18 resultados para Bat fly
The piggyBac (IFP2) short inverted terminal repeat transposable element from the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni was tested for gene transfer vector function as part of a bipartite vector–helper system in the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata. A piggyBac vector marked with the medfly white gene was tested with a normally regulated piggyBac transposase helper at two different concentrations in a white eye host strain. Both experiments yielded transformants at an approximate frequency of 3–5%, with a total of six lines isolated having pigmented eyes with various levels of coloration. G1 transformant siblings from each line shared at least one common integration, with several sublines having an additional second integration. For the first transformant line isolated, two integrations were determined to be stable for 15 generations. For five of the lines, a piggyBac-mediated transposition was verified by sequencing the insertion site junctions isolated by inverse PCR that identified a characteristic piggyBac TTAA target site duplication. The efficient and stable transformation of the medfly with a lepidopteran vector represents transposon function over a relatively large evolutionary distance and suggests that the piggyBac system will be functional in a broad range of insects.
Echolocating big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) broadcast ultrasonic frequency-modulated (FM) biosonar sounds (20–100 kHz frequencies; 10–50 μs periods) and perceive target range from echo delay. Knowing the acuity for delay resolution is essential to understand how bats process echoes because they perceive target shape and texture from the delay separation of multiple reflections. Bats can separately perceive the delays of two concurrent electronically generated echoes arriving as little as 2 μs apart, thus resolving reflecting points as close together as 0.3 mm in range (two-point threshold). This two-point resolution is roughly five times smaller than the shortest periods in the bat’s sounds. Because the bat’s broadcasts are 2,000–4,500 μs long, the echoes themselves overlap and interfere with each other, to merge together into a single sound whose spectrum is shaped by their mutual interference depending on the size of the time separation. To separately perceive the delays of overlapping echoes, the bat has to recover information about their very small delay separation that was transferred into the spectrum when the two echoes interfered with each other, thus explicitly reconstructing the range profile of targets from the echo spectrum. However, the bat’s 2-μs resolution limit is so short that the available spectral cues are extremely limited. Resolution of delay seems overly sharp just for interception of flying insects, which suggests that the bat’s biosonar images are of higher quality to suit a wider variety of orientation tasks, and that biosonar echo processing is correspondingly more sophisticated than has been suspected.
Recent studies of corticofugal modulation of auditory information processing indicate that cortical neurons mediate both a highly focused positive feedback to subcortical neurons “matched” in tuning to a particular acoustic parameter and a widespread lateral inhibition to “unmatched” subcortical neurons. This cortical function for the adjustment and improvement of subcortical information processing is called egocentric selection. Egocentric selection enhances the neural representation of frequently occurring signals in the central auditory system. For our present studies performed with the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), we hypothesized that egocentric selection adjusts the frequency map of the inferior colliculus (IC) according to auditory experience based on associative learning. To test this hypothesis, we delivered acoustic stimuli paired with electric leg stimulation to the bat, because such paired stimuli allowed the animal to learn that the acoustic stimulus was behaviorally important and to make behavioral and neural adjustments based on the acquired importance of the acoustic stimulus. We found that acoustic stimulation alone evokes a change in the frequency map of the IC; that this change in the IC becomes greater when the acoustic stimulation is made behaviorally relevant by pairing it with electrical stimulation; that the collicular change is mediated by the corticofugal system; and that the IC itself can sustain the change evoked by the corticofugal system for some time. Our data support the hypothesis.
