41 resultados para storing

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Nuts are heavy and nutritious seeds that need animals to be successfully dispersed. Most studies address nut removal by a single animal species once seeds fall onto the ground. However, nuts are also accessible before the seed drop and usually to a wide guild of seed foragers. This study examines the factorscontrollingarborealseedremoval in oak–beechforests within the whole guild of nut foragers. We found that seed-dispersing rodents (Apodemus sylvaticus) were the main acorn removers in the oaks (up to 3.75 m height), with a rapid seed encounter and a high removal rate. However, rodents did not climb the beech trees, probably due to their smoother bark in comparison to oak bark and/or the lower nutritional value of beechnuts with regard to acorns. Jays (Garrulus glandarius) were more abundant in oak stands (both dense and scattered) and clearly preferred acorns to beechnuts whereas nuthatches (Sitta europaea) were more abundant in beech stands and preferred beechnuts to acorns. Non-storing birds such as great tits (Parus major) also removed acorns and beechnuts, especially in the stands where oaks are dominant. Jays and rodents preferred sound seeds over insect-infested seeds but such a preference was not found for nuthatches. This study highlights that pure beech stands showed a reduced guild of arboreal nut foragers in comparison to oak stands. This different guild could probably affect the spatial patterns of seed dispersal, with a proportionally higher number of long dispersal events for acorns (mostly jay-dispersed) than for beechnuts (mostly nuthatch-dispersed). Long-distance dispersal of beechnuts (by jays) is determined by the presence of other preferred species (oaks) and their frequency of non-mast years. Seed location in different habitats strongly determines the contribution of different arboreal removers (including climbing rodents) and their removal speed, leading to a differential seed fate that will eventually affect tree regeneration. As nuthatches are sedentary birds, it is important to maintain old and dead trees where they can breed (crevices), forage (arthropods) and store seeds in order to favor beechnut dispersal and gene flow. By maintaining or favoring oak trees within beech stands we will ensure a wider guild of arboreal nut dispersers.


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EURATOM/CIEMAT and Technical University of Madrid (UPM) have been involved in the development of a FPSC [1] (Fast Plant System Control) prototype for ITER, based on PXIe (PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation). One of the main focuses of this project has been data acquisition and all the related issues, including scientific data archiving. Additionally, a new data archiving solution has been developed to demonstrate the obtainable performances and possible bottlenecks of scientific data archiving in Fast Plant System Control. The presented system implements a fault tolerant architecture over a GEthernet network where FPSC data are reliably archived on remote, while remaining accessible to be redistributed, within the duration of a pulse. The storing service is supported by a clustering solution to guaranty scalability, so that FPSC management and configuration may be simplified, and a unique view of all archived data provided. All the involved components have been integrated under EPICS [2] (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System), implementing in each case the necessary extensions, state machines and configuration process variables. The prototyped solution is based on the NetCDF-4 [3] and [4] (Network Common Data Format) file format in order to incorporate important features, such as scientific data models support, huge size files management, platform independent codification, or single-writer/multiple-readers concurrency. In this contribution, a complete description of the above mentioned solution is presented, together with the most relevant results of the tests performed, while focusing in the benefits and limitations of the applied technologies.


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The present contribution discusses the development of a PSE-3D instability analysis algorithm, in which a matrix forming and storing approach is followed. Alternatively to the typically used in stability calculations spectral methods, new stable high-order finitedifference-based numerical schemes for spatial discretization 1 are employed. Attention is paid to the issue of efficiency, which is critical for the success of the overall algorithm. To this end, use is made of a parallelizable sparse matrix linear algebra package which takes advantage of the sparsity offered by the finite-difference scheme and, as expected, is shown to perform substantially more efficiently than when spectral collocation methods are used. The building blocks of the algorithm have been implemented and extensively validated, focusing on classic PSE analysis of instability on the flow-plate boundary layer, temporal and spatial BiGlobal EVP solutions (the latter necessary for the initialization of the PSE-3D), as well as standard PSE in a cylindrical coordinates using the nonparallel Batchelor vortex basic flow model, such that comparisons between PSE and PSE-3D be possible; excellent agreement is shown in all aforementioned comparisons. Finally, the linear PSE-3D instability analysis is applied to a fully three-dimensional flow composed of a counter-rotating pair of nonparallel Batchelor vortices.


