22 resultados para Conditional correlations


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We have recently shown that VEGF functions as a survival factor for newly formed vessels during developmental neovascularization, but is not required for maintenance of mature vessels. Reasoning that expanding tumors contain a significant fraction of newly formed and remodeling vessels, we examined whether abrupt withdrawal of VEGF will result in regression of preformed tumor vessels. Using a tetracycline-regulated VEGF expression system in xenografted C6 glioma cells, we showed that shutting off VEGF production leads to detachment of endothelial cells from the walls of preformed vessels and their subsequent death by apoptosis. Vascular collapse then leads to hemorrhages and extensive tumor necrosis. These results suggest that enforced withdrawal of vascular survival factors can be applied to target preformed tumor vasculature in established tumors. The system was also used to examine phenotypes resulting from over-expression of VEGF. When expression of the transfected VEGF cDNA was continuously “on,” tumors became hyper-vascularized with abnormally large vessels, presumably arising from excessive fusions. Tumors were significantly less necrotic, suggesting that necrosis in these tumors is the result of insufficient angiogenesis.


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Elucidating the genetic basis of human phenotypes is a major goal of contemporary geneticists. Logically, two fundamental and contrasting approaches are available, one that begins with a phenotype and concludes with the identification of a responsible gene or genes; the other that begins with a gene and works toward identifying one or more phenotypes resulting from allelic variation of it. This paper provides a conceptual overview of phenotype-based vs. gene-based procedures with emphasis on gene-based methods. A key feature of a gene-based approach is that laboratory effort first is devoted to developing an assay for mutations in the gene under regard; the assay then is applied to the evaluation of large numbers of unrelated individuals with a variety of phenotypes that are deemed potentially resulting from alleles at the gene. No effort is directed toward chromosomally mapping the loci responsible for the phenotypes scanned. Example is made of my laboratory’s successful use of a gene-based approach to identify genes causing hereditary diseases of the retina such as retinitis pigmentosa. Reductions in the cost and improvements in the speed of scanning individuals for DNA sequence anomalies may make a gene-based approach an efficient alternative to phenotype-based approaches to correlating genes with phenotypes.


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We have developed a universally applicable system for conditional gene expression in embryonic stem (ES) cells that relies on tamoxifen-dependent Cre recombinase-loxP site-mediated recombination and bicistronic gene-trap expression vectors that allow transgene expression from endogenous cellular promoters. Two vectors were introduced into the genome of recipient ES cells, successively: (i) a bicistronic gene-trap vector encoding the β-galactosidase/neoR fusion protein and the Cre-ERT2 (Cre recombinase fused to a mutated ligand-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor) and (ii) a bicistronic gene-trap vector encoding the hygroR protein and the human alkaline phosphatase (hAP), the expression of which is prevented by tandemly repeated stop-of-transcription sequences flanked by loxP sites. In selected clones, hAP expression was shown to be regulated accurately by 4′hydroxy-tamoxifen. Strict hormone-dependent expression of hAP was achieved (i) in vitro in undifferentiated ES cells and embryoid bodies, (ii) in vivo in virtually all the tissues of the 10-day-old chimeric fetus (after injection of 4′hydroxy-tamoxifen to foster mothers), and (iii) ex vivo in primary embryonic fibroblasts isolated from chimeric fetuses. Therefore, this approach can be applied to drive conditional expression of virtually any transgene in a large variety of cell types, both in vitro and in vivo.


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Conditional gene repair mutations in the mouse can assist in cell lineage analyses and provide a valuable complement to conditional gene inactivation strategies. We present a method for the generation of conditional gene repair mutations that employs a loxP-flanked (floxed) selectable marker and transcriptional/translational stop cassette (neostop) located within the first intron of a target gene. In the absence of Cre recombinase, expression of the targeted allele is suppressed generating a null allele, while in the presence of Cre, excision of neostop restores expression to wild-type levels. To test this strategy, we have generated a conditional gene repair allele of the mouse Huntington’s disease gene homolog (Hdh). Insertion of neostop within the Hdh intron 1 generated a null allele and mice homozygous for this allele resembled nullizygous Hdh mutants and died after embryonic day 8.5. In the presence of a cre transgene expressed ubiquitously early in development, excision of neostop restored Hdh expression and rescued the early embryonic lethality. A simple modification of this strategy that permits the generation of conventional gene knockout, conditional gene knockout and conditional gene repair alleles using one targeting construct is discussed.


