9 resultados para teaching software

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Un plan para organizar las enseñanzas de la ingeniería del software en las titulaciones de informática de la URJC. Nowadays both industry and academic environments are showing a lot of interest in the Software Engineering discipline. Therefore, it is a challenge for universities to provide students with appropriate training in this area, preparing them for their future professional practice. There are many difficulties to provide that training. The outstanding ones are: the Software Engineering area is too broad and class hours are scarce; the discipline requires a high level of abstraction; it is difficult to reproduce real world situations in the classroom to provide a practical learning environment; the number of students per professor is very high (at least in Spain); companies develop software with a maturity level rarely over level 2 of the CMM for Software (again, at least in Spain) as opposed to what is taught at the University. Besides, there are different levels and study plans, making more difficult to structure the contents to teach in each term and degree. In this paper we present a plan for teaching Software Engineering trying to overcome some of the difficulties above.


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This paper presents a blended learning approach and a study evaluating instruction in a software engineering-related course unit as part of an undergraduate engineering degree program in computing. In the past, the course unit had a lecture-based format. In view of student underachievement and the high course unit dropout rate, a distance-learning system was deployed, where students were allowed to choose between a distance-learning approach driven by a moderate constructivist instructional model or a blended-learning approach. The results of this experience are presented, with the aim of showing the effectiveness of the teaching/learning system deployed compared to the lecture-based system previously in place. The grades earned by students under the new system, following the distance-learning and blended-learning courses, are compared statistically to the grades attained in earlier years in the traditional face-to-face classroom (lecture-based) learning.


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This paper explains the methodology followed to teach the subject `Digital control of power converters'. This subject belongs to the research master on `Industrial Electronics' of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The subject is composed of several theoretical lessons plus the development of an actual digital control. For that purpose an ad hoc dc-dc converter has been designed and built. The use of this board together with some software tools seems a very powerful way for the students to learn the concepts from the design to the real world


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Las prácticas en laboratorios forman una parte muy importante de la formación en todos los programas docentes. A pesar de esta importancia, la creación de un laboratorio no es una tarea fácil, ya que el hecho de equipar un laboratorio puede suponer un gran gasto económico, tanto inicial como posterior. Como solución, surge la educación a distancia, y en concreto los laboratorios virtuales, es decir, simulaciones de un laboratorio real utilizando modelos matemáticos. Por sus características y flexibilidad se han ido desarrollando laboratorios virtuales en el ámbito docente, pero no todas las áreas cuentan con tantas posibilidades o facilidades como en la electrónica. La mayoría de los laboratorios accesibles desde Internet que hay en la actualidad dentro de la enseñanza a distancia o formación online, son virtuales. El laboratorio que se ha desarrollado tiene como principal ventaja la realización de prácticas controlando instrumentos y circuitos reales de forma remota. El proyecto consiste en realizar un sistema software para implementar un laboratorio remoto en el área de la electrónica analógica, que pueda ser utilizado como complemento a las actividades formativas que se realizan en los laboratorios de los centros de enseñanza. El sistema completo también consta de un hardware controlado mediante buses de comunicación estándar, que permite la implementación de distintos circuitos analógicos, de tal forma que se pueda realizar prácticas sobre circuitos físicos reales. Para desarrollar un laboratorio lo más real posible, la aplicación que maneja el estudiante es un visor 3D. Con la utilización de un visor 3D lo que se pretende es tener un aumento de la realidad a la hora de realizar las prácticas de laboratorio remotamente. El sistema desarrollado cuenta con un sistema de comunicación basado en un modelo cliente-servidor: • Servidor: se encarga de procesar las acciones que realiza el cliente y controla y monitoriza los instrumentos y dispositivos del sistema hardware. • Cliente: sería el usuario final, que mediante un visor 3D comunica las acciones a realizar al servidor para que éste las procese. Practices in laboratories are a very important part of training in all educational programs. Despite this importance, the establishment of a laboratory is not an easy task, since the fact of equipping a laboratory can be a great economic budget, both initial and subsequent spending. As a solution, appears the education at distance (online), and in particular the virtual labs, namely simulations of a real laboratory by using mathematical models. Virtual laboratories in the field of teaching have been developed for its features and flexibility, but not all areas have so many possibilities or facilities as in electronics. The most accessible laboratories from the Internet that are currently accessible within the distance or e-learning (on-line) are virtual. The laboratory which has been developed has as a main advantage to make practices or exercises in the fact of controlling instruments and real circuits remotely. The project consists of making a software system in order to implement a remote laboratory in the area of analog electronics that can be used as a complement to the others training activities to be carried out. The complete system also consists of a controlled hardware by standard communication buses that allow the implementation of several analog circuits, in such a way that practices can control real physical circuits. To develop a laboratory as more realistic as possible, the application that manages the student is a 3D viewer. With the use of a 3D viewer, is intended to have an increase in reality when any student wants to access to laboratory practices remotely. The developed system has a communication system based on a model Client/Server: • Server: The system that handles actions provided by the client and controls and monitors the instruments and devices in the hardware system. • Client: The end user, which using a 3D viewer, communicates the actions to be performed at the server so that it will process them.