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La pataca (Helianthus tuberosus L.) es una especie de cultivo con un alto potencial en la producción de hidratos de carbono de reserva en forma de polifructanos, especialmente inulina, que se acumulan temporalmente en los tallos en forma de polisacáridos para translocarse posteriormente a los tubérculos, donde son almacenados. Aunque tradicionalmente el producto de interés del cultivo son los tubérculos, que acumulan gran cantidad de hidratos de carbono fermentables (HCF) cuando se recogen al final del ciclo de desarrollo, en este trabajo se pretende evaluar el potencial de la pataca como productor de HCF a partir de los tallos cosechados en el momento de máximo contenido en HCF, mediante un sistema de cultivo plurianual. Se han realizado los siguientes estudios: i) Determinación del momento óptimo de cosecha en ensayos con 12 clones ii) Potencial del cultivo plurianual de la pataca en términos de producción anual de biomasa aérea y de HCF en cosechas sucesivas, iii) Ensayos de conservación de la biomasa aérea, iv) Estimación de los costes de las dos modalidades de cultivo de pataca para producción de HCF y v) Estimación de la sostenibilidad energética de la producción de bioetanol mediante la utilización de los subproductos. Para la determinación del momento óptimo de la cosecha de la biomasa aérea se ensayaron 12 clones de diferente precocidad en Madrid; 4 tempranos (Huertos de Moya, C-17, Columbia y D-19) y 8 tardíos (Boniches, China, K-8, Salmantina, Nahodka, C-13, INIA y Violeta de Rennes). El máximo contenido en HCF tuvo lugar en el estado fenológico de botón floral-flor que además coincidió con la máxima producción de biomasa aérea. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, la cosecha de los clones tempranos se debería realizar en el mes de julio y en los clones tardíos en septiembre, siendo éstos últimos más productivos. La producción media más representativa entre los 12 clones, obtenida en el estado fenológico de botón floral fue de 23,40 t ms/ha (clon INIA), con un contenido medio en HCF de 30,30 % lo que supondría una producción potencial media de 7,06 t HCF/ha. La producción máxima en HCF se obtuvo en el clon Boniches con 7,61 t/ha y 22,81 t ms/ha de biomasa aérea. En el sistema de cultivo plurianual la cantidad de tallos por unidad de superficie aumenta cada año debido a la cantidad de tubérculos que van quedando en el terreno, sobre todo a partir del 3er año, lo que produce la disminución del peso unitario de los tallos, con el consiguiente riesgo de encamado. El aclareo de los tallos nacidos a principios de primavera mediante herbicidas tipo Glifosato o mediante una labor de rotocultor rebaja la densidad final de tallos y mejora los rendimientos del cultivo. En las experiencias de conservación de la biomasa aérea se obtuvo una buena conservación por un período de 6 meses de los HCF contenidos en los tallos secos empacados y almacenados bajo cubierta. Considerando que el rendimiento práctico de la fermentación alcohólica es de 0,5 l de etanol por cada kg de azúcar, la producción potencial de etanol para una cosecha de tallos de 7,06 t de HCF/ha sería de 3.530 l/ha. El bagazo producido en la extracción de los HCF de la biomasa aérea supondría 11,91 t/ha lo que utilizado para fines térmicos supone más de 3 veces la energía primaria requerida en el proceso de producción de etanol, considerando un poder calorífico inferior de 3.832,6 kcal/kg. Para una producción de HCF a partir de la biomasa aérea de 7,06 t/ha y en tubérculos al final del ciclo de 12,11 t/ha, los costes de producción estimados para cada uno de ellos fueron de 184,69 €/t para los HCF procedentes de la biomasa aérea y 311,30 €/t para los de tubérculos. Como resultado de este trabajo se puede concluir que la producción de HCF a partir de la biomasa aérea de pataca en cultivo plurianual, es viable desde un punto de vista técnico, con reducción de los costes de producción respecto al sistema tradicional de cosecha de tubérculos. Entre las ventajas técnicas de esta modalidad de cultivo, cabe destacar: la reducción de operaciones de cultivo, la facilidad y menor coste de la cosecha, y la posibilidad de conservación de los HCF en la biomasa cosechada sin mermas durante varios meses. Estas ventajas, compensan con creces el menor rendimiento por unidad de superficie que se obtiene con este sistema de cultivo frente al de cosecha de los tubérculos. Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) (JA) is a crop with a high potential for the production of carbohydrates in the form of polyfructans, especially inulin, which are temporarily accumulated in the stems in the form of polysaccharides. Subsequently they are translocated to the tubers, where they are finally accumulated. In this work the potential of Jerusalem artichoke for fermentable carbohydrates from stems that are harvested at their peak of carbohydrates accumulation is assessed as compared to the traditional cultivation system that aims at the production of tubers harvested at the end of the growth cycle. Tubers are storage organs of polyfructans, namely fermentable carbohydrates. Studies addressed in this work were: i) Determination of the optimum period of time for stem harvesting as a function of clone precocity in a 12-clone field experiment; ii) Study of the potential of JA poly-annual crop regarding the annual yield of aerial biomass and fermentable carbohydrates (HCF) over the years; iii) Tests of storage of the aerial biomass, iv) Comparative analysis of the two JA cultivation systems for HCF production: the poly-annual system for aerial biomass harvesting versus the annual cultivation system for tubers and v) Estimation of the energy sustainability of the bioethanol production by using by-products of the production chain. In order to determine the best period of time for aerial biomass harvesting twelve JA clones of different