27 resultados para singularity

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Recently a new type of cosmological singularity has been postulated for infinite barotropic index w in the equation of state p = wρ of the cosmological fluid, but vanishing pressure and density at the singular event. Apparently the barotropic index w would be the only physical quantity to blow up at the singularity. In this talk we would like to discuss the strength of such singularities and compare them with other types. We show that they are weak singularities


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The purpose of this study is to determine the critical wear levels of the contact wire of the catenary on metropolitan lines. The study has focussed on the zones of contact wire where localised wear is produced, normally associated with the appearance of electric arcs. To this end, a finite element model has been developed to study the dynamics of pantograph-catenary interaction. The model includes a zone of localised wear and a singularity in the contact wire in order to simulate the worst case scenario from the point of view of stresses. In order to consider the different stages in the wire wear process, different depths and widths of the localised wear zone were defined. The results of the dynamic simulations performed for each stage of wear let the area of the minimum resistant section of the contact wire be determined for which stresses are greater than the allowable stress. The maximum tensile stress reached in the contact wire shows a clear sensitivity to the size of the local wear zone, defined by its width and depth. In this way, if the wear measurements taken with an overhead line recording vehicle are analysed, it will be possible to calculate the potential breakage risk of the wire. A strong dependence of the tensile forces of the contact wire has also been observed. These results will allow priorities to be set for replacing the most critical sections of wire, thereby making maintenance much more efficient. The results obtained show that the wire replacement criteria currently borne in mind have turned out to be appropriate, although in some wear scenarios these criteria could be adjusted even more, and so prolong the life cycle of the contact wire.


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The Ebro River Basin, with around 85 000 km2 and located in NE Spain, is characterized by the high spatial heterogeneity of its geology, topography, climatology and land use. Rainfall is one of the most important climatic variables studied owing to its non-homogenous behaviour in event and intensity, which creates drought, water runoff and soil erosion with negative environmental and social consequences. In this work we characterized the rainfall variability pattern in the Ebro River Basin using universal multifractal (UM) analysis, which estimates the concentration of the data around the precipitation average (C1, codimension average), the degree of multiscaling behaviour in time (? index) and the maximum probable singularity in the rainfall distribution ( s). A spatial and temporal analysis of the UM parameters is applied to study the possible changes. With this porpoise, 60 daily rainfall series were selected from 132 synthetic series generated by Luna and Balairón (AEMet). These daily rainfall series present a length of 60 years, from 1950 to 2009. Each one of them was subdivided (1950?1970 and 1980?2009) to analyse the difference between the two periods. The range of variation of precipitation amounts and the frequency of dry events between both periods are discussed, as well as the evolution of the UM parameters through the years.


