12 resultados para telecom operator

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Many of the emerging telecom services make use of Outer Edge Networks, in particular Home Area Networks. The configuration and maintenance of such services may not be under full control of the telecom operator which still needs to guarantee the service quality experienced by the consumer. Diagnosing service faults in these scenarios becomes especially difficult since there may be not full visibility between different domains. This paper describes the fault diagnosis solution developed in the MAGNETO project, based on the application of Bayesian Inference to deal with the uncertainty. It also takes advantage of a distributed framework to deploy diagnosis components in the different domains and network elements involved, spanning both the telecom operator and the Outer Edge networks. In addition, MAGNETO features self-learning capabilities to automatically improve diagnosis knowledge over time and a partition mechanism that allows breaking down the overall diagnosis knowledge into smaller subsets. The MAGNETO solution has been prototyped and adapted to a particular outer edge scenario, and has been further validated on a real testbed. Evaluation of the results shows the potential of our approach to deal with fault management of outer edge networks.


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La presente tesis analiza la integración del sector de las telecomunicaciones con los de TI y medios que conforman el actual hiper-sector de las TIC, para abordar una propuesta de valor que se plantea a dos niveles. Se expone de un lado, la iniciativa WIMS 2.0, que aborda los aspectos tecnológicos y estratégicos de la convergencia telco e Internet para, posteriormente, definir un nuevo modelo de negocio, que adaptado al nuevo sector integrado y siguiendo paradigmas inéditos como los que plantea la innovación abierta, permita generar nuevos flujos de ingresos en áreas no habituales para los operadores de telecomunicaciones. A lo largo del capítulo 2, el lector encontrará la contextualización del entorno de las comunicaciones de banda ancha desde tres vertientes: los aspectos tecnológicos, los económicos y el mercado actual, todo ello enfocado en una dimensión nacional, europea y mundial. Se establece de esta manera las bases para el desarrollo de los siguientes capítulos al demostrar cómo la penetración de la banda ancha ha potenciado el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de valor en el sector integrado de las TIC, alrededor del cual surgen propuestas de modelos de negocio originales que se catalogan en una taxonomía propia. En el tercer capítulo se detalla la propuesta de valor de la iniciativa WIMS 2.0, fundada y liderada por el autor de esta tesis. WIMS 2.0, como iniciativa abierta, se dirige a la comunidad como una propuesta de un nuevo ecosistema y como un modelo de referencia integrado sobre el que desplegar servicios convergentes. Adicionalmente, sobre el planteamiento teórico definido se aporta el enfoque práctico que supone el despliegue del modelo de referencia dentro de la arquitectura de un operador como Telefónica. El capítulo 4 muestra el modelo de negocio Innovación 2.0, basado en la innovación abierta con el objetivo de capturar nuevos flujos de ingresos incrementando el portfolio de servicios innovadores gracias a las ideas frescas y brillantes de start-ups. Innovación 2.0 lejos de quedarse en una mera propuesta teórica, muestra sus bondades en el éxito práctico en el mercado que ha validado las hipótesis planteadas. El último capítulo plantea las líneas futuras de investigación tanto en el ámbito de la iniciativa WIMS 2.0 como en el modelo de Innovación 2.0, algunas de las cuales se están comenzando a abordar. 3 Abstract This thesis examines the integration of telecommunications sector with IT and media that make up the current hyper-ICT sector, to address a value proposition that arises at two levels. On one side, WIMS 2.0 initiative, which addresses the technological and strategic aspects of the telco and Internet convergence to later define a new business model, adapted to the new integrated sector and following original paradigms such as those posed by open innovation, which generates new revenue streams in areas not typical for telecom operators. Throughout Chapter 2, the reader will find the contextualization of the broadband communications environment from three aspects: technological, economic and the current market all focused on a national, European and world scale. Thus it establishes the basis for the development of the following chapters by demonstrating how the penetration of broadband has led to the development of a new value system in the integrated sector of the ICT, around which arise proposals of originals business models, which are categorized in a own taxonomy. The third chapter outlines the value proposition of the WIMS 2.0 initiative, founded and led by the author of this thesis. WIMS 2.0, as open initiative, presents to the community a proposal for a new ecosystem and an integrated reference model on which to deploy converged services. Additionally, above the theoretical approach defined, WIMS 2.0 provides the practical approach is provided which is the deployment of the reference model into the architecture of an operator such as Telefónica. Chapter 4 shows the Innovation 2.0 business model, based on open innovation with the goal of capturing new revenue streams by increasing the portfolio of innovative services thanks to the fresh and brilliant ideas from start-ups. Innovation 2.0, far from being a mere theoretical proposition, shows its benefits in the successful deployment in the market, which has validated the hypotheses. The last chapter sets out the future research at both the WIMS 2.0 initiative and Innovation 2.0 model, some of which are beginning to be addressed.


