26 resultados para the pay-off method
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
In this work, two SMS algorithms are presented for an objective design with different selected ray-bundles: three meridian ray-bundles (3M) and one meridian and two skew ray-bundles (1M-2S), the latter from pin hole point of view, provides a better sampling of the phase space. Results obtained with different algorithms will be compared.
In this work, two SMS algorithms are presented for an objective design with different selected ray-bundles: three meridian ray-bundles (3M) and one meridian and two skew ray-bundles (1M-2S), the latter from pin hole point of view, provides a better sampling of the phase space. Results obtained with different algorithms will be compared
The Simultaneous Multiple Surfaces (SMS) was developed as a design method in Nonimaging Optics during the 90s. Later, the method was extended for designing Imaging Optics. We present an overview of the method applied to imaging optics in planar (2D) geometry and compare the results with more classical designs based on achieving aplanatism of different orders. These classical designs are also viewed as particular cases of SMS designs. Systems with up to 4 aspheric surfaces are shown. The SMS design strategy is shown to perform always better than the classical design (in terms of image quality). Moreover, the SMS method is a direct method, i.e., it is not based in multi-parametric optimization techniques. This gives the SMS method an additional interest since it can be used for exploring solutions where the multiparameter techniques can get lost because of the multiple local minima
The evapotranspiration (ETc) of sprinkler-irrigated rice was determined for the semiarid conditions of NE Spain during 2001, 2002 and 2003. The surface renewal method, after calibration against the eddy covariance method, was used to obtain values of sensible heat flux (H) from high-frequency temperature readings. Latent heat flux values were obtained by solving the energy balance equation. Finally, lysimeter measurements were used to validate the evapotranspiration values obtained with the surface renewal method. Seasonal rice evapotranspiration was about 750–800 mm. Average daily ETc for mid-season (from 90 to 130 days after sowing) was 5.1, 4.5 and 6.1 mm day−1 for 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively. The experimental weekly crop coefficients fluctuated in the range of 0.83–1.20 for 2001, 0.81–1.03 for 2002 and 0.84–1.15 for 2003. The total growing season was about 150–160 days. In average, the crop coefficients for the initial (Kcini), mid-season (Kcmid) and late-season stages (Kcend) were 0.92, 1.06 and 1.03, respectively, the length of these stages being about 55, 45 and 25 days, respectively.
Erosion potential and the effects of tillage can be evaluated from quantitative descriptions of soil surface roughness. The present study therefore aimed to fill the need for a reliable, low-cost and convenient method to measure that parameter. Based on the interpretation of micro-topographic shadows, this new procedure is primarily designed for use in the field after tillage. The principle underlying shadow analysis is the direct relationship between soil surface roughness and the shadows cast by soil structures under fixed sunlight conditions. The results obtained with this method were compared to the statistical indexes used to interpret field readings recorded by a pin meter. The tests were conducted on 4-m2 sandy loam and sandy clay loam plots divided into 1-m2 subplots tilled with three different tools: chisel, tiller and roller. The highly significant correlation between the statistical indexes and shadow analysis results obtained in the laboratory as well as in the field for all the soil?tool combinations proved that both variability (CV) and dispersion (SD) are accommodated by the new method. This procedure simplifies the interpretation of soil surface roughness and shortens the time involved in field operations by a factor ranging from 12 to 20.
An LED backlight has been designed using the flow-line design method. This method allows a very efficient control of the light extraction. The light is confined inside the guide by total internal reflection, being extracted only by specially calculated surfaces: the ejectors. Backlight designs presented here have a total optical efficiency of up to 80% (including Fresnel and absorption losses) with an FWHM below 30 degrees. The experimental results of the first prototype are shown.
The new Spanish Regulation in Building Acoustic establishes values and limits for the different acoustic magnitudes whose fulfillment can be verify by means field measurements. In this sense, an essential aspect of a field measurement is to give the measured magnitude and the uncertainty associated to such a magnitude. In the calculus of the uncertainty it is very usual to follow the uncertainty propagation method as described in the Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurements (GUM). Other option is the numerical calculus based on the distribution propagation method by means of Monte Carlo simulation. In fact, at this stage, it is possible to find several publications developing this last method by using different software programs. In the present work, we used Excel for the Monte Carlo simulation for the calculus of the uncertainty associated to the different magnitudes derived from the field measurements following ISO 140-4, 140-5 and 140-7. We compare the results with the ones obtained by the uncertainty propagation method. Although both methods give similar values, some small differences have been observed. Some arguments to explain such differences are the asymmetry of the probability distributions associated to the entry magnitudes,the overestimation of the uncertainty following the GUM
Lateral moving optics along straight path has already been studied in the past. However, their relative small angular range can be a limitation to potential applications. In this work, a new design concept of SMS moving optics is developed, in which the movement is no longer lateral but follows a curved trajectory, which is calculated in the design process. We have chosen an afocal system, which aim to direct the parallel rays of large incident angles to parallel output rays, and we have obtained that the RMS of the divergence angle of the output rays remains below 1 degree within a input angular range of ±45 output. Potential applications of this beam-steering device are: skylights to provide steerable natural illumination, building integrated CPV systems, and steerable LED illumination.
