56 resultados para Attitude toward the Ad
Diamide oxidizes cellular thiols and induces oxidative stress. To isolate plant genes which may, when overexpressed, increase tolerance of plants toward oxidative damage, an in vivo diamide tolerance screening in yeasts was used. An Arabidopsis cDNA library in a yeast expression vector was used to transform a yeast strain with intact antioxidant defense. Cells from approximately 10(5) primary transformants were selected for resistance to diamide. Three Arabidopsis cDNAs which confer diamide tolerance were isolated. This drug tolerance was specific and no cross tolerance toward hydroperoxides was found. One cDNA (D3) encodes a polypeptide which has an amino-terminal J domain characteristic of a divergent family of DnaJ chaperones. Another (D18) encodes a putative dTDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratase. Surprisingly, the third cDNA (D22) encodes a plant homolog of gamma-glutamyltransferases. It would have been difficult to predict that the expression of those genes would lead to an improved survival under conditions of depletion of cellular thiols. Hence, we suggest that this cloning approach may be a useful contribution to the isolation of plant genes that can help to cope with oxidative stress.
This paper predicts speech synthesis, speech recognition, and speaker recognition technology for the year 2001, and it describes the most important research problems to be solved in order to arrive at these ultimate synthesis and recognition systems. The problems for speech synthesis include natural and intelligible voice production, prosody control based on meaning, capability of controlling synthesized voice quality and choosing individual speaking style, multilingual and multidialectal synthesis, choice of application-oriented speaking styles, capability of adding emotion, and synthesis from concepts. The problems for speech recognition include robust recognition against speech variations, adaptation/normalization to variations due to environmental conditions and speakers, automatic knowledge acquisition for acoustic and linguistic modeling, spontaneous speech recognition, naturalness and ease of human-machine interaction, and recognition of emotion. The problems for speaker recognition are similar to those for speech recognition. The research topics related to all these techniques include the use of articulatory and perceptual constraints and evaluation methods for measuring the quality of technology and systems.
If RNA editing could be rationally directed to mutated RNA sequences, genetic diseases caused by certain base substitutions could be treated. Here we use a synthetic complementary RNA oligonucleotide to direct the correction of a premature stop codon mutation in dystrophin RNA. The complementary RNA oligonucleotide was hybridized to a premature stop codon and the hybrid was treated with nuclear extracts containing the cellular enzyme double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase. When the treated RNAs were translated in vitro, a dramatic increase in expression of a downstream luciferase coding region was observed. The cDNA sequence data are consistent with deamination of the adenosine in the UAG stop codon to inosine by double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminase. Injection of oligonucleotide-mRNA hybrids into Xenopus embryos also resulted in an increase in luciferase expression. These experiments demonstrate the principle of therapeutic RNA editing.
Angiosperm paleobotany has widened its horizons, incorporated new techniques, developed new databases, and accepted new questions that can now focus on the evolution of the group. The fossil record of early flowering plants is now playing an active role in addressing questions of angiosperm phylogeny, angiosperm origins, and angiosperm radiations. Three basic nodes of angiosperm radiations are identified: (i) the closed carpel and showy radially symmetrical flower, (ii) the bilateral flower, and (iii) fleshy fruits and nutritious nuts and seeds. These are all coevolutionary events and spread out through time during angiosperm evolution. The proposal is made that the genetics of the angiosperms pressured the evolution of the group toward reproductive systems that favored outcrossing. This resulted in the strongest selection in the angiosperms being directed toward the flower, fruits, and seeds. That is why these organs often provide the best systematic characters for the group.