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El objetivo central de la presente investigación es profundizar la interpretación de los parámetros multifractales en el caso de las series de precipitación. Para ello se aborda, en primer lugar, la objetivación de la selección de la parte lineal de las curvas log-log que se encuentra en la base de los métodos de análisis fractal y multifractal; y, en segundo lugar, la generación de series artificiales de precipitación, con características similares a las reales, que permitan manipular los datos y evaluar la influencia de las modificaciones controladas de las series en los resultados de los parámetros multifractales derivados. En cuanto al problema de la selección de la parte lineal de las curvas log-log se desarrollaron dos métodos: a. Cambio de tendencia, que consiste en analizar el cambio de pendiente de las rectas ajustadas a dos subconjuntos consecutivos de los datos. b. Eliminación de casos, que analiza la mejora en el p-valor asociado al coeficiente de correlación al eliminar secuencialmente los puntos finales de la regresión. Los resultados obtenidos respecto a la regresión lineal establecen las siguientes conclusiones: - La metodología estadística de la regresión muestra la dificultad para encontrar el valor de la pendiente de tramos rectos de curvas en el procedimiento base del análisis fractal, indicando que la toma de decisión de los puntos a considerar redunda en diferencias significativas de las pendientes encontradas. - La utilización conjunta de los dos métodos propuestos ayuda a objetivar la toma de decisión sobre la parte lineal de las familias de curvas en el análisis fractal, pero su utilidad sigue dependiendo del número de datos de que se dispone y de las altas significaciones que se obtienen. En cuanto al significado empírico de los parámetros multifratales de la precipitación, se han generado 19 series de precipitación por medio de un simulador de datos diarios en cascada a partir de estimaciones anuales y mensuales, y en base a estadísticos reales de 4 estaciones meteorológicas españolas localizadas en un gradiente de NW a SE. Para todas las series generadas, se calculan los parámetros multifractales siguiendo la técnica de estimación de la DTM (Double Trace Moments - Momentos de Doble Traza) desarrollado por Lavalle et al. (1993) y se observan las modificaciones producidas. Los resultados obtenidos arrojaron las siguientes conclusiones: - La intermitencia, C1, aumenta al concentrar las precipitaciones en menos días, al hacerla más variable, o al incrementar su concentración en los días de máxima, mientras no se ve afectado por la modificación en la variabilidad del número de días de lluvia. - La multifractalidad, α, se ve incrementada con el número de días de lluvia y la variabilidad de la precipitación, tanto anual como mensual, así como también con la concentración de precipitación en el día de máxima. - La singularidad probable máxima, γs, se ve incrementada con la concentración de la lluvia en el día de precipitación máxima mensual y la variabilidad a nivel anual y mensual. - El grado no- conservativo, H, depende del número de los días de lluvia que aparezcan en la serie y secundariamente de la variabilidad general de la lluvia. - El índice de Hurst generalizado se halla muy ligado a la singularidad probable máxima. ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to interpret the multifractal parameters in the case of precipitation series from an empirical approach. In order to do so the first proposed task was to objectify the selection of the linear part of the log-log curves that is a fundamental step of the fractal and multifractal analysis methods. A second task was to generate precipitation series, with real like features, which allow evaluating the influence of controlled series modifications on the values of the multifractal parameters estimated. Two methods are developed for selecting the linear part of the log-log curves in the fractal and multifractal analysis: A) Tendency change, which means analyzing the change in slope of the fitted lines to two consecutive subsets of data. B) Point elimination, which analyzes the improvement in the p- value associated to the coefficient of correlation when the final regression points are sequentially eliminated. The results indicate the following conclusions: - Statistical methodology of the regression shows the difficulty of finding the slope value of straight sections of curves in the base procedure of the fractal analysis, pointing that the decision on the points to be considered yield significant differences in slopes values. - The simultaneous use of the two proposed methods helps to objectify the decision about the lineal part of a family of curves in fractal analysis, but its usefulness are still depending on the number of data and the statistical significances obtained. Respect to the empiric meaning of the precipitation multifractal parameters, nineteen precipitation series were generated with a daily precipitation simulator derived from year and month estimations and considering statistics from actual data of four Spanish rain gauges located in a gradient from NW to SE. For all generated series the multifractal parameters were estimated following the technique DTM (Double Trace Moments) developed by Lavalle et al. (1993) and the variations produced considered. The results show the following conclusions: 1. The intermittency, C1, increases when precipitation is concentrating for fewer days, making it more variable, or when increasing its concentration on maximum monthly precipitation days, while it is not affected due to the modification in the variability in the number of days it rained. 2. Multifractility, α, increases with the number of rainy days and the variability of the precipitation, yearly as well as monthly, as well as with the concentration of precipitation on the maximum monthly precipitation day. 3. The maximum probable singularity, γs, increases with the concentration of rain on the day of the maximum monthly precipitation and the variability in yearly and monthly level. 4. The non-conservative degree, H’, depends on the number of rainy days that appear on the series and secondly on the general variability of the rain. 5. The general Hurst index is linked to the maximum probable singularity.


