5 resultados para situated engagement

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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To provide public and private actors at local, regional, national and European levels with methodologies to: – Create the conditions for them to gradually appropriate the problematic of long term rehabilitation following a situation of long‐lasting radioactive contamination; – Develop in their context appropriate means and tools for rehabilitation strategies; – Foster innovation and experimentation at territorial and national levels.


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Spanish Educational Laws have been promoting the widespread use of English; as a result, Spanish Uni versities are looking for ways to give students more international training in order to prepare them for a future that will increasingly involve global problems and partnerships. Therefore, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain (UPM), and the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada (UBCO) have come together to offer opportunities for international collaboration and learning, thus facilitating virtual encounters among Spanish and Canadian students. The Language Exchange Program between the UPM and UBCO acts as a model for sustainability innovation in language and culture engagement as the students can interact with native speakers in communication tasks. This interdisciplinary initiative supports the latest methodological principles observed in the Common European Framework for Languages, such as autonomous and life-long learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment as well as the incorporation of new technologies to the learning process. Additionally the ‘virtual’ mobility is provided at no extra cost. This article presents the preliminary results of two virtual exchange programs that have been offering varied forms of study which are venue-independent, and have clearly expanded the range of scenarios for the students on both sides by promoting collaborative work and cultural exchange.


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The Language Exchange Program between the UPM and UBCO acts as a model for sustainability innovation in language and culture engagement as the students can interact with native speakers in communication tasks. This interdisciplinary initiative supports the latest methodological principles observed in the Common European Framework for Languages [1], such as autonomous and lifelong learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment as well as the incorporation of new technologies to the learning process


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An important part of human intelligence, both historically and operationally, is our ability to communicate. We learn how to communicate, and maintain our communicative skills, in a society of communicators – a highly effective way to reach and maintain proficiency in this complex skill. Principles that might allow artificial agents to learn language this way are in completely known at present – the multi-dimensional nature of socio-communicative skills are beyond every machine learning framework so far proposed. Our work begins to address the challenge of proposing a way for observation-based machine learning of natural language and communication. Our framework can learn complex communicative skills with minimal up-front knowledge. The system learns by incrementally producing predictive models of causal relationships in observed data, guided by goal-inference and reasoning using forward-inverse models. We present results from two experiments where our S1 agent learns human communication by observing two humans interacting in a realtime TV-style interview, using multimodal communicative gesture and situated language to talk about recycling of various materials and objects. S1 can learn multimodal complex language and multimodal communicative acts, a vocabulary of 100 words forming natural sentences with relatively complex sentence structure, including manual deictic reference and anaphora. S1 is seeded only with high-level information about goals of the interviewer and interviewee, and a small ontology; no grammar or other information is provided to S1 a priori. The agent learns the pragmatics, semantics, and syntax of complex utterances spoken and gestures from scratch, by observing the humans compare and contrast the cost and pollution related to recycling aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspaper, plastic, and wood. After 20 hours of observation S1 can perform an unscripted TV interview with a human, in the same style, without making mistakes.