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The fabrication of broadband amplifiers in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) around 1.55 m, as they exhibit large stimulated cross sections and broad emission bandwidth. Bi4Ge3O12 (eultine type BGO) - well known scintillator material, also a rare-earth host material, photorefractive waveguides produced in it only using light ions in the past. Recently: MeV N+ ions and swift O5+ and C5+ ions, too*. Bi12GeO20 (sillenite type BGO) - high photoconductivity and photorefractive sensitivity in the visible and NIR good candidate for real-time holography and optical phase conjugation, photorefractive waveguides produced in it only using light ions. No previous attempts of ion beam fabrication of waveguides in it.


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Many advantages can be got in combining finite and boundary elements.It is the case, for example, of unbounded field problems where boundary elements can provide the appropriate conditions to represent the infinite domain while finite elements are suitable for more complex properties in the near domain. However, in spite of it, other disadvantages can appear. It would be, for instance, the loss of symmetry in the finite elements stiffness matrix, when the combination is made. On the other hand, in our days, with the strong irruption of the parallel proccessing the techniques of decomposition of domains are getting the interest of numerous scientists. With their application it is possible to separate the resolution of a problem into several subproblems. That would be beneficial in the combinations BEM-FEM as the loss of symmetry would be avoided and every technique would be applicated separately. Evidently for the correct application of these techniques it is necessary to establish the suitable transmission conditions in the interface between BEM domain and FEM domain. In this paper, one parallel method is presented which is based in the interface operator of Steklov Poincarè.


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Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) sequences in Pressurized Water Reactors are known to be one of the most demanding transients for the operating crew. SGTR are a special kind of transient as they could lead to radiological releases without core damage or containment failure, as they can constitute a direct path from the reactor coolant system to the environment. The first methodology used to perform the Deterministic Safety Analysis (DSA) of a SGTR did not credit the operator action for the first 30 min of the transient, assuming that the operating crew was able to stop the primary to secondary leakage within that period of time. However, the different real SGTR accident cases happened in the USA and over the world demonstrated that the operators usually take more than 30 min to stop the leakage in actual sequences. Some methodologies were raised to overcome that fact, considering operator actions from the beginning of the transient, as it is done in Probabilistic Safety Analysis. This paper presents the results of comparing different assumptions regarding the single failure criteria and the operator action taken from the most common methodologies included in the different Deterministic Safety Analysis. One single failure criteria that has not been analysed previously in the literature is proposed and analysed in this paper too. The comparison is done with a PWR Westinghouse three loop model in TRACE code (Almaraz NPP) with best estimate assumptions but including deterministic hypothesis such as single failure criteria or loss of offsite power. The behaviour of the reactor is quite diverse depending on the different assumptions made regarding the operator actions. On the other hand, although there are high conservatisms included in the hypothesis, as the single failure criteria, all the results are quite far from the regulatory limits. In addition, some improvements to the Emergency Operating Procedures to minimize the offsite release from the damaged SG in case of a SGTR are outlined taking into account the offsite dose sensitivity results.


