59 resultados para smart phones

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Location-based services (LBS) highly rely on the location of the mobile user in order to provide the service tailored to that location. This location is calculated differently depending on the technology available in the used mobile device. No matter which technology is used, the location will never be calculated 100% correctly; instead there will always be a margin of error generated during the calculation, which is referred to as positional accuracy. This research has reviewed the eight most common positioning technologies available in the major current smart-phones and assessed their positional accuracy with respect to its usage by LBS applications. Given the vast majority of these applications, this research classified them into thirteen categories, and these categories were also classified depending on their level criticality as low, medium, or high critical, and whether they function indoor or outdoor. The accuracies of different positioning technologies are compared to these two criteria. Low critical outdoor and high critical indoor applications were found technologically covered; high and medium critical outdoor ones weren?t fully resolved. Finally three potential solutions are suggested to be implemented in future smartphones to resolve this technological gap: Real-Time Kinematics Global Positioning System (RTK GPS), terrestrial transmitters, and combination of Wireless Sensors Network and Radio Frequency Identification (WSN-RFID).


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Mobile activity recognition focuses on inferring the current activities of a mobile user by leveraging the sensory data that is available on today’s smart phones. The state of the art in mobile activity recognition uses traditional classification learning techniques. Thus, the learning process typically involves: i) collection of labelled sensory data that is transferred and collated in a centralised repository; ii) model building where the classification model is trained and tested using the collected data; iii) a model deployment stage where the learnt model is deployed on-board a mobile device for identifying activities based on new sensory data. In this paper, we demonstrate the Mobile Activity Recognition System (MARS) where for the first time the model is built and continuously updated on-board the mobile device itself using data stream mining. The advantages of the on-board approach are that it allows model personalisation and increased privacy as the data is not sent to any external site. Furthermore, when the user or its activity profile changes MARS enables promptly adaptation. MARS has been implemented on the Android platform to demonstrate that it can achieve accurate mobile activity recognition. Moreover, we can show in practise that MARS quickly adapts to user profile changes while at the same time being scalable and efficient in terms of consumption of the device resources.


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Applications based on Wireless Sensor Networks for Internet of Things scenarios are on the rise. The multiple possibilities they offer have spread towards previously hard to imagine fields, like e-health or human physiological monitoring. An application has been developed for its usage in scenarios where data collection is applied to smart spaces, aiming at its usage in fire fighting and sports. This application has been tested in a gymnasium with real, non-simulated nodes and devices. A Graphic User Interface has been implemented to suggest a series of exercises to improve a sportsman/woman s condition, depending on the context and their profile. This system can be adapted to a wide variety of e-health applications with minimum changes, and the user will interact using different devices, like smart phones, smart watches and/or tablets.


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This paper presents an overview of preliminary results of investigations within the WHERE2 Project on identifying promising avenues for location aided enhancements to wireless communication systems. The wide ranging contributions are organized according to the following targeted systems: cellular networks, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and cognitive radio. Location based approaches are found to alleviate significant signaling overhead in various forms of modern communication paradigms that are very information hungry in terms of channel state information at the transmitter(s). And this at a reasonable cost given the ubiquitous availability of location information in recent wireless standards or smart phones. Location tracking furthermore opens the new perspective of slow fading prediction.


