19 resultados para Bragg propagation constant


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Studies on the transmission of human (Hu) prions to transgenic (Tg) mice suggested that another molecule provisionally designated protein X participates in the formation of nascent scrapie isoform of prion protein (PrPSc). We report the identification of the site at which protein X binds to the cellular isoform of PrP (PrPC) using scrapie-infected mouse (Mo) neuroblastoma cells transfected with chimeric Hu/MoPrP genes even though protein X has not yet been isolated. Substitution of a Hu residue at position 214 or 218 prevented PrPSc formation. The side chains of these residues protrude from the same surface of the C-terminal α-helix and form a discontinuous epitope with residues 167 and 171 in an adjacent loop. Substitution of a basic residue at positions 167, 171, or 218 also prevented PrPSc formation: at a mechanistic level, these mutant PrPs appear to act as “dominant negatives” by binding protein X and rendering it unavailable for prion propagation. Our findings seem to explain the protective effects of basic polymorphic residues in PrP of humans and sheep and suggest therapeutic and prophylactic approaches to prion diseases.


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Propagation of discharges in cortical and thalamic systems, which is used as a probe for examining network circuitry, is studied by constructing a one-dimensional model of integrate-and-fire neurons that are coupled by excitatory synapses with delay. Each neuron fires only one spike. The velocity and stability of propagating continuous pulses are calculated analytically. Above a certain critical value of the constant delay, these pulses lose stability. Instead, lurching pulses propagate with discontinuous and periodic spatio-temporal characteristics. The parameter regime for which lurching occurs is strongly affected by the footprint (connectivity) shape; bistability may occur with a square footprint shape but not with an exponential footprint shape. For strong synaptic coupling, the velocity of both continuous and lurching pulses increases logarithmically with the synaptic coupling strength gsyn for an exponential footprint shape, and it is bounded for a step footprint shape. We conclude that the differences in velocity and shape between the front of thalamic spindle waves in vitro and cortical paroxysmal discharges stem from their different effective delay; in thalamic networks, large effective delay between inhibitory neurons arises from their effective interaction via the excitatory cells which display postinhibitory rebound.


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Focally evoked calcium waves in astrocyte cultures have been thought to propagate by gap-junction-mediated intercellular passage of chemical signal(s). In contrast to this mechanism we observed isolated astrocytes, which had no physical contact with other astrocytes in the culture, participating in a calcium wave. This observation requires an extracellular route of astrocyte signaling. To directly test for extracellular signaling we made cell-free lanes 10–300 μm wide in confluent cultures by deleting astrocytes with a glass pipette. After 4–8 hr of recovery, regions of confluent astrocytes separated by lanes devoid of cells were easily located. Electrical stimulation was used to initiate calcium waves. Waves crossed narrow (<120 μm) cell-free lanes in 15 of 36 cases, but failed to cross lanes wider than 120 μm in eight of eight cases. The probability of crossing narrow lanes was not correlated with the distance from the stimulation site, suggesting that cells along the path of the calcium wave release the extracellular messenger(s). Calculated velocity across the acellular lanes was not significantly different from velocity through regions of confluent astrocytes. Focal superfusion altered both the extent and the direction of calcium waves in confluent regions. These data indicate that extracellular signals may play a role in astrocyte–astrocyte communication in situ.


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The genetic properties of the non-Mendelian element, [URE3], suggest that it is a prion (infectious protein) form of Ure2p, a mediator of nitrogen regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Into a ure2Δ strain (necessarily lacking [URE3]), we introduced a plasmid overproducing Ure2p. This induced the frequent “spontaneous generation” of [URE3], with properties identical to the original [URE3]. Altering the translational frame only in the prion-inducing domain of URE2 shows that it is Ure2 protein (and not URE2 RNA) that induces appearance of [URE3]. The proteinase K-resistance of Ure2p is unique to [URE3] strains and is not seen in nitrogen regulation of normal strains. The prion-inducing domain of Ure2p (residues 1–65) can propagate [URE3] in the absence of the C-terminal part of the molecule. In contrast, the C-terminal part of Ure2p cannot be converted to the prion (inactive) form without the prion-inducing domain covalently attached. These experiments support the prion model for [URE3] and extend our understanding of its propagation.