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The main objective of this article is to focus on the analysis of teaching techniques, ranging from the use of the blackboard and chalk in old traditional classes, using slides and overhead projectors in the eighties and use of presentation software in the nineties, to the video, electronic board and network resources nowadays. Furthermore, all the aforementioned, is viewed under the different mentalities in which the teacher conditions the student using the new teaching technique, improving soft skills but maybe leading either to encouragement or disinterest, and including the lack of educational knowledge consolidation at scientific, technology and specific levels. In the same way, we study the process of adaptation required for teachers, the differences in the processes of information transfer and education towards the student, and even the existence of teachers who are not any longer appealed by their work due which has become much simpler due to new technologies and the greater ease in the development of classes due to the criteria described on the new Grade Programs adopted by the European Higher Education Area. Moreover, it is also intended to understand the evolution of students’ profiles, from the eighties to present time, in order to understand certain attitudes, behaviours, accomplishments and acknowledgements acquired over the semesters within the degree Programs. As an Educational Innovation Group, another key question also arises. What will be the learning techniques in the future?. How these evolving matters will affect both positively and negatively on the mentality, attitude, behaviour, learning, achievement of goals and satisfaction levels of all elements involved in universities’ education? Clearly, this evolution from chalk to the electronic board, the three-dimensional view of our works and their sequence, greatly facilitates the understanding and adaptation later on to the business world, but does not answer to the unknowns regarding the knowledge and the full development of achievement’s indicators in basic skills of a degree. This is the underlying question which steers the roots of the presented research.


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We present an undergraduate course on concurrent programming where formal models are used in different stages of the learning process. The main practical difference with other approaches lies in the fact that the ability to develop correct concurrent software relies on a systematic transformation of formal models of inter-process interaction (so called shared resources), rather than on the specific constructs of some programming language. Using a resource-centric rather than a language-centric approach has some benefits for both teachers and students. Besides the obvious advantage of being independent of the programming language, the models help in the early validation of concurrent software design, provide students and teachers with a lingua franca that greatly simplifies communication at the classroom and during supervision, and help in the automatic generation of tests for the practical assignments. This method has been in use, with slight variations, for some 15 years, surviving changes in the programming language and course length. In this article, we describe the components and structure of the current incarnation of the course?which uses Java as target language?and some tools used to support our method. We provide a detailed description of the different outcomes that the model-driven approach delivers (validation of the initial design, automatic generation of tests, and mechanical generation of code) from a teaching perspective. A critical discussion on the perceived advantages and risks of our approach follows, including some proposals on how these risks can be minimized. We include a statistical analysis to show that our method has a positive impact in the student ability to understand concurrency and to generate correct code.


