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We report that branched polyamines, including polyamidoamide dendimers, polypropyleneimine, and polyethyleneimine, are able to purge PrPSc, the protease-resistant isoform of the prion protein, from scrapie-infected neuroblastoma (ScN2a) cells in culture. The removal of PrPSc by these compounds depends on both the concentration of branched polymer and the duration of exposure. Chronic exposure of ScN2a cells to low noncytotoxic concentrations of branched polyamines for 1 wk reduced PrPSc to an undetectable level, a condition that persisted at least 3 wk after removal of the compound. Structure–activity analysis revealed that a high surface density of primary amino groups is required for polyamines to eliminate PrPSc effectively from cells. The removal of PrPSc by branched polyamines is attenuated by chloroquine in living cells, and exposure of scrapie-infected brain extracts with branched polyamines at acidic pH rendered the PrPSc susceptible to protease in vitro, suggesting that endosomes or lysozomes may be the site of action. Our studies suggest that branched polyamines might be useful therapeutic agents for treatment of prion diseases and perhaps a variety of other degenerative disorders.


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We previously determined that a linear co-polymer of histidine and lysine (HK) in combination with liposomes enhanced the transfection efficiency of cationic liposomes. In the current study, we designed a series of HK polymers with increased branching and/or histidine/lysine ratio to determine if either variable affects transfection efficiency. In the presence of liposomes, the branched polymer with the highest number of histidines, HHK4b, was the most effective at enhancing gene expression. Furthermore, when serum was added to the medium during transfection, the combination of HHK4b and liposomes as a gene-delivery vehicle increased luciferase expression 400-fold compared to liposomes alone. In contrast to linear HK polymers, the higher branched HHK polymers were effective carriers of plasmids in the absence of liposomes. Without liposomes, the HHK4b carrier enhanced luciferase expression 15-fold in comparison with the lesser branched HHK2b carrier and increased expression by 5-logs in comparison with the HHK or HK carrier. The interplay of several parameters including increased condensation of DNA, buffering of acidic endosomes and differential binding affinities of polymer with DNA have a role in the enhancement of transfection by the HK polymers. In addition to suggesting that branched HK polymers are promising gene-delivery vehicles, this study provides a framework for the development of more efficient peptide-bond-based polymers of histidine and lysine.


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We have observed electrostatic trapping of tribranched DNA molecules undergoing electrophoresis in a microfabricated pseudo-two-dimensional array of posts. Trapping occurs in a unique transport regimen in which the electrophoretic mobility is extremely sensitive to polymer topology. The arrest of branched polymers is explained by considering their center-of-mass motion; in certain conformations, owing to the constraints imposed by the obstacles a molecule cannot advance without the center of mass first moving a short distance backwards. The depth of the resulting local potential well can be much greater than the thermal energy so that escape of an immobilized molecule can be extremely slow. We summarize the expected behavior of the mobility as a function of field strength and topology and point out that the microfabricated arrays are highly suitable for detecting an extremely small number of branched molecules in a very large population of linear molecules.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a secreted endothelial cell mitogen that has been shown to induce vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in many organ systems and tumors. Considering the importance of VEGF to embryonic vascularization and survival, the effects of administered VEGF on developing or adult cerebrovasculature are unknown: can VEGF alter brain angiogenesis or mature cerebrovascular patterns? To examine these questions we exposed fetal, newborn, and adult rat cortical slice explants to graduated doses of recombinant VEGF. The effects of another known angiogenic factor, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), were evaluated in a comparable manner. In addition, we infused VEGF via minipump into the adult cortex. Significant angiogenic effects were found in all VEGF experiments in a dose-responsive manner that were abolished by the addition of VEGF neutralizing antibody. Fetal and newborn explants had a highly complex network of branched vessels that immunoexpressed the flt-1 VEGF receptor, and flk-1 VEGF receptor expression was determined by reverse transcription–PCR. Adult explants had enlarged, dilated vessels that appeared to be an expansion of the existing network. All bFGF-treated explants had substantially fewer vascular profiles. VEGF infusions produced both a remarkable localized neovascularization and, unexpectedly, the expression of flt-1 on reactive astrocytes but not on endothelial cells. The preponderance of neovascularization in vitro and in vivo, however, lacked the blood–brain barrier (BBB) phenotype marker, GLUT-1, suggesting that in brain the angiogenic role of VEGF may differ from a potential BBB functional role, i.e., transport and permeability. VEGF may serve an important capacity in neovascularization or BBB alterations after brain injury.