precocity were tested in Madrid: four early clones (Huertos de Moya, C-17, Columbia and D-19) and eight late clones (Boniches, China, K-8 , Salmantina, Nahodka, C-13, INIA and Violeta de Rennes). Best time was between the phenological stages of floral buds (closed capitula) and blossom (opened capitula), period in which the peak of biomass production coincides with the peak of HCF accumulation in the stems. According to the results, the early clones should be harvested in July and the late ones in September, being the late clones more productive. The clone named INIA was the one that exhibited more steady yields in biomass over the 12 clones experimented. The average potential biomass production of this clone was 23.40 t dm/ha when harvested at the floral buds phenological stage; mean HCF content is 30.30%, representing 7.06 t HCF/ha yield. However, the highest HCF production was obtained for the clone Boniches, 7.61 t HCF/ha from a production of 22.81 t aerial biomass/ha. In the poly-annual cultivation system the number of stems per unit area increases over the years due to the increase in the number of tubers that are left under ground; this effect is particularly important after the 3rd year of the poly-annual crop and results in a decrease of the stems unit weight and a risk of lodging. Thinning of JA shoots in early spring, by means of an herbicide treatment based on glyphosate or by means of one pass with a rotary tiller, results in a decrease of the crop stem density and in higher crop yields. Tests of biomass storing showed that the method of keeping dried stems packed and stored under cover results in a good preservation of HCF for a period of six months at least. Assuming that the fermentation yield is 0.5 L ethanol per kg sugars and a HCF stem production of 7.06 t HCF/ha, the potential for bioethanol is estimated at 3530 L/ha. The use of bagasse -by-product of the process of HCF extraction from the JA stems- for thermal purposes would represent over 3 times the primary energy required for the industrial ethanol production process, assuming 11.91 t/ha bagasse and 3832.6 kcal/kg heating value. HCF production costs of 7.06 t HCF/ha yield from aerial biomass and HCF production costs of 12.11 t HCF/ha from tubers were estimated at 184.69 €/t HCF and 311.30 €/t HCF, respectively. It can be concluded that the production of HCF from JA stems, following a poly-annual cultivation system, can be feasible from a technical standpoint and lead to lower production costs as compared to the traditional annual cultivation system for the production of HCF from tubers. Among the technical advantages of the poly-annual cultivation system it is worth mentioning the reduction in crop operations, the ease and efficiency of harvesting operations and the possibility of HCF preservation without incurring in HCF losses during the storage period, which can last several months. These advantages might compensate the lower yield of HCF per unit area that is obtained in the poly-annual crop system, which aims at stems harvesting, versus the annual one, which involves tubers harvesting.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivos la monitorización en tiempo real de la actividad sísmica, tanto próxima como lejana, a partir de los datos sísmicos registrados por una estación de banda ancha, y el desarrollo de un sistema de difusión interactiva de información actualizada de terremotos, destinado al público general. Ambas fuentes de información se mostrarán a través de una Unidad de Visualización denominada “Monitor Sísmico Interactivo”. El registro de los datos sísmicos se realiza utilizando el sensor de tres componentes de la estación sísmica GUD, perteneciente a la Red Digital de Banda Ancha y transmisión digital del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, instalada en la Basílica del Valle de los Caídos, en lalocalidad de Guadarrama (Madrid). En la E.T.S.I. Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía se ha instalado un ordenador con conexión a Internet, para la recepción y almacenamiento de los datos, y los programas Scream y Drumplot desarrollados por Guralp, necesarios para la monitorización de la señal sísmica en tiempo real. A partir de estos datos, mediante aplicaciones desarrolladas bajo programación Linux y haciendo uso de las herramientas que ofrece el software SAC (Seismic Analysis Code), se genera además un registro gráfico y una película animada de dicha segmentación para cada evento. Se ha configurado un servidor de correo y una cuenta para la recepción de dos tipos de mensajes de correo, enviados desde la sede central del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, con la información de los eventos registrados por GUD una vez revisados: - Mensajes enviados diariamente, con un listado de eventos ocurridos en los 30 últimos días. - Mensajes con la información en cuasi tiempo real de la última alerta sísmica. Se ha desarrollado el programa “saco” para la gestión del correo recibido que analiza la información sísmica, la almacena en ficheros y ejecuta sobre ellos las aplicaciones de dibujo. Estas aplicaciones han sido previamente desarrolladas bajo programación Linux y software GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), y a partir de ellas se generan automáticamente las distintas imágenes que se visualizan en el Monitor Sísmico: un mapa de sismicidad próxima en la Península Ibérica, un mapa de sismicidad lejana en el mundo, un mapa de detalle para localizar y representar la última alerta generada, los listados con la información de los eventos representados en los mapas, los registros gráficos y las películas animadas de dichos sismogramas. Monitor Sísmico Interactivo ha sido desarrollado para ofrecer además la posibilidad de interactuar con la Unidad de Visualización: se ha creado una base de datos para uso científico donde se almacenan todos los eventos registrados por GUD. Así