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Las dinámicas de reorganización de la producción y las transformaciones económicas determinaron la crisis de gran parte de las regiones industriales de Europa y Estados Unidos en las últimas décadas del siglo XX. Ante la persistencia e intensidad del declive de muchas de ellas, cabe preguntarse, ¿existen futuros para la ciudad industrial? O, en otras palabras, ¿es el declive un proceso irreversible? La incidencia dispar del declive así como la gradual regeneración de algunas regiones industriales en los últimos años parece apuntar hacia cierta capacidad de respuesta local ante unas dinámicas de escala global. Las múltiples trayectorias de las regiones de base industrial tan sólo parecen poder explicarse desde su singularidad. La presente tesis doctoral tiene por objeto analizar las posibilidades de orientar los procesos de deterioro urbano de las regiones industriales y examinar la capacidad de la planificación de intervenir sobre ellos a través de dos estudios de caso, El modo de abordar el análisis, estudiar la ciudad en evolución, debería proporcionar una mejor comprensión de las repercusiones del modelo de crecimiento de cada ciudad sobre su posterior declive y resaltar la influencia de las decisiones políticas y espaciales de cada etapa en el desarrollo futuro del territorio. Analizar la evolución de dos regiones industriales extremadamente diferentes dará la oportunidad de investigar, en primer lugar, uno de los casos paradigmáticos de deterioro urbano, Detroit y, tras haberse interrogado sobre las causas específicas de la persistencia y duración de su declive, estudiar la evolución urbana de la región de Nantes – Saint-Nazaire para comprender la singularidad de su regeneración tras años de estancamiento. El análisis de estos territorios debería permitir progresar en el conocimiento de los procesos de declive, comparar las diferentes estrategias y modelos urbanos, comprender las diferencias entre ellos e interrogarnos sobre la posibilidad de orientar los procesos de deterioro urbano. Las respuestas de este análisis quizás nos ayuden a afirmar la existencia de futuros múltiples para la ciudad industrial. Global dynamics such as economic transformations and reorganizations of production led to the crisis of most industrial cities in Europe and the U.S in the last decades of the 20th century. Most of them have suffered or are still suffering the consequences of urban decay and shrinkage. Given the severity and persistence of some of these processes, a significant question may be raised: are there alternative futures for former industrial cities? Or is urban decay an irreversible process? Nevertheless, the diverse evolution of these cities, as well as the gradual restructuring of some of them in recent years, seem to point toward the relevance of local response to these global dynamics. The different paths of development of industrial cities since 1970s may only be explained by their singularity and specific local conditions. This research aims to examine possibilities to guide urban decline and shrinkage in former industrial regions and to analyze the ability of urban planning to intervene in these processes through two case studies. The method of research, exploring cities in evolution, should provide a greater understanding of the effects of different modes of development during the city’s heyday on its subsequent shrinkage. Likewise, it should highlight the influence of each period’s local decisions on the future trajectory of the city. The evolutive analysis of two extremely different industrial regions will give us, first, the opportunity to study a paradigm of urban decay, Detroit, by exploring over time the specific causes of its decline’s prevalence. In the second place, we will be able to study Nantes - Saint-Nazaire region, examining the distinctiveness of its recent restructuring after years of shrinkage and stagnation. Through these examples, we would be able to analyze the consequences of decision-making on the evolution of each city. It should also let us compare diverse strategies and enable us to question the ability of planning to tackle decay. The conclusions of the analysis may help us to assert the existence of alternative futures for industrial cities.


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Recommender systems play an important role in reducing the negative impact of informa- tion overload on those websites where users have the possibility of voting for their prefer- ences on items. The most normal technique for dealing with the recommendation mechanism is to use collaborative filtering, in which it is essential to discover the most similar users to whom you desire to make recommendations. The hypothesis of this paper is that the results obtained by applying traditional similarities measures can be improved by taking contextual information, drawn from the entire body of users, and using it to cal- culate the singularity which exists, for each item, in the votes cast by each pair of users that you wish to compare. As such, the greater the measure of singularity result between the votes cast by two given users, the greater the impact this will have on the similarity. The results, tested on the Movielens, Netflix and FilmAffinity databases, corroborate the excellent behaviour of the singularity measure proposed.


