24 resultados para requirements traceability
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The traditional buildings in the historic center of the city of Arequipa, Perú, recently declared of human heritage, are of volcanic tuff both in walls and in vaulted roofs on the ground floor. Having been built in the 18th century and up to the beginning of the 20th century, they have suffered many damages from the seismic movements registered in this region. Due to this, many of them have had to be rebuilt. In this presentation, the different changes to adapt the city of Spanish colonial origin to the present tertiary use are analyzed.
Interviews are the most widely used elicitation technique in Requirements Engineering (RE). Despite its importance, research in interviews is quite limited, in particular from an experimental perspective. We have performed a series of experiments exploring the relative effectiveness of structured and unstructured interviews. This line of research has been active in Information Systems in the past years, so that our experiments can be aggregated together with existing ones to obtain guidelines for practice. Experimental aggregation is a demanding task. It requires not only a large number of experiments, but also considering the influence of the existing moderators. However, in the current state of the practice in RE, those moderators are unknown. We believe that analyzing the threats to validity in interviewing experiments may give insight about how to improve further replications and the corresponding aggregations. It is likely that this strategy may be applied in other Software Engineering areas as well.
Los estudios realizados hasta el momento para la determinación de la calidad de medida del instrumental geodésico han estado dirigidos, fundamentalmente, a las medidas angulares y de distancias. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se ha impuesto la tendencia generalizada de utilizar equipos GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) en el campo de las aplicaciones geomáticas sin que se haya establecido una metodología que permita obtener la corrección de calibración y su incertidumbre para estos equipos. La finalidad de esta Tesis es establecer los requisitos que debe satisfacer una red para ser considerada Red Patrón con trazabilidad metrológica, así como la metodología para la verificación y calibración de instrumental GNSS en redes patrón. Para ello, se ha diseñado y elaborado un procedimiento técnico de calibración de equipos GNSS en el que se han definido las contribuciones a la incertidumbre de medida. El procedimiento, que se ha aplicado en diferentes redes para distintos equipos, ha permitido obtener la incertidumbre expandida de dichos equipos siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement del Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology. Asimismo, se han determinado mediante técnicas de observación por satélite las coordenadas tridimensionales de las bases que conforman las redes consideradas en la investigación, y se han desarrollado simulaciones en función de diversos valores de las desviaciones típicas experimentales de los puntos fijos que se han utilizado en el ajuste mínimo cuadrático de los vectores o líneas base. Los resultados obtenidos han puesto de manifiesto la importancia que tiene el conocimiento de las desviaciones típicas experimentales en el cálculo de incertidumbres de las coordenadas tridimensionales de las bases. Basándose en estudios y observaciones de gran calidad técnica, llevados a cabo en estas redes con anterioridad, se ha realizado un exhaustivo análisis que ha permitido determinar las condiciones que debe satisfacer una red patrón. Además, se han diseñado procedimientos técnicos de calibración que permiten calcular la incertidumbre expandida de medida de los instrumentos geodésicos que proporcionan ángulos y distancias obtenidas por métodos electromagnéticos, ya que dichos instrumentos son los que van a permitir la diseminación de la trazabilidad metrológica a las redes patrón para la verificación y calibración de los equipos GNSS. De este modo, ha sido posible la determinación de las correcciones de calibración local de equipos GNSS de alta exactitud en las redes patrón. En esta Tesis se ha obtenido la incertidumbre de la corrección de calibración mediante dos metodologías diferentes; en la primera se ha aplicado la propagación de incertidumbres, mientras que en la segunda se ha aplicado el método de Monte Carlo de simulación de variables aleatorias. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos confirma la validez de ambas metodologías para la determinación de la incertidumbre de calibración de instrumental GNSS. ABSTRACT The studies carried out so far for the determination of the quality of measurement of geodetic instruments have been aimed, primarily, to measure angles and distances. However, in recent years it has been accepted to use GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) equipment in the field of Geomatic applications, for data capture, without establishing a methodology that allows obtaining the calibration correction and its uncertainty. The purpose of this Thesis is to establish the requirements that a network must meet to be considered a StandardNetwork with metrological traceability, as well as the methodology for the verification and calibration of GNSS instrumental in those standard networks. To do this, a technical calibration procedure has been designed, developed and defined for GNSS equipment determining the contributions to the uncertainty of measurement. The procedure, which has been applied in different networks for different equipment, has alloweddetermining the expanded uncertainty of such equipment following the recommendations of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement of the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology. In addition, the three-dimensional coordinates of the bases which constitute the networks considered in the investigationhave been determined by satellite-based techniques. There have been several developed simulations based on different values of experimental standard deviations of the fixed points that have been used in the least squares vectors or base lines calculations. The results have shown the importance that the knowledge of experimental standard deviations has in the calculation of uncertainties of the three-dimensional coordinates of the bases. Based on high technical quality studies and observations carried out in these networks previously, it has been possible to make an exhaustive analysis that has allowed determining the requirements that a standard network must meet. In addition, technical calibration procedures have been developed to allow the uncertainty estimation of measurement carried outby geodetic instruments that provide angles and distances obtained by electromagnetic methods. These instruments provide the metrological traceability to standard networks used for verification and calibration of GNSS equipment. As a result, it has been possible the estimation of local calibration corrections for high accuracy GNSS equipment in standardnetworks. In this Thesis, the uncertainty of calibration correction has been calculated using two different methodologies: the first one by applying the law of propagation of uncertainty, while the second has applied the propagation of distributions using the Monte Carlo method. The analysis of the obtained results confirms the validity of both methodologies for estimating the calibration uncertainty of GNSS equipment.