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Invariantes del pensamiento en los arquitectos de Madrid. Primera década del siglo XXI. Una historia de transmisión oral es una Tesis Doctoral que parte de la elaboración de un archivo documental inédito, archivo que aglutina los testimonios de los más importantes arquitectos de Madrid presentes durante los primeros diez años del siglo XXI. Estos testimonios se recogen ordenadamente a modo de conversaciones transcritas, reflexiones puntuales y audios. La incorporación de los audios al trabajo documental permite comprobar a futuros investigadores, de manera directa, la certeza de las conclusiones o, incluso, establecer interpretaciones distintas. Los documentos sonoros son el germen de este trabajo. La Tesis Doctoral ordena e interpreta los testimonios en su apartado de ANÁLISIS/ DESARROLLO permitiendo entender a través de constantes demostraciones un hilo conductor del pensamiento en los arquitectos de Madrid. Se trata de una Tesis Doctoral que se entiende como un documento vivo, abierto y que gracias a su carácter inédito descubre matices y reflexiones de los arquitectos nunca antes recogidos en otros trabajos. Se ha conseguido reunir y ordenar por primera vez la voz y el pensamiento de los más importantes arquitectos de Madrid, muchos de ellos ya fallecidos. Se ha establecido un árbol genealógico ordenado y completo de los arquitectos de referencia indiscutibles desde el año 1939. Se ha conseguido reunir en un solo documento a los arquitectos y personajes más citados y recurrentes en el discurso de los arquitectos de Madrid, pudiendo constatar así sus referentes culturales más utilizados. Se ha descubierto y argumentado un pensamiento común dividido en cuatro conceptos: Oportunidad, Orden, Compromiso y Contención. Se produce una aproximación al arquitecto y a su pensamiento de la manera más natural y espontánea. Las grabaciones nos permitirán introducirnos, sin imposturas, no solo en el fondo, sino también en la forma de lo que se comunica, en el cómo. Una vez seleccionados los documentos sonoros más adecuados para el objetivo de este trabajo se ha procedido a su transcripción al papel. En este proceso se depura el lenguaje y se liman defectos de forma, al mismo tiempo se resumen las conversaciones y se recogen solo los comentarios más interesantes. En el proceso de transcripción, así como en la elección de las preguntas, existe una labor editorial, la aplicación de un criterio a la hora de seleccionar, resumir, corregir, completar, etc. Para abordar las conversaciones se ha recurrido a la bibliografía de referencia de cada uno de los arquitectos. Una vez transcritas las entrevistas, se establece una valoración crítica, una aproximación teórica al tema principal de la conversación. Bien puede tratarse de una reflexión sobre el arquitecto y su trabajo o sobre algunas de las opiniones o temas vertidos durante la charla. Para situar a cada uno de los arquitectos que se citan, se ha establecido un apartado genealógico completo donde cada uno se coloca en su lugar correspondiente conforme a sus apariciones en los textos principales de la historiografía reciente desde Carlos Flores hasta el año 2010. Esta Tesis Doctoral es un testigo de la diversidad de pensamientos y actitudes así como de las coincidencias. Las conversaciones mantenidas, las reflexiones y las opiniones vertidas al respecto han tocado reiteradamente muchos temas que aparecerán ordenados en el ANÁLISIS/DESARROLLO y en el apartado DESCRIPTORES. A partir de estos y otros temas genéricos, los pensamientos se aglutinan en torno a cuatro puntos que resumen las actitudes y los planteamientos conceptuales más recurrentes y coincidentes. Estos cuatro puntos definen de una manera concreta al arquitecto de Madrid. Oportunidad, Orden, Compromiso y Contención. Identidad generada a través de una historia de transmisión oral, desde los arquitectos de las primeras generaciones de posguerra hasta hoy. ABSTRACT Invariable thought in the architects of Madrid. First decade of the XXI century. A history of oral transmission is a Doctoral Thesis that starts with the development of a new documentary file, a file which brings together the testimonies of the most important architects of Madrid present during the first ten years of this century. These testimonies include conversations, punctual reflections and audio bites. Incorporating audio allows future researchers to check certain conclusions directly or even to have different interpretations. Sound bites are the seed of this work. This Doctoral Thesis orders and interprets the testimonies in the ANALYSIS / DEVELOPMENT section, through which a common thread of thought in Madrid architects can be ascertained. This doctoral thesis is meant as a living, open document, which, thanks to its unprecedented nature, discovers nuances and reflections of architects that had never been collected in previous studies. It has brought together and sorted for the first time the voice and thoughts of the most important architects of Madrid, many of them already deceased. It has established an orderly and comprehensive reference guide to the most important architects since 1939. It has brought together in one document the most cited and recurring architects and characters in the discourse of the architects of Madrid, which enables us to observe the cultural references they used the most. We have discovered and put forward a common thought divided into four concepts: Opportunity, Order, Commitment and Containment. The architect and his thoughts are revealed as naturally and spontaneously as possible. The recordings allow us to ascertain, without impositions, not only the substance but also the form of what is communicated. After selecting the most appropriate sound bites for the purpose of this work, we have proceeded to transcribe them to paper. In this process the language has been purified and formal defects have been dealt with, and at the same time the conversations have been summarized and only the most interesting comments have been kept. The transcription process and the choice of questions entails editorial work, applying a criterion when selecting, summarizing, amending, supplementing, etc. To address the conversations, the bibliographic reference of each of the architects has been used. Once the interviews have been transcribed, a critical appraisal and a theoretical approach to the main topic of conversation are established. It may be a reflection on the architect and his work or some of the views or issues discussed during the talk. In order to place each of the cited architects, a complete family tree has been devised in which each architect is situated according to his appearances in the main text of recent historiography, from Carlos Flores until 2010. This Doctoral Thesis is a witness to the diversity of thoughts, attitudes and coincidences. The conversations, reflections and opinions expressed in this regard have repeatedly touched many issues that will be sorted in the ANALYSIS/DEVELOPMENT and the KEYWORDS section. From these and other generic issues, thoughts coalesce around four points which summarize the attitudes and the most recurrent and similar conceptual approaches. These four points define the architect of Madrid in a concrete way. Opportunity, order, engagement and containment. An identity generated by a history of oral transmission, from the architects of the first post-war generations until today.