31 resultados para semiconductor cluster
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
A new method for measuring the linewidth enhancement factor (α-parameter) of semiconductor lasers is proposed and discussed. The method itself provides an estimation of the measurement error, thus self-validating the entire procedure. The α-parameter is obtained from the temporal profile and the instantaneous frequency (chirp) of the pulses generated by gain switching. The time resolved chirp is measured with a polarization based optical differentiator. The accuracy of the obtained values of the α-parameter is estimated from the comparison between the directly measured pulse spectrum and the spectrum reconstructed from the chirp and the temporal profile of the pulse. The method is applied to a VCSEL and to a DFB laser emitting around 1550 nm at different temperatures, obtaining a measurement error lower than ± 8%.
The access to medical literature collections such as PubMed, MedScape or Cochrane has been increased notably in the last years by the web-based tools that provide instant access to the information. However, more sophisticated methodologies are needed to exploit efficiently all that information. The lack of advanced search methods in clinical domain produce that even using well-defined questions for a particular disease, clinicians receive too many results. Since no information analysis is applied afterwards, some relevant results which are not presented in the top of the resultant collection could be ignored by the expert causing an important loose of information. In this work we present a new method to improve scientific article search using patient information for query generation. Using federated search strategy, it is able to simultaneously search in different resources and present a unique relevant literature collection. And applying NLP techniques it presents semantically similar publications together, facilitating the identification of relevant information to clinicians. This method aims to be the foundation of a collaborative environment for sharing clinical knowledge related to patients and scientific publications.
The delay caused by the reflected ray in broadband communication has a great influence on the communications in subway tunnel. This paper presents measurements taken in subway tunnels at 2.4 GHz, with 5 MHz bandwidth. According to propagation characteristics of tunnel, the measurements were carried out with a frequency domain channel sounding technique, in three typical scenarios: line of sight (LOS), Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and far line of sight (FLOS), which lead to different delay distributions. Firstly IFFT was chosen to get channel impulse response (CIR) h(t) from measured three-dimensional transfer functions. Power delay profile (PDP) was investigated to give an overview of broadband channel model. Thereafter, a long delay caused by the obturation of tunnel is observed and investigated in all the scenarios. The measurements show that the reflection can be greatly remained by the tunnel, which leads to long delay cluster where the reflection, but direct ray, makes the main contribution for radio wave propagation. Four important parameters: distribution of whole PDP power, first peak arriving time, reflection cluster duration and PDP power distribution of reflection cluster were studied to give a detailed description of long delay characteristic in tunnel. This can be used to ensure high capacity communication in tunnels
We experimentally demonstrate a sigmoidal variation of the composition profile across semiconductor heterointerfaces. The wide range of material systems (III-arsenides, III-antimonides, III-V quaternary compounds, III-nitrides) exhibiting such a profile suggests a universal behavior. We show that sigmoidal profiles emerge from a simple model of cooperative growth mediated by twodimensional island formation, wherein cooperative effects are described by a specific functional dependence of the sticking coefficient on the surface coverage. Experimental results confirm that, except in the very early stages, island growth prevails over nucleation as the mechanism governing the interface development and ultimately determines the sigmoidal shape of the chemical profile in these two-dimensional grown layers. In agreement with our experimental findings, the model also predicts a minimum value of the interfacial width, with the minimum attainable value depending on the chemical identity of the species.
We propose a pulse shaping and shortening technique for pulses generated from gain switched single mode semiconductor lasers, based on a Mach Zehnder interferometer with variable delay. The spectral and temporal characteristics of the pulses obtained with the proposed technique are investigated with numerical simulations. Experiments are performed with a Distributed Feedback laser and a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser, emitting at 1.5 µm, obtaining pulse duration reduction of 25-30%. The main asset of the proposed technique is that it can be applied to different devices and pulses, taking advantage of the flexibility of the gain switching technique.
We show a cluster based routing protocol in order to improve the convergence of the clusters and of the network it is proposed to use a backup cluster head. The use of a event discrete simulator is used for the implementation and the simulation of a hierarchical routing protocol called the Backup Cluster Head Protocol (BCHP). Finally it is shown that the BCHP protocol improves the convergence and availability of the network through a comparative analysis with the Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV)[1] routing protocol and Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP)[2]
We present an educational software addressed to the students of optical communication courses, for a simple visualization of the basic dynamic processes of semiconductor lasers. The graphic interface allows the user to choose the laser and the modulation parameters and it plots the laser power output and instantaneous frequency versus time. Additionally, the optical frequency variations are numerically shifted into the audible frequency range in order to produce a sound wave from the computer loudspeakers. Using the proposed software, the student can simultaneously see and hear how the laser intensity and frequency change, depending on the modulation and device parameters.
One presents in this work the study of the interaction between a focused laser beam and Si nanowires (NWs). The NWs heating induced by the laser beam is studied by solving the heat transfer equation by finite element methods (fem). This analysis permits to establish the temperature distribution inside the NW when it is excited by the laser beam. The overheating is dependent on the dimensions of the NW, both the diameter and the length. When performing optical characterization of the NWs using focused laser beams, one has to consider the temperature increase introduced by the laser beam. An important issue concerns the fact that the NWs diameter has subwavelength dimensions, and is also smaller than the focused laser beam. The analysis of the thermal behaviour of the NWs under the excitation with the laser beam permits the interpretation of the Raman spectra of Si NWs, where it is demonstrated that temperature induced by the laser beam play a major role in shaping the Raman spectrum of Si NWs
Switching of a signal beam by another control beam at different wavelength is demonstrated experimentally using the optical bistability occurring in a 1.55 mm-distributed feedback semiconductor optical amplifier (DFBSOA) working in reflection. Counterclockwise (S-shaped) and reverse (clockwise) bistability are observed in the output of the control and the signal beam respectively, as the power of the input control signal is increased. With this technique an optical signal can be set in either of the optical input wavelengths by appropriate choice of the powers of the input signals. The switching properties of the DFBSOA are studied experimentally as the applied bias current is increased from below to above threshold and for different levels of optical power in the signal beam and different wavelength detunings between both input signals. Higher on-off extinction ratios, wider bistable loops and lower input power requirements for switching are obtained when the DFBSOA is operated slightly above its threshold value.