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An experience developed by the authors in the design of educational tools, funded on multimedia support for using in teaching, will be presented. These tools have been used on the subject of Helicopters, http://ocw.upm.es/ingenieriaaeroespacial/ helicopteros at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (E.U.I.T. Aeronáutica). Throughout more than ten years, these didactical and educational elements have been defined and developed. It has the singularity that most of them have been designed for undergraduate students, as a part of their end of degree projectwork. This peculiarity has led to a wide range of proposals and solutions, as well as an appropriate approach. depending on the level of knowledge. The evolution of tools for developing these materials will be presented, discussing advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we will advance the new materials which are being prepared at present.


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It is well known that the evaluation of the influence matrices in the boundary-element method requires the computation of singular integrals. Quadrature formulae exist which are especially tailored to the specific nature of the singularity, i.e. log(*- x0)9 Ijx- JC0), etc. Clearly the nodes and weights of these formulae vary with the location Xo of the singular point. A drawback of this approach is that a given problem usually includes different types of singularities, and therefore a general-purpose code would have to include many alternative formulae to cater for all possible cases. Recently, several authors1"3 have suggested a type independent alternative technique based on the combination of standard Gaussian rules with non-linear co-ordinate transformations. The transformation approach is particularly appealing in connection with the p.adaptive version, where the location of the collocation points varies at each step of the refinement process. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the technique in eference 3. We show that this technique is asymptotically correct as the number of Gauss points increases. However, the method possesses a 'hidden' source of error that is analysed and can easily be removed.


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The numerical strategies employed in the evaluation of singular integrals existing in the Cauchy principal value (CPV) sense are, undoubtedly, one of the key aspects which remarkably affect the performance and accuracy of the boundary element method (BEM). Thus, a new procedure, based upon a bi-cubic co-ordinate transformation and oriented towards the numerical evaluation of both the CPV integrals and some others which contain different types of singularity is developed. Both the ideas and some details involved in the proposed formulae are presented, obtaining rather simple and-attractive expressions for the numerical quadrature which are also easily embodied into existing BEM codes. Some illustrative examples which assess the stability and accuracy of the new formulae are included.


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This paper is concerned with the low dimensional structure of optimal streaks in the Blasius boundary layer. Optimal streaks are well known to exhibit an approximate self-similarity, namely the streamwise velocity re-scaled with their maximum remains almost independent of both the spanwise wavenumber and the streamwise coordinate. However, the reason of this self-similar behavior is still unexplained as well as unexploited. After revisiting the structure of the streaks near the leading edge singularity, two additional approximately self-similar relations involving the velocity components and their wall normal derivatives are identified. Based on these properties, we derive a low dimensional model with two degrees of freedom. The comparison with the results obtained from the linearized boundary layer equations shows that this model is consistent and provide good approximations.


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Saxon colonization in Transylvania occurred from 12th Century with the establishment of the populations with certain degree of freedom and autonomy. External threats over this territory obliged to the fortification of their churches, mainly between 15th and 16th Centuries with the advance of Turkish Empire. The fortification of the churches consists on the building of walls with gates and flanking towers, and also with the incorporation of several defensive elements over the apses. Most outstanding characteristics of this fortified system are the homogeneity in typology, construction and polyorcetic, without detracting of the singularity of each one of the more of 150 conserved churches. The article presents an actual state of the art. Also, it develops the main historical elements and it explains the architectonic typology and the constructive characteristics. At last, defensive elements are analyzed from the comparative and deep study through three proper examples: the churches of Hosman, Pelisor and Mosna. La colonización sajona de Transilvania se produjo a partir del siglo XII con el asentamiento de poblaciones con cierto grado de libertad y autonomía. Las amenazas externas sobre este territorio obligaron a la fortificación de sus iglesias, principalmente entre los siglos XV y XVI ante el avance del imperio turco. La fortificación de las iglesias consta de la construcción de murallas con puertas y torres de flanqueo, además de la incorporación de diversos elementos poliorcéticos sobre las cabeceras de las iglesias. Las características más relevantes de este sistema fortificado es la homogeneidad tipológica, constructiva y poliorcética sin menoscabo de la singularidad de cada una de las más de 150 iglesias conservadas. El artículo presenta un estado de la cuestión actualizado, además de desarrollar los elementos históricos más relevantes, explicar la tipología arquitectónica y las característica constructivas y analizar los elementos poliorcéticos desde el estudio comparado y profundo de tres ejemplos característicos: las iglesias de Hosman, Pelisor y Mosna.


