16 resultados para telecommunication and computer networks

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Swarm colonies reproduce social habits. Working together in a group to reach a predefined goal is a social behaviour occurring in nature. Linear optimization problems have been approached by different techniques based on natural models. In particular, Particles Swarm optimization is a meta-heuristic search technique that has proven to be effective when dealing with complex optimization problems. This paper presents and develops a new method based on different penalties strategies to solve complex problems. It focuses on the training process of the neural networks, the constraints and the election of the parameters to ensure successful results and to avoid the most common obstacles when searching optimal solutions.


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Bayesian networks are data mining models with clear semantics and a sound theoretical foundation. In this keynote talk we will pinpoint a number of neuroscience problems that can be addressed using Bayesian networks. In neuroanatomy, we will show computer simulation models of dendritic trees and classification of neuron types, both based on morphological features. In neurology, we will present the search for genetic biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease and the prediction of health-related quality of life in Parkinson's disease. Most of these challenging problems posed by neuroscience involve new Bayesian network designs that can cope with multiple class variables, small sample sizes, or labels annotated by several experts.


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The development of new-generation intelligent vehicle technologies will lead to a better level of road safety and CO2 emission reductions. However, the weak point of all these systems is their need for comprehensive and reliable data. For traffic data acquisition, two sources are currently available: 1) infrastructure sensors and 2) floating vehicles. The former consists of a set of fixed point detectors installed in the roads, and the latter consists of the use of mobile probe vehicles as mobile sensors. However, both systems still have some deficiencies. The infrastructure sensors retrieve information fromstatic points of the road, which are spaced, in some cases, kilometers apart. This means that the picture of the actual traffic situation is not a real one. This deficiency is corrected by floating cars, which retrieve dynamic information on the traffic situation. Unfortunately, the number of floating data vehicles currently available is too small and insufficient to give a complete picture of the road traffic. In this paper, we present a floating car data (FCD) augmentation system that combines information fromfloating data vehicles and infrastructure sensors, and that, by using neural networks, is capable of incrementing the amount of FCD with virtual information. This system has been implemented and tested on actual roads, and the results show little difference between the data supplied by the floating vehicles and the virtual vehicles.


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Social behaviour is mainly based on swarm colonies, in which each individual shares its knowledge about the environment with other individuals to get optimal solutions. Such co-operative model differs from competitive models in the way that individuals die and are born by combining information of alive ones. This paper presents the particle swarm optimization with differential evolution algorithm in order to train a neural network instead the classic back propagation algorithm. The performance of a neural network for particular problems is critically dependant on the choice of the processing elements, the net architecture and the learning algorithm. This work is focused in the development of methods for the evolutionary design of artificial neural networks. This paper focuses in optimizing the topology and structure of connectivity for these networks.


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Modular organization and degree-degree correlations are ubiquitous in the connectivity structure of biological, technological, and social interacting systems. So far most studies have concentrated on unveiling both features in real world networks, but a model that succeeds in generating them simultaneously is needed. We consider a network of interacting phase oscillators, and an adaptation mechanism for the coupling that promotes the connection strengths between those elements that are dynamically correlated. We show that, under these circumstances, the dynamical organization of the oscillators shapes the topology of the graph in such a way that modularity and assortativity features emerge spontaneously and simultaneously. In turn, we prove that such an emergent structure is associated with an asymptotic arrangement of the collective dynamical state of the network into cluster synchronization.


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A system for simultaneous 2D estimation of rectangular room and transceiver localization is proposed. The system is based on two radio transceivers, both capable of full duplex operations (simultaneous transmission and reception). This property enables measurements of channel impulse response (CIR) at the same place the signal is transmitted (generated), commonly known as self-to-self CIR. Another novelty of the proposed system is the spatial CIR discrimination that is possible with the receiver antenna design which consists of eight sectorized antennas with 45 aperture in the horizontal plane and total coverage equal to the isotropic one. The dimensions of a rectangular room are reconstructed directly from spatial radio impulse responses by extracting the information regarding round trip time (RTT). Using radar approach estimation of walls and corners positions is derived. Tests using measured data were performed, and the simulation results confirm the feasibility of the approach.