el usuario puede realizar una petición, a través del envío de un mensaje de correo, que le permite visualizar de forma instantánea las imágenes que muestran la información de cualquier terremoto de su interés. ABSTRACT This study is aimed at real-time monitoring of both near and distant seismic activityfrom the seismic data recorded by a broadband seismic station, and the development of an interactive broadcast system of updated information of earthquakes, for the general public. Bothsources of information are displayed through a display unit called "Interactive Seismic Monitor". The seismic data recording is carried out by using the three-component sensor of the GUD seismic station, which belongs to the Digital Network Broadband and digital broadcast of the National Geographic Institute, housed in the Basilica of The Valley of the Fallen, in the town of Guadarrama (Madrid). A computer with Internet connection has been installed in E.T.S.I. Surveying, Geodesy and Cartography for receiving and storing data, together with Scream and Drumplot programs, developed by Guralp, which are necessary for monitoring the real time seismic signal. Based on the data collected, through programming applications developed under Linux system and using the software tools provided by the SAC (Seismic Analysis Code), a chart recorder and an animated gif image of the segmentation for each event are also generated. A mail server and a mail account have been configured for the receipt of two types of email messages, sent from the National Geographic Institute head office, with the information of the events recorded by GUD after being reviewed: - Messages sent daily, providing a list of events in the past 30 days. - Messages containing information on near real-time seismic of the last seismic alert. A program called "saco" has also been developed for handling mail received that analyzes the seismic data, which stores it in files and runs drawing applications on them. These applications have been previously developed under Linux system and software programming GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), and from them different images that are displayed on the Seismic Monitor are automatically generated: a near seismicity Iberian peninsula map, a distant seismicity world map, a detailed map to locate and represent the last seismic alert generated, the lists with the information of the events depicted in the maps,together with the charts and the animated gif image of such seismograms. Interactive Seismic Monitor has been developed to offer any user the possibility of interacting with the display unit: a database has been created for scientific use which stores all the events recorded by GUD. Thus, any user could make a request, by sending an e-mail that allows them to view instantly all the images showing the information of any earthquake of interest on the display unit.


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The ecological intensification of crops is proposed as a solution to the growing demand of agricultural and forest resources, in opposition to intensive monocultures. The introduction of mixed cultures as mixtures between nitrogen fixing species and non nitrogen fixing species intended to increase crop yield as a result of an improvement of the available nitrogen and phosphorus in soil. Relationship between crops have received little attention despite the wide range of advantages that confers species diversity to these systems, such as increased productivity, resilience to disruption and ecological sustainability. Forests and forestry plantations can develop an important role in storing carbon in their tissues, especially in wood which become into durable product. A simplifying parameter to analyze the amount allocated carbon by plantation is the TBCA (total belowground carbon allocation), whereby, for short periods and mature plantations, is admitted as the subtraction between soil carbon efflux and litterfall. Soil respiration depends on a wide range of factors, such as soil temperature and soil water content, soil fertility, presence and type of vegetation, among others. The studied orchard is a mixed forestry plantation of hybrid walnuts(Juglans × intermedia Carr.) for wood and alders (Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Duby.), a nitrogen fixing specie through the actinomycete Frankia alni ((Woronin, 1866) Von Tubeuf 1895). The study area is sited at Restinclières, a green area near Montpellier (South of France). In the present work, soil respiration varied greatly throughout the year, mainly influenced by soil temperature. Soil water content did not significantly influence the response of soil respiration as it was constant during the measurement period and under no water stress conditions. Distance between nearest walnut and measurement was also a highly influential factor in soil respiration. Generally there was a decreasing trend in soil respiration when the distance to the nearest tree increased. It was also analyzed the response of soil respiration according to alder presence and fertilizer management (50 kg N·ha-1·año-1 from 1999 to 2010). None of these treatments significantly influenced soil respiration, although previous studies noticed an inhibition in rates of soil respiration under fertilized conditions and high rates of available nitrogen. However, treatments without fertilization and without alder presence obtained higher respiration rates in those cases with significant differences. The lack of significant differences between treatments may be due to the high coefficient of variation experienced by soil respiration measurements. Finally an asynchronous fluctuation was observed between soil respiration and litterfall during senescence period. This is possibly due to the slowdown in the emission of exudates by roots during senescence period, which are largely related to microbial activity.