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El objeto del presente artículo es el estudio de singularidades en problemas de Potencial mediante el uso del Método de las Ecuaciones Integrales sobre el contorno del dominio en estudio. Frente a soluciones basadas en la mejora de la discretización, análisis asintótico o introducción de funciones de forma que representen mejor la evolución de la función, una nueva hipótesis es presentada: el término responsable de la singularidad es incluido en la integral sobre el contorno de la función auxiliar. Los resultados obtenidos mejoran los de soluciones anteriores simplificando también el tiempo de cálculo = The subject of this paper is the modelling of singularities in potential problems, using the Boundary Integral Equation Method. As a logical alternative to classical methods (discretization refinement, asymptotic analysis, high order interpolatory functions) a new hypothesis is presented: the singularity responsible term is included in the interpolatory shape function. As shown by several exemples results are splendid and computer time radically shortened.


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A theory is developed of an electrostatic probe in a fully-ionized plasma in the presence of a strong magnetic field. The ratio of electron Larmor radius to probe transverse dimension is assumed to be small. Poisson's equation, together with kinetic equations for ions and electrons are considered. An asymptotic perturbation method of multiple scales is used by considering the characteristic lengths appearing in the problem. The leading behavior of the solution is found. The results obtained appear to apply to weaker fields also, agreeing with the solutions known in the limit of no magnetic field. The range of potentials for wich results are presented is limited. The basic effects produced by the field are a depletion of the plasma near the probe and a non-monotonic potential surrounding the probe. The ion saturation current is not changed but changes appear in both the floating potential Vf and the slope of the current-voltage diagram at Vf. The transition region extends beyond the space potential Vs,at wich point the current is largely reduced. The diagram does not have an exponential form in this region as commonly assumed. There exists saturation in electron collection. The extent to which the plasma is disturbed is determined. A cylindrical probe has no solution because of a logarithmic singularity at infinity. Extensions of the theory are considered.