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This paper describes the potential impact of social media and new technologies in secondary education. The case of study has been designed for the drama and theatre subject. A wide set of tools like social networks, blogs, internet, multimedia content, local press and other promotional tools are promoted to increase students motivation. The experiment was developed at the highschool IES Al-Satt located in Algete in the Comunidad de Madrid. The students included in the theatre group present a low academic level, 80% of them had previously repeated at least one grade, half of them come from programs for students with learning difficulties and were at risk of social exclusion. This action is supported by higher and secondary education professors and teachers who look forward to implanting networked media technologies as new tools to improve the academic results and the degree of involvement of students. The results of the experiment have been excellent, based on satisfactory opinions obtained from a survey answered by students at the end of the course, and also revealed by the analytics taken from different social networks. This project is a pioneer in the introduction and usage of new technologies in secondary high-schools in Spain.


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Macroscopic brain networks have been widely described with the manifold of metrics available using graph theory. However, most analyses do not incorporate information about the physical position of network nodes. Here, we provide a multimodal macroscopic network characterization while considering the physical positions of nodes. To do so, we examined anatomical and functional macroscopic brain networks in a sample of twenty healthy subjects. Anatomical networks are obtained with a graph based tractography algorithm from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images (DW-MRI). Anatomical con- nections identified via DW-MRI provided probabilistic constraints for determining the connectedness of 90 dif- ferent brain areas. Functional networks are derived from temporal linear correlations between blood-oxygenation level-dependent signals derived from the same brain areas. Rentian Scaling analysis, a technique adapted from very- large-scale integration circuits analyses, shows that func- tional networks are more random and less optimized than the anatomical networks. We also provide a new metric that allows quantifying the global connectivity arrange- ments for both structural and functional networks. While the functional networks show a higher contribution of inter-hemispheric connections, the anatomical networks highest connections are identified in a dorsal?ventral arrangement. These results indicate that anatomical and functional networks present different connectivity organi- zations that can only be identified when the physical locations of the nodes are included in the analysis.


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The emerging use of real-time 3D-based multimedia applications imposes strict quality of service (QoS) requirements on both access and core networks. These requirements and their impact to provide end-to-end 3D videoconferencing services have been studied within the Spanish-funded VISION project, where different scenarios were implemented showing an agile stereoscopic video call that might be offered to the general public in the near future. In view of the requirements, we designed an integrated access and core converged network architecture which provides the requested QoS to end-to-end IP sessions. Novel functional blocks are proposed to control core optical networks, the functionality of the standard ones is redefined, and the signaling improved to better meet the requirements of future multimedia services. An experimental test-bed to assess the feasibility of the solution was also deployed. In such test-bed, set-up and release of end-to-end sessions meeting specific QoS requirements are shown and the impact of QoS degradation in terms of the user perceived quality degradation is quantified. In addition, scalability results show that the proposed signaling architecture is able to cope with large number of requests introducing almost negligible delay.