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With the ever growing trend of smart phones and tablets, Android is becoming more and more popular everyday. With more than one billion active users i to date, Android is the leading technology in smart phone arena. In addition to that, Android also runs on Android TV, Android smart watches and cars. Therefore, in recent years, Android applications have become one of the major development sectors in software industry. As of mid 2013, the number of published applications on Google Play had exceeded one million and the cumulative number of downloads was more than 50 billionii. A 2013 survey also revealed that 71% of the mobile application developers work on developing Android applicationsiii. Considering this size of Android applications, it is quite evident that people rely on these applications on a daily basis for the completion of simple tasks like keeping track of weather to rather complex tasks like managing one’s bank accounts. Hence, like every other kind of code, Android code also needs to be verified in order to work properly and achieve a certain confidence level. Because of the gigantic size of the number of applications, it becomes really hard to manually test Android applications specially when it has to be verified for various versions of the OS and also, various device configurations such as different screen sizes and different hardware availability. Hence, recently there has been a lot of work on developing different testing methods for Android applications in Computer Science fraternity. The model of Android attracts researchers because of its open source nature. It makes the whole research model more streamlined when the code for both, application and the platform are readily available to analyze. And hence, there has been a great deal of research in testing and static analysis of Android applications. A great deal of this research has been focused on the input test generation for Android applications. Hence, there are a several testing tools available now, which focus on automatic generation of test cases for Android applications. These tools differ with one another on the basis of their strategies and heuristics used for this generation of test cases. But there is still very little work done on the comparison of these testing tools and the strategies they use. Recently, some research work has been carried outiv in this regard that compared the performance of various available tools with respect to their respective code coverage, fault detection, ability to work on multiple platforms and their ease of use. It was done, by running these tools on a total of 60 real world Android applications. The results of this research showed that although effective, these strategies being used by the tools, also face limitations and hence, have room for improvement. The purpose of this thesis is to extend this research into a more specific and attribute-­‐ oriented way. Attributes refer to the tasks that can be completed using the Android platform. It can be anything ranging from a basic system call for receiving an SMS to more complex tasks like sending the user to another application from the current one. The idea is to develop a benchmark for Android testing tools, which is based on the performance related to these attributes. This will allow the comparison of these tools with respect to these attributes. For example, if there is an application that plays some audio file, will the testing tool be able to generate a test input that will warrant the execution of this audio file? Using multiple applications using different attributes, it can be visualized that which testing tool is more useful for which kinds of attributes. In this thesis, it was decided that 9 attributes covering the basic nature of tasks, will be targeted for the assessment of three testing tools. Later this can be done for much more attributes to compare even more testing tools. The aim of this work is to show that this approach is effective and can be used on a much larger scale. One of the flagship features of this work, which also differentiates it with the previous work, is that the applications used, are all specially made for this research. The reason for doing that is to analyze just that specific attribute in isolation, which the application is focused on, and not allow the tool to get bottlenecked by something trivial, which is not the main attribute under testing. This means 9 applications, each focused on one specific attribute. The main contributions of this thesis are: A summary of the three existing testing tools and their respective techniques for automatic test input generation of Android Applications. • A detailed study of the usage of these testing tools using the 9 applications specially designed and developed for this study. • The analysis of the obtained results of the study carried out. And a comparison of the performance of the selected tools.