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ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters bind and hydrolyze ATP. In the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl− channel, this interaction with ATP generates a gating cycle between a closed (C) and two open (O1 and O2) conformations. To understand better how ATP controls channel activity, we examined gating transitions from the C to the O1 and O2 states and from these open states to the C conformation. We made three main observations. First, we found that the channel can open into either the O1 or O2 state, that the frequency of transitions to both states was increased by ATP concentration, and that ATP increased the relative proportion of openings into O1 vs. O2. These results indicate that ATP can interact with the closed state to open the channel in at least two ways, which may involve binding to nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) NBD1 and NBD2. Second, ATP prolonged the burst duration and altered the way in which the channel closed. These data suggest that ATP also interacts with the open channel. Third, the channel showed runs of specific types of open–closed transitions. This finding suggests a mechanism with more than one cycle of gating transitions. These data suggest models to explain how ATP influences conformational transitions in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and perhaps other ABC transporters.


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The study of the large-sample distribution of the canonical correlations and variates in cointegrated models is extended from the first-order autoregression model to autoregression of any (finite) order. The cointegrated process considered here is nonstationary in some dimensions and stationary in some other directions, but the first difference (the “error-correction form”) is stationary. The asymptotic distribution of the canonical correlations between the first differences and the predictor variables as well as the corresponding canonical variables is obtained under the assumption that the process is Gaussian. The method of analysis is similar to that used for the first-order process.


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We cloned a rat vascular chymase (RVCH) from smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that converts angiotensin I to II and is up-regulated in SMC from spontaneously hypertensive vs. normotensive rats. To determine whether increased activity of RVCH is sufficient to cause hypertension, transgenic mice were generated with targeted conditional expression of RVCH to SMC, with the use of the tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA). We confirmed conditional expression of RVCH by mRNA, protein, and chymase activity in the absence, but not in the presence, of dietary doxycycline. The systolic blood pressure (mmHg), measured by carotid artery cannulation at 10–12 weeks of age, was higher in tTA+/RVCH+ mice than in nonbinary transgenic littermates (136 ± 4 vs. 109 ± 3) (P < 0.05), as were the diastolic and mean pressures. Hypertension was completely reversed by doxycycline, suggesting a causal link with chymase expression. Medial thickening of mesenteric arteries from tTA+/RVCH+ mice vs. littermates (0.82 ± 0.1 vs. 0.42 ± 0.02) (P < 0.05) was associated with increased SMC proliferation, as judged by positive immunoreactivity, with the use of an antibody to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. These structural changes were prevented by doxycycline. Perfusion myography of mesenteric arteries from tTA+/RVCH+ mice also revealed increased vasoconstriction in response to phenylephrine and impaired metacholine-induced vasodilatation when compared with littermate controls or with the doxycyline-treated group. Our studies suggest that up-regulation of this vascular chymase is sufficient to cause a hypertensive arteriopathy, and that RVCH may be a candidate gene and a therapeutic target in patients with high blood pressure.


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Although sessile in nature, plants are able to use a number of mechanisms to modify their morphology in response to changing environmental conditions. Differential growth is one such mechanism. Despite its importance in plant development, little is known about the molecular events regulating the establishment of differential growth. Here we report analyses of the nph4 (nonphototropic hypocotyl) mutants of Arabidopsis that suggest that the NPH4 protein plays a central role in the modulation of auxin-dependent differential growth. Results from physiological studies demonstrate that NPH4 activity is conditionally required for a number of differential growth responses, including phototropism, gravitropism, phytochrome-dependent hypocotyl curvature, apical hook maintenance, and abaxial/adaxial leaf-blade expansion. The nph4 mutants exhibited auxin resistance and severely impaired auxin-dependent gene expression, indicating that the defects associated with differential growth likely arise because of altered auxin responsiveness. Moreover, the auxin signaling events mediating phototropism are genetically correlated with the abundance of the NPH4 protein.


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The hypocotyl of Arabidopsis is well suited for the analysis of cell elongation because it elongates without cell division. We have isolated a new class of recessive mutants, petit1 (pet1), which are defective in aspects of hypocotyl elongation. The short-hypocotyl phenotype of pet1 is caused by shortened cells. The cells of the elongation zone of the hypocotyl are often deformed. pet1 also shows defects in elongation of the roots, flower stalk, leaves, petals, pedicels, and siliques, and these defects cannot be repaired by the application of auxin, gibberellin, brassinolide, or an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis. The short-hypocotyl phenotype of pet1 is pronounced only in growth medium supplemented with sucrose, which has promotive effects on hypocotyl elongation. In pet1 this effect is much reduced, causing the sucrose-dependent short-hypocotyl phenotype of pet1. pet1 accumulates more soluble sugars than the wild type and also shows more intensive iodo-starch staining in the cotyledon and hypocotyl. These results indicate that PETIT1 is involved in a sugar-dependent elongation process that may include correct assembly of expanding cell wall architecture.


