47 resultados para scientific visualization
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Cultural content on the Web is available in various domains (cultural objects, datasets, geospatial data, moving images, scholarly texts and visual resources), concerns various topics, is written in different languages, targeted to both laymen and experts, and provided by different communities (libraries, archives museums and information industry) and individuals (Figure 1). The integration of information technologies and cultural heritage content on the Web is expected to have an impact on everyday life from the point of view of institutions, communities and individuals. In particular, collaborative environment scan recreate 3D navigable worlds that can offer new insights into our cultural heritage (Chan 2007). However, the main barrier is to find and relate cultural heritage information by end-users of cultural contents, as well as by organisations and communities managing and producing them. In this paper, we explore several visualisation techniques for supporting cultural interfaces, where the role of metadata is essential for supporting the search and communication among end-users (Figure 2). A conceptual framework was developed to integrate the data, purpose, technology, impact, and form components of a collaborative environment, Our preliminary results show that collaborative environments can help with cultural heritage information sharing and communication tasks because of the way in which they provide a visual context to end-users. They can be regarded as distributed virtual reality systems that offer graphically realised, potentially infinite, digital information landscapes. Moreover, collaborative environments also provide a new way of interaction between an end-user and a cultural heritage data set. Finally, the visualisation of metadata of a dataset plays an important role in helping end-users in their search for heritage contents on the Web.
This paper shows the development of a science-technological knowledge transfer model in Mexico, as a means to boost the limited relations between the scientific and industrial environments. The proposal is based on the analysis of eight organizations (research centers and firms) with varying degrees of skill in the practice of science-technological knowledge transfer, and carried out by the case study approach. The analysis highlights the synergistic use of the organizational and technological capabilities of each organization, as a means to identification of the knowledge transfer mechanisms best suited to enabling the establishment of cooperative processes, and achieve the R&D and innovation activities results.
Technofusion is the scientific&technical installation for fusion research in Spain, based on three pillars: • It is an open facility to European users. • It is a facility with instrumentation not accesible to small research groups. • It is designed to be closely coordiated with the European Fusion Program. With a budget of 80-100 M€ over five years, several top laboratories will be constructed
A number of data description languages initially designed as standards for trie WWW are currently being used to implement user interfaces to programs. This is done independently of whether such programs are executed in the same or a different host as trie one running the user interface itself. The advantage of this approach is that it provides a portable, standardized, and easy to use solution for the application programmer, and a familiar behavior for the user, typically well versed in the use of WWW browsers. Among the proposed standard description languages, VRML is a aimed at representing three dimensional scenes including hyperlink capabilities. VRML is already used as an import/export format in many 3-D packages and tools, and has been shown effective in displaying complex objects and scenarios. We propose and describe a Prolog library which allows parsing and checking VRML code, transforming it, and writing it out as VRML again. The library converts such code to an internal representation based on first order terms which can then be arbitrarily manipulated. We also present as an example application the use of this library to implement a novel 3-D visualization for examining and understanding certain aspects of the behavior of CLP(FD) programs.
Virtualized Infrastructures are a promising way for providing flexible and dynamic computing solutions for resourceconsuming tasks. Scientific Workflows are one of these kind of tasks, as they need a large amount of computational resources during certain periods of time. To provide the best infrastructure configuration for a workflow it is necessary to explore as many providers as possible taking into account different criteria like Quality of Service, pricing, response time, network latency, etc. Moreover, each one of these new resources must be tuned to provide the tools and dependencies required by each of the steps of the workflow. Working with different infrastructure providers, either public or private using their own concepts and terms, and with a set of heterogeneous applications requires a framework for integrating all the information about these elements. This work proposes semantic technologies for describing and integrating all the information about the different components of the overall system and a set of policies created by the user. Based on this information a scheduling process will be performed to generate an infrastructure configuration defining the set of virtual machines that must be run and the tools that must be deployed on them.
We address the design and implementation of visual paradigms for observing the execution of constraint logic programs, aiming at debugging, tuning and optimization, and teaching. We focus on the display of data in CLP executions, where representation for constrained variables and for the constrains themselves are seeked. Two tools, VIFID and TRIFID, exemplifying the devised depictions, have been implemented, and are used to showcase the usefulness of the visualizations developed.