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According to the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), project management is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements” [1]. Project Management has proven to be one of the most important disciplines at the moment of determining the success of any project [2][3][4]. Given that many of the activities covered by this discipline can be said that are “horizontal” for any kind of domain, the importance of acknowledge the concepts and practices becomes even more obvious. The specific case of the projects that fall in the domain of Software Engineering are not the exception about the great influence of Project Management for their success. The critical role that this discipline plays in the industry has come to numbers. A report by McKinsey & Co [4] shows that the establishment of programs for the teaching of critical skills of project management can improve the performance of the project in time and costs. As an example of the above, the reports exposes: “One defense organization used these programs to train several waves of project managers and leaders who together administered a portfolio of more than 1,000 capital projects ranging in Project management size from $100,000 to $500 million. Managers who successfully completed the training were able to cut costs on most projects by between 20 and 35 percent. Over time, the organization expects savings of about 15 percent of its entire baseline spending”. In a white paper by the PMI (Project Management Institute) about the value of project management [5], it is stated that: “Leading organizations across sectors and geographic borders have been steadily embracing project management as a way to control spending and improve project results”. According to the research made by the PMI for the paper, after the economical crisis “Executives discovered that adhering to project management methods and strategies reduced risks, cut costs and improved success rates—all vital to surviving the economic crisis”. In every elite company, a proper execution of the project management discipline has become a must. Several members of the software industry have putted effort into achieving ways of assuring high quality results from projects; many standards, best practices, methodologies and other resources have been produced by experts from different fields of expertise. In the industry and the academic community, there is a continuous research on how to teach better software engineering together with project management [4][6]. For the general practices of Project Management the PMI produced a guide of the required knowledge that any project manager should have in their toolbox to lead any kind of project, this guide is called the PMBOK. On the side of best practices 10 and required knowledge for the Software Engineering discipline, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) developed the SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge) in collaboration with software industry experts and academic researchers, introducing into the guide many of the needed knowledge for a 5-year expertise software engineer [7]. The SWEBOK also covers management from the perspective of a software project. This thesis is developed to provide guidance to practitioners and members of the academic community about project management applied to software engineering. The way used in this thesis to get useful information for practitioners is to take an industry-approved guide for software engineering professionals such as the SWEBOK, and compare the content to what is found in the PMBOK. After comparing the contents of the SWEBOK and the PMBOK, what is found missing in the SWEBOK is used to give recommendations on how to enrich project management skills for a software engineering professional. Recommendations for members of the academic community on the other hand, are given taking into account the GSwE2009 (Graduated Software Engineering 2009) standard [8]. GSwE2009 is often used as a main reference for software engineering master programs [9]. The standard is mostly based on the content of the SWEBOK, plus some contents that are considered to reinforce the education of software engineering. Given the similarities between the SWEBOK and the GSwE2009, the results of comparing SWEBOK and PMBOK are also considered valid to enrich what the GSwE2009 proposes. So in the end the recommendations for practitioners end up being also useful for the academic community and their strategies to teach project management in the context of software engineering.


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One of the objectives of the European Higher Education Area is the promotion of collaborative and informal learning through the implementation of educational practices. 3D virtual environments become an ideal space for such activities. On the other hand, the problem of financing in Spanish universities has led to the search for new ways to optimize available resources. The Technical University of Madrid requires the use of laboratories which due to their dangerousness, duration or control of the developed processes are difficult to perform in real life. For this reason, we have developed several 3D laboratories in virtual environment. The laboratories are built on open source platform OpenSim. In this paper it is exposed the use of the OpenSim platform for these new teaching experiences and the new design of the software architecture. This architecture requires the adaptation of the platform to the needs of the users and the different laboratories of our University. We will explain the structure of the implemented architecture and the process of creating and configuring it. The proposed architecture is decentralized, each laboratory is housed in different an educational center. The architecture adds several services, among others, the creation and management of users automated, communication between external services and platforms in different program languages. Therefore, we achieve improving the user experience and rising the functionalities of laboratories.