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The potential shown by Lean in different domains has aroused interest in the software industry. However, it remains unclear how Lean can be effectively applied in a domain such as software development that is fundamentally different from manufacturing. This study explores how Lean principles are implemented in software development companies and the challenges that arise when applying Lean Software Development. For that, a case study was conducted at Ericsson R&D Finland, which successfully adopted Scrum in 2009 and subsequently started a comprehensible transition to Lean in 2010. Focus groups were conducted with company representatives to help devise a questionnaire supporting the creation of a Lean mindset in the company (Team Amplifier). Afterwards, the questionnaire was used in 16 teams based in Finland, Hungary and China to evaluate the status of the transformation. By using Lean thinking, Ericsson R&D Finland has made important improvements to the quality of its products, customer satisfaction and transparency within the organization. Moreover, build times have been reduced over ten times and the number of commits per day has increased roughly five times.The study makes two main contributions to research. First, the main factors that have enabled Ericsson R&D?s achievements are analysed. Elements such as ?network of product owners?, ?continuous integration?, ?work in progress limits? and ?communities of practice? have been identified as being of fundamental importance. Second, three categories of challenges in using Lean Software Development were identified: ?achieving flow?, ?transparency? and ?creating a learning culture?


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Wireless teleoperation of field robots for maintenance, inspection and rescue missions is often performed in environments with low wireless connectivity, caused by signal losses from the environment and distance from the wireless transmitters. Various studies from the literature have addressed these problems with time-delay robust control systems and multi-hop wireless relay networks. However, such approaches do not solve the issue of how to present wireless data to the operator to avoid losing control of the robot. Despite the fact that teleoperation for maintenance often already involves haptic devices, no studies look at the possibility of using this existing feedback to aid operators in navigating within areas of variable wireless connectivity. We propose a method to incorporate haptic information into the velocity control of an omnidirectional robot to augment the operators perception of wireless signal strength in the remote environment. In this paper we introduce a mapping between wireless signal strength from multiple receivers to the force feedback of a 6 Degree of Freedom haptic master and evaluate the proposed approach using experimental data and randomly generated wireless maps


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Since the beginning of Internet, Internet Service Providers (ISP) have seen the need of giving to users? traffic different treatments defined by agree- ments between ISP and customers. This procedure, known as Quality of Service Management, has not much changed in the last years (DiffServ and Deep Pack-et Inspection have been the most chosen mechanisms). However, the incremen-tal growth of Internet users and services jointly with the application of recent Ma- chine Learning techniques, open up the possibility of going one step for-ward in the smart management of network traffic. In this paper, we first make a survey of current tools and techniques for QoS Management. Then we intro-duce clustering and classifying Machine Learning techniques for traffic charac-terization and the concept of Quality of Experience. Finally, with all these com-ponents, we present a brand new framework that will manage in a smart way Quality of Service in a telecom Big Data based scenario, both for mobile and fixed communications.


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the inter-operator reliability of OPTA Client System which is used to collect live football match statistics by OPTA Sportsdata Company. Two groups of experienced operators were required to analyze a Spanish league match independently. Results showed that team events coded by independent operators reached a very good agreement (kappa values were 0.92 and 0.94) and average difference of event time was 0.06±0.04 s. The reliability of goalkeeper actions was also at high level, kappa values were 0.92 and 0.86. The high intra-class correlation coefficients (ranged from 0.88 to 1.00) and low standardized typical errors (varied from 0.00 to 0.37) of different match actions and indicators of individual outfield players showed a high level of inter-operator reliability as well. These results suggest that the OPTA Client System is reliable to be used to collect live football match statistics by well trained operators.