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In recent years a great number of high speed railway bridges have been constructed within the Spanish borders. Due to the demanding high speed trains route's geometrical requirements, bridges frequently show remarkable lengths. This fact is the main reason why railway bridges are overall longer than roadway bridges. In the same line, it is also worth highlighting the importance of high speed trains braking forces compared to vehicles. While vehicles braking forces can be tackled easily, the railway braking forces demand the existence of a fixed-point. It is generally located at abutments where the no-displacements requirement can be more easily achieved. In some other cases the fixed-point is placed in one of the interior columns. As a consequence of these bridges' length and the need of a fixed-point, temperature, creep and shrinkage strains lead to fairly significant deck displacements, which become greater with the distance to the fixed-point. These displacements need to be accommodated by the piers and bearings deformation. Regular elastomeric bearings are not able to allow such displacements and therefore are not suitable for this task. For this reason, the use of sliding PTFE POT bearings has been an extensive practice mainly because they permit sliding with low friction. This is not the only reason of the extensive use of these bearings to high-speed railways bridges. The value of the vertical loads at each bent is significantly higher than in roadway bridges. This is so mainly because the live loads due to trains traffic are much greater than vehicles. Thus, gravel rails foundation represents a non-negligible permanent load at all. All this together increases the value of vertical loads to be withstood. This high vertical load demand discards the use of conventional bearings for excessive compressions. The PTFE POT bearings' higher technology allows to accommodate this level of compression thanks to their design. The previously explained high-speed railway bridge configuration leads to a key fact regarding longitudinal horizontal loads (such as breaking forces) which is the transmission of these loads entirely to the fixed-point alone. Piers do not receive these longitudinal horizontal loads since PTFE POT bearings displayed are longitudinally free-sliding. This means that longitudinal horizontal actions on top of piers will not be forces but imposed displacements. This feature leads to the need to approach these piers design in a different manner that when piers are elastically linked to superstructure, which is the case of elastomeric bearings. In response to the previous, the main goal of this Thesis is to present a Design Method for columns displaying either longitudinally fixed POT bearings or longitudinally free PTFE POT bearings within bridges with fixed-point deck configuration, applicable to railway and road vehicles bridges. The method was developed with the intention to account for all major parameters that play a role in these columns behavior. The long process that has finally led to the method's formulation is rooted in the understanding of these column's behavior. All the assumptions made to elaborate the formulations contained in this method have been made in benefit of conservatives results. The singularity of the analysis of columns with this configuration is due to a combination of different aspects. One of the first steps of this work was to study they of these design aspects and understand the role each plays in the column's response. Among these aspects, special attention was dedicated to the column's own creep due to permanent actions such us rheological deck displacements, and also to the longitudinally guided PTFE POT bearings implications in the design of the column. The result of this study is the Design Method presented in this Thesis, that allows to work out a compliant vertical reinforcement distribution along the column. The design of horizontal reinforcement due to shear forces is not addressed in this Thesis. The method's formulations are meant to be applicable to the greatest number of cases, leaving to the engineer judgement many of the different parameters values. In this regard, this method is a helpful tool for a wide range of cases. The widespread use of European standards in the more recent years, in particular the so-called Eurocodes, has been one of the reasons why this Thesis has been developed in accordance with Eurocodes. Same trend has been followed for the bearings design implications, which are covered by the rather recent European code EN-1337. One of the most relevant aspects that this work has taken from the Eurocodes is the non-linear calculations security format. The biaxial bending simplified approach that shows the Design Method presented in this work also lies on Eurocodes recommendations. The columns under analysis are governed by a set of dimensionless parameters that are presented in this work. The identification of these parameters is a helpful for design purposes for two columns with identical dimensionless parameters may be designed together. The first group of these parameters have to do with the cross-sectional behavior, represented in the bending-curvature diagrams. A second group of parameters define the columns response. Thanks to this identification of the governing dimensionless parameters, it has been possible what has been named as Dimensionless Design Curves, which basically allows to obtain in a reduced time a preliminary vertical reinforcement column distribution. These curves are of little use nowadays, firstly because each family of curves refer to specific values of many different parameters and secondly because the use of computers allows for extremely quick and accurate calculations.