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Las compañías de desarrollo de software buscan reducir costes a través del desarrollo de diseños que permitan: a) facilidad en la distribución del trabajo de desarrollo, con la menor comunicación de las partes; b) modificabilidad, permitiendo realizar cambios sobre un módulo sin alterar las otras partes y; c) comprensibilidad, permitiendo estudiar un módulo del sistema a la vez. Estas características elementales en el diseño de software se logran a través del diseño de sistemas cuasi-descomponibles, cuyo modelo teórico fue introducido por Simon en su búsqueda de una teoría general de los sistemas. En el campo del diseño de software, Parnas propone un camino práctico para lograr sistemas cuasi-descomponibles llamado el Principio de Ocultación de Información. El Principio de Ocultación de Información es un criterio diferente de descomposición en módulos, cuya implementación logra las características deseables de un diseño eficiente a nivel del proceso de desarrollo y mantenimiento. El Principio y el enfoque orientado a objetos se relacionan debido a que el enfoque orientado a objetos facilita la implementación del Principio, es por esto que cuando los objetos empiezan a tomar fuerza, también aparecen paralelamente las dificultades en el aprendizaje de diseño de software orientado a objetos, las cuales se mantienen hasta la actualidad, tal como se reporta en la literatura. Las dificultades en el aprendizaje de diseño de software orientado a objetos tiene un gran impacto tanto en las aulas como en la profesión. La detección de estas dificultades permitirá a los docentes corregirlas o encaminarlas antes que éstas se trasladen a la industria. Por otro lado, la industria puede estar advertida de los potenciales problemas en el proceso de desarrollo de software. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo investigar sobre las dificultades en el diseño de software orientado a objetos, a través de un estudio empírico. El estudio fue realizado a través de un estudio de caso cualitativo, que estuvo conformado por tres partes. La primera, un estudio inicial que tuvo como objetivo conocer el entendimiento de los estudiantes alrededor del Principio de Ocultación de Información antes de que iniciasen la instrucción. La segunda parte, un estudio llevado a cabo a lo largo del período de instrucción con la finalidad de obtener las dificultades de diseño de software y su nivel de persistencia. Finalmente, una tercera parte, cuya finalidad fue el estudio de las dificultades esenciales de aprendizaje y sus posibles orígenes. Los participantes de este estudio pertenecieron a la materia de Software Design del European Master in Software Engineering de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Los datos cualitativos usados para el análisis procedieron de las observaciones en las horas de clase y exposiciones, entrevistas realizadas a los estudiantes y ejercicios enviados a lo largo del período de instrucción. Las dificultades presentadas en esta tesis en sus diferentes perspectivas, aportaron conocimiento concreto de un estudio de caso en particular, realizando contribuciones relevantes en el área de diseño de software, docencia, industria y a nivel metodológico. ABSTRACT The software development companies look to reduce costs through the development of designs that will: a) ease the distribution of development work with the least communication between the parties; b) changeability, allowing to change a module without disturbing the other parties and; c) understandability, allowing to study a system module at a time. These basic software design features are achieved through the design of quasidecomposable systems, whose theoretical model was introduced by Simon in his search for a general theory of systems. In the field of software design, Parnas offers a practical way to achieve quasi-decomposable systems, called The Information Hiding Principle. The Information Hiding Principle is different criterion for decomposition into modules, whose implementation achieves the desirable characteristics of an efficient design at the development and maintenance level. The Principle and the object-oriented approach are related because the object-oriented approach facilitates the implementation of The Principle, which is why when objects begin to take hold, also appear alongside the difficulties in learning an object-oriented software design, which remain to this day, as reported in the literature. Difficulties in learning object-oriented software design has a great impact both in the classroom and in the profession. The detection of these difficulties will allow teachers to correct or route them before they move to the industry. On the other hand, the industry can be warned of potential problems related to the software development process. This thesis aims to investigate the difficulties in learning the object-oriented design, through an empirical study. The study was conducted through a qualitative case study, which consisted of three parts. The first, an initial study was aimed to understand the knowledge of the students around The Information Hiding Principle before they start the instruction. The second part, a study was conducted during the entire period of instruction in order to obtain the difficulties of software design and their level of persistence. Finally, a third party, whose purpose was to study the essential difficulties of learning and their possible sources. Participants in this study belonged to the field of Software Design of the European Master in Software Engineering at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The qualitative data used for the analysis came from the observations in class time and exhibitions, performed interviews with students and exercises sent over the period of instruction. The difficulties presented in this thesis, in their different perspectives, provided concrete knowledge of a particular case study, making significant contributions in the area of software design, teaching, industry and methodological level.