 integrin-binding and the C-terminal heparin-binding regions of FN. We found that within the heparin-binding region, the information necessary for inducing organization of stress fibers and focal contacts was located in a 29–amino acid segment of FN type III module 13 (III13). We did not find a cytoskeleton-organizing role for repeat III14, which had previously been implicated in this process. Within III13, the same five basic amino acids known to be most important for heparin binding were also necessary for actin organization. A substrate of III13 alone was only weakly adhesive but strongly induced formation of filopodia and lamellipodia. Stress fiber formation required a combination of III13 and III7–11 (which contains the integrin α5β1 recognition site), either as a single fusion protein or as separate polypeptides, and the relative amounts of the two binding sites appeared to determine whether stress fibers or filopodia and lamellipodia were the predominant actin structures formed. We propose that a balance of signals from III13 and from integrins regulates the type of actin structures assembled by the cell.
We recently established an in vitro assay that monitors the fusion between latex-bead phagosomes and endocytic organelles in the presence of J774 macrophage cytosol (Jahraus et al., 1998). Here, we show that different reagents affecting the actin cytoskeleton can either inhibit or stimulate this fusion process. Because the membranes of purified phagosomes can assemble F-actin de novo from pure actin with ATP (Defacque et al., 2000a), we focused here on the ability of membranes to nucleate actin in the presence of J774 cytosolic extracts. For this, we used F-actin sedimentation, pyrene actin assays, and torsional rheometry, a biophysical approach that could provide kinetic information on actin polymerization and gel formation. We make two major conclusions. First, under our standard in vitro conditions (4 mg/ml cytosol and 1 mM ATP), the presence of membranes actively catalyzed the assembly of cytosolic F-actin, which assembled into highly viscoelastic gels. A model is discussed that links these results to how the actin may facilitate fusion. Second, cytosolic actin paradoxically polymerized more under ATP depletion than under high-ATP conditions, even in the absence of membranes; we discuss these data in the context of the well described, large increases in F-actin seen in many cells during ischemia.
The Arp2/3 complex, a stable assembly of two actin-related proteins (Arp2 and Arp3) with five other subunits, caps the pointed end of actin filaments and nucleates actin polymerization with low efficiency. WASp and Scar are two similar proteins that bind the p21 subunit of the Arp2/3 complex, but their effect on the nucleation activity of the complex was not known. We report that full-length, recombinant human Scar protein, as well as N-terminally truncated Scar proteins, enhance nucleation by the Arp2/3 complex. By themselves, these proteins either have no effect or inhibit actin polymerization. The actin monomer-binding W domain and the p21-binding A domain from the C terminus of Scar are both required to activate Arp2/3 complex. A proline-rich domain in the middle of Scar enhances the activity of the W and A domains. Preincubating Scar and Arp2/3 complex with actin filaments overcomes the initial lag in polymerization, suggesting that efficient nucleation by the Arp2/3 complex requires assembly on the side of a preexisting filament—a dendritic nucleation mechanism. The Arp2/3 complex with full-length Scar, Scar containing P, W, and A domains, or Scar containing W and A domains overcomes inhibition of nucleation by the actin monomer-binding protein profilin, giving active nucleation over a low background of spontaneous nucleation. These results show that Scar and, likely, related proteins, such as the Cdc42 targets WASp and N-WASp, are endogenous activators of actin polymerization by the Arp2/3 complex.
Bordetella dermonecrotizing toxin causes assembly of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions in some cultured cells and induces mobility shifts of the small GTP-binding protein Rho on electrophoresis. We attempted to clarify the molecular basis of the toxin action on Rho. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of toxin-treated RhoA revealed the deamidation of Gln-63 to Glu. The substitution of Glu for Gln-63 of RhoA by site-directed mutagenesis caused a mobility shift on electrophoresis, which was indistinguishable from that of the toxin-treated RhoA. Neither mutant RhoA-bearing Glu-63 nor toxin-treated RhoA significantly differed from untreated wild type RhoA in guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate binding activity but both showed a 10-fold reduction in GTP hydrolysis activity relative to untreated RhoA. C3H10T1/2 cells transfected with cDNA of the mutant RhoA bearing Glu-63 showed extensive formation of actin stress fibers similar to the toxin-treated cells. These results indicate that the toxin catalyzes deamidation of Gln-63 of Rho and renders it constitutively active, leading to formation of actin stress fibers.