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The BTB domain (also known as the POZ domain) is an evolutionarily conserved protein–protein interaction motif found at the N terminus of 5–10% of C2H2-type zinc-finger transcription factors, as well as in some actin-associated proteins bearing the kelch motif. Many BTB proteins are transcriptional regulators that mediate gene expression through the control of chromatin conformation. In the human promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF) protein, the BTB domain has transcriptional repression activity, directs the protein to a nuclear punctate pattern, and interacts with components of the histone deacetylase complex. The association of the PLZF BTB domain with the histone deacetylase complex provides a mechanism of linking the transcription factor with enzymatic activities that regulate chromatin conformation. The crystal structure of the BTB domain of PLZF was determined at 1.9 Å resolution and reveals a tightly intertwined dimer with an extensive hydrophobic interface. Approximately one-quarter of the monomer surface area is involved in the dimer intermolecular contact. These features are typical of obligate homodimers, and we expect the full-length PLZF protein to exist as a branched transcription factor with two C-terminal DNA-binding regions. A surface-exposed groove lined with conserved amino acids is formed at the dimer interface, suggestive of a peptide-binding site. This groove may represent the site of interaction of the PLZF BTB domain with nuclear corepressors or other nuclear proteins.


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Recombination of genes is essential to the evolution of genetic diversity, the segregation of chromosomes during cell division, and certain DNA repair processes. The Holliday junction, a four-arm, four-strand branched DNA crossover structure, is formed as a transient intermediate during genetic recombination and repair processes in the cell. The recognition and subsequent resolution of Holliday junctions into parental or recombined products appear to be critically dependent on their three-dimensional structure. Complementary NMR and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments on immobilized four-arm DNA junctions reported here indicate that the Holliday junction cannot be viewed as a static structure but rather as an equilibrium mixture of two conformational isomers. Furthermore, the distribution between the two possible crossover isomers was found to depend on the sequence in a manner that was not anticipated on the basis of previous low-resolution experiments.


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When gene conversion is initiated by a double-strand break (DSB), any nonhomologous DNA that may be present at the ends must be removed before new DNA synthesis can be initiated. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, removal of nonhomologous ends depends not only on the nucleotide excision repair endonuclease Rad1/Rad10 but also on Msh2 and Msh3, two proteins that are required to correct mismatched bp. These proteins have no effect when DSB ends are homologous to the donor, either in the kinetics of recombination or in the proportion of gene conversions associated with crossing-over. A second DSB repair pathway, single-strand annealing also requires Rad1/Rad10 and Msh2/Msh3, but reveals a difference in their roles. When the flanking homologous regions that anneal are 205 bp, the requirement for Msh2/Msh3 is as great as for Rad1/Rad10; but when the annealing partners are 1,170 bp, Msh2/Msh3 have little effect, while Rad1/Rad10 are still required. Mismatch repair proteins Msh6, Pms1, and Mlh1 are not required. We suggest Msh2 and Msh3 recognize not only heteroduplex loops and mismatched bp, but also branched DNA structures with a free 3′ tail.