Adenovirus (Ad) vectors have been extensively used to deliver recombinant genes to a great variety of cell types in vitro and in vivo. Ad-based vectors are available that replace the Ad early region 1 (E1) with recombinant foreign genes. The resultant E1-deleted vectors can then be propagated on 293 cells, a human embryonal kidney cell line that constitutively expresses the E1 genes. Unfortunately, infection of cells and tissues in vivo results in low-level expression of Ad early and late proteins (despite the absence of E1 activity) resulting in immune recognition of virally infected cells. The infected cells are subsequently eliminated, resulting in only a transient expression of foreign genes in vivo. We hypothesize that a second-generation Ad vector with a deletion of viral genes necessary for Ad genome replication should block viral DNA replication and decrease viral protein production, resulting in a diminished immune response and extended duration of foreign gene expression in vivo. As a first step toward the generation of such a modified vector, we report the construction of cell lines that not only express the E1 genes but also constitutively express the Ad serotype 2 140-kDa DNA polymerase protein, one of three virally encoded proteins essential for Ad genome replication. The Ad polymerase-expressing cell lines support the replication and growth of H5ts36, an Ad with a temperature-sensitive mutation of the Ad polymerase protein. These packaging cell lines can be used to prepare Ad vectors deleted for the E1 and polymerase functions, which should facilitate development of viral vectors for gene therapy of human diseases.
The mechanisms by which cells rapidly polarize in the direction of external signals are not understood. Helper T cells, when contacted by an antigen-presenting cell, polarize their cytoskeletons toward the antigen-presenting cell within minutes. Here we show that, in T cells, the mammalian Ras-related GTPase CDC42 (the homologue of yeast CDC42, a protein involved in budding polarity) can regulate the polarization of both actin and microtubules toward antigen-presenting cells but is not involved in other T-cell signaling processes such as those which culminate in interleukin 2 production. Although T-cell polarization appears dispensable for signaling leading to interleukin 2 production, polarization may direct lymphokine secretion towards the correct antigen-presenting cell in a crowded cellular environment. Inhibitor experiments suggest that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is required for cytoskeletal polarization but that calcineurin activity, known to be important for other aspects of signaling, is not. Apparent conservation of CDC42 function between yeast and T cells suggests that this GTPase is a general regulator of cytoskeletal polarity in many cell types.
The bryostatins are a unique family of emerging cancer chemotherapeutic candidates isolated from marine bryozoa. Although the biochemical basis for their therapeutic activity is not known, these macrolactones exhibit high affinities for protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes, compete for the phorbol ester binding site on PKC, and stimulate kinase activity in vitro and in vivo. Unlike the phorbol esters, they are not first-stage tumor promoters. The design, computer modeling, NMR solution structure, PKC binding, and functional assays of a unique class of synthetic bryostatin analogs are described. These analogs (7b, 7c, and 8) retain the putative recognition domain of the bryostatins but are simplified through deletions and modifications in the C4-C14 spacer domain. Computer modeling of an analog prototype (7a) indicates that it exists preferentially in two distinct conformational classes, one in close agreement with the crystal structure of bryostatin 1. The solution structure of synthetic analog 7c was determined by NMR spectroscopy and found to be very similar to the previously reported structures of bryostatins 1 and 10. Analogs 7b, 7c, and 8 bound strongly to PKC isozymes with Ki = 297, 3.4, and 8.3 nM, respectively. Control 7d, like the corresponding bryostatin derivative, exhibited weak PKC affinity, as did the derivative, 9, lacking the spacer domain. Like bryostatin, acetal 7c exhibited significant levels of in vitro growth inhibitory activity (1.8–170 ng/ml) against several human cancer cell lines, providing an important step toward the development of simplified, synthetically accessible analogs of the bryostatins.
Folylpolyglutamate synthetase, which is responsible for the addition of a polyglutamate tail to folate and folate derivatives, is an ATP-dependent enzyme isolated from eukaryotic and bacterial sources, where it plays a key role in the retention of the intracellular folate pool. Here, we report the 2.4-Å resolution crystal structure of the MgATP complex of the enzyme from Lactobacillus casei. The structural analysis reveals that folylpolyglutamate synthetase is a modular protein consisting of two domains, one with a typical mononucleotide-binding fold and the other strikingly similar to the folate-binding enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. We have located the active site of the enzyme in a large interdomain cleft adjacent to an ATP-binding P-loop motif. Opposite this site, in the C domain, a cavity likely to be the folate binding site has been identified, and inspection of this cavity and the surrounding protein structure suggests that the glutamate tail of the substrate may project into the active site. A further feature of the structure is a well defined Ω loop, which contributes both to the active site and to interdomain interactions. The determination of the structure of this enzyme represents the first step toward the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of polyglutamylation of folates and antifolates.