Subunit oligomerization of many proteins is mediated by coiled-coil domains. Although the basic features contributing to the thermodynamic stability of coiled coils are well understood, the mechanistic details of their assembly have not yet been dissected. Here we report a 13-residue sequence pattern that occurs with limited sequence variations in many two-stranded coiled coils and that is absolutely required for the assembly of the Dictyostelium discoideum actin-bundling protein cortexillin I and the yeast transcriptional activator GCN4. The functional relationship between coiled-coil “trigger” sequences was manifested by replacing the intrinsic trigger motif of GCN4 with the related sequence from cortexillin I. We demonstrate that these trigger sequences represent autonomous helical folding units that, in contrast to arbitrarily chosen heptad repeats, can mediate coiled-coil formation. Aside from being of general interest for protein folding, trigger motifs should be of particular importance in the protein de novo design.
Vaccinia uses actin-based motility for virion movement in host cells, but the specific protein components have yet to be defined. A cardinal feature of Listeria and Shigella actin-based motility is the involvement of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP). This essential adapter recognizes and binds to actin-based motility 1 (ABM-1) consensus sequences [(D/E)FPPPPX(D/E), X = P or T] contained in Listeria ActA and in the p90 host-cell vinculin fragment generated by Shigella infection. VASP, in turn, provides the ABM-2 sequences [XPPPPP, X = G, P, L, S, A] for binding profilin, an actin-regulatory protein that stimulates actin filament assembly. Immunolocalization using rabbit anti-VASP antibody revealed that VASP concentrates behind motile virions in HeLa cells. Profilin was also present in these actin-rich rocket tails, and microinjection of 10 μM (intracellular) ABM-2 peptide (GPPPPP)3 blocked vaccinia actin-based motility. Vinculin did not colocalize with VASP on motile virions and remained in focal adhesion contacts; however, another ABM-1-containing host protein, zyxin, was concentrated at the rear of motile virions. We also examined time-dependent changes in the location of these cytoskeletal proteins during vaccinia infection. VASP and zyxin were redistributed dramatically several hours before the formation of actin rocket tails, concentrating in the viral factories of the perinuclear cytoplasm. Our findings underscore the universal involvement of ABM-1 and ABM-2 docking sites in actin-based motility of Listeria, Shigella, and now vaccinia.
The budding yeast IQGAP-like protein Cyk1p/Iqg1p localizes to the mother-bud junction during anaphase and has been shown to be required for the completion of cytokinesis. In this study, video microscopy analysis of cells expressing green fluorescent protein-tagged Cyk1p/Iqg1p demonstrates that Cyk1p/Iqg1p is a dynamic component of the contractile ring during cytokinesis. Furthermore, in the absence of Cyk1p/Iqg1p, myosin II fails to undergo the contraction-like size change at the end of mitosis. To understand the mechanistic role of Cyk1p/Iqg1p in actomyosin ring assembly and dynamics, we have investigated the role of the structural domains that Cyk1p/Iqg1p shares with IQGAPs. An amino terminal portion containing the calponin homology domain binds to actin filaments and is required for the assembly of actin filaments to the ring. This result supports the hypothesis that Cyk1p/Iqg1p plays a direct role in F-actin recruitment. Deletion of the domain harboring the eight IQ motifs abolishes the localization of Cyk1p/Iqg1p to the bud neck, suggesting that Cyk1p/Iqg1p may be localized through interactions with a calmodulin-like protein. Interestingly, deletion of the COOH-terminal GTPase-activating protein-related domain does not affect Cyk1p/Iqg1p localization or actin recruitment to the ring but prevents actomyosin ring contraction. In vitro binding experiments show that Cyk1p/Iqg1p binds to calmodulin, Cmd1p, in a calcium-dependent manner, and to Tem1p, a small GTP-binding protein previously found to be required for the completion of anaphase. These results demonstrate the critical function of Cyk1p/Iqg1p in regulating various steps of actomyosin ring assembly and cytokinesis.