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El estándar LTE se ha posicionado como una de las claves para que los operadores de telecomunicación puedan abordar de manera eficiente en costes el crecimiento de la demanda de tráfico móvil que se prevé para los próximos años, al ser una tecnología más escalable en el núcleo de la red y más flexible en la interfaz radio que sus predecesoras. En este sentido, es necesario también que los reguladores garanticen un acceso al espectro radioeléctrico adecuado, equitativo y no discriminatorio, que permita un entorno estable para el despliegue de redes de comunicaciones móviles avanzadas. Además de la flexibilización del marco regulador del espectro radioeléctrico en Europa, que ha permitido el despliegue de nuevas tecnologías en las bandas de frecuencia históricas de GSM, se ha puesto a disposición espectro adicional para sistemas IMT en nuevas bandas de frecuencia, lo que ha planteando a su vez nuevos retos para la tecnología y la regulación. La fragmentación del espectro disponible para comunicaciones móviles ha impulsado el desarrollo de técnicas de agregación de portadoras en las nuevas versiones del estándar LTE, que permiten explotar mejor los recursos radio en su conjunto. No obstante, el espectro inferior a 1 GHz sigue siendo escaso, ya que el tráfico móvil aumenta y la banda de 900 MHz aún se utiliza para servicios GSM, lo que no ha conseguido sino agravar la disputa entre los servicios de radiodifusión terrestre y de comunicaciones móviles por la parte superior de la banda UHF. En concreto, la banda de 700 MHz se perfila como una de las próximas para aumentar el espectro disponible para los servicios en movilidad, si bien su liberación por parte de las actuales redes de Televisión Digital Terrestre presenta no pocas dificultades en los Estados miembros en los que ésta es la principal plataforma audiovisual de acceso gratuito, abriendo un debate sobre el modelo audiovisual a largo plazo en Europa. Por otro lado, las políticas públicas de promoción del acceso a la banda ancha rápida y ultrarrápida de la presente década han establecido objetivos ambiciosos para el año 2020, tanto en el ámbito europeo como en los diferentes Estados miembros. La universalización del acceso a redes de banda ancha de al menos 30 Mbps constituye uno de los principales retos. Las expectativas generadas por la tecnología LTE y la puesta a disposición de nuevas bandas de frecuencia hace posible que los servicios de acceso fijo inalámbrico adquieran especial relevancia ante los objetivos de política pública establecidos que, como ha sido reconocido en diversas ocasiones, no podrán lograrse sino con un compendio de diferente tecnologías. Para esta Tesis Doctoral se han desarrollado una serie modelos tecnoeconómicos con el objetivo de realizar un análisis prospectivo que evalúa tres casos de especial relevancia en el despliegue de redes LTE: en primer lugar, la valoración económica de la banda de 700 MHz; en segundo lugar, la evaluación de modelos de negocio y reducción de costes considerando tecnologías femtocelulares; y finalmente, la viabilidad de las redes LTE de acceso fijo inalámbrico para el cierre de la brecha digital en el acceso a la banda ancha de 30 Mbps. En relación con la aplicación del análisis tecnoeconómico para la valoración del espectro de 700 MHz, los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto dos cuestiones fundamentales. En primer lugar, la necesidad de asignar a los operadores más espectro para satisfacer las previsiones de demanda de tráfico móvil a medio plazo. En segundo, existe una diferencia notable en los costes de despliegue de una red LTE cuando se dispone de espectro en frecuencias inferiores a 1 GHz y cuando no, pero esta diferencia de costes disminuye a medida que se añade nuevo espectro sub-1GHz. De esta manera, la atribución de la banda de 700 MHz a servicios de comunicaciones móviles supone una reducción relevante en los costes de despliegue si el operador no dispone de espectro en la banda de 800 MHz, pero no así si ya dispone de espectro en bandas bajas para el despliegue. En este sentido, puede concluirse que el precio que los operadores estarán dispuestos a pagar por el espectro de la banda de 700 MHz dependerá de si ya tienen disponible espectro en la banda de 800 MHz. Sin embargo, dado que la competencia por ese espectro será menor, los ingresos esperables en las licitaciones de esta nueva banda serán en general menores, a pesar de que para algunos operadores este espectro sería tan valioso como el de 800 MHz. En segundo lugar, en relación con el despliegue de femtoceldas pueden extraerse algunas conclusiones en términos de ahorro de costes de despliegue y también de cara a la viabilidad de los modelos de negocio que posibilitan. El ahorro que supone la introducción de femtoceldas en el despliegue de una red LTE frente al caso de un despliegue exclusivamente macrocelular se ha demostrado que es mayor cuanto menor es el ancho de banda