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Plant cells can respond qualitatively and quantitatively to a wide range of environmental signals. Ca2+ is used as an intracellular signal for volume regulation in response to external osmotic changes. We show here that the spatiotemporal patterns of hypo-osmotically induced Ca2+ signals vary dramatically with stimulus strength in embryonic cells of the marine alga Fucus. Biphasic or multiphasic Ca2+ signals reflect Ca2+ elevations in distinct cellular domains. These propagate via elemental Ca2+ release in nuclear or peripheral regions that are rich in endoplasmic reticulum. Cell volume regulation specifically requires Ca2+ elevation in apical peripheral regions, whereas an altered cell division rate occurs only in response to stimuli that cause Ca2+ elevation in nuclear regions.


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The cytoplasmic heritable determinant [PSI+] of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae reflects the prion-like properties of the chromosome-encoded protein Sup35p. This protein is known to be an essential eukaryote polypeptide release factor, namely eRF3. In a [PSI+] background, the prion conformer of Sup35p forms large oligomers, which results in the intracellular depletion of functional release factor and hence inefficient translation termination. We have investigated the process by which the [PSI+] determinant can be efficiently eliminated from strains, by growth in the presence of the protein denaturant guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl). Strains are “cured” of [PSI+] by millimolar concentrations of GuHCl, well below that normally required for protein denaturation. Here we provide evidence indicating that the elimination of the [PSI+] determinant is not derived from the direct dissolution of self-replicating [PSI+] seeds by GuHCl. Although GuHCl does elicit a moderate stress response, the elimination of [PSI+] is not enhanced by stress, and furthermore, exhibits an absolute requirement for continued cell division. We propose that GuHCl inhibits a critical event in the propagation of the prion conformer and demonstrate that the kinetics of curing by GuHCl fit a random segregation model whereby the heritable [PSI+] element is diluted from a culture, after the total inhibition of prion replication by GuHCl.


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Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or prion diseases, are fatal degenerative disorders of the central nervous system that affect humans and animals. Prions are nonconventional infectious agents whose replication depends on the host prion protein (PrP). Transmission of prions to cultured cells has proved to be a particularly difficult task, and with a few exceptions, their experimental propagation relies on inoculation to laboratory animals. Here, we report on the development of a permanent cell line supporting propagation of natural sheep scrapie. This model was obtained by stable expression of a tetracycline-regulatable ovine PrP gene in a rabbit epithelial cell line. After exposure to scrapie agent, cultures were repeatedly found to accumulate high levels of abnormal PrP (PrPres). Cell extracts induced a scrapie-like disease in transgenic mice overexpressing ovine PrP. These cultures remained healthy and stably infected upon subpassaging. Such data show that (i) cultivated cells from a nonneuronal origin can efficiently replicate prions; and (ii) species barrier can be crossed ex vivo through the expression of a relevant PrP gene. This approach led to the ex vivo propagation of a natural transmissible spongiform encephalopathy agent (i.e., without previous experimental adaptation to rodents) and might be applied to human or bovine prions.


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Computational maps are of central importance to a neuronal representation of the outside world. In a map, neighboring neurons respond to similar sensory features. A well studied example is the computational map of interaural time differences (ITDs), which is essential to sound localization in a variety of species and allows resolution of ITDs of the order of 10 μs. Nevertheless, it is unclear how such an orderly representation of temporal features arises. We address this problem by modeling the ontogenetic development of an ITD map in the laminar nucleus of the barn owl. We show how the owl's ITD map can emerge from a combined action of homosynaptic spike-based Hebbian learning and its propagation along the presynaptic axon. In spike-based Hebbian learning, synaptic strengths are modified according to the timing of pre- and postsynaptic action potentials. In unspecific axonal learning, a synapse's modification gives rise to a factor that propagates along the presynaptic axon and affects the properties of synapses at neighboring neurons. Our results indicate that both Hebbian learning and its presynaptic propagation are necessary for map formation in the laminar nucleus, but the latter can be orders of magnitude weaker than the former. We argue that the algorithm is important for the formation of computational maps, when, in particular, time plays a key role.