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Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced significant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Nevertheless, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile information when it is expressed in different natural languages on the Web of Data, in order to improve the access to semantic information across language barriers. In this context several challenges arise [1], such as: (i) ontology translation/localization, (ii) cross-lingual ontology mappings, (iii) representation of multilingual lexical information, and (iv) cross-lingual access and querying of linked data. In the following we will focus on the second challenge, which is the necessity of establishing, representing and storing cross-lingual links among semantic information on the Web. In fact, in a “truly” multilingual Semantic Web, semantic data with lexical representations in one natural language would be mapped to equivalent or related information in other languages, thus making navigation across multilingual information possible for software agents.


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Goal-level Independent and-parallelism (IAP) is exploited by scheduling for simultaneous execution two or more goals which will not interfere with each other at run time. This can be done safely even if such goals can produce multiple answers. The most successful IAP implementations to date have used recomputation of answers and sequentially ordered backtracking. While in principle simplifying the implementation, recomputation can be very inefficient if the granularity of the parallel goals is large enough and they produce several answers, while sequentially ordered backtracking limits parallelism. And, despite the expected simplification, the implementation of the classic schemes has proved to involve complex engineering, with the consequent difficulty for system maintenance and expansion, and still frequently run into the well-known trapped goal and garbage slot problems. This work presents ideas about an alternative parallel backtracking model for IAP and a simulation studio. The model features parallel out-of-order backtracking and relies on answer memoization to reuse and combine answers. Whenever a parallel goal backtracks, its siblings also perform backtracking, but after storing the bindings generated by previous answers. The bindings are then reinstalled when combining answers. In order not to unnecessarily penalize forward execution, non-speculative and-parallel goals which have not been executed yet take precedence over sibling goals which could be backtracked over. Using a simulator, we show that this approach can bring significant performance advantages over classical approaches.


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There are many the requirements that modern power converters should fulfill. Most of the applications where these converters are used, demand smaller converters with high efficiency, improved power density and a fast dynamic response. For instance, loads like microprocessors demand aggressive current steps with very high slew rates (100A/mus and higher); besides, during these load steps, the supply voltage of the microprocessor should be kept within tight limits in order to ensure its correct performance. The accomplishment of these requirements is not an easy task; complex solutions like advanced topologies - such as multiphase converters- as well as advanced control strategies are often needed. Besides, it is also necessary to operate the converter at high switching frequencies and to use capacitors with high capacitance and low ESR. Improving the dynamic response of power converters does not rely only on the control strategy but also the power topology should be suited to enable a fast dynamic response. Moreover, in later years, a fast dynamic response does not only mean accomplishing fast load steps but output voltage steps are gaining importance as well. At least, two applications that require fast voltage changes can be named: Low power microprocessors. In these devices, the voltage supply is changed according to the workload and the operating frequency of the microprocessor is changed at the same time. An important reduction in voltage dependent losses can be achieved with such changes. This technique is known as Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS). Another application where important energy savings can be achieved by means of changing the supply voltage are Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers. For example, RF architectures based on ‘Envelope Tracking’ and ‘Envelope Elimination and Restoration’ techniques can take advantage of voltage supply modulation and accomplish important energy savings in the power amplifier. However, in order to achieve these efficiency improvements, a power converter with high efficiency and high enough bandwidth (hundreds of kHz or even tens of MHz) is necessary in order to ensure an adequate supply voltage. The main objective of this Thesis is to improve the dynamic response of DC-DC converters from the point of view of the power topology. And the term dynamic response refers both to the load steps and the voltage steps; it is also interesting to modulate the output voltage of the converter with a specific bandwidth. In order to accomplish this, the question of what is it that limits the dynamic response of power converters should be answered. Analyzing this question leads to the conclusion that the dynamic response is limited by the power topology and specifically, by the filter inductance of the converter which is found in series between the input and the output of the converter. The series inductance is the one that determines the gain of the converter and provides the regulation capability. Although the energy stored in the filter inductance enables the regulation and the capability of filtering the output voltage, it imposes a limitation which is the concern of this Thesis. The series inductance stores energy and prevents the current from changing in a fast way, limiting the slew rate of the current through this inductor. Different solutions are proposed in the literature in order to reduce the limit imposed by the filter inductor. Many publications proposing new topologies and improvements to known topologies can be found in the literature. Also, complex control strategies are proposed with the objective of improving the dynamic response in power converters. In the proposed topologies, the energy stored in the series inductor is reduced; examples of these topologies are Multiphase converters, Buck converter operating at very high frequency or adding a low impedance path in parallel with the series inductance. Control techniques proposed in the literature, focus on adjusting the output voltage as fast as allowed by the