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Wireless communication is the transfer of information from one place to another without using wires. From the earliest times, humans have felt the need to develop techniques of remote communication. From this need arose the smoke signals, communication by sun reflection in mirrors and so on. But today the telecommunications electronic devices such as telephone, television, radio or computer. Radio and television are used for one-way communication. Telephone and computer are used for two-way communication. In wireless networks there is almost unlimited mobility, we can access the network almost anywhere or anytime. In wired networks we have the restriction of using the services in fixed area services. The demand of the wireless is increasing very fast; everybody wants broadband services anywhere anytime. WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a broadband wireless technology based on IEEE 802.16-2004 and IEEE 802.16e-2005 that appears to solve this demand. WIMAX is a system that allows wireless data transmission in areas of up to 48 km of radius. It is designed as a wireless alternative to ADSL and a way to connect nodes in wireless metropolitan areas network. Unlike wireless systems that are limited in most cases, about 100 meter, providing greater coverage and more bandwidth. WIMAX promises to achieve high data transmission rates over large areas with a great amount of users. This alternative to the networks of broadband access common as DSL o Wi-Fi, can give broadband access to places quickly to rural areas and developing areas around the world. This paper is a study of WIMAX technology and market situation. First, the paper is responsible for explaining the technical aspects of WIMAX. For this gives an overview of WIMAX standards, physical layer, MAC layer and WiMAX, Technology and Market Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications 2 WIMAX network architecture. Second, the paper address the issue of market in which provides an overview of development and deployment of WIMAX to end the future development trend of WIMAX is addressed. RESUMEN: Por comunicaciones inalmbricas se entiende la transferencia de informacin desde un lugar a otro sin la necesidad de un soporte fsico como es por ejemplo el cable. Por lo que remontndose a los principios de la existencia del ser humano, nos damos cuenta de que el ser humano siempre ha sentido la necesidad de desarrollar tcnicas para lograr comunicarse a distancia con sus semejantes. De dicha necesidad, surgieron tcnicas tan ancestrales como puede ser la comunicacin mediante seales de humo o por reflexin de los rayos solares en espejos entre otras. La curiosidad del ser humano y la necesidad de comunicarse a distancia fue la que llev a Alexander Graham Bell a inventar el telfono en 1876. La aparicin de un dispositivo que permita comunicarse a distancia permitiendo escuchar la voz de aquella persona con la que se quera hablar, supuso una revolucin no solo en el panorama tecnolgico, si no tambin en el panorama social. Pues a parte de permitir comunicaciones a larga distancia, solvent el problema de la comunicacin en tiempo real. A raz de este invento, la tecnologa en materia de comunicacin ha ido avanzando significativamente, ms concretamente en lo referido a las comunicaciones inalmbricas. En 1973 se realiz la primera llamada desde un terminal mvil aunque no fue hasta 1983 cuando se empez a comercializar dicho terminal, lo que supuso un cambio de hbitos y costumbres para la sociedad. Desde la aparicin del primer mvil el crecimiento del mercado ha sido exponencial, lo que ha repercutido en una demanda impensable de nuevas aplicaciones integradas en dichos dispositivos mviles que satisfagan las necesidades que da a da autogenera la sociedad. Tras conseguir realizar llamadas a larga distancia de forma inalmbrica, el siguiente paso fue la creacin de los SMS (Short Message System) lo que supuso una nueva revolucin adems de abaratar costes al usuario a la hora de comunicarse. Pero el gran reto para la industria de las comunicaciones mviles surgi con la aparicin de internet. Todo el mundo