Whether phytophagous insects can speciate in sympatry when they shift and adapt to new host plants is a controversial question. One essential requirement for sympatric speciation is that disruptive selection outweighs gene flow between insect populations using different host plants. Empirical support for host-related selection (i.e., fitness trade-offs) is scant, however. Here, we test for host-dependent selection acting on apple (Malus pumila)- and hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)-infesting races of Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae). In particular, we examine whether the earlier fruiting phenology of apple trees favors pupae in deeper states of diapause (or with slower metabolisms/development rates) in the apple fly race. By experimentally lengthening the time period preceding winter, we exposed hawthorn race pupae to environmental conditions typically faced by apple flies. This exposure induced a significant genetic response at six allozyme loci in surviving hawthorn fly adults toward allele frequencies found in the apple race. The sensitivity of hawthorn fly pupae to extended periods of warm weather therefore selects against hawthorn flies that infest apples and helps to maintain the genetic integrity of the apple race by counteracting gene flow from sympatric hawthorn populations. Our findings confirm that postzygotic reproductive isolation can evolve as a pleiotropic consequence of host-associated adaptation, a central tenet of nonallopatric speciation. They also suggest that one reason for the paucity of reported fitness trade-offs is a failure to consider adequately costs associated with coordinating an insect’s life cycle with the phenology of its host plant.
The saliva of blood-sucking arthropods contains powerful pharmacologically active substances and may be a vaccine target against some vector-borne diseases. Subtractive cloning combined with biochemical approaches was used to discover activities in the salivary glands of the hematophagous fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. Sequences of nine full-length cDNA clones were obtained, five of which are possibly associated with blood-meal acquisition, each having cDNA similarity to: (i) the bed bug Cimex lectularius apyrase, (ii) a 5′-nucleotidase/phosphodiesterase, (iii) a hyaluronidase, (iv) a protein containing a carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD), and (v) a RGD-containing peptide with no significant matches to known proteins in the blast databases. Following these findings, we observed that the salivary apyrase activity of L. longipalpis is indeed similar to that of Cimex apyrase in its metal requirements. The predicted isoelectric point of the putative apyrase matches the value found for Lutzomyia salivary apyrase. A 5′-nucleotidase, as well as hyaluronidase activity, was found in the salivary glands, and the CRD-containing cDNA matches the N-terminal sequence of the HPLC-purified salivary anticlotting protein. A cDNA similar to α-amylase was discovered and salivary enzymatic activity demonstrated for the first time in a blood-sucking arthropod. Full-length clones were also found coding for three proteins of unknown function matching, respectively, the N-terminal sequence of an abundant salivary protein, having similarity to the CAP superfamily of proteins and the Drosophila yellow protein. Finally, two partial sequences are reported that match possible housekeeping genes. Subtractive cloning will considerably enhance efforts to unravel the salivary pharmacopeia of blood-sucking arthropods.
If behavioral isolation between species can evolve as a consequence of sexual selection within a species, then traits that are both sexually selected and used as a criterion of species recognition by females should be identifiable. The broad male head of the Hawaiian picture-winged fly Drosophila heteroneura is a novel sexual dimorphism that may be sexually selected and involved in behavioral isolation from D. silvestris. We found that males with broad heads are more successful in sexual selection, both through female mate choice and through aggressive interactions. However, female D. heteroneura do not discriminate against hybrids on the basis of their head width. Thus, this novel trait is sexually selected but is not a major contributor to species recognition. Our methods should be applicable to other species in which behavioral isolation is a factor.
Leishmania promastigotes synthesize an abundance of phosphoglycans, either attached to the cell surface through phosphatidylinositol anchors (lipophosphoglycan, LPG) or secreted as protein-containing glycoconjugates. These phosphoglycans are thought to promote the survival of the parasite within both its vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. The relative contributions of different phosphoglycan-containing molecules in Leishmania–sand fly interactions were tested by using mutants specifically deficient in either total phosphoglycans or LPG alone. Leishmania donovani promastigotes deficient in both LPG and protein-linked phosphoglycans because of loss of LPG2 (encoding the Golgi GDP-Man transporter) failed to survive the hydrolytic environment within the early blood-fed midgut. In contrast, L. donovani and Leishmania major mutants deficient solely in LPG expression because of loss of LPG1 (involved in biosynthesis of the core oligosaccharide LPG domain) had only a slight reduction in the survival and growth of promastigotes within the early blood-fed midgut. The ability of the LPG1-deficient promastigotes to persist in the midgut after blood meal excretion was completely lost, and this defect was correlated with their inability to bind to midgut epithelial cells in vitro. For both mutants, when phosphoglycan expression was restored to wild-type levels by reintroduction of LPG1 or LPG2 (as appropriate), then the wild-type phenotype was also restored. We conclude, first, that LPG is not essential for survival in the early blood-fed midgut but, along with other secreted phosphoglycan-containing glycoconjugates, can protect promastigotes from the digestive enzymes in the gut and, second, that LPG is required to mediate midgut attachment and to maintain infection in the fly during excretion of the digested blood meal.