power stage; examples of these control techniques are: hysteresis control, V 2 control, and minimum time control. In some of the proposed topologies, a reduction in the value of the series inductance is achieved and with this, the energy stored in this magnetic element is reduced; less stored energy means a faster dynamic response. However, in some cases (as in the high frequency Buck converter), the dynamic response is improved at the cost of worsening the efficiency. In this Thesis, a drastic solution is proposed: to completely eliminate the series inductance of the converter. This is a more radical solution when compared to those proposed in the literature. If the series inductance is eliminated, the regulation capability of the converter is limited which can make it difficult to use the topology in one-converter solutions; however, this topology is suitable for power architectures where the energy conversion is done by more than one converter. When the series inductor is eliminated from the converter, the current slew rate is no longer limited and it can be said that the dynamic response of the converter is independent from the switching frequency. This is the main advantage of eliminating the series inductor. The main objective, is to propose an energy conversion strategy that is done without series inductance. Without series inductance, no energy is stored between the input and the output of the converter and the dynamic response would be instantaneous if all the devices were ideal. If the energy transfer from the input to the output of the converter is done instantaneously when a load step occurs, conceptually it would not be necessary to store energy at the output of the converter (no output capacitor COUT would be needed) and if the input source is ideal, the input capacitor CIN would not be necessary. This last feature (no CIN with ideal VIN) is common to all power converters. However, when the concept is actually implemented, parasitic inductances such as leakage inductance of the transformer and the parasitic inductance of the PCB, cannot be avoided because they are inherent to the implementation of the converter. These parasitic elements do not affect significantly to the proposed concept. In this Thesis, it is proposed to operate the converter without series inductance in order to improve the dynamic response of the converter; however, on the other side, the continuous regulation capability of the converter is lost. It is said continuous because, as it will be explained throughout the Thesis, it is indeed possible to achieve discrete regulation; a converter without filter inductance and without energy stored in the magnetic element, is capable to achieve a limited number of output voltages. The changes between these output voltage levels are achieved in a fast way. The proposed energy conversion strategy is implemented by means of a multiphase converter where the coupling of the phases is done by discrete two-winding transformers instead of coupledinductors since transformers are, ideally, no energy storing elements. This idea is the main contribution of this Thesis. The feasibility of this energy conversion strategy is first analyzed and then verified by simulation and by the implementation of experimental prototypes. Once the strategy is proved valid, different options to implement the magnetic structure are analyzed. Three different discrete transformer arrangements are studied and implemented. A converter based on this energy conversion strategy would be designed with a different approach than the one used to design classic converters since an additional design degree of freedom is available. The switching frequency can be chosen according to the design specifications without penalizing the dynamic response or the efficiency. Low operating frequencies can be chosen in order to favor the efficiency; on the other hand, high operating frequencies (MHz) can be chosen in order to favor the size of the converter. For this reason, a particular design procedure is proposed for the ‘inductorless’ conversion strategy. Finally, applications where the features of the proposed conversion strategy (high efficiency with fast dynamic response) are advantageus, are proposed. For example, in two-stage power architectures where a high efficiency converter is needed as the first stage and there is a second stage that provides the fine regulation. Another example are RF power amplifiers where the voltage is modulated following an envelope reference in order to save power; in this application, a high efficiency converter, capable of achieving fast voltage steps is required. The main contributions of this Thesis are the following: The proposal of a conversion strategy that is done, ideally, without storing energy in the magnetic element. The validation and the implementation of the proposed energy conversion strategy. The study of different magnetic structures based on discrete transformers for the implementation of the proposed energy conversion strategy. To elaborate and validate a design procedure. To identify and validate applications for the proposed energy conversion strategy. It is important to remark that this work is done in collaboration with Intel. The particular features of the proposed conversion strategy enable the possibility of solving the problems related to microprocessor powering in a different way. For example, the high efficiency achieved with the proposed conversion strategy enables it as a good candidate to be used for power conditioning, as a first stage in a two-stage power architecture for powering microprocessors.


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Changes in the aromatic composition as well as sensory characteristics in Verdejo white wines were analysed based on two factors: the winemaking methodology and the storing time of wine in bottles. The volatile components were determined by GLC-MS, and the sensory profile was designed and assessed according to the ISO 11035 standard. The results showed that when wines were made in oak barrels, either completely or partially, which means the wines were in contact with the lees, the levels of 1-octanol, ethyl heptanoate and ethyl decanoate were significantly affected (P menor que 0.05); the softness sensation was also influenced (P menor que 0.05). However, the amount of time the wines were stored in bottles significantly affected (P menor que 0.05) the levels of 1-hexanol, ethyl heptanoate, ethyl octanoate, ethyl decanoate, hexyl acetate, isoamyl acetate and isoamyl lactate and also an odour note (tropical fruit). The compounds with higher OAV values belong to the groups of esters and fatty acids. For these reasons, the composition and the quality of the aroma of Verdejo white wines appear to be significantly affected both by use of oak barrels in winemaking and the time the wines are stored in bottles.