While conducting a search for cell cycle-regulated genes in human mammary carcinoma cells, we identified HSIX1, a recently discovered member of a new homeobox gene subfamily. HSIX1 expression was absent at the onset of and increased toward the end of S phase. Since its expression pattern is suggestive of a role after S phase, we investigated the effect of HSIX1 in the G2 cell cycle checkpoint. Overexpression of HSIX1 in MCF7 cells abrogated the G2 cell cycle checkpoint in response to x-ray irradiation. HSIX1 expression was absent or very low in normal mammary tissue, but was high in 44% of primary breast cancers and 90% of metastatic lesions. In addition, HSIX1 was expressed in a variety of cancer cell lines, suggesting an important function in multiple tumor types. These data support the role for homeobox genes in tumorigenesis/tumor progression, possibly through a cell cycle function.
Kinesin is a dimeric motor protein that transports organelles in a stepwise manner toward the plus-end of microtubules by converting the energy of ATP hydrolysis into mechanical work. External forces can influence the behavior of kinesin, and force-velocity curves have shown that the motor will slow down and eventually stall under opposing loads of ≈5 pN. Using an in vitro motility assay in conjunction with a high-resolution optical trapping microscope, we have examined the behavior of individual kinesin molecules under two previously unexplored loading regimes: super-stall loads (>5 pN) and forward (plus-end directed) loads. Whereas some theories of kinesin function predict a reversal of directionality under high loads, we found that kinesin does not walk backwards under loads of up to 13 pN, probably because of an irreversible transition in the mechanical cycle. We also found that this cycle can be significantly accelerated by forward loads under a wide range of ATP concentrations. Finally, we noted an increase in kinesin’s rate of dissociation from the microtubule with increasing load, which is consistent with a load dependent partitioning between two recently described kinetic pathways: a coordinated-head pathway (which leads to stepping) and an independent-head pathway (which is static).
A cross-maze task that can be acquired through either place or response learning was used to examine the hypothesis that posttraining neurochemical manipulation of the hippocampus or caudate-putamen can bias an animal toward the use of a specific memory system. Male Long-Evans rats received four trials per day for 7 days, a probe trial on day 8, further training on days 9–15, and an additional probe trial on day 16. Training occurred in a cross-maze task in which rats started from a consistent start-box (south), and obtained food from a consistent goal-arm (west). On days 4–6 of training, rats received posttraining intrahippocampal (1 μg/0.5 μl) or intracaudate (2 μg/0.5 μl) injections of either glutamate or saline (0.5 μl). On days 8 and 16, a probe trial was given in which rats were placed in a novel start-box (north). Rats selecting the west goal-arm were designated “place” learners, and those selecting the east goal-arm were designated “response” learners. Saline-treated rats predominantly displayed place learning on day 8 and response learning on day 16, indicating a shift in control of learned behavior with extended training. Rats receiving intrahippocampal injections of glutamate predominantly displayed place learning on days 8 and 16, indicating that manipulation of the hippocampus produced a blockade of the shift to response learning. Rats receiving intracaudate injections of glutamate displayed response learning on days 8 and 16, indicating an accelerated shift to response learning. The findings suggest that posttraining intracerebral glutamate infusions can (i) modulate the distinct memory processes mediated by the hippocampus and caudate-putamen and (ii) bias the brain toward the use of a specific memory system to control learned behavior and thereby influence the timing of the switch from the use of cognitive memory to habit learning to guide behavior.