disponible para la red macrocelular. En esta línea, para un operador convergente el despliegue de femtoceldas tiene sentido económico si el ancho de banda disponible es escaso (en torno a 2x10 MHz), que, en el caso de España, puede reflejar el caso de los operadores del segmento fijo que son nuevos entrantes en el móvil. Por otro lado, los modelos de acceso abierto son interesantes para operadores exclusivamente móviles, porque consiguen flexibilizar los costes sustituyendo estaciones base macrocelulares por el despliegue de femtoceldas, pero necesitan desplegarse en zonas con una densidad de población relativamente elevada para que éstas descarguen tráfico de varios usuarios de la red macrocelular simultáneamente. No obstante, las femtoceldas son beneficiosas en todo caso si es el usuario quien asume los costes de la femtocelda y el backhaul, lo que sólo parece probable si se integran en el modelo de negocio de comercialización de nuevos servicios. Por tanto, el despliegue de femtoceldas en buena parte de la casuística estudiada sólo tiene sentido si consiguen aumentar los ingresos por usuario comercializando servicios de valor añadido que necesiten calidad de servicio garantizada y exploten a la vez de esa forma su principal ventaja competitiva respecto a la tecnología WiFi. Finalmente, en relación con el papel de la tecnología LTE para la provisión de servicios de acceso fijo inalámbrico para la banda ancha de 30 Mbps, se ha desarrollado un modelo TD-LTE y mediante la metodología de análisis tecnoeconómico se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo para el caso de España. Los resultados obtenidos preciden una huella de cobertura de FTTH del 74% para 2020, y demuestran que una red TD-LTE en la banda de 3,5 GHz resulta viable para aumentar la cobertura de servicios de 30 Mbps en 14 puntos porcentuales. Junto con la consideración de la cobertura de otras redes, la cobertura de 30 Mbps de acuerdo a la viabilidad de los despliegues alcanzaría el 95% en España en el año 2020. Como resumen, los resultados obtenidos muestran en todos los casos la capacidad de la tecnología LTE para afrontar nuevos desafíos en relación con el aumento del tráfico móvil, especialmente crítico en las zonas más urbanas, y el cierre de la brecha digital en el acceso a la banda ancha rápida en las zonas más rurales. ABSTRACT The LTE standard has been pointed out as one of the keys for telecom operators to address the demand growth in mobile traffic foreseen for the next years in a cost-efficient way, since its core network is more scalable and its radio interface more flexible than those of its predecessor technologies. On the other hand, regulators need to guarantee an adequate, equitable and non-discriminatory access to radio spectrum, which enable a favorable environment for the deployment of advanced mobile communication networks. Despite the reform of the spectrum regulatory framework in Europe, which allowed for the deployment of new technologies in the historic GSM bands, additional spectrum has been allocated to IMT systems in new frequency bands, what in turn has set out new challenges for technology and regulation. The current fragmentation of available spectrum in very different frequency bands has boosted the development of carrier aggregation techniques in most recent releases of the LTE standard, which permit a better exploitation of radio resources as a whole. Nonetheless, spectrum below 1 GHz is still scarce for mobile networks, since mobile traffic increases at a more rapid pace than spectral efficiency and spectrum resources. The 900 MHz frequency band is still being used for GSM services, what has worsen the dispute between mobile communication services and terrestrial broadcasting services for the upper part of the UHF band. Concretely, the 700 MHz frequency band has been pointed out as one of the next bands to be allocated to mobile in order to increase available spectrum. However, its release by current Digital Terrestrial Television networks is challenging in Member States where it constitutes the main free access audiovisual platform, opening up a new debate around the audiovisual model in the long term in Europe. On the other hand, public policies of the present decade to promote fast and ultrafast broadband access has established very ambitious objectives for the year 2020, both at European and national levels. Universalization of 30 Mbps broadband access networks constitutes one of the main challenges. Expectations raised by LTE technology and the allocation of new frequency bands has lead fixed wireless access (FWA) services to acquire special relevance in light of public policy objectives, which will not be met but with a compendium of different technologies, as different involved stakeholders have acknowledged. This PhD Dissertation develops techno-economic models to carry out a prospective analysis for three cases of special relevance in LTE networks’ deployment: the spectrum pricing of the 700 MHz