The control part of the execution of a constraint logic program can be conceptually shown as a search-tree, where nodes correspond to calis, and whose branches represent conjunctions and disjunctions. This tree represents the search space traversed by the program, and has also a direct relationship with the amount of work performed by the program. The nodes of the tree can be used to display information regarding the state and origin of instantiation of the variables involved in each cali. This depiction can also be used for the enumeration process. These are the features implemented in APT, a tool which runs constraint logic programs while depicting a (modified) search-tree, keeping at the same time information about the state of the variables at every moment in the execution. This information can be used to replay the execution at will, both forwards and backwards in time. These views can be abstracted when the size of the execution requires it. The search-tree view is used as a framework onto which constraint-level visualizations (such as those presented in the following chapter) can be attached.
Visualization of program executions has been used in applications which include education and debugging. However, traditional visualization techniques often fall short of expectations or are altogether inadequate for new programming paradigms, such as Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), whose declarative and operational semantics differ in some crucial ways from those of other paradigms. In particular, traditional ideas regarding the behavior of data often cannot be lifted in a straightforward way to (C)LP from other families of programming languages. In this chapter we discuss techniques for visualizing data evolution in CLP. We briefly review some previously proposed visualization paradigms, and also propose a number of (to our knowledge) novel ones. The graphical representations have been chosen based on the perceived needs of a programmer trying to analyze the behavior and characteristics of an execution. In particular, we concéntrate on the representation of the run-time valúes of the variables, and the constraints among them. Given our interest in visualizing large executions, we also pay attention to abstraction techniques, i.e., techniques which are intended to help in reducing the complexity of the visual information.
Visualization of program executions has been found useful in applications which include education and debugging. However, traditional visualization techniques often fall short of expectations or are altogether inadequate for new programming paradigms, such as Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), whose declarative and operational semantics differ in some crucial ways from those of other paradigms. In particular, traditional ideas regarding flow control and the behavior of data often cannot be lifted in a straightforward way to (C)LP from other families of programming languages. In this paper we discuss techniques for visualizing program execution and data evolution in CLP. We briefly review some previously proposed visualization paradigms, and also propose a number of (to our knowledge) novel ones. The graphical representations have been chosen based on the perceived needs of a programmer trying to analyze the behavior and characteristics of an execution. In particular, we concéntrate on the representation of the program execution behavior (control), the runtime valúes of the variables, and the runtime constraints. Given our interest in visualizing large executions, we also pay attention to abstraction techniques, Le., techniques which are intended to help in reducing the complexity of the visual information.
El estudio de materiales, especialmente biológicos, por medios no destructivos está adquiriendo una importancia creciente tanto en las aplicaciones científicas como industriales. Las ventajas económicas de los métodos no destructivos son múltiples. Existen numerosos procedimientos físicos capaces de extraer información detallada de las superficie de la madera con escaso o nulo tratamiento previo y mínima intrusión en el material. Entre los diversos métodos destacan las técnicas ópticas y las acústicas por su gran versatilidad, relativa sencillez y bajo coste. Esta tesis pretende establecer desde la aplicación de principios simples de física, de medición directa y superficial, a través del desarrollo de los algoritmos de decisión mas adecuados basados en la estadística, unas soluciones tecnológicas simples y en esencia, de coste mínimo, para su posible aplicación en la determinación de la especie y los defectos superficiales de la madera de cada muestra tratando, en la medida de lo posible, no alterar su geometría de trabajo. Los análisis desarrollados han sido los tres siguientes: El primer método óptico utiliza las propiedades de la luz dispersada por la superficie de la madera cuando es iluminada por un laser difuso. Esta dispersión produce un moteado luminoso (speckle) cuyas propiedades estadísticas permiten extraer propiedades muy precisas de la estructura tanto microscópica como macroscópica de la madera. El análisis de las propiedades espectrales de la luz laser dispersada genera ciertos patrones mas o menos regulares relacionados con la estructura anatómica, composición, procesado y textura superficial de la madera bajo estudio que ponen de manifiesto características del material o de la calidad de los procesos a los que ha sido sometido. El uso de este tipo de láseres implica también la posibilidad