This paper shows the main contributions of the 1st Symposium on Improvement Process Models and Software Quality of Public Administrations. The obtained results expose the need to promote the implementation of Software Maturity Models and show possible advantages of its application in software processes of Public Administrations. Specifically, it was analyzed the current status in two process areas: Requirements Management and Subcontracting Management.
Modernization of irrigation schemes, generally understood as transformation of surface irrigation systems into pressure –sprinkler and trickle- irrigation systems, aims at, among others, improving irrigation efficiency and reduction of operation and maintenance efforts made by the irrigators. However, pressure irrigation systems, in contrast, carry a serious energy cost. Energy requirements depend on decisions taken on management strategies during the operation phase, which are conditioned by previous decisions taken on the design project of the different elements which compose the irrigation system. Most of the countries where irrigation activity is significant bear in mind that modernization irrigation must play a key role in the agricultural infrastructure policies. The objective of this study is to characterize and estimate the mean and variation of the energy consumed by common types of irrigation systems and their management possibilities. The work includes all processes involved from the diversion of water into irrigation specific infrastructure to water discharge by the emitters installed on the crop fields. Simulation taking into account all elements comprising the irrigation system has been used to estimate the energy requirements of typical irrigation systems of several crop production systems. It has been applied to extensive and intensive crop systems, such us extensive winter crops, summer crops and olive trees, fruit trees and vineyards and intensive horticulture in greenhouses. The simulation of various types of irrigation systems and management strategies, in the framework imposed by particular cropping systems, would help to develop criteria for improving the energy balance in relation to the irrigation water supply productivity.
Verifying whether an ontology meets the set of established requirements is a crucial activity in ontology engineering. In this sense, methods and tools are needed (a) to transform (semi-)automatically functional ontology requirements into SPARQL queries, which can serve as unit tests to verify the ontology, and (b) to check whether the ontology fulfils the requirements. Thus, our purpose in this poster paper is to apply the SWIP approach to verify whether an ontology satisfies the set of established requirements.
Applying foresight tools to determine future demand requirements on tourist destinations
In this paper we present AMSIA, an agent architecture that combines the possibility of using di erent reasoning methods with a mechanism to control the resources needed by the agent to ful ll its high level objectives. The architecture is based on the blackboard paradigm which o ers the possibility of combining di erent reasoning techniques and opportunistic behavior. The AMSIA architecture adds a representation of plans of objectives allowing di erent reasoning activities to create plans to guide the future behavior of the agent. The opportunism is in the acquisition of high-level objectives and in the modi cation of the predicted activity when something doesn't happen as expected. A control mechanism is responsible for the translation of plans of objectives to concrete activities, considering resource-boundedness. To do so, all the activity in the agent (including control) is explicitly scheduled, but allowing the necessary exibility to make changes in the face of contingencies that are expected in dynamic environments. Experimental work is also presented.