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Wild-type or phyA, phyB, or hy4 mutant Arabidopsis seedlings lacking phytochrome A (phyA), phytochrome B (phyB), or cryptochrome 1 (cry1), respectively, and the double and triple mutants were used in combination with blue-light treatments given simultaneously with red or far-red light. We investigated the interaction between phytochromes and cry1 in the control of hypocotyl growth and cotyledon unfolding. Under conditions deficient for cry1 (short exposures to blue light) or phyB (far-red background), these photoreceptors acted synergistically: Under short exposures to blue light (3 h/d) added to a red-light background, cry1 activity required phyB (e.g. the hy4 mutant was taller than the wild type but the phyBhy4 mutant was not taller than the phyB mutant). Under prolonged exposures to blue light (24 h/d) added to a far-red light background, phyB activity required cry1 (e.g. the phyAphyB mutant was taller than the phyA mutant but the phyAphyBhy4 mutant was not taller than the phyAhy4 mutant). Under more favorable light inputs, i.e. prolonged exposures to blue light added to a red-light background, the effects of cry1 and phyB were independent. Thus, the synergism between phyB and cry1 is conditional. The effect of cry1 was not reduced by the phyA mutation under any tested light condition. Under continuous blue light the triple mutant phyAphyBhy4 showed reduced hypocotyl growth inhibition and cotyledon unfolding compared with the phyAphyB mutant. The action of cry1 in the phyAphyB double mutant was higher under the red-light than the far-red-light background, indicating a synergistic interaction between cry1 and phytochromes C, D, or E; however, a residual action of cry1 independent of any phytochrome is likely to occur.


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The development of an effective vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) would be a major advance toward controlling the AIDS pandemic. Several disparate strategies for a safe and effective HIV vaccine have been proposed. Recent data suggest that loss-of-function live-attenuated virus could be a safe lentivirus vaccine. Here, we propose a gain-of-function approach that can complement loss-of-function in enhancing the safety profile of a live-attenuated virus. We describe an example in which ganciclovir (GCV) was used to treat effectively nef(-)HIV-1 engineered to express herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) thymidine kinase (TK). This treatment was found to be highly efficient in controlling HIV-1 spread in tissue culture and in a small animal (hu-PBL-SCID) model. We demonstrate that one distinct advantage of GCV-HSV-TK treatment is the elimination of integrated proviruses, a goal not easily achieved with other antiretrovirals.


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This study describes a paternal effect on sperm aster size and microtubule organization during bovine fertilization. Immunocytochemistry using tubulin antibodies quantitated with confocal microscopy was used to measure the diameter of the sperm aster and assign a score (0-3) based on the degree of radial organization (0, least organized; 3, most organized). Three bulls (A-C) were chosen based on varying fertility (A, lowest fertility; C, highest fertility) as assessed by nonreturn to estrus after artificial insemination and in vitro embryonic development to the blastocyst stage. The results indicate a statistically significant bull-dependent difference in diameter of the sperm aster and in the organization of the sperm astral microtubules. Insemination from bull A resulted in an average sperm aster diameter of 101.4 microm (76.3% of oocyte diameter). This significantly differs (P < or = 0.0001) from the average sperm aster diameters produced after inseminations from bull B (78.2 microm; 60.8%) or bull C (77.9 microm; 57.8%), which themselves displayed no significant differences. The degree of radial organization of the sperm aster was also bull-dependent. Sperm asters organized by bull A-derived sperm had an average quality score of 1.8, which was higher than that of bull B (1.4; P < or = 0.0005) or bull C (1.2; P < or = 0.0001). Results with bulls B and C were also significantly different (P < or = 0.025). These results indicate that the paternally derived portion of the centrosome varies among males and that this variation affects male fertility, the outcome of early development, and, therefore, reproductive success.


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Two issues in the evolution of the intron/exon structure of genes are the role of exon shuffling and the origin of introns. Using a large data base of eukaryotic intron-containing genes, we have found that there are correlations between intron phases leading to an excess of symmetric exons and symmetric exon sets. We interpret these excesses as manifestations of exon shuffling and make a conservative estimate that at least 19% of the exons in the data base were involved in exon shuffling, suggesting an important role for exon shuffling in evolution. Furthermore, these excesses of symmetric exons appear also in those regions of eukaryotic genes that are homologous to prokaryotic genes: the ancient conserved regions. This last fact cannot be explained in terms of the insertional theory of introns but rather supports the concept that some of the introns were ancient, the exon theory of genes.