17 resultados para Cadmium - Perinatal exposition


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CREB, the cAMP response element binding protein, is a key transcriptional regulator of a large number of genes containing a CRE consensus sequence in their upstream regulatory regions. Mice with a hypomorphic allele of CREB that leads to a loss of the CREBα and Δ isoforms and to an overexpression of the CREBβ isoform are viable. Herein we report the generation of CREB null mice, which have all functional isoforms (CREBα, β, and Δ) inactivated. In contrast to the CREBαΔ mice, CREB null mice are smaller than their littermates and die immediately after birth from respiratory distress. In brain, a strong reduction in the corpus callosum and the anterior commissures is observed. Furthermore, CREB null mice have an impaired fetal T cell development of the αβ lineage, which is not affected in CREBαΔ mice on embryonic day 18.5. Overall thymic cellularity in CREB null mice is severely reduced affecting all developmental stages of the αβ T cell lineage. In contrast γδ T cell differentiation is normal in CREB mutant mice.


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Objectives: To investigate the relation between the timing of birth and the occurrence of death related to an intrapartum event.


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Objective: To assess the risk of perinatal death in planned home births in Australia.


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An important pathway by which plants detoxify heavy metals is through sequestration with heavy-metal-binding peptides called phytochelatins or their precursor, glutathione. To identify limiting factors for heavy-metal accumulation and tolerance, and to develop transgenic plants with an increased capacity to accumulate and/or tolerate heavy metals, the Escherichia coli gshII gene encoding glutathione synthetase (GS) was overexpressed in the cytosol of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). The transgenic GS plants accumulated significantly more Cd than the wild type: shoot Cd concentrations were up to 25% higher and total Cd accumulation per shoot was up to 3-fold higher. Moreover, the GS plants showed enhanced tolerance to Cd at both the seedling and mature-plant stages. Cd accumulation and tolerance were correlated with the gshII expression level. Cd-treated GS plants had higher concentrations of glutathione, phytochelatin, thiol, S, and Ca than wild-type plants. We conclude that in the presence of Cd, the GS enzyme is rate limiting for the biosynthesis of glutathione and phytochelatins, and that overexpression of GS offers a promising strategy for the production of plants with superior heavy-metal phytoremediation capacity.


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Copper plays a fundamental role in the biochemistry of all aerobic organisms. The delivery of this metal to specific intracellular targets is mediated by metallochaperones. To elucidate the role of the metallochaperone Atox1, we analyzed mice with a disruption of the Atox1 locus. Atox1−/− mice failed to thrive immediately after birth, with 45% of pups dying before weaning. Surviving animals exhibited growth failure, skin laxity, hypopigmentation, and seizures because of perinatal copper deficiency. Maternal Atox1 deficiency markedly increased the severity of Atox1−/− phenotype, resulting in increased perinatal mortality as well as severe growth retardation and congenital malformations among surviving Atox1−/− progeny. Furthermore, Atox1-deficient cells accumulated high levels of intracellular copper, and metabolic studies indicated that this defect was because of impaired cellular copper efflux. Taken together, these data reveal a direct role for Atox1 in trafficking of intracellular copper to the secretory pathway of mammalian cells and demonstrate that this metallochaperone plays a critical role in perinatal copper homeostasis.


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Materials with high electrical conductivity and optical transparency are needed for future flat panel display, solar energy, and other opto-electronic technologies. InxCd1-xO films having a simple cubic microstructure have been grown on amorphous glass substrates by a straightforward chemical vapor deposition process. The x = 0.05 film conductivity of 17,000 S/cm, carrier mobility of 70 cm2/Vs, and visible region optical transparency window considerably exceed the corresponding parameters for commercial indium-tin oxide. Ab initio electronic structure calculations reveal small conduction electron effective masses, a dramatic shift of the CdO band gap with doping, and a conduction band hybridization gap caused by extensive Cd 5s + In 5s mixing.


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A Cd2+-selective vibrating microelectrode was constructed using a neutral carrier-based Cd ionophore to investigate ion-transport processes along the roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and two species of Thlaspi, one a Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator and the other a related nonaccumulator. In simple Cd(NO3)2 solutions, the electrode exhibited a Nernstian response in solutions with Cd2+ activities as low as 50 nm. Addition of Ca2+ to the calibration solutions did not influence the slope of the calibration curve but reduced the detection limit to a solution activity of 1 μm Cd2+. Addition of high concentrations of K+ and Mg2+ to the calibration solution to mimic the ionic composition of the cytoplasm affected neither the slope nor the sensitivity of the electrode, demonstrating the pH-insensitive electrode's potential for intracellular investigations. The electrode was assayed for selectivity and was shown to be at least 1000 times more selective for Cd2+ than for any of those potentially interfering ions tested. Flux measurements along the roots of the two Thlaspi species showed no differences in the pattern or the magnitude of Cd2+ uptake within the time frame considered. The Cd2+-selective microelectrode will permit detailed investigations of heavy-metal ion transport in plant roots, especially in the area of phytoremediation.