de realizar monitorizaciones de procesos industriales en tiempo real y a distancia sin interferir con otros sensores. La segunda técnica óptica que emplearemos hace uso del estudio estadístico y matemático de las propiedades de las imágenes digitales obtenidas de la superficie de la madera a través de un sistema de scanner de alta resolución. Después de aislar los detalles mas relevantes de las imágenes, diversos algoritmos de clasificacion automatica se encargan de generar bases de datos con las diversas especies de maderas a las que pertenecían las imágenes, junto con los márgenes de error de tales clasificaciones. Una parte fundamental de las herramientas de clasificacion se basa en el estudio preciso de las bandas de color de las diversas maderas. Finalmente, numerosas técnicas acústicas, tales como el análisis de pulsos por impacto acústico, permiten complementar y afinar los resultados obtenidos con los métodos ópticos descritos, identificando estructuras superficiales y profundas en la madera así como patologías o deformaciones, aspectos de especial utilidad en usos de la madera en estructuras. La utilidad de estas técnicas esta mas que demostrada en el campo industrial aun cuando su aplicación carece de la suficiente expansión debido a sus altos costes y falta de normalización de los procesos, lo cual hace que cada análisis no sea comparable con su teórico equivalente de mercado. En la actualidad gran parte de los esfuerzos de investigación tienden a dar por supuesto que la diferenciación entre especies es un mecanismo de reconocimiento propio del ser humano y concentran las tecnologías en la definición de parámetros físicos (módulos de elasticidad, conductividad eléctrica o acústica, etc.), utilizando aparatos muy costosos y en muchos casos complejos en su aplicación de campo. Abstract The study of materials, especially the biological ones, by non-destructive techniques is becoming increasingly important in both scientific and industrial applications. The economic advantages of non-destructive methods are multiple and clear due to the related costs and resources necessaries. There are many physical processes capable of extracting detailed information on the wood surface with little or no previous treatment and minimal intrusion into the material. Among the various methods stand out acoustic and optical techniques for their great versatility, relative simplicity and low cost. This thesis aims to establish from the application of simple principles of physics, surface direct measurement and through the development of the more appropriate decision algorithms based on statistics, a simple technological solutions with the minimum cost for possible application in determining the species and the wood surface defects of each sample. Looking for a reasonable accuracy without altering their work-location or properties is the main objetive. There are three different work lines: Empirical characterization of wood surfaces by means of iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns: A simple and inexpensive method for the qualitative characterization of wood surfaces is presented. it is based on the iterative autocorrelation of laser speckle patterns produced by diffuse laser illumination of the wood surfaces. The method exploits the high spatial frequency content of speckle images. A similar approach with raw conventional photographs taken with ordinary light would be very difficult. A few iterations of the algorithm are necessary, typically three or four, in order to visualize the most important periodic features of the surface. The processed patterns help in the study of surface parameters, to design new scattering models and to classify the wood species. Fractal-based image enhancement techniques inspired by differential interference contrast microscopy: Differential interference contrast microscopy is a very powerful optical technique for microscopic imaging. Inspired by the physics of this type of microscope, we have developed a series of image processing algorithms aimed at the magnification, noise reduction, contrast enhancement and tissue analysis of biological samples. These algorithms use fractal convolution schemes which provide fast and accurate results with a performance comparable to the best present image enhancement algorithms. These techniques can be used as post processing tools for advanced microscopy or as a means to improve the performance of less expensive visualization instruments. Several examples of the use of these algorithms to visualize microscopic images of raw pine wood samples with a simple desktop scanner are provided. Wood species identification using stress-wave analysis in the audible range: Stress-wave analysis is a powerful and flexible technique to study mechanical properties of many materials. We present a simple technique to obtain information about the species of wood samples using stress-wave sounds in the audible range generated by collision with a small pendulum. Stress-wave analysis has been used for flaw detection and quality control for decades, but its use for material identification and classification is less cited in the literature. Accurate wood species identification is a time consuming task for highly trained human experts. For this reason, the development of cost effective techniques for automatic wood classification is a desirable goal. Our proposed approach is fully non-invasive and non-destructive, reducing significantly the cost and complexity of the identification and classification process.