senta la necesidad de poder conectarse a esa gran base de datos que es internet en cualquier parte y en cualquier momento. Las primeras conexiones a internet desde dispositivos mviles se realizaron a travs de la tecnologa WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) hasta la aparicin de la tecnologa GPRS que permita la conexin mediante protocolo TCP/IP. A partir de estas conexiones han surgido otras tecnologas, como EDGE, HSDPA, etc., que permitan y permiten la conexin a internet desde dispositivos mviles. Hoy en da la demanda de servicios de red inalmbrica crece de forma rpida y exponencial, todo el mundo quiere servicios de banda ancha en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento. En este documento se analiza la tecnologa WiMAX ( Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) que es una tecnologa de banda ancha basada en el estndar IEEE 802.16 creada para brindar servicios a la demanda emergente en la banda ancha desde un punto de vista tecnolgico, donde se da una visin de la parte tcnica de la tecnologa; y desde el punto de vista del mercado, donde se analiza el despliegue y desarrollo de la tecnologa desde el punto de vista de negocio. WiMAX es una tecnologa que permite la transmisin inalmbrica de datos en reas de hasta 48Km de radio y que est diseada como alternativa inalmbrica para ADSL y para conectar nodos de red inalmbrica en reas metropolitanas. A diferencia de los sistemas inalmbricos existentes que estn limitados en su mayora a unos cientos de metros, WiMAX ofrece una mayor cobertura y un mayor ancho de banda que permita dar soporte a nuevas aplicaciones, adems de alcanzar altas tasas de transmisin de datos en grandes reas con una gran cantidad de usuarios. Se trata de una alternativa a las redes de acceso de banda ancha como DSL o Wi-Fi, que puede dar acceso de banda ancha a lugares tales como zonas rurales o zonas en vas de desarrollo por todo el mundo con rapidez. Existen dos tecnologas de WiMAX, WiMAX fijo (basado en el estndar IEEE 802.16d-2004) y WiMAX mvil (basado en el estndar IEEE 802.16e-2005). La tecnologa fija est diseada para comunicaciones punto a multipunto, mientras que la fija lo est para comunicaciones multipunto a multipunto. WiMAX mvil se basa en la tecnologa OFDM que ofrece ventajas en trminos de latencia, eficiencia en el uso del espectro y soporte avanzado para antenas. La modulacin OFDM es muy robusta frente al multitrayecto, que es muy habitual en los canales de radiodifusin, frente al desvanecimiento debido a las condiciones meteorolgicas y frente a las interferencias de RF. Una vez creada la tecnologa WiMAX, poseedora de las caractersticas idneas para solventar la demanda del mercado, ha de darse el siguiente paso, hay que convencer a la industria de las telecomunicaciones de que dicha tecnologa realmente es la solucin para que apoyen su implantacin en el mercado de la banda ancha para las redes inalmbricas. Es aqu donde entra en juego el estudio del mercado que se realiza en este documento. WiMAX se enfrenta a un mercado exigente en el que a parte de tener que dar soporte a la demanda tcnica, ha de ofrecer una rentabilidad econmica a la industria de las comunicaciones mviles y ms concretamente a las operadoras mviles que son quienes dentro del sector de las telecomunicaciones finalmente han de confiar en la tecnologa para dar soporte a sus usuarios ya que estos al fin y al cabo lo nico que quieren es que su dispositivo mvil satisfaga sus necesidades independientemente de la tecnologa que utilicen para tener acceso a la red inalmbrica de banda ancha. Quizs el mayor problema al que se ha enfrentado WiMAX haya sido la situacin econmica en la que se encuentra el mundo. WiMAX a comenzado su andadura en uno de los peores momentos, pero aun as se presenta como una tecnologa capaz de ayudar al mundo a salir hacia delante en estos tiempos tan duros. Finalmente se analiza uno de los debates existentes hoy en da en el sector de las comunicaciones mviles, WiMAX vs. LTE. Como se puede observar en el documento realmente una tecnologa no saldr victoriosa frente a la otra, si no que ambas tecnologas podrn coexistir y trabajar de forma conjunta.