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High Cd content in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) grain grown in the United States and Canada presents potential health and economic problems for consumers and growers. In an effort to understand the biological processes that result in excess Cd accumulation, root Cd uptake and xylem translocation to shoots in seedlings of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat cultivars were studied. Whole-plant Cd accumulation was somewhat greater in the bread wheat cultivar, but this was probably because of increased apoplastic Cd binding. Concentration-dependent 109Cd2+-influx kinetics in both cultivars were characterized by smooth, nonsaturating curves that could be dissected into linear and saturable components. The saturable component likely represented carrier-mediated Cd influx across root-cell plasma membranes (Michaelis constant, 20–40 nm; maximum initial velocity, 26–29 nmol g−1 fresh weight h−1), whereas linear Cd uptake represented cell wall binding of 109Cd. Cd translocation to shoots was greater in the bread wheat cultivar than in the durum cultivar because a larger proportion of root-absorbed Cd moved to shoots. Our results indicate that excess Cd accumulation in durum wheat grain is not correlated with seedling-root influx rates or root-to-shoot translocation, but may be related to phloem-mediated Cd transport to the grain.


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Although cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is closely related to other cyclin-dependent kinases, its kinase activity is detected only in the postmitotic neurons. Cdk5 expression and kinase activity are correlated with the extent of differentiation of neuronal cells in developing brain. Cdk5 purified from nervous tissue phosphorylates neuronal cytoskeletal proteins including neurofilament proteins and microtubule-associated protein tau in vitro. These findings indicate that Cdk5 may have unique functions in neuronal cells, especially in the regulation of phosphorylation of cytoskeletal molecules. We report here generation of Cdk5(-/-) mice through gene targeting and their phenotypic analysis. Cdk5(-/-) mice exhibit unique lesions in the central nervous system associated with perinatal mortality. The brains of Cdk5(-/-) mice lack cortical laminar structure and cerebellar foliation. In addition, the large neurons in the brain stem and in the spinal cord show chromatolytic changes with accumulation of neurofilament immunoreactivity. These findings indicate that Cdk5 is an important molecule for brain development and neuronal differentiation and also suggest that Cdk5 may play critical roles in neuronal cytoskeleton structure and organization.


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Manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD2) converts superoxide to oxygen plus hydrogen peroxide and serves as the primary defense against mitochondrial superoxide. Impaired SOD2 activity in humans has been associated with several chronic diseases, including ovarian cancer and type I diabetes, and SOD2 overexpression appears to suppress malignancy in cultured cells. We have produced a line of SOD2 knockout mice (SOD2m1BCM/SOD2m1BCM) that survive up to 3 weeks of age and exhibit several novel pathologic phenotypes including severe anemia, degeneration of neurons in the basal ganglia and brainstem, and progressive motor disturbances characterized by weakness, rapid fatigue, and circling behavior. In addition, SOD2m1BCM/SOD2m1BCM mice older than 7 days exhibit extensive mitochondrial injury within degenerating neurons and cardiac myocytes. Approximately 10% of SOD2m1BCM/SOD2m1BCM mice exhibit markedly enlarged and dilated hearts. These observations indicate that SOD2 deficiency causes increased susceptibility to oxidative mitochondrial injury in central nervous system neurons, cardiac myocytes, and other metabolically active tissues after postnatal exposure to ambient oxygen concentrations. Our SOD2-deficient mice differ from a recently described model in which homozygotes die within the first 5 days of life with severe cardiomyopathy and do not exhibit motor disturbances, central nervous system injury, or ultrastructural evidence of mitochondrial injury.


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A Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain with a disrupted yeast cadmium resistance factor (YCF1) gene (DTY168) is hypersensitive to cadmium. YCF1 resembles the human multidrug resistance-associated protein MRP (63% amino acid similarity), which confers resistance to various cytotoxic drugs by lowering the intracellular drug concentration. Whereas the mechanism of action of YCF1 is not known, MRP was recently found to transport glutathione S-conjugates across membranes. Here we show that expression of the human MRP cDNA in yeast mutant DTY168 cells restores cadmium resistance to the wild-type level. Transport of S-(2,4-dinitrobenzene)-glutathione into isolated yeast microsomal vesicles is strongly reduced in the DTY168 mutant and this transport is restored to wild-type level in mutant cells expressing MRP cDNA. We find in cell fractionation experiments that YCF1 is mainly localized in the vacuolar membrane in yeast, whereas MRP is associated both with the vacuolar membrane and with other internal membranes in the transformed yeast cells. Our results indicate that yeast YCF1 is a glutathione S-conjugate pump, like MRP, and they raise the possibility that the cadmium resistance in yeast involves cotransport of cadmium with glutathione derivatives.