Hoy en día las técnicas de adquisición de imágenes tridimensionales son comunes en diversas áreas, pero cabe destacar la relevancia que han adquirido en el ámbito de la imagen biomédica, dentro del cual encontramos una amplia gama de técnicas como la microscopía confocal, microscopía de dos fotones, microscopía de fluorescencia mediante lámina de luz, resonancia magnética nuclear, tomografía por emisión de positrones, tomografía de coherencia óptica, ecografía 3D y un largo etcétera. Un denominador común de todas esas aplicaciones es la constante necesidad por aumentar la resolución y la calidad de las imágenes adquiridas. En algunas de dichas técnicas de imagen tridimensional se da una interesante situación: aunque que cada volumen adquirido no contiene información suficiente para representar el objeto bajo estudio dentro de los parámetros de calidad requeridos por algunas aplicaciones finales, el esquema de adquisición permite la obtención de varios volúmenes que representan diferentes vistas de dicho objeto, de tal forma que cada una de las vistas proporciona información complementaria acerca del mismo. En este tipo de situación es posible, mediante la combinación de varias de esas vistas, obtener una mejor comprensión del objeto que a partir de cada una de ellas por separado. En el contexto de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha propuesto, desarrollado y validado una nueva metodología de proceso de imágenes basada en la transformada wavelet disc¬reta para la combinación, o fusión, de varias vistas con información complementaria de un mismo objeto. El método de fusión propuesto aprovecha la capacidad de descom¬posición en escalas y orientaciones de la transformada wavelet discreta para integrar en un solo volumen toda la información distribuida entre el conjunto de vistas adquiridas. El trabajo se centra en dos modalidades diferentes de imagen biomédica que per¬miten obtener tales adquisiciones multi-vista. La primera es una variante de la micro¬scopía de fluorescencia, la microscopía de fluorescencia mediante lámina de luz, que se utiliza para el estudio del desarrollo temprano de embriones vivos en diferentes modelos animales, como el pez cebra o el erizo de mar. La segunda modalidad es la resonancia magnética nuclear con realce tardío, que constituye una valiosa herramienta para evaluar la viabilidad del tejido miocárdico en pacientes con diversas miocardiopatías. Como parte de este trabajo, el método propuesto ha sido aplicado y validado en am¬bas modalidades de imagen. En el caso de la aplicación a microscopía de fluorescencia, los resultados de la fusión muestran un mejor contraste y nivel de detalle en comparación con cualquiera de las vistas individuales y el método no requiere de conocimiento previo acerca la función de dispersión puntual del sistema de imagen. Además, los resultados se han comparado con otros métodos existentes. Con respecto a la aplicación a imagen de resonancia magnética con realce tardío, los volúmenes fusionados resultantes pre-sentan una mejora cuantitativa en la nitidez de las estructuras relevantes y permiten una interpretación más sencilla y completa de la compleja estructura tridimensional del tejido miocárdico en pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica. Para ambas aplicaciones los resultados de esta tesis se encuentran actualmente en uso en los centros clínicos y de investigación con los que el autor ha colaborado durante este trabajo. Además se ha puesto a libre disposición de la comunidad científica la implementación del método de fusión propuesto. Por último, se ha tramitado también una solicitud de patente internacional que cubre el método de visualización desarrollado para la aplicación de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear. Abstract Nowadays three dimensional imaging techniques are common in several fields, but es-pecially in biomedical imaging, where we can find a wide range of techniques including: Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, Laser Scanning Two Photon Microscopy, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Positron Emission To-mography, Optical Coherence Tomography, 3D Ultrasound Imaging, etc. A common denominator of all those applications being the constant need for further increasing resolution and quality of the acquired images. Interestingly, in some of the mentioned three-dimensional imaging techniques a remarkable situation arises: while a single volume does not contain enough information to represent the object being imaged within the quality parameters required by the final application, the acquisition scheme allows recording several volumes which represent different views of a given object, with each of the views providing complementary information. In this kind of situation one can get a better understanding of the object by combining several views instead of looking at each of them separately. Within such context, in this PhD Thesis we propose, develop and test new image processing methodologies based on the discrete wavelet transform for the combination, or fusion, of several views containing complementary information of a given object. The proposed fusion method exploits the scale and orientation decomposition capabil¬ities of the discrete wavelet transform to integrate in a single volume all the available information distributed among the set of acquired views. The work focuses in two different biomedical imaging modalities which provide such multi-view datasets. The first one is a particular fluorescence microscopy technique, Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, used for imaging and gaining understanding of the early development of live embryos from different animal models (like zebrafish or sea urchin). The second is Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which is a valuable tool for assessing the viability of myocardial tissue on patients suffering from different cardiomyopathies. As part of this work, the proposed method was implemented and then validated on both imaging modalities. For the fluorescence microscopy application, the fusion results show improved contrast and detail discrimination when compared to any of the individual views and the method does not rely on prior knowledge of the system’s point spread function (PSF). Moreover, the results have shown improved performance with respect to previous PSF independent methods. With respect to its application to Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the resulting fused volumes show a quantitative sharpness improvement and enable an easier and more complete interpretation of complex three-dimensional scar and heterogeneous tissue information in ischemic cardiomyopathy patients. In both applications, the results of this thesis are currently in use in the clinical and research centers with which the author collaborated during his work. An imple¬mentation of the fusion method has also been made freely available to the scientific community. Finally, an international patent application has been filed covering the visualization method developed for the Magnetic Resonance Imaging application.