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La arquitectura histórica constituye un ámbito de notable singularidad dentro del patrimonio cultural, ya que representa uno de los máximos exponentes de la cultura material de las sociedades precedentes. Su adecuada conservación y preservación debe ir necesariamente precedida de un riguroso y profundo conocimiento de sus valores culturales, de ahí la importancia de las investigaciones en este campo. Entre todos los elementos que configuran las edificaciones históricas, son probablemente las bóvedas los elementos más singulares, dada su relevancia desde un punto de vista tanto estético como estructural y constructivo. Hasta la fecha, los estudios centrados en los abovedamientos medievales góticos han aportado visiones generales del conjunto de obras, estableciendo las pertinentes clasificaciones y poniendo de manifiesto la notable variedad de tipos de bóvedas de crucería. La presente investigación tiene su origen en la necesidad de profundizar en el conocimiento de este sistema constructivo mediante el estudio específico y sistemático de un tipo concreto de abovedamiento: las bóvedas de crucería rebajadas que sustentan los coros altos de los templos. En concreto, el análisis se ha centrado en aquellos abovedamientos construidos en la Corona de Castilla durante los reinados de los Reyes Católicos y Carlos I, puesto que es en este momento de transición entre el mundo medieval y la Edad Moderna con una coexistencia de la tradición medieval y las nuevas ideas renacentistas cuando se crean las más singulares obras. Por lo tanto, el trabajo desarrollado se ha centrado en el estudio e interpretación de los procesos de diseño, trazado y construcción específicos de cada una de las bóvedas. Más allá de un enfoque descriptivo o basado en una visión actual, se ha tratado de profundizar en los métodos, sistemas y recursos que los maestros canteros emplearon, lo que ha obligado a adoptar en la medida de lo posible la mentalidad y conocimiento bajomedievales. Con estas premisas se ha desarrollado una investigación que necesariamente se ha apoyado en la contextualización histórica de cada una de las bóvedas, generándose un catálogo completo de las obras. Posteriormente, se ha desarrollado una toma de datos y un análisis individualizado de cada una de ellas, para poder obtener una interpretación de su proceso de diseño y construcción. Finalmente, se ha abordado un estudio comparativo del conjunto de las obras, poniendo en relación sus características históricas, geométricas, constructivas y estructurales. Ello ha permitido obtener unos resultados novedosos respecto a las principales cuestiones sobre el diseño y construcción de las bóvedas de crucería rebajadas, poniendo de relieve su singularidad y el profundo conocimiento de los maestros canteros que las crearon. De este modo, se ha pretendido avanzar en la investigación y sentar las bases para posteriores trabajos en el ámbito de los abovedamientos de crucería. Historical architecture is a quite singular field when considering cultural heritage, because it is one of the most important exponents of the material culture previous societies. Its proper conservation and restoration must be preceded of a rigorous and deep knowledge of the cultural values, and that is why researches in this fi eld are very important. The study of historical architecture has been developed traditionally from the viewpoint of History of Art and Architecture. Thanks to such discipline, it has been possible to establish and systematize several architectonical types and styles. However, there has been a lack in relationship with the analyses focused on the structural and constructive historical systems, which has been recently compensated by the gradual development of the discipline of Construction History. Among the several elements which form the historical buildings, the vaults are probably the most singular elements, thanks to their aesthetic, constructive and structural relevance. To date, the studies focused on the medieval gothic vaults have provided general visions of the whole group of works, which has allowed defi ning the proper classifi cations and underlining the great variety of kinds of ribbed vaults. The present research has its origin in the need of a deeper knowledge of this specific constructive system. For that reason, a specifi c and systematic analysis of a particular kind of vaults has been developed. It is focused on the surbased ribbed vaults which support the elevated choirs of some churches. In particular, it includes the works built in the Crown of Castille during the kingdoms of Catholic Kings and Carlos I, because at this precise moment of transition from the medieval world into de Modern Age with a coexistence of the medieval tradition and the new classicistic ideas the most singular and relevant surbased vaults were built. In this way, the analysis has been focused in the study and interpretation of the design, tracing and construction methods of each vault. More than a descriptive approach or an analysis based on our contemporary point of view and knowledge, this research has studied the methods, systems and resources of master masons in depth. Then, it has been necessary to adopt as much as possible their mentality, as well as the late medieval knowledge. With the above mentioned premises, the research has been developed including the historical contextualization of each vault, providing also a complete catalogue of such works. After obtaining the proper survey, measurements and other complementary data, each one has been analyzed in order to develop a hypothesis of the design and construction process. Finally, a comparative study has been carried out, which has allowed putting in relationship the historical, geometrical, constructive and structural features of the whole group of vaults. This research has provided novel results about de design and construction of surbased ribbed vaults, underlining their singularity as well as the deep knowledge of master masons who created them. In this way, we have tried to go further in this scientific field and to set the basis for latter researches focused on ribbed vaults.