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Until a few years ago, most of the network communications were based in the wire as the physical media, but due to the advances and the maturity of the wireless communications, this is changing. Nowadays wireless communications offers fast, secure, efficient and reliable connections. Mobile communications are in expansion, clearly driven by the use of smart phones and other mobile devices, the use of laptops, etc… Besides that point, the inversion in the installation and maintenance of the physical medium is much lower than in wired communications, not only because the air has no cost, but because the installation and maintenance of the wire require a high economic cost. Besides the economic cost we find that wire is a more vulnerable medium to external threats such as noise, sabotages, etc… There are two different types of wireless networks: those which the structure is part of the network itself and those which have a lack of structure or any centralization, in a way that the devices that form part of the network can connect themselves in a dynamic and random way, handling also the routing of every control and information messages, this kind of networks is known as Ad-hoc. In the present work we will proceed to study one of the multiple wireless protocols that allows mobile communications, it is Optimized Link State Routing, from now on, OLSR, it is an pro-active routing, standard mechanism that works in a distributed in order to stablish the connections among the different nodes that belong to a wireless network. Thanks to this protocol it is possible to get all the routing tables in all the devices correctly updated every moment through the periodical transmission of control messages and on this way allow a complete connectivity among the devices that are part of the network and also, allow access to other external networks such as virtual private networks o Internet. This protocol could be perfectly used in environments such as airports, malls, etc… The update of the routing tables in all the devices is got thanks to the periodical transmission of control messages and finally it will offer connectivity among all the devices and the corresponding external networks. For the study of OLSR protocol we will have the help of the network simulator “Network Simulator 2”, a freeware network simulator programmed in C++ based in discrete events. This simulator is used mainly in educational and research environments and allows a very extensive range of protocols, both, wired networks protocols and wireless network protocols, what is going to be really useful to proceed to the simulation of different configurations of networks and protocols. In the present work we will also study different simulations with Network Simulator 2, in different scenarios with different configurations, wired networks, and Ad-hoc networks, where we will study OLSR Protocol. RESUMEN. Hasta hace pocos años, la mayoría de las comunicaciones de red estaban basadas en el cable como medio físico pero debido al avance y madurez alcanzados en el campo de las comunicaciones inalámbricas esto está cambiando. Hoy día las comunicaciones inalámbricas nos ofrecen conexiones veloces, seguras, eficientes y fiables. Las comunicaciones móviles se encuentran en su momento de máxima expansión, claramente impulsadas por el uso de teléfonos y demás dispositivos móviles, el uso de portátiles, etc… Además la inversión a realizar en la instalación y el mantenimiento del medio físico en las comunicaciones móviles es muchísimo menor que en comunicaciones por cable, ya no sólo porque el aire no tenga coste alguno, sino porque la instalación y mantenimiento del cable precisan de un elevado coste económico por norma. Además del coste económico nos encontramos con que es un medio más vulnerable a amenazas externas tales como el ruido, escuchas no autorizadas, sabotajes, etc… Existen dos tipos de redes inalámbricas: las constituidas por una infraestructura que forma parte más o menos de la misma y las que carecen de estructura o centralización alguna, de modo que los dispositivos que forman parte de ella pueden conectarse de manera dinámica y arbitraria entre ellos, encargándose además del encaminamiento de todos los mensajes de control e información, a este tipo de redes se las conoce como redes Ad-hoc. En el presente Proyecto de Fin de Carrera se procederá al estudio de uno de los múltiples protocolos inalámbricos que permiten comunicaciones móviles, se trata del protocolo inalámbrico Optimized Link State Routing, de ahora en adelante OLSR, un mecanismo estándar de enrutamiento pro-activo, que trabaja de manera distribuida para establecer las conexiones entre los nodos que formen parte de las redes inalámbricas Ad-hoc, las cuales carecen de un nodo central y de una infraestructura pre-existente. Gracias a este protocolo es posible conseguir que todos los equipos mantengan en todo momento las tablas de ruta actualizadas correctamente mediante la transmisión periódica de mensajes de control y así permitir una completa conectividad entre todos los equipos que formen parte de la red y, a su vez, también permitir el acceso a otras redes externas tales como redes privadas virtuales o Internet. Este protocolo sería usado en entornos tales como aeropuertos La actualización de las tablas de enrutamiento de todos los equipos se conseguirá mediante la transmisión periódica de mensajes de control y así finalmente se podrá permitir conectividad entre todos los equipos y con las correspondientes redes externas. Para el estudio del protocolo OLSR contaremos con el simulador de redes Network Simulator 2, un simulador de redes freeware programado en C++ basado en eventos discretos. Este simulador es usado principalmente en ambientes educativos y de investigación y permite la simulación tanto de protocolos unicast como multicast. El campo donde más se utiliza es precisamente en el de la investigación de redes móviles Ad-hoc. El simulador Network Simulator 2 no sólo implementa el protocolo OLSR, sino que éste implementa una amplia gama de protocolos, tanto de redes cableadas como de redes inalámbricas, lo cual va a sernos de gran utilidad para proceder a la simulación de distintas configuraciones de redes y protocolos. En el presente Proyecto de Fin de Carrera se estudiarán también diversas simulaciones con el simulador NS2 en diferentes escenarios con diversas configuraciones; redes cableadas, redes inalámbricas Ad-hoc, donde se estudiará el protocolo antes mencionado: OLSR. Este Proyecto de Fin de Carrera consta de cuatro apartados distintos: Primeramente se realizará el estudio completo del protocolo OLSR, se verán los beneficios y contrapartidas que ofrece este protocolo inalámbrico. También se verán los distintos tipos de mensajes existentes en este protocolo y unos pequeños ejemplos del funcionamiento del protocolo OLSR. Seguidamente se hará una pequeña introducción al simulador de redes Network Simulator 2, veremos la historia de este simulador, y también se hará referencia a la herramienta extra NAM, la cual nos permitirá visualizar el intercambio de paquetes que se produce entre los diferentes dispositivos de nuestras simulaciones de forma intuitiva y amigable. Se hará mención a la plataforma MASIMUM, encargada de facilitar en un entorno académico software y documentación a sus alumnos con el fin de facilitarles la investigación y la simulación de redes y sensores Ad-hoc. Finalmente se verán dos ejemplos, uno en el que se realizará una simulación entre dos PCs en un entorno Ethernet y otro ejemplo en el que se realizará una simulación inalámbrica entre cinco dispositivos móviles mediante el protocolo a estudiar, OLSR.