The purpose of this study is to determine the stress distribution in the carpentry joint of halved and tabled scarf joint with the finite element method (FEM) and its comparison with the values obtained using the theory of Strength of Materials. The stress concentration areas where analyzed and the influence of mesh refinement was studied on the results in order to determine the mesh size that provides the stress values more consistent with the theory. In areas where stress concentration is lower, different mesh sizes show similar stress values. In areas where stress concentration occurs, the same values increase considerably with the refinement of the mesh. The results show a central symmetry of the isobar lines distribution where the centre of symmetry corresponds to the geometric centre of the joint. Comparison of normal stress levels obtained by the FEM and the classical theory shows small differences, except at points of stress concentration.
The boundary element method (BEM) has been applied successfully to many engineering problems during the last decades. Compared with domain type methods like the finite element method (FEM) or the finite difference method (FDM) the BEM can handle problems where the medium extends to infinity much easier than domain type methods as there is no need to develop special boundary conditions (quiet or absorbing boundaries) or infinite elements at the boundaries introduced to limit the domain studied. The determination of the dynamic stiffness of arbitrarily shaped footings is just one of these fields where the BEM has been the method of choice, especially in the 1980s. With the continuous development of computer technology and the available hardware equipment the size of the problems under study grew and, as the flop count for solving the resulting linear system of equations grows with the third power of the number of equations, there was a need for the development of iterative methods with better performance. In [1] the GMRES algorithm was presented which is now widely used for implementations of the collocation BEM. While the FEM results in sparsely populated coefficient matrices, the BEM leads, in general, to fully or densely populated ones, depending on the number of subregions, posing a serious memory problem even for todays computers. If the geometry of the problem permits the surface of the domain to be meshed with equally shaped elements a lot of the resulting coefficients will be calculated and stored repeatedly. The present paper shows how these unnecessary operations can be avoided reducing the calculation time as well as the storage requirement. To this end a similar coefficient identification algorithm (SCIA), has been developed and implemented in a program written in Fortran 90. The vertical dynamic stiffness of a single pile in layered soil has been chosen to test the performance of the implementation. The results obtained with the 3-d model may be compared with those obtained with an axisymmetric formulation which are considered to be the reference values as the mesh quality is much better. The entire 3D model comprises more than 35000 dofs being a soil region with 21168 dofs the biggest single region. Note that the memory necessary to store all coefficients of this single region is about 6.8 GB, an amount which is usually not available with personal computers. In the problem under study the interface zone between the two adjacent soil regions as well as the surface of the top layer may be meshed with equally sized elements. In this case the application of the SCIA leads to an important reduction in memory requirements. The maximum memory used during the calculation has been reduced to 1.2 GB. The application of the SCIA thus permits problems to be solved on personal computers which otherwise would require much more powerful hardware.
The B.E. technique is applied to an interesting dynamic problem: the interaction between bridges and their abutments. Several two-dimensional cases have been tested in relation with previously published analytical results. A three-dimensional case is also shown and different considerations in relation with the accuracy of the method are described.
As is well known B.E.M. is obtained as a mixture of the integral representation formula of classical elasticity and the discretization philosophy of the finite element method (F.E.M.). The paper presents the application of B.E.M. to elastodynamic problems. Both the transient and steady state solutions are presented as well as some techniques to simplify problems with a free-stress boundary.
En esta carta al editor, el profesor D. Enrique Alarcón Álvarez comenta el artículo de Thomas J. Rudolphi "An implementation of the Boundary Element Method for zoned media with stress discontinuities" publicado en la revista "International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering" Vol. 19, Nº 1, pags. 1–15, enero 1983.
An application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) to the solution of a geometric problem is shown. The problem is related to curve fitting i.e. pass a curve trough a set of given points even if they are irregularly spaced. Situations where cur ves with cusps can be encountered in the practice and therefore smooth interpolatting curves may be unsuitable. In this paper the possibilities of the FEM to deal with this type of problems are shown. A particular example of application to road planning is discussed. In this case the funcional to be minimized should express the unpleasent effects of the road traveller. Some comparative numerical examples are also given.
The solution to the problem of finding the optimum mesh design in the finite element method with the restriction of a given number of degrees of freedom, is an interesting problem, particularly in the applications method. At present, the usual procedures introduce new degrees of freedom (remeshing) in a given mesh in order to obtain a more adequate one, from the point of view of the calculation results (errors uniformity). However, from the solution of the optimum mesh problem with a specific number of degrees of freedom some useful recommendations and criteria for the mesh construction may be drawn. For 1-D problems, namely for the simple truss and beam elements, analytical solutions have been found and they are given in this paper. For the more complex 2-D problems (plane stress and plane strain) numerical methods to obtain the optimum mesh, based on optimization procedures have to be used. The objective function, used in the minimization process, has been the total potential energy. Some examples are presented. Finally some conclusions and hints about the possible new developments of these techniques are also given.