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The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application-layer control protocol standardized by the IETF for creating, modifying and terminating multimedia sessions. With the increasing use of SIP in large deployments, the current SIP design cannot handle overload effectively, which may cause SIP networks to suffer from congestion collapse under heavy offered load. This paper introduces a distributed end-to-end overload control (DEOC) mechanism, which is deployed at the edge servers of SIP networks and is easy to implement. By applying overload control closest to the source of traf?c, DEOC can keep high throughput for SIP networks even when the offered load exceeds the capacity of the network. Besides, it responds quickly to the sudden variations of the offered load and achieves good fairness. Theoretic analysis and extensive simulations verify that DEOC is effective in controlling overload of SIP networks.


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This paper is based on the following postulates taken from a book recently published by this author (Sez-Vacas, 1990(1)): a) technological innovation in a company is understood to be the process and set of changes that the company undergoes as a result of a specific type of technology; b) the incorporation of technology in the company does not necessarily result in innovation, modernization and progress; c) the very words "modernization" and "progress" are completely bereft of any meaning if isolated from the concept of complexity in its broadest sense, including the human factor. Turning to office technology in specific, the problem of managing office technology for business innovation purposes can be likened to the problem of managing third level complexity, following the guidelines of a three-level complexity model proposed by the author some years ago


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The increase in CPU power and screen quality of todays smartphones as well as the availability of high bandwidth wireless networks has enabled high quality mobile videoconfer- encing never seen before. However, adapting to the variety of devices and network conditions that come as a result is still not a trivial issue. In this paper, we present a multiple participant videoconferencing service that adapts to different kind of devices and access networks while providing an stable communication. By combining network quality detection and the use of a multipoint control unit for video mixing and transcoding, desktop, tablet and mobile clients can participate seamlessly. We also describe the cost in terms of bandwidth and CPU usage of this approach in a variety of scenarios.


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The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has been adopted by the IETF as the control protocol for creating, modifying and terminating multimedia sessions. Overload occurs in SIP networks when SIP servers have insufficient resources to handle received messages. Under overload, SIP networks may suffer from congestion collapse due to current ineffective SIP overload control mechanisms. This paper introduces a probe-based end-to-end overload control (PEOC) mechanism, which is deployed at the edge servers of SIP networks and is easy to implement. By probing the SIP network with SIP messages, PEOC estimates the network load and controls the traffic admitted to the network according to the estimated load. Theoretic analysis and extensive simulations verify that PEOC can keep high throughput for SIP networks even when the offered load exceeds the capacity of the network. Besides, it can respond quickly to the sudden variations of the offered load and achieve good fairness.


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The global economic structure, with its decentralized production and the consequent increase in freight traffic all over the world, creates considerable problems and challenges for the freight transport sector. This situation has led shipping to become the most suitable and cheapest way to transport goods. Thus, ports are configured as nodes with critical importance in the logistics supply chain as a link between two transport systems, sea and land. Increase in activity at seaports is producing three undesirable effects: increasing road congestion, lack of open space in port installations and a significant environmental impact on seaports. These adverse effects can be mitigated by moving part of the activity inland. Implementation of dry ports is a possible solution and would also provide an opportunity to strengthen intermodal solutions as part of an integrated and more sustainable transport chain, acting as a link between road and railway networks. In this sense, implementation of dry ports allows the separation of the links of the transport chain, thus facilitating the shortest possible routes for the lowest capacity and most polluting means of transport. Thus, the decision of where to locate a dry port demands a thorough analysis of the whole logistics supply chain, with the objective of transferring the largest volume of goods possible from road to more energy efficient means of transport, like rail or short-sea shipping, that are less harmful to the environment. However, the decision of where to locate a dry port must also ensure the sustainability of the site. Thus, the main goal of this article is to research the variables influencing the sustainability of dry port location and how this sustainability can be evaluated. With this objective, in this paper we present a methodology for assessing the sustainability of locations by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). MCDA is used as a way to establish a scoring, whilst BNs were chosen to eliminate arbitrariness in setting the weightings using a technique that allows us to prioritize each variable according to the relationships established in the set of variables. In order to determine the relationships between all the variables involved in the decision, giving us the importance of each factor and variable, we built a K2 BN algorithm. To obtain the scores of each variable, we used a complete cartography analysed by ArcGIS. Recognising that setting the most appropriate location to place a dry port is a geographical multidisciplinary problem, with significant economic, social and environmental implications, we consider 41 variables (grouped into 17 factors) which respond to this need. As a case of study, the sustainability of all of the 10 existing dry ports in Spain has been evaluated. In this set of logistics platforms, we found that the most important variables for achieving sustainability are those related to environmental protection, so the sustainability of the locations requires a great respect for the natural environment and the urban environment in which they are framed.