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Embedded context management in resource-constrained devices (e.g. mobile phones, autonomous sensors or smart objects) imposes special requirements in terms of lightness for data modelling and reasoning. In this paper, we explore the state-of-the-art on data representation and reasoning tools for embedded mobile reasoning and propose a light inference system (LIS) aiming at simplifying embedded inference processes offering a set of functionalities to avoid redundancy in context management operations. The system is part of a service-oriented mobile software framework, conceived to facilitate the creation of context-aware applications—it decouples sensor data acquisition and context processing from the application logic. LIS, composed of several modules, encapsulates existing lightweight tools for ontology data management and rule-based reasoning, and it is ready to run on Java-enabled handheld devices. Data management and reasoning processes are designed to handle a general ontology that enables communication among framework components. Both the applications running on top of the framework and the framework components themselves can configure the rule and query sets in order to retrieve the information they need from LIS. In order to test LIS features in a real application scenario, an ‘Activity Monitor’ has been designed and implemented: a personal health-persuasive application that provides feedback on the user’s lifestyle, combining data from physical and virtual sensors. In this case of use, LIS is used to timely evaluate the user’s activity level, to decide on the convenience of triggering notifications and to determine the best interface or channel to deliver these context-aware alerts.d


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The main objective of this article is to characterize the reverse logistics system for mobile phones in Spain. The study includes the characterization of the different actors involved in the reverse logistics system and the description of the most common logistics practices in the sector. We will also opose alternative practices for managing this complex reverse logistics system and finally, we analyse the challenges of the current reverse logistics model. Some alternatives for the current model are location of reception points for end-of-use mobiles, the need to legislate the secondhand mobile phone market, and the location of the necessary recycling centres according to current legislation.


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Interaction with smart objects can be accomplished with different technologies, such as tangible interfaces or touch computing, among others. Some of them require the object to be especially designed to be 'smart', and some other are limited in the variety and complexity of the possible actions. This paper describes a user-smart object interaction model and prototype based on the well known event-condition-action (ECA) reasoning, which can work, to a degree, independently of the intelligence embedded into the smart object. It has been designed for mobile devices to act as mediators between users and smart objects and provides an intuitive means for personalization of object's behavior. When the user is close to an object, this one publishes its 'event & action' capabilities to the user's device. The user may accept the object's module offering, which will enable him to configure and control that object, but also its actions with respect to other elements of the environment or the virtual world. The modular ECA interaction model facilitates the integration of different types of objects in a smart space, giving the user full control of their capabilities and facilitating creative mash-uping to build customized functionalities that combine physical and virtual actions


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Here, a novel and efficient strategy for moving object detection by non-parametric modeling on smart cameras is presented. Whereas the background is modeled using only color information, the foreground model combines color and spatial information. The application of a particle filter allows the update of the spatial information and provides a priori information about the areas to analyze in the following images, enabling an important reduction in the computational requirements and improving the segmentation results


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Improving the security of mobile phones is one of the crucial points required to assure the personal information and the operations that can be performed from them. This article presents an authentication procedure consisting of verifying the identity of people by making a signature in the air while holding the mobile phone. Different temporal distance algorithms have been proposed and evaluated through a database of 50 people making their signatures in the air and 6 people trying to forge each of them by studying their records. Approaches based on DTW have obtained better EER results than those based on LCS (2.80% against 3.34%). Besides, different signal normalization methods have been evaluated not finding any with better EER results that when no normalization has carried out.