During illumination, Ca2+ enters fly photoreceptor cells through light-activated channels that are located in the rhabdomere, the compartment specialized for phototransduction. From the rhabdomere, Ca2+ diffuses into the cell body. We visualize this process by rapidly imaging the fluorescence in a cross section of a photoreceptor cell injected with a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator in vivo. The free Ca2+ concentration in the rhabdomere shows a very fast and large transient shortly after light onset. The free Ca2+ concentration in the cell body rises more slowly and displays a much smaller transient. After ≈400 ms of light stimulation, the Ca2+ concentration in both compartments reaches a steady state, indicating that thereafter an amount of Ca2+, equivalent to the amount of Ca2+ flowing into the cell, is extruded. Quantitative analysis demonstrates that during the steady state, the free Ca2+ concentration in the rhabdomere and throughout the cell body is the same. This shows that Ca2+ extrusion takes place very close to the location of Ca2+ influx, the rhabdomere, because otherwise gradients in the steady-state distribution of Ca2+ should be measured. The close colocalization of Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ extrusion ensures that, after turning off the light, Ca2+ removal from the rhabdomere is faster than from the cell body. This is functionally significant because it ensures rapid dark adaptation.
The Drosophila gene bicoid functions at the beginning of a gene cascade that specifies anterior structures in the embryo. Its transcripts are localized at the anterior pole of the oocyte, giving rise to a Bicoid protein gradient, which regulates the spatially restricted expression of target genes along the anterior–posterior axis of the embryo in a concentration-dependent manner. The morphogen function of Bicoid requires the coactivity of the zinc finger transcription factor Hunchback, which is expressed in a Bicoid-dependent fashion in the anterior half of the embryo. Whereas hunchback is conserved throughout insects, bicoid homologs are known only from cyclorrhaphan flies. Thus far, identification of hunchback and bicoid homologs rests only on sequence comparison. In this study, we used double-stranded RNA interference (RNAi) to address the function of bicoid and hunchback homologs in embryos of the lower cyclorrhaphan fly Megaselia abdita (Phoridae). Megaselia-hunchback RNAi causes hunchback-like phenotypes as observed in Drosophila, but Megaselia-bicoid RNAi causes phenotypes different from corresponding RNAi experiments in Drosophila and bicoid mutant embryos. Megaselia-bicoid is required not only for the head and thorax but also for the development of four abdominal segments. This difference between Megaselia and Drosophila suggests that the range of functional bicoid activity has been reduced in higher flies.
Syntax denotes a rule system that allows one to predict the sequencing of communication signals. Despite its significance for both human speech processing and animal acoustic communication, the representation of syntactic structure in the mammalian brain has not been studied electrophysiologically at the single-unit level. In the search for a neuronal correlate for syntax, we used playback of natural and temporally destructured complex species-specific communication calls—so-called composites—while recording extracellularly from neurons in a physiologically well defined area (the FM–FM area) of the mustached bat’s auditory cortex. Even though this area is known to be involved in the processing of target distance information for echolocation, we found that units in the FM–FM area were highly responsive to composites. The finding that neuronal responses were strongly affected by manipulation in the time domain of the natural composite structure lends support to the hypothesis that syntax processing in mammals occurs at least at the level of the nonprimary auditory cortex.
