26 resultados para radius of starlikeness

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Fruits of two varieties of both apples and pear were tested to measure their response to small energy impact applied by a impact tester with two spherical tips of different radious of curvature ( RA = 2.48 cm and RB = 0.98 cm) and equal mass were used. In the four varieties studied, the size of bruise was smaller with a spherical tip RA than with tip RB . The non-destructive impact test would cause less damage with a spherical impactor with a radious bigger than 0.98 cm.


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Upwardpropagation of a premixed flame in averticaltubefilled with a very leanmixture is simulated numerically using a single irreversible Arrhenius reaction model with infinitely high activation energy. In the absence of heat losses and preferential diffusion effects, a curved flame with stationary shape and velocity close to those of an open bubble ascending in the same tube is found for values of the fuel mass fraction above a certain minimum that increases with the radius of the tube, while the numerical computations cease to converge to a stationary solution below this minimum mass fraction. The vortical flow of the gas behind the flame and in its transport region is described for tubes of different radii. It is argued that this flow may become unstable when the fuel mass fraction is decreased, and that this instability, together with the flame stretch due to the strong curvature of the flame tip in narrow tubes, may be responsible for the minimum fuel mass fraction. Radiation losses and a Lewis number of the fuel slightly above unity decrease the final combustion temperature at the flame tip and increase the minimum fuel mass fraction, while a Lewis number slightly below unity has the opposite effect.


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Pear fruits cv. 'Blanquilla', at various ripening stages, were studied under impact conditions. A 50-6-g spherical steel indentator, with a radius of curvature of 0-94 cm, was dropped on to the fruit from three heights: 4, 6 and 10 cm (0-0199, 0-0299 and 0-0499 J). The variables measured were analyzed. All variables were observed to be related to the impact energy except impact duration, which was related to the fruit firmness. Bruising correlated with impact energy when considering different heights, but not with any specific variable when studying the impact phenomenon at individual heights; however, there was a clear correlation between impact bruising and firmness. Three bruise shapes were observed, corresponding to preclimacteric, climacteric and postclimacteric fruits; a theory for this response is offered. According to the results, the impact response in postclimacteric pear fruits (with firmness values of less than 25 N, and a maturity index above 55) may be explained by the role played by the skin rather than by the pulp.


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In this work, we analyze the influence of the processing pressure and the substrate–target distance on the synthesis by reactive sputtering of c-axis oriented polycrystalline aluminum nitride thin films deposited on Si(100) wafers. The crystalline quality of AlN has been characterized by high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD). The films exhibited a very high degree of c-axis orientation especially when a low process pressure was used. After growth, residual stress measurements obtained indirectly from radius of curvature measurements of the wafer prior and after deposition are also provided. Two different techniques are used to determine the curvature—an optically levered laser beam and a method based on X-ray diffraction. There is a transition from compressive to tensile stress at a processing pressure around 2 mTorr. The transition occurs at different pressures for thin films of different thickness. The degree of c-axis orientation was not affected by the target–substrate distance as it was varied in between 30 and 70 mm.


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An asymptotic analysis of electron collection at high bias Fp serves to determine the domain of validity of the orbital-motion-limited regime of cylindrical Langmuir probes, which is basic for the workings of conductive bare tethers. The radius of a wire collecting OML current in an unmagnetized plasma at rest cannot exceed a value, Rmax , which is found to exhibit a minimum as a function of Fp ; atFp values of interest, Rmax is already increasing and is larger than the electron Debye length lDe . The breakdown of the regime relates to conditions far fromthe probe, at electron energies comparable to the ion thermal energy, kTi ; Rmax is found to increase with Ti . It is also found that ~1! the maximumwidth of a thin tape, if used instead of a wire, is 4Rmax ; ~2! the electron thermal gyroradius must be larger than both R and lDe for magnetic effects to be negligible; and ~3! conditions applying to the tether case are such that trapped-orbit effects are negligible.


