4 resultados para water movement

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Water balance simulation in cropping systems is a very useful tool to study how water can be used efficiently. However this requires that models simulate an accurate water balance. Comparing model results with field observations will provide information on the performance of the models. The objective of this study was to test the performance of DSSAT model in simulating the water balance by comparing the simulations with observed measurements. The soil water balance in DSSAT uses a one dimensional ?tipping bucket? soil water balance approach where available soil water is determined by the drained upper limit (DUL), lower limit (LL) and saturated water content (SAT). A continuous weighing lysimeter was used to get the observed values of drainage and evapotranspiration (ET). An automated agrometeorological weather station close to the lisymeter was also used to record the climatic data. The model simulated accurately the soil water content after the optimization of the soil parameters. However it was found the inability of the model to capture small changes in daily drainage and ET. For that reason simulated cumulative values had larger errors as the time passed by. These results suggested the need to compare outputs of DSSAT and some hydrological model that simulates soil water movement with a more mechanistic approach. The comparison of the two models will allow us to find which mechanism can be modified or incorporated in DSSAT model to improve the simulations.


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The evolution of water content on a sandy soil during the sprinkler irrigation campaign, in the summer of 2010, of a field of sugar beet crop located at Valladolid (Spain) is assessed by a capacitive FDR (Frequency Domain Reflectometry) EnviroScan. This field is one of the experimental sites of the Spanish research center for the sugar beet development (AIMCRA). The objective of the work focus on monitoring the soil water content evolution of consecutive irrigations during the second two weeks of July (from the 12th to the 28th). These measurements will be used to simulate water movement by means of Hydrus-2D. The water probe logged water content readings (m3/m3) at 10, 20, 40 and 60 cm depth every 30 minutes. The probe was placed between two rows in one of the typical 12 x 15 m sprinkler irrigation framework. Furthermore, a texture analysis at the soil profile was also conducted. The irrigation frequency in this farm was set by the own personal farmer 0 s criteria that aiming to minimizing electricity pumping costs, used to irrigate at night and during the weekend i.e. longer irrigation frequency than expected. However, the high evapotranspiration rates and the weekly sugar beet water consumption—up to 50mm/week—clearly determined the need for lower this frequency. Moreover, farmer used to irrigate for six or five hours whilst results from the EnviroScan probe showed the soil profile reaching saturation point after the first three hours. It must be noted that AIMCRA provides to his members with a SMS service regarding weekly sugar beet water requirement; from the use of different meteorological stations and evapotranspiration pans, farmers have an idea of the weekly irrigation needs. Nevertheless, it is the farmer 0 s decision to decide how to irrigate. Thus, in order to minimize water stress and pumping costs, a suitable irrigation time and irrigation frequency was modeled with Hydrus-2D. Results for the period above mentioned showed values of water content ranging from 35 and 30 (m3/m3) for the first 10 and 20cm profile depth (two hours after irrigation) to the minimum 14 and 13 (m3/m3) ( two hours before irrigation). For the 40 and 60 cm profile depth, water content moves steadily across the dates: The greater the root activity the greater the water content variation. According to the results in the EnviroScan probe and the modeling in Hydrus-2D, shorter frequencies and irrigation times are suggested.


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Mealiness is a sensory attribute that cannot be defined by a single parameter but through a combination of variables (multidimensional structure). Previous studies propose the definition of mealiness as the lack of crispiness, of hardness and of juiciness. Current aims are focused on establishing non destructive tests for mealiness assessment. MultiSliceMultiEcho Magnetic resonance images (MRI, 64*64pixels) have been taken corresponding to a 3ms of Echo time. Small samples of Top Red apples stored 6 months at controlled atmosphere (expected to be non mealy) and 2°C (expected to be mealy) have been used for MRI imaging. Three out of four apples corresponding to the sample maintained at controlled atmosphere did not develop mealiness while three out of four fruits corresponding to the sample stored at 2°C became mealy after 6 month of storage. The minimum T2 values/image obtained for the mealy apples shows to be significantly lower when compared with non mealy apples pointing that a more dis-aggregated structure leads to a quicker loss of signal Also, there is a significant linear correlation (r=-0.76) between the number of pixels with a T2 value below 35ms within a fruit image and the deformation parameter registered during the Magness-Taylor firmness test. Finally, all the T2 images of the mealy apples show a regional variation of contrast which is not shown for non mealy apples. This variation of contrast is similar to the MRI images of water-cored apples indicating that in these cases there is a differential water movement that may precede the internal browning.