Abstract The creation of atlases, or digital models where information from different subjects can be combined, is a field of increasing interest in biomedical imaging. When a single image does not contain enough information to appropriately describe the organism under study, it is then necessary to acquire images of several individuals, each of them containing complementary data with respect to the rest of the components in the cohort. This approach allows creating digital prototypes, ranging from anatomical atlases of human patients and organs, obtained for instance from Magnetic Resonance Imaging, to gene expression cartographies of embryo development, typically achieved from Light Microscopy. Within such context, in this PhD Thesis we propose, develop and validate new dedicated image processing methodologies that, based on image registration techniques, bring information from multiple individuals into alignment within a single digital atlas model. We also elaborate a dedicated software visualization platform to explore the resulting wealth of multi-dimensional data and novel analysis algo-rithms to automatically mine the generated resource in search of bio¬logical insights. In particular, this work focuses on gene expression data from developing zebrafish embryos imaged at the cellular resolution level with Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy. Disposing of quantitative measurements relating multiple gene expressions to cell position and their evolution in time is a fundamental prerequisite to understand embryogenesis multi-scale processes. However, the number of gene expressions that can be simultaneously stained in one acquisition is limited due to optical and labeling constraints. These limitations motivate the implementation of atlasing strategies that can recreate a virtual gene expression multiplex. The developed computational tools have been tested in two different scenarios. The first one is the early zebrafish embryogenesis where the resulting atlas constitutes a link between the phenotype and the genotype at the cellular level. The second one is the late zebrafish brain where the resulting atlas allows studies relating gene expression to brain regionalization and neurogenesis. The proposed computational frameworks have been adapted to the requirements of both scenarios, such as the integration of partial views of the embryo into a whole embryo model with cellular resolution or the registration of anatom¬ical traits with deformable transformation models non-dependent on any specific labeling. The software implementation of the atlas generation tool (Match-IT) and the visualization platform (Atlas-IT) together with the gene expression atlas resources developed in this Thesis are to be made freely available to the scientific community. Lastly, a novel proof-of-concept experiment integrates for the first time 3D gene expression atlas resources with cell lineages extracted from live embryos, opening up the door to correlate genetic and cellular spatio-temporal dynamics. La creación de atlas, o modelos digitales, donde la información de distintos sujetos puede ser combinada, es un campo de creciente interés en imagen biomédica. Cuando una sola imagen no contiene suficientes datos como para describir apropiadamente el organismo objeto de estudio, se hace necesario adquirir imágenes de varios individuos, cada una de las cuales contiene información complementaria respecto al resto de componentes del grupo. De este modo, es posible crear prototipos digitales, que pueden ir desde atlas anatómicos de órganos y pacientes humanos, adquiridos por ejemplo mediante Resonancia Magnética, hasta cartografías de la expresión genética del desarrollo de embrionario, típicamente adquiridas mediante Microscopía Optica. Dentro de este contexto, en esta Tesis Doctoral se introducen, desarrollan y validan nuevos métodos de procesado de imagen que, basándose en técnicas de registro de imagen, son capaces de alinear imágenes y datos provenientes de múltiples individuos en un solo atlas digital. Además, se ha elaborado una plataforma de visualization específicamente diseñada para explorar la gran cantidad de datos, caracterizados por su multi-dimensionalidad, que resulta de estos métodos. Asimismo, se han propuesto novedosos algoritmos de análisis y minería de datos que permiten inspeccionar automáticamente los atlas generados en busca de conclusiones biológicas significativas. En particular, este trabajo se centra en datos de expresión genética del desarrollo embrionario del pez cebra, adquiridos mediante Microscopía dos fotones con resolución celular. Disponer de medidas cuantitativas que relacionen estas expresiones genéticas con las posiciones celulares y su evolución en el tiempo es un prerrequisito fundamental para comprender los procesos multi-escala característicos