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This paper presents the design of a bat-like micro aerial vehicle with actuated morphing wings. NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs) acting as artificial biceps and triceps muscles are used for mimicking the morphing wing mechanism of the bat flight apparatus. Our objective is twofold. Firstly, we have implemented a control architecture that allows an accurate and fast SMA actuation. This control makes use of the electrical resistance measurements of SMAs to adjust morphing wing motions. Secondly, the feasibility of using SMA actuation technology is evaluated for the application at hand. To this purpose, experiments are conducted to analyze the control performance in terms of nominal and overloaded operation modes of the SMAs. This analysis includes: (i) inertial forces regarding the stretchable wing membrane and aerodynamic loads, and (ii) uncertainties due to impact of airflow conditions over the resistance–motion relationship of SMAs. With the proposed control, morphing actuation speed can be increased up to 2.5 Hz, being sufficient to generate lift forces at a cruising speed of 5ms−1.


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Advances in electronics nowadays facilitate the design of smart spaces based on physical mash-ups of sensor and actuator devices. At the same time, software paradigms such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT) are motivating the creation of technology to support the development and deployment of web-enabled embedded sensor and actuator devices with two major objectives: (i) to integrate sensing and actuating functionalities into everyday objects, and (ii) to easily allow a diversity of devices to plug into the Internet. Currently, developers who are applying this Internet-oriented approach need to have solid understanding about specific platforms and web technologies. In order to alleviate this development process, this research proposes a Resource-Oriented and Ontology-Driven Development (ROOD) methodology based on the Model Driven Architecture (MDA). This methodology aims at enabling the development of smart spaces through a set of modeling tools and semantic technologies that support the definition of the smart space and the automatic generation of code at hardware level. ROOD feasibility is demonstrated by building an adaptive health monitoring service for a Smart Gym.


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Embedded context management in resource-constrained devices (e.g. mobile phones, autonomous sensors or smart objects) imposes special requirements in terms of lightness for data modelling and reasoning. In this paper, we explore the state-of-the-art on data representation and reasoning tools for embedded mobile reasoning and propose a light inference system (LIS) aiming at simplifying embedded inference processes offering a set of functionalities to avoid redundancy in context management operations. The system is part of a service-oriented mobile software framework, conceived to facilitate the creation of context-aware applications?it decouples sensor data acquisition and context processing from the application logic. LIS, composed of several modules, encapsulates existing lightweight tools for ontology data management and rule-based reasoning, and it is ready to run on Java-enabled handheld devices. Data management and reasoning processes are designed to handle a general ontology that enables communication among framework components. Both the applications running on top of the framework and the framework components themselves can configure the rule and query sets in order to retrieve the information they need from LIS. In order to test LIS features in a real application scenario, an ?Activity Monitor? has been designed and implemented: a personal health-persuasive application that provides feedback on the user?s lifestyle, combining data from physical and virtual sensors. In this case of use, LIS is used to timely evaluate the user?s activity level, to decide on the convenience of triggering notifications and to determine the best interface or channel to deliver these context-aware alerts.


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This article presents the design, kinematic model and communication architecture for the multi-agent robotic system called SMART. The philosophy behind this kind of system requires the communication architecture to contemplate the concurrence of the whole system. The proposed architecture combines different communication technologies (TCP/IP and Bluetooth) under one protocol designed for the cooperation among agents and other elements of the system such as IP-Cameras, image processing library, path planner, user Interface, control block and data block. The high level control is modeled by Work-Flow Petri nets and implemented in C++ and C♯♯. Experimental results show the performance of the designed architecture.