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Most data stream classification techniques assume that the underlying feature space is static. However, in real-world applications the set of features and their relevance to the target concept may change over time. In addition, when the underlying concepts reappear, reusing previously learnt models can enhance the learning process in terms of accuracy and processing time at the expense of manageable memory consumption. In this paper, we propose mining recurring concepts in a dynamic feature space (MReC-DFS), a data stream classification system to address the challenges of learning recurring concepts in a dynamic feature space while simultaneously reducing the memory cost associated with storing past models. MReC-DFS is able to detect and adapt to concept changes using the performance of the learning process and contextual information. To handle recurring concepts, stored models are combined in a dynamically weighted ensemble. Incremental feature selection is performed to reduce the combined feature space. This contribution allows MReC-DFS to store only the features most relevant to the learnt concepts, which in turn increases the memory efficiency of the technique. In addition, an incremental feature selection method is proposed that dynamically determines the threshold between relevant and irrelevant features. Experimental results demonstrating the high accuracy of MReC-DFS compared with state-of-the-art techniques on a variety of real datasets are presented. The results also show the superior memory efficiency of MReC-DFS.


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Visually impaired people have many difficulties when traveling because it is impossible for them to detect obstacles that stand in their way. Bats instead of using the sight to detect these obstacles use a method based on ultrasounds, as their sense of hearing is much more developed than that of sight. The aim of the project is to design and build a device based on the method used by the bats to detect obstacles and transmit this information to people with vision problems to improve their skills. The method involves sending ultrasonic waves and analyzing the echoes produced when these waves collide with an obstacle. The sent signals are pulses and the information needed is the time elapsed from we send a pulse to receive the echo produced. The speed of sound is fixed within the same environment, so measuring the time it takes the wave to make the return trip, we can easily know the distance where the object is located. To build the device we have to design the necessary circuits, fabricate printed circuit boards and mount the components. We also have to design a program that would work within the digital part, which will be responsible for performing distance calculations and generate the signals with the information for the user. The circuits are the emitter and the receiver. The transmitter circuit is responsible for generating the signals that we will use. We use an ultrasonic transmitter which operates at 40 kHz so the sent pulses have to be modulated with this frequency. For this we generate a 40 kHz wave with an astable multivibrator formed by NAND gates and a train of pulses with a timer. The signal is the product of these two signals. The circuit of the receiver is a signal conditioner which transforms the signals received by the ultrasonic receiver in square pulses. The received signals have a 40 kHz carrier, low voltage and very different shapes. In the signal conditioner we will amplify the voltage to appropriate levels, eliminate the component of 40 kHz and make the shape of the pulses square to use them digitally. To simplify the design and manufacturing process in the digital part of the device we will use the Arduino platform. The pulses sent and received echoes enter through input pins with suitable voltage levels. In the Arduino, our program will poll these two signals storing the time when a pulse occurs. These time values are analyzed and used to generate an audible signal with the user information. This information is stored in the frequency of the signal, so that the generated signal frequency varies depending on the distance at which the objects are. RESUMEN Las personas con discapacidad visual tienen muchas dificultades a la hora de desplazarse ya que les es imposible poder detectar los obstáculos que se interpongan en su camino. Los murciélagos en vez de usar la vista para detectar estos obstáculos utilizan un método basado en ultrasonidos, ya que su sentido del oído está mucho más desarrollado que el de la vista. El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar y construir un dispositivo basado en el método usado por los murciélagos para detectar obstáculos y que pueda ser usado por las personas con problemas en la vista para mejorar sus capacidades. El método utilizado consiste en enviar ondas de ultrasonidos y analizar el eco producido cuando estas ondas chocan con algún obstáculo. Las señales enviadas tendrán forma de pulsos y la información necesaria es el tiempo transcurrido entre que enviamos un pulso y recibimos el eco producido. La velocidad del sonido es fija dentro de un mismo entorno, por lo que midiendo el tiempo que tarda la onda en hacer el viaje de ida y vuelta podemos fácilmente conocer la distancia a la que se encuentra el objeto. Para construir el dispositivo tendremos que diseñar los circuitos necesarios, fabricar las placas de circuito impreso y montar los componentes. También deberemos diseñar el programa que funcionara dentro de la parte digital, que será el encargado de realizar los cálculos de la distancia y de generar las señales con la información para el usuario. Los circuitos diseñados corresponden uno al emisor y otro al receptor. El circuito emisor es el encargado de generar las señales que vamos a emitir. Vamos a usar un emisor de ultrasonidos que funciona a 40 kHz por lo que los pulsos que enviemos van a tener que estar modulados con esta frecuencia. Para ello generamos una onda de 40 kHz mediante un multivibrador aestable formado por puertas NAND y un tren de pulsos con un timer. La señal enviada es el producto de estas dos señales. El circuito de la parte del receptor es un acondicionador de señal que transforma las señales recibidas por el receptor de ultrasonidos en pulsos cuadrados. Las señales recibidas tienen una portadora de 40 kHz para poder usarlas con el receptor de ultrasonidos, bajo voltaje y formas muy diversas. En el acondicionador de señal amplificaremos el voltaje a niveles adecuados además de eliminar la componente de 40 kHz y conseguir pulsos cuadrados que podamos usar de forma digital. Para simplificar el proceso de diseño y fabricación en la parte digital del dispositivo usaremos la plataforma Arduino. Las señales correspondientes el envío de los pulsos y a la recepción de los ecos entraran por pines de entrada después de haber adaptado los niveles de voltaje. En el Arduino, nuestro programa sondeara estas dos señales almacenando el tiempo en el que se produce un pulso. Estos valores de tiempo se analizan y se usan para generar una señal audible con la información para el usuario. Esta información ira almacenada en la frecuencia de la señal, por lo que la señal generada variará su frecuencia en función de la distancia a la que se encuentren los objetos.