frequency band, an assessment of new business models and cost reduction considering femtocell technologies, and the feasibility of LTE fixed wireless access networks to close the 30 Mbps broadband access gap in rural areas. In the first place and regarding the application of techno-economic analysis for 700 MHz spectrum pricing, obtained results reveal two core issues. First of all, the need to allocate more spectrum for operators in order to fulfill mobile traffic demand in the mid-term. Secondly, there is a substantial difference in deployment costs for a LTE network when there is sub-1GHz spectrum available and when there is not, but this difference decreases as additional sub-1GHz spectrum is added. Thus, the allocation of 700 MHz band to mobile communication services would cause a relevant reduction in deployment costs if the operator does not count on spectrum in the 800 MHz, but not if it already has been assigned spectrum in low frequencies for the deployment. In this regard, the price operators will be willing to pay for 700 MHz spectrum will depend on them having already spectrum in the 800 MHz frequency band or not. However, since competition for the new spectrum will not be so strong, expected incomes from 700 MHz spectrum awards will be generally lower than those from the digital dividend, despite this spectrum being as valuable as 800 MHz spectrum for some operators. In the second place, regarding femtocell deployment, some conclusions can be drawn in terms of deployment cost savings and also with reference to the business model they enable. Savings provided by a joint macro-femto LTE network as compared to an exclusively macrocellular deployment increase as the available bandwidth for the macrocells decreases. Therefore, for a convergent operator the deployment of femtocells can only have economic sense if the available bandwidth is scarce (around 2x10 MHz), which might be the case of fix market operators which are new entrant in mobile market. Besides, open access models are interesting for exclusively mobile operators, since they make costs more flexible by substituting macrocell base stations by femtocells, but they need to be deployed relatively densely populated areas so that they can offload traffic from several macrocell users simultaneously. Nonetheless, femtocells are beneficial in all cases if the user assumes both femtocell and backhaul costs, which only seems probable if they are integrated in a business model commercializing new services. Therefore, in many of the cases analyzed femtocell deployment only makes sense if they increase revenues per user through new added value services which need from guaranteed quality of service, thus exploiting its main competitive advantage compared to WiFi. Finally, regarding the role of LTE technology in the provision of fixed wireless access services for 30 Mbps broadband, a TD-LTE model has been developed and a prospective study has been carried out through techno-economic methodology for the Spanish case. Obtained results foresee a FTTH coverage footprint of 74% households for 2020, and prove that a TD-LTE network in the 3.5 GHz band results feasible to increase 30 Mbps service coverage in additional 14 percentage points. To sum up, obtained results show LTE technology capability to address new challenges regarding both mobile traffic growth, particularly critical in urban zones, and the current digital divide in fast broadband access in most rural zones.


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A reflectarray antenna with improved performance is proposed to operate in dual-polarization and transmit-receive frequencies in Ku-band for broadcast satellite applications. The reflectarray element contains two orthogonal sets of four coplanar parallel dipoles printed on two surfaces, each set combining lateral and broadside coupling. A 40-cm prototype has been designed, manufactured, and tested. The lengths of the coupled dipoles in the reflectarray cells have been optimized to produce a collimated beam in dual polarization in the transmit and receive bands. The measured radiation patterns confirm the high performance of the antenna in terms of bandwidth (27%), low losses, and low levels of cross polarization. Some preliminary simulations at 11.95 GHz for a 1.2-m antenna with South American coverage are presented to show the potential of the proposed antenna for spaceborne antennas in Ku-band.


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Multiple robot, single operator scenarios suppose a challenge in terms of human factors. Two relevant issues are keeping the situational awareness and managing the workload of operators. In order to address these problems, this work analyses the management of information and commands in multi-robot missions. About the information, this paper proposes a selection based on mission and operator states. Regarding the commands, this work reflects about the levels of automation and the methods of commanding.