The synthetic amino acid copolymer copolymer 1 (Cop 1) suppresses experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and is beneficial in multiple sclerosis. To further understand Cop 1 suppressive activity, we studied the cytokine secretion profile of various Cop 1-induced T cell lines and clones. Unlike T cell lines induced by myelin basic protein (MBP), which secreted either T cell helper type 1 (Th1) or both Th1 and Th2 cytokines, the T cell lines/clones induced by Cop 1 showed a progressively polarized development toward the Th2 pathway, until they completely lost the ability to secrete Th1 cytokines. Our findings indicate that the polarization of the Cop 1-induced lines did not result from the immunization vehicle or the in vitro growing conditions, but rather from the tendency of Cop 1 to preferentially induce a Th2 response. The response of all of the Cop 1 specific lines/clones, which were originated in the (SJL/J×BALB/c)F1 hybrids, was restricted to the BALB/c parental haplotype. Even though the Cop 1-induced T cells had not been exposed to the autoantigen MBP, they crossreacted with MBP by secretion of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-6, and IL-10. Administration of these T cells in vivo resulted in suppression of EAE induced by whole mouse spinal cord homogenate, in which several autoantigens may be involved. Secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines by Cop 1-induced suppressor cells, in response to either Cop 1 or MBP, may explain the therapeutic effect of Cop 1 in EAE and in multiple sclerosis.
LEF-1 (lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1) is a cell type-specific member of the family of high mobility group (HMG) domain proteins that recognizes a specific nucleotide sequence in the T cell receptor (TCR) α enhancer. In this study, we extend the analysis of the DNA-binding properties of LEF-1 and examine their contributions to the regulation of gene expression. We find that LEF-1, like nonspecific HMG-domain proteins, can interact with irregular DNA structures such as four-way junctions, albeit with lower efficiency than with specific duplex DNA. We also show by a phasing analysis that the LEF-induced DNA bend is directed toward the major groove. In addition, we find that the interaction of LEF-1 with a specific binding site in circular DNA changes the linking number of DNA and unwinds the double helix. Finally, we identified two nucleotides in the LEF-1-binding site that are important for protein-induced DNA bending. Mutations of these nucleotides decrease both the extent of DNA bending and the transactivation of the TCRα enhancer by LEF-1, suggesting a contribution of protein-induced DNA bending to the function of TCRα enhancer.
In epithelial cells, sorting of membrane proteins to the basolateral surface depends on the presence of a basolateral sorting signal (BaSS) in their cytoplasmic domain. Amyloid precursor protein (APP), a basolateral protein implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease, contains a tyrosine-based BaSS, and mutation of the tyrosine residue results in nonpolarized transport of APP. Here we report identification of a protein, termed PAT1 (protein interacting with APP tail 1), that interacts with the APP-BaSS but binds poorly when the critical tyrosine is mutated and does not bind the tyrosine-based endocytic signal of APP. PAT1 shows homology to kinesin light chain, which is a component of the plus-end directed microtubule-based motor involved in transporting membrane proteins to the basolateral surface. PAT1, a cytoplasmic protein, associates with membranes, cofractionates with APP-containing vesicles, and binds microtubules in a nucleotide-sensitive manner. Cotransfection of PAT1 with a reporter protein shows that PAT1 is functionally linked with intracellular transport of APP. We propose that PAT1 is involved in the translocation of APP along microtubules toward the cell surface.
Deamination of 5-methylcytosine residues in DNA gives rise to the G/T mismatched base pair. In humans this lesion is repaired by a mismatch-specific thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG or G/T glycosylase), which catalyzes specific excision of the thymine base through N-glycosidic bond hydrolysis. Unlike other DNA glycosylases, TDG recognizes an aberrant pairing of two normal bases rather than a damaged base per se. An important structural issue is thus to understand how the enzyme specifically targets the T (or U) residue of the mismatched base pair. Our approach toward the study of substrate recognition and processing by catalytic DNA binding proteins has been to modify the substrate so as to preserve recognition of the base but to prevent its excision. Here we report that replacement of 2′-hydrogen atoms with fluorine in the substrate 2′-deoxyguridine (dU) residue abrogates glycosidic bond cleavage, thereby leading to the formation of a tight, specific glycosylase–DNA complex. Biochemical characterization of these complexes reveals that the enzyme protects an ≈20-bp stretch of the substrate from DNase I cleavage, and directly contacts a G residue on the 3′ side of the mismatched U derivative. These studies provide a mechanistic rationale for the preferential repair of deaminated CpG sites and pave the way for future high-resolution studies of TDG bound to DNA.