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Este trabajo de investigación trata las relaciones del agua con la arquitectura. El agua es un elemento con capacidad arquitectónica para generar atmósferas, por lo que el enfoque del estudio será el empleo de esta como un importante componente que participa en el proyecto arquitectónico. Esta vinculación entre agua y arquitectura es un tema atemporal, aunque hoy en día parece haber sido olvidado. La tesis busca dar respuesta a una serie de preguntas planteadas ¿por qué el agua sigue acompañado a la arquitectura en nuestros días? ¿se conoce lo que esta puede aportar? ¿existe un medio por el que se pueda conocer cómo se realiza esta vinculación con la arquitectura? Se plantea como hipótesis la existencia de unos mecanismos arquitectónicos que regulan la manipulación espacial mediante el agua. La detección y el estudio de estos mecanismos permitirá responder a las preguntas planteadas y analizar en profundidad la capacidad del agua para modificar la arquitectura. El enfoque de la investigación se hace desde un punto de vista crítico y científico, evitando una visión romántica. La utilización del agua como elemento arquitectónico durante siglos y por diferentes culturas induce a la reflexión y al estudio en busca de unos parámetros comunes. La tesis se estructura en cuatro capítulos que analizan momentos en los que el agua se emplea como un elemento arquitectónico fundamental. Se han localizado diversos lugares y momentos históricos, tanto antiguos como contemporáneos, lo que permitirá contemplar el empleo del agua desde diferentes perspectivas, identificar y seguir una línea de continuidad o de evolución en la asociación entre el agua y la arquitectura. En cada uno de los capítulos se analizarán unos casos de estudio y los correspondientes mecanismos empleados en la manipulación del agua. Para ello se ha realizado una selección de proyectos en los que el agua es determinante en la generación de los espacios. Durante el proceso de investigación se ha considerado la geometría como una herramienta clave para comprender el funcionamiento de los mecanismos del agua. En un capítulo introductorio se analiza la geometría del movimiento del agua. El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar los mecanismos arquitectónicos de manipulación espacial realizados mediante el agua. Las conclusiones se establecen a partir de la identificación de esos mecanismos, su definición y clasificación. Finalmente se realiza un mapa de proyectos vinculados al agua mediante las conclusiones obtenidas. ABSTRACT This research deals with the relations of water with architecture. Water is an architectural element with capacity to generate atmospheres, so the study will focus on the using of this as an important component involved in the architectural project. The link between water and architecture is a timeless theme, although it seems to have been forgotten nowadays. The thesis seeks to answer several questions, why the water is still linked to architecture today? It is possible to know what it can bring? Is there any mean by which can be know how to make this link with architecture? As a hypothesis is considered the existence of certain architectural mechanisms that regulate spatial manipulation by water. The detection and study of these mechanisms will allow answer these questions and analyze in depth the ability of water to modify the architecture. The research is done from a critical and scientific focus, avoiding a romantic view. The use of water as an architectural element for centuries and by different cultures induces thought-provoking and study seeking for common parameters. The thesis is divided into four chapters that analyze certain periods of time when water is used as a basic architectural element. Places and historical moments where found and located from both ancient and contemporary, allowing to contemplate the use of water from different perspectives, identify and follow a line of continuity or evolution in the association between water and architecture. In each chapter some study cases are analyzed with their corresponding mechanisms used in handling the water. Therefore it has been done a selection of projects where water is esential for the space generation. During the research process, geometry has been considered as a tool key to understand the functioning of the water mechanisms. In an introductory chapter the geometry of water movement is analyzed. The objective of this research is to study the architectural mechanisms for spatial manipulation, made possible by the water. The conclusions are set from the identification of these mechanisms, their definition and classification. Finally a map of projects linked with water is made with the achieved conclusions.