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The root cap is increasingly appreciated as a complex and dynamic plant organ. Root caps sense and transmit environmental signals, synthesize and secrete small molecules and macromolecules, and in some species shed metabolically active cells. However, it is not known whether root caps are essential for normal shoot and root development. We report the identification of a root cap-specific promoter and describe its use to genetically ablate root caps by directing root cap-specific expression of a diphtheria toxin A-chain gene. Transgenic toxin-expressing plants are viable and have normal aerial parts but agravitropic roots, implying loss of root cap function. Several cell layers are missing from the transgenic root caps, and the remaining cells are abnormal. Although the radial organization of the roots is normal in toxin-expressing plants, the root tips have fewer cytoplasmically dense cells than do wild-type root tips, suggesting that root meristematic activity is lower in transgenic than in wild-type plants. The roots of transgenic plants have more lateral roots and these are, in turn, more highly branched than those of wild-type plants. Thus, root cap ablation alters root architecture both by inhibiting root meristematic activity and by stimulating lateral root initiation. These observations imply that the root caps contain essential components of the signaling system that determines root architecture.


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The causal agent of chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle (CChM) disease has been identified, cloned, and sequenced. It is a viroid RNA (CChMVd) of 398–399 nucleotides. In vitro transcripts with the complete CChMVd sequence were infectious and induced the typical symptoms of the CChM disease. CChMVd can form hammerhead structures in both polarity strands. Plus and minus monomeric CChMVd RNAs self-cleaved during in vitro transcription and after purification as predicted by these structures, which are stable and most probably act as single hammerhead structures as in peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd), but not in avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd). Moreover, the plus CChMVd hammerhead structure also appears to be active in vivo, because the 5′ terminus of the linear plus CChMVd RNA isolated from infected tissue is that predicted by the corresponding hammerhead ribozyme. Both hammerhead structures of CChMVd display some peculiarities: the plus self-cleaving domain has an unpaired A after the conserved A9 residue, and the minus one has an unusually long helix II. The most stable secondary structure predicted for CChMVd is a branched conformation that does not fulfill the rod-like or quasi-rod-like model proposed for the in vitro structure of most viroids with the exception of PLMVd, whose proposed secondary structure of lowest free energy also is branched. The unusual conformation of CChMVd and PLMVd is supported by their insolubility in 2 M LiCl, in contrast to ASBVd and a series of representative non-self-cleaving viroids that are soluble under the same high salt conditions. These results support the classification of self-cleaving viroids into two subgroups, one formed by ASBVd and the other one by PLMVd and CChMVd.


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Bacteriophage λ encodes a number of genes involved in the recombinational repair of DNA double-strand breaks. The product of one of these genes, rap, has been purified. Truncated Rap proteins that copurify with the full-length form are derived, at least in part, from a ρ-dependent transcription terminator located within its coding sequence. Full-length and certain truncated Rap polypeptides bind preferentially to branched DNA substrates, including synthetic Holliday junctions and D-loops. In the presence of manganese ions, Rap acts as an endonuclease that cleaves at the branch point of Holliday and D-loop substrates. It shows no obvious sequence preference or symmetry of cleavage on a Holliday junction. The biochemical analysis of Rap gives an insight into how recombinants could be generated by the nicking of a D-loop without the formation of a classical Holliday junction.


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The Dld gene product, known as dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase or the E3 component, catalyzes the oxidation of dihydrolipoyl moieties of four mitochondrial multienzyme complexes: pyruvate dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase, and the glycine cleavage system. Deficiency of E3 activity in humans results in various degrees of neurological dysfunction and organic acidosis caused by accumulation of branched-chain amino acids and lactic acid. In this study, we have introduced a null mutation into the murine Dld gene (Dldtm1mjp). The heterozygous animals are shown to have approximately half of wild-type activity levels for E3 and all affected multienzyme complexes but are phenotypically normal. In contrast, the Dld−/− class dies prenatally with apparent developmental delay at 7.5 days postcoitum followed by resorption by 9.5 days postcoitum. The Dld−/− embryos cease to develop at a time shortly after implantation into the uterine wall when most of the embryos have begun to gastrulate. This null phenotype provides in vivo evidence for the requirement of a mitochondrial oxidative pathway during the perigastrulation period. Furthermore, the early prenatal lethal condition of the complete deficiency state may explain the low incidence of detectable cases of E3 deficiency in humans.