de la morfogénesis. Sin embargo, el número de expresiones genéticos que pueden ser simultáneamente etiquetados en una sola adquisición es reducido debido a limitaciones tanto ópticas como del etiquetado. Estas limitaciones requieren la implementación de estrategias de creación de atlas que puedan recrear un multiplexado virtual de expresiones genéticas. Las herramientas computacionales desarrolladas han sido validadas en dos escenarios distintos. El primer escenario es el desarrollo embrionario temprano del pez cebra, donde el atlas resultante permite constituir un vínculo, a nivel celular, entre el fenotipo y el genotipo de este organismo modelo. El segundo escenario corresponde a estadios tardíos del desarrollo del cerebro del pez cebra, donde el atlas resultante permite relacionar expresiones genéticas con la regionalización del cerebro y la formación de neuronas. La plataforma computacional desarrollada ha sido adaptada a los requisitos y retos planteados en ambos escenarios, como la integración, a resolución celular, de vistas parciales dentro de un modelo consistente en un embrión completo, o el alineamiento entre estructuras de referencia anatómica equivalentes, logrado mediante el uso de modelos de transformación deformables que no requieren ningún marcador específico. Está previsto poner a disposición de la comunidad científica tanto la herramienta de generación de atlas (Match-IT), como su plataforma de visualización (Atlas-IT), así como las bases de datos de expresión genética creadas a partir de estas herramientas. Por último, dentro de la presente Tesis Doctoral, se ha incluido una prueba conceptual innovadora que permite integrar los mencionados atlas de expresión genética tridimensionales dentro del linaje celular extraído de una adquisición in vivo de un embrión. Esta prueba conceptual abre la puerta a la posibilidad de correlar, por primera vez, las dinámicas espacio-temporales de genes y células.
Provenance plays a major role when understanding and reusing the methods applied in a scientic experiment, as it provides a record of inputs, the processes carried out and the use and generation of intermediate and nal results. In the specic case of in-silico scientic experiments, a large variety of scientic workflow systems (e.g., Wings, Taverna, Galaxy, Vistrails) have been created to support scientists. All of these systems produce some sort of provenance about the executions of the workflows that encode scientic experiments. However, provenance is normally recorded at a very low level of detail, which complicates the understanding of what happened during execution. In this paper we propose an approach to automatically obtain abstractions from low-level provenance data by finding common workflow fragments on workflow execution provenance and relating them to templates. We have tested our approach with a dataset of workflows published by the Wings workflow system. Our results show that by using these kinds of abstractions we can highlight the most common abstract methods used in the executions of a repository, relating different runs and workflow templates with each other.
At the present time almost all map libraries on the Internet are image collections generated by the digitization of early maps. This type of graphics files provides researchers with the possibility of accessing and visualizing historical cartographic information keeping in mind that this information has a degree of quality that depends upon elements such as the accuracy of the digitization process and proprietary constraints (e.g. visualization, resolution downloading options, copyright, use constraints). In most cases, access to these map libraries is useful only as a first approach and it is not possible to use those maps for scientific work due to the sparse tools available to measure, match, analyze and/or combine those resources with different kinds of cartography. This paper presents a method to enrich virtual map rooms and provide historians and other professional with a tool that let them to make the most of libraries in the digital era.
This paper presents a data-intensive architecture that demonstrates the ability to support applications from a wide range of application domains, and support the different types of users involved in defining, designing and executing data-intensive processing tasks. The prototype architecture is introduced, and the pivotal role of DISPEL as a canonical language is explained. The architecture promotes the exploration and exploitation of distributed and heterogeneous data and spans the complete knowledge discovery process, from data preparation, to analysis, to evaluation and reiteration. The architecture evaluation included large-scale applications from astronomy, cosmology, hydrology, functional genetics, imaging processing and seismology.