The goal of the ontology requirements specification activity is to state why the ontology is being built, what its intended uses are, who the end users are, and which requirements the ontology should fulfill. This chapter presents detailed methodological guidelines for specifying ontology requirements efficiently. These guidelines will help ontology engineers to capture ontology requirements and produce the ontology requirements specification document (ORSD). The ORSD will play a key role during the ontology development process because it facilitates, among other activities, (1) the search and reuse of existing knowledge resources with the aim of reengineering them into ontologies, (2) the search and reuse of ontological resources (ontologies, ontology modules, ontology statements as well as ontology design patterns), and (3) the verification of the ontology along the ontology development.
Modeling is an essential tool for the development of atmospheric emission abatement measures and air quality plans. Most often these plans are related to urban environments with high emission density and population exposure. However, air quality modeling in urban areas is a rather challenging task. As environmental standards become more stringent (e.g. European Directive 2008/50/EC), more reliable and sophisticated modeling tools are needed to simulate measures and plans that may effectively tackle air quality exceedances, common in large urban areas across Europe, particularly for NO2. This also implies that emission inventories must satisfy a number of conditions such as consistency across the spatial scales involved in the analysis, consistency with the emission inventories used for regulatory purposes and versatility to match the requirements of different air quality and emission projection models. This study reports the modeling activities carried out in Madrid (Spain) highlighting the atmospheric emission inventory development and preparation as an illustrative example of the combination of models and data needed to develop a consistent air quality plan at urban level. These included a series of source apportionment studies to define contributions from the international, national, regional and local sources in order to understand to what extent local authorities can enforce meaningful abatement measures. Moreover, source apportionment studies were conducted in order to define contributions from different sectors and to understand the maximum feasible air quality improvement that can be achieved by reducing emissions from those sectors, thus targeting emission reduction policies to the most relevant activities. Finally, an emission scenario reflecting the effect of such policies was developed and the associated air quality was modeled.
The growing interest for integrating agile methodologies and usability has brought various challenges to practitioners. This research focuses on a specific part of these challenges that is related to the integration of usability mechanisms (features such as cancel, undo, warning, etc.) into agile requirements, usually written in the form of user stories. For this aim, a framework has been developed, conformed first by a well-defined modeling language that aims to formalize previous empirical research in the field, models of the impact of usability mechanisms into user stories, and a tool to help practitioners applying them to user stories. Results show that the use of this framework helps agile developers to think about usability from the beginning of the development process, without needing to be an expert in the subject. Our proposal can therefore complement other usability practices to improve the quality of use of software developed using agile methodologies.
Software needs to be accessible for persons with disabilities and there are several guidelines to assist developers in building more accessible software. Regulation activities are beginning to make the accessibility of software a mandatory requirement in some countries. One such activity is the European Mandate M 376, which will result in a European standard (EN 301 549) defining functional accessibility requirements for information and communication technology products and services. This paper provides an overview of Mandate M 376 and EN 301 549, and describes the requirements for software accessibility defined in EN 301 549, according to a feature-based approach
In this paper we want to point out, by means of a case study, the importance of incorporating some knowledge engineering techniques to the processes of software engineering. Precisely, we are referring to the knowledge eduction techniques. We know the difficulty of requirements acquisition and its importance to minimise the risks of a software project, both in the development phase and in the maintenance phase. To capture the functional requirements use cases are generally used. However, as we will show in this paper, this technique is insufficient when the problem domain knowledge is only in the "experts? mind". In this situation, the combination of the use case with eduction techniques, in every development phase, will let us to discover the correct requirements.