Trypanosoma brucei, the protozoan parasite causing sleeping sickness, is transmitted by a tsetse fly vector. When the tsetse takes a blood meal from an infected human, it ingests bloodstream form trypanosomes that quickly differentiate into procyclic forms within the fly's midgut. During this process, the parasite loses the 107 molecules of variant surface glycoprotein that formed its surface coat, and it develops a new coat composed of several million procyclin molecules. Procyclins, the products of a small multigene family, are glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins containing characteristic amino acid repeats at the C terminus [either EP (EP procyclin, a form of procyclin rich in Glu-Pro repeats) or GPEET (GPEET procyclin, a form of procyclin rich in Glu-Pro-Glu-Glu-Thr repeats)]. We have used a sensitive and accurate mass spectrometry method to analyze the appearance of different procyclins during the establishment of midgut infections in tsetse flies. We found that different procyclin gene products are expressed in an orderly manner. Early in the infection (day 3), GPEET2 is the only procyclin detected. By day 7, however, GPEET2 disappears and is replaced by several isoforms of glycosylated EP, but not the unglycosylated isoform EP2. Unexpectedly, we discovered that the N-terminal domains of all procyclins are quantitatively removed by proteolysis in the fly, but not in culture. These findings suggest that one function of the protease-resistant C-terminal domain, containing the amino acid repeats, is to protect the parasite surface from digestive enzymes in the tsetse fly gut.
Understanding the factors responsible for variations in mutation patterns and selection efficacy along chromosomes is a prerequisite for deciphering genome sequences. Population genetics models predict a positive correlation between the efficacy of selection at a given locus and the local rate of recombination because of Hill–Robertson effects. Codon usage is considered one of the most striking examples that support this prediction at the molecular level. In a wide range of species including Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, codon usage is essentially shaped by selection acting for translational efficiency. Codon usage bias correlates positively with recombination rate in Drosophila, apparently supporting the hypothesis that selection on codon usage is improved by recombination. Here we present an exhaustive analysis of codon usage in C. elegans and D. melanogaster complete genomes. We show that in both genomes there is a positive correlation between recombination rate and the frequency of optimal codons. However, we demonstrate that in both species, this effect is due to a mutational bias toward G and C bases in regions of high recombination rate, possibly as a direct consequence of the recombination process. The correlation between codon usage bias and recombination rate in these species appears to be essentially determined by recombination-dependent mutational patterns, rather than selective effects. This result highlights that it is necessary to take into account the mutagenic effect of recombination to understand the evolutionary role and impact of recombination.
Molecular and morphological data have important roles in illuminating evolutionary history. DNA data often yield well resolved phylogenies for living taxa, but are generally unattainable for fossils. A distinct advantage of morphology is that some types of morphological data may be collected for extinct and extant taxa. Fossils provide a unique window on evolutionary history and may preserve combinations of primitive and derived characters that are not found in extant taxa. Given their unique character complexes, fossils are critical in documenting sequences of character transformation over geologic time and may elucidate otherwise ambiguous patterns of evolution that are not revealed by molecular data alone. Here, we employ a methodological approach that allows for the integration of molecular and paleontological data in deciphering one of the most innovative features in the evolutionary history of mammals—laryngeal echolocation in bats. Molecular data alone, including an expanded data set that includes new sequences for the A2AB gene, suggest that microbats are paraphyletic but do not resolve whether laryngeal echolocation evolved independently in different microbat lineages or evolved in the common ancestor of bats and was subsequently lost in megabats. When scaffolds from molecular phylogenies are incorporated into parsimony analyses of morphological characters, including morphological characters for the Eocene taxa Icaronycteris, Archaeonycteris, Hassianycteris, and Palaeochiropteryx, the resulting trees suggest that laryngeal echolocation evolved in the common ancestor of fossil and extant bats and was subsequently lost in megabats. Molecular dating suggests that crown-group bats last shared a common ancestor 52 to 54 million years ago.