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Aboveground tropical tree biomass and carbon storage estimates commonly ignore tree height (H). We estimate the effect of incorporating H on tropics-wide forest biomass estimates in 327 plots across four continents using 42 656 H and diameter measurements and harvested trees from 20 sites to answer the following questions: 1. What is the best H-model form and geographic unit to include in biomass models to minimise site-level uncertainty in estimates of destructive biomass? 2. To what extent does including H estimates derived in (1) reduce uncertainty in biomass estimates across all 327 plots? 3. What effect does accounting for H have on plot- and continental-scale forest biomass estimates? The mean relative error in biomass estimates of destructively harvested trees when including H (mean 0.06), was half that when excluding H (mean 0.13). Power- andWeibull-H models provided the greatest reduction in uncertainty, with regional Weibull-H models preferred because they reduce uncertainty in smaller-diameter classes (?40 cm D) that store about one-third of biomass per hectare in most forests. Propagating the relationships from destructively harvested tree biomass to each of the 327 plots from across the tropics shows that including H reduces errors from 41.8Mgha?1 (range 6.6 to 112.4) to 8.0Mgha?1 (?2.5 to 23.0). For all plots, aboveground live biomass was ?52.2 Mgha?1 (?82.0 to ?20.3 bootstrapped 95%CI), or 13%, lower when including H estimates, with the greatest relative reductions in estimated biomass in forests of the Brazilian Shield, east Africa, and Australia, and relatively little change in the Guiana Shield, central Africa and southeast Asia. Appreciably different stand structure was observed among regions across the tropical continents, with some storing significantly more biomass in small diameter stems, which affects selection of the best height models to reduce uncertainty and biomass reductions due to H. After accounting for variation in H, total biomass per hectare is greatest in Australia, the Guiana Shield, Asia, central and east Africa, and lowest in eastcentral Amazonia, W. Africa, W. Amazonia, and the Brazilian Shield (descending order). Thus, if tropical forests span 1668 million km2 and store 285 Pg C (estimate including H), then applying our regional relationships implies that carbon storage is overestimated by 35 PgC (31?39 bootstrapped 95%CI) if H is ignored, assuming that the sampled plots are an unbiased statistical representation of all tropical forest in terms of biomass and height factors. Our results show that tree H is an important allometric factor that needs to be included in future forest biomass estimates to reduce error in estimates of tropical carbon stocks and emissions due to deforestation.


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The Video on Demand (VoD) service is becoming a dominant service in the telecommunication market due to the great convenience regarding the choice of content items and their independent viewing time. However, it comes with the downsides of high server storage and capacity demands because of the large variety of content items and the high amount of traffic generated for serving all requests. Storing part of the popular contents on the peers brings certain advantages but, it still has issues regarding the overall traffic in the core of the network and the scalability. Therefore, we propose a P2P assisted model for streaming VoD contents that takes advantage of the clients unused uplink and storage capacity to serve requests of other clients and we present popularity based schemes for distribution of both the popular and unpopular contents on the peers. The proposed model and the schemes prove to reduce the streaming traffic in the core of the network, improve the responsiveness of the system and increase its scalability.


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This thesis aims to introduce some fundamental concepts underlying option valuation theory including implementation of computational tools. In many cases analytical solution for option pricing does not exist, thus the following numerical methods are used: binomial trees, Monte Carlo simulations and finite difference methods. First, an algorithm based on Hull and Wilmott is written for every method. Then these algorithms are improved in different ways. For the binomial tree both speed and memory usage is significantly improved by using only one vector instead of a whole price storing matrix. Computational time in Monte Carlo simulations is reduced by implementing a parallel algorithm (in C) which is capable of improving speed by a factor which equals the number of processors used. Furthermore, MatLab code for Monte Carlo was made faster by vectorizing simulation process. Finally, obtained option values are compared to those obtained with popular finite difference methods, and it is discussed which of the algorithms is more appropriate for which purpose.