La usabilidad es un atributo de calidad de un sistema software que llega a ser crítico en sistemas altamente interactivos. Desde el campo de la Interacción Persona-Ordenador se proponen recomendaciones que permiten alcanzar un nivel adecuado de usabilidad en un sistema. En la disciplina de la Ingeniería de Software se ha establecido que algunas de estas recomendaciones afectan a la funcionalidad principal de los sistemas y no solo a la interfaz de usuario. Este tipo de recomendaciones de usabilidad se deben tener en cuenta desde las primeras actividades y durante todo el proceso de desarrollo, así como se hace con atributos tales como la seguridad, la facilidad de mantenimiento o el rendimiento. Desde la Ingeniería de Software se han hecho estudios y propuestas para abordar la usabilidad en las primeras actividades del desarrollo. En particular en la educción de requisitos y diseño de la arquitectura. Estas propuestas son de un alto nivel de abstracción. En esta investigación se aborda la usabilidad en actividades avanzadas del proceso de desarrollo: el diseño detallado y la programación. El objetivo de este trabajo es obtener, formalizar y validar soluciones reutilizables para la usabilidad en estas actividades. En este estudio se seleccionan tres funcionalidades de usabilidad identificadas como de alto impacto en el diseño: Abortar Operación, Retroalimentación de Progreso y Preferencias. Para la obtención de elementos reutilizables se utiliza un método inductivo. Se parte de la construcción de aplicaciones web particulares y se induce una solución general. Durante la construcción de las aplicaciones se mantiene la trazabilidad de los elementos relacionados con cada funcionalidad de usabilidad. Al finalizar se realiza un análisis de elementos comunes, y los hallazgos se formalizan como patrones de diseño orientados a la implementación y patrones de programación en cada uno de los lenguajes utilizados: PHP, VB .NET y Java. Las soluciones formalizadas como patrones se validan usando la metodología de estudio de casos. Desarrolladores independientes utilizan los patrones para la inclusión de las tres funcionalidades de usabilidad en dos nuevas aplicaciones web. Como resultado, los desarrolladores pueden usar con éxito las soluciones propuestas para dos de las funcionalidades: Abortar Operación y Preferencias. La funcionalidad Retroalimentación de Progreso no puede ser implementada completamente. Se concluye que es posible obtener elementos reutilizables para la implementación de cada funcionalidad de usabilidad. Estos elementos incluyen: escenarios de aplicación, que son la combinación de casuísticas que generan las funcionalidades de usabilidad, responsabilidades comunes necesarias para cubrir los escenarios, componentes comunes para cumplir con las responsabilidades, elementos de diseño asociados a los componentes y el código que implementa el diseño. Formalizar las soluciones como patrones resulta útil para comunicar los hallazgos a otros desarrolladores y los patrones se mejoran a través de su utilización en nuevos desarrollos. La implementación de funcionalidades de usabilidad presenta características que condicionan su reutilización, en particular, el nivel de acoplamiento de la funcionalidad de usabilidad con las funcionalidades de la aplicación, y la complejidad interna de la solución. ABSTRACT Usability is a critical quality attribute of highly interactive software systems. The humancomputer interaction field proposes recommendations for achieving an acceptable system usability level. The discipline of software engineering has established that some of these recommendations affect not only the user interface but also the core system functionality. This type of usability recommendations must be taken into account as of the early activities and throughout the software development process as in the case of attributes like security, ease of maintenance or performance. Software engineering has conducted studies and put forward proposals for tackling usability in the early development activities, particularly requirements elicitation and architecture design. These proposals have a high level of abstraction. This research addresses usability in later activities of the development process: detailed design and programming. The goal of this research is to discover, specify and validate reusable usability solutions for detailed design and programming. Abort Operation, Feedback and Preferences, three usability functionalities identified as having a high impact on design, are selected for the study. An inductive method, whereby a general solution is induced from particular web applications built for the purpose, is used to discover reusable elements. During the construction of the applications, the traceability of the elements related to each usability functionality is maintained. At the end of the process, the common and possibly reusable elements are analysed. The findings are specified as implementation-oriented design patterns and programming patterns for each of the languages used: PHP, VB .NET and Java. The solutions specified as patterns are validated using the case study methodology. Independent developers use the patterns in order to build the three usability functionalities into two new web applications. As a result, the developers successfully use the proposed solutions for two of the functionalities: Abort Operation and Preferences. The Progress Feedback functionality cannot be fully implemented. We conclude that it is possible to discover reusable elements for implementing each usability functionality. These elements include: application scenarios, which are combinations of cases that generate usability functionalities, common responsibilities to cover the scenarios, common components to fulfil the responsibilities, design elements associated with the components and code implementing the design. It is useful to specify solutions as patterns in order to communicate findings to other developers, and patterns improve through further use in other development projects. Reusability depends on the features of usability functionality implementation, particularly the level of coupling of the usability functionality with the application functionalities and the internal complexity of the solution.
Software needs to be accessible for persons with disabilities and there are several guidelines to assist developers in building more accessible software. Regulation activities are beginning to make the accessibility of software a mandatory requirement in some countries. One such activity is the European Mandate M 376, which will result in a European standard (EN 301 549) defining functional accessibility requirements for information and communication technology products and services. This paper provides an overview of Mandate M 376 and EN 301 549, and describes the requirements for software accessibility defined in EN 301 549, according to a feature-based approach.