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As in many eukaryotic cells, fission yeast cytokinesis depends on the assembly of an actin ring. We cloned myp2+, a myosin-II in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, conditionally required for cytokinesis. myp2+, the second myosin-II identified in S. pombe, does not completely overlap in function with myo2+. The catalytic domain of Myp2p is highly homologous to known myosin-IIs, and phylogenetic analysis places Myp2p in the myosin-II family. The Myp2p sequence contains well-conserved ATP- and actin-binding motifs, as well as two IQ motifs. However, the tail sequence is unusual, since it is predicted to form two long coiled-coils separated by a stretch of sequence containing 19 prolines. Disruption of myp2+ is not lethal but under nutrient limiting conditions cells lacking myp2+ function are multiseptated, elongated, and branched, indicative of a defect in cytokinesis. The presence of salt enhances these morphological defects. Additionally, Δmyp2 cells are cold sensitive in high salt, failing to form colonies at 17°C. Thus, myp2+ is required under conditions of stress, possibly linking extracellular growth conditions to efficient cytokinesis and cell growth. GFP-Myp2p localizes to a ring in the middle of late mitotic cells, consistent with a role in cytokinesis. Additionally, we constructed double mutants of Δmyp2 with temperature-sensitive mutant strains defective in cytokinesis. We observed synthetic lethal interactions between Δmyp2 and three alleles of cdc11ts, as well as more modest synthetic interactions with cdc14ts and cdc16ts, implicating myp2+ function for efficient cytokinesis under normal conditions.


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A study of potential mycobacterial regulatory genes led to the isolation of the Mycobacterium smegmatis whmD gene, which encodes a homologue of WhiB, a Streptomyces coelicolor protein required for sporulation. Unlike its Streptomyces homologue, WhmD is essential in M. smegmatis. The whmD gene could be disrupted only in the presence of a plasmid supplying whmD in trans. A plasmid that allowed chemically regulated expression of the WhmD protein was used to generate a conditional whmD mutant. On withdrawal of the inducer, the conditional whmD mutant exhibited irreversible, filamentous, branched growth with diminished septum formation and aberrant septal placement, whereas WhmD overexpression resulted in growth retardation and hyperseptation. Nucleic acid synthesis and levels of the essential cell division protein FtsZ were unaltered by WhmD deficiency. Together, these phenotypes indicate a role for WhmD in mycobacterial septum formation and cell division.


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The tumor suppressor Brca1 plays an important role in protecting mammalian cells against genomic instability, but little is known about its modes of action. In this work we demonstrate that recombinant human Brca1 protein binds strongly to DNA, an activity conferred by a domain in the center of the Brca1 polypeptide. As a result of this binding, Brca1 inhibits the nucleolytic activities of the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex, an enzyme implicated in numerous aspects of double-strand break repair. Brca1 displays a preference for branched DNA structures and forms protein–DNA complexes cooperatively between multiple DNA strands, but without DNA sequence specificity. This fundamental property of Brca1 may be an important part of its role in DNA repair and transcription.


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Aip3p is an actin-interacting protein that regulates cell polarity in budding yeast. The Schizosaccharomyces pombe-sequencing project recently led to the identification of a homologue of Aip3p that we have named spAip3p. Our results confirm that spAip3p is a true functional homologue of Aip3p. When expressed in budding yeast, spAip3p localizes similarly to Aip3p during the cell cycle and complements the cell polarity defects of an aip3Δ strain. Two-hybrid analysis shows that spAip3p interacts with actin similarly to Aip3p. In fission yeast, spAip3p localizes to both cell ends during interphase and later organizes into two rings at the site of cytokinesis. spAip3p localization to cell ends is dependent on microtubule cytoskeleton, its localization to the cell middle is dependent on actin cytoskeleton, and both patterns of localization require an operative secretory pathway. Overexpression of spAip3p disrupts the actin cytoskeleton and cell polarity, leading to morphologically aberrant cells. Fission yeast, which normally rely on the microtubule cytoskeleton to establish their polarity axis, can use the actin cytoskeleton in the absence of microtubule function to establish a new polarity axis, leading to the formation of branched cells. spAip3p localizes to, and is required for, branch formation, confirming its role in actin-directed polarized cell growth in both Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.