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The commitment of eukaryotic cells to division normally occurs during the G1 phase of the cell cycle. In mammals D-type cyclins regulate the progression of cells through G1 and therefore are important for both proliferative and developmental controls. Plant CycDs (D-type cyclin homologs) have been identified, but their precise function during the plant cell cycle is unknown. We have isolated three tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) CycD cyclin cDNAs: two belong to the CycD3 class (Nicta;CycD3;1 and Nicta;CycD3;2) and the third to the CycD2 class (Nicta;CycD2;1). To uncouple their cell-cycle regulation from developmental control, we have used the highly synchronizable tobacco cultivar Bright Yellow-2 in a cell-suspension culture to characterize changes in CycD transcript levels during the cell cycle. In cells re-entering the cell cycle from stationary phase, CycD3;2 was induced in G1 but subsequently remained at a constant level in synchronous cells. This expression pattern is consistent with a role for CycD3;2, similar to mammalian D-type cyclins. In contrast, CycD2;1 and CycD3;1 transcripts accumulated during mitosis in synchronous cells, a pattern of expression not normally associated with D-type cyclins. This could suggest a novel role for plant D-type cyclins during mitosis.


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Observations of supernova explosions halfway back to the Big Bang give plausible evidence that the expansion of the universe has been accelerating since that epoch, approximately 8 billion years ago and suggest that energy associated with the vacuum itself may be responsible for the acceleration.


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Gravitational lenses, besides being interesting in their own right, have been demonstrated to be suitable as “gravitational standard rulers” for the measurement of the rate of expansion of the Universe (Ho), as well as to constrain the values of the cosmological parameters such as Ωo and Λo that control the evolution of the volume of the Universe with cosmic time.


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Establishing accurate extragalactic distances has provided an immense challenge to astronomers since the 1920s. The situation has improved dramatically as better detectors have become available, and as several new, promising techniques have been developed. For the first time in the history of this difficult field, relative distances to galaxies are being compared on a case-by-case basis, and their quantitative agreement is being established. New instrumentation, the development of new techniques for measuring distances, and recent measurements with the Hubble Space telescope all have resulted in new distances to galaxies with precision at the ±5–20% level. The current statistical uncertainty in some methods for measuring H0 is now only a few percent; with systematic errors, the total uncertainty is approaching ±10%. Hence, the historical factor-of-two uncertainty in the value of the H0 is now behind us.


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We have analyzed 75 isolates of Plasmodium falciparum, collected in Venezuela during both the dry (November) and rainy (May–July) seasons, with a range of genetic markers including antigen genes and 14 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Thirteen P. falciparum stocks from Kenya and four other Plasmodium species are included in the analysis for comparison. Cross-hybridization shows that the 14 RAPD primers reveal 14 separate regions of the parasite's genome. The P. falciparum isolates are a monophyletic clade, significantly different from the other Plasmodium species. We identify three RAPD characters that could be useful as “tags” for rapid species identification. The Venezuelan genotypes fall into two discrete genetic subdivisions associated with either the dry or the rainy season; the isolates collected in the rainy season exhibit greater genetic diversity. There is significant linkage disequilibrium in each seasonal subsample and in the full sample. In contrast, no linkage disequilibrium is detected in the African sample. These results support the hypothesis that the population structure of P. falciparum in Venezuela, but not in Africa, is predominantly clonal. However, the impact of genetic recombination on Venezuelan P. falciparum seems higher than in parasitic species with long-term clonal evolution like Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease. The genetic structure of the Venezuelan samples is similar to that of Escherichia coli, a bacterium that propagates clonally, with occasional genetic recombination.


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To gain entry into cells, viruses utilize a variety of different cell-surface molecules. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) binds to cell-surface integrin molecules via an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) sequence in capsid protein VP1. Binding to this particular cell-surface molecule influences FMDV tropism, and virus/receptor interactions appear to be responsible, in part, for selection of antigenic variants. To study early events of virus-cell interaction, we engineered an alternative and novel receptor for FMDV. Specifically, we generated a new receptor by fusing a virus-binding, single-chain antibody (scAb) to intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1). Cells that are normally not susceptible to FMDV infection became susceptible after being transfected with DNA encoding the scAb/ICAM1 protein. An escape mutant (B2PD.3), derived with the mAb used to generate the genetically engineered receptor, was restricted for growth on the scAb/ICAM1 cells, but a variant of B2PD.3 selected by propagation on scAb/ICAM1 cells grew well on these cells. This variant partially regained wild-type sequence in the epitope recognized by the mAb and also regained the ability to be neutralize by the mAb. Moreover, RGD-deleted virions that are noninfectious in animals and other cell types grew to high titers and were able to form plaques on scAb/ ICAM1 cells. These studies demonstrate the first production of a totally synthetic cell-surface receptor for a virus. This novel approach will be useful for studying virus reception and for the development of safer vaccines against viral pathogens of animals and humans.