The characteristics of optical bistability in a vertical- cavity semiconductor optical amplifier (VCSOA) operated in reflection are reported. The dependences of the optical bistability in VCSOAs on the initial phase detuning and on the applied bias current are analyzed. The optical bistability is also studied for different numbers of superimposed periods in the top distributed bragg reflector (DBR) that conform the internal cavity of the device. The appearance of the X-bistable and the clockwise bistable loops is predicted theoretically in a VCSOA operated in reflection for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. Moreover, it is also predicted that the control of the VCSOA’s top reflectivity by the addition of new superimposed periods in its top DBR reduces by one order of magnitude the input power needed for the assessment of the X- and the clockwise bistable loop, compared to that required in in-plane semiconductor optical amplifiers. These results, added to the ease of fabricating two-dimensional arrays of this kind of device could be useful for the development of new optical logic or optical signal regeneration devices.
This paper analyzes the behavior of a neural processing unit based on the optical bistable properties of semiconductor laser amplifiers. A similar unit to the reported here was previously employed in the simulation of the mammalian retina. The main advantages of the present cell are its larger fan-out and the possibility of different responses according to the light wavelength impinging onto the cell. These properties allow to work with larger structures as well as to obtain different behaviors according to the light characteristics. This new approach gives a possible modeling closer to the real biological configurations. Moreover, a more detailed analysis of the basic cell internal behavior is reported
The optical bistability occurring in laser diode amplifiers is used to design an all-optical logic gate capable to provide the whole set of logic functions. The structure of the reported logic gate is based on two connected 1550nm laser amplifiers (Fabry-Perot and distributed feedback laser amplifiers).
The semiconductor laser diodes that are typically used in applications of optical communications, when working as amplifiers, present under certain conditions optical bistability, which is characterized by abruptly switching between two different output states and an associated hysteresis cycle. This bistable behavior is strongly dependent on the frequency detuning between the frequency of the external optical signal that is injected into the semiconductor laser amplifier and its own emission frequency. This means that small changes in the wavelength of an optical signal applied to a laser amplifier causes relevant changes in the characteristics of its transfer function in terms of the power requirements to achieve bistability and the width of the hysteresis. This strong dependence in the working characteristics of semiconductor laser amplifiers on frequency detuning suggest the use of this kind of devices in optical sensing applications for optical communications, such as the detection of shifts in the emission wavelength of a laser, or detect possible interference between adjacent channels in DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) optical communication networks
Aunque los láseres de semiconductor constituyen la antítesis de lo que convencionalmente es la imagen de un láser, su uso y aplicaciones comienzan a estar tan extendidos que es seguro que dentro de muy pocos años el número de los que estarán en funcionamiento será superior al de todas las otras familias láser actualmente conocidas. La razón de lo anterior es que constituyen, como veremos, la base de los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas que se están desarrollando en todo el mundo, así como de muchos sistemas de control y, posiblemente, de algunas fases de los computadores ópticos que puedan desarrollarse en el futuro. El láser de semiconductor no emite, por lo general, el típico haz casi perfectamente paralelo que se propaga en línea recta sin apenas divergencia, ni incluso puede llegar a verse, ya que, normalmente, va a trabajar en el infrarrojo. Pero a pesar de ello, o mejor dicho, gracias a ello, es la fuente luminosa idónea para trabajar en conjunción con las fibras ópticas. El desarrollo, por otra parte, de toda la tecnología microelectrónica que puede ser aplicada a él de manera inmediata, hace que no sea necesario desarrollar nuevas técnicas para obtener de él lo que se desee. Finalmente, su tamaño y consumo de potencia, hacen de él el elemento más asequible para poder ser introducido dentro de una serie de sistemas donde esos dos parámetros sean imprescindibles. Su estudio, su desarrollo y cómo utilizarlo constituyen en consecuencia, necesidades que pueden ser esenciales en múltiples ocasiones
In this work we present the results and analysis of a 10 MeV proton irradiation experiment performed on III-V semiconductor materials and solar cells. A set of representative devices including lattice-matched InGaP/GaInAs/Ge triple junction solar cells and single junction GaAs and InGaP component solar cells and a Ge diode were irradiated for different doses. The devices were studied in-situ before and after each exposure at dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination conditions, using a solar simulator connected to the irradiation chamber through a borosilicate glass window. Ex-situ characterization techniques included dark and 1 sun AM0 illumination I-V measurements. Furthermore, numerical simulation of the devices using D-AMPS-1D code together with calculations based on the TRIM software were performed in order to gain physical insight on the experimental results. The experiment also included the proton irradiation of an unprocessed Ge solar cell structure as well as the irradiation of a bare Ge(100) substrate. Ex-situ material characterization, after radioactive deactivation of the samples, includes Raman spectroscopy and spectral reflectivity.