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A kinetic approach is used to develop a theory of electrostatic probes in a fully ionized plasma in the presence of a magnetic field. A consistent asymptotic expansion is obtained assuming that the electron Larmor radius is small compared to the radius of the probe. The order of magnitude of neglected terms is given. It is found that the electric potential within the tube of force defined by the cross section of the probe decays non-mono tonic ally from the probe; this bump disappears at a certain probe voltage and the theory is valid up to this voltage. The transition region, which extends beyond plasma potential, is not exponential. The possible saturation of the electron current is discussed. Restricted numerical results are given; they seem to be useful for weaker magnetic fields down to the zero-field limit. Extensions of the theory a r e considered.


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Results of previous studies conducted by different researchers have shown that impact techniques can be used to evaluate firmness (Delwiche et al., 1989; Delwiche et al.;1996; Jaren et al., 1992; Ruiz Altisent et al., 1996). To impact the fruit with a small spherical impactor of known mass and radius of curvature and measure the acceleration of the impactor is a technique described by Chen et al. (1985) and used by several researchers for sensing fruit firmness (Jaren et al., 1992; Correa et al.; 1992). The advantages of this method vs. a force sensor that measures the force as a function of time is that the measured impact-acceleration response is independent of the fruit mass and is less sensitive to the variation in the radius of curvature of the fruit (Chen et al., 1996). Ruiz Altisent et al. (1993) developed and used a 50 g impactor with a 19 mm diameter spherical tip, dropping from different height for fruits (apples, pears, avocados, melons, peaches ...). Another impact device for firmness sensing of fruits was developed by Chen and Ruiz Altisent (1996). They designed and fabricated an experimental low-mass impact sensor for high-speed sensing of fruit firmness. The impactor consisted of a semi-spherical impacting tip attached to the end (near the centre of percussion) of a pivoting arm. Impact is done by swinging the impactor to collide with the fruit. It has been implemented for on-line use. In both devices a small accelerometer is mounted behind the impacting tip. Lateral impactor and vertical impactor have been used in laboratory and the results from non-destructive impact tests have contributed to standardise methods to measure fruit firmness: Barreiro (1992) compared impact parameters and results of Magness-Taylor penetration tests for apples, pears, apricots [and peaches; Agulheiro (1994) studied the behaviour of the impact parameters during seven weeks of cold storage of two melon varieties; Ortiz (1998) used low energy impact and NIR procedures to segregate non crispy, non firm and soft peaches. Steinmetz (1996) compared various non-destructive firmness sensors, based on sound, impact and micro-deformation.


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An ED-tether mission to Jupiter is presented. A bare tether carrying cathodic devices at both ends but no power supply, and using no propellant, could move 'freely' among Jupiter's 4 great moons. The tour scheme would have current naturally driven throughout by the motional electric field, the Lorentz force switching direction with current around a 'drag' radius of 160,00 kms, where the speed of the jovian ionosphere equals the speed of a spacecraft in circular orbit. With plasma density and magnetic field decreasing rapidly with distance from Jupiter, drag/thrust would only be operated in the inner plasmasphere, current being near shut off conveniently in orbit by disconnecting cathodes or plugging in a very large resistance; the tether could serve as its own power supply by plugging in an electric load where convenient, with just some reduction in thrust or drag. The periapsis of the spacecraft in a heliocentric transfer orbit from Earth would lie inside the drag sphere; with tether deployed and current on around periapsis, magnetic drag allows Jupiter to capture the spacecraft into an elliptic orbit of high eccentricity. Current would be on at succesive perijove passes and off elsewhere, reducing the eccentricity by lowering the apoapsis progressively to allow visits of the giant moons. In a second phase, current is on around apoapsis outside the drag sphere, rising the periapsis until the full orbit lies outside that sphere. In a third phase, current is on at periapsis, increasing the eccentricity until a last push makes the orbit hyperbolic to escape Jupiter. Dynamical issues such as low gravity-gradient at Jupiter and tether orientation in elliptic orbits of high eccentricity are discussed.


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This paper presents seventy new experimental results from PMMA notched specimens tested under torsion at 60 C. The notch root radius ranges from 0.025 to 7.0 mm. At this temperature the non-linear effects previously observed on specimens of the same material tested at room temperature strongly reduce. The averaged value of the strain energy density over a control volume is used to assess the critical loads to failure. The radius of the control volume and the critical strain energy density are evaluated a priori by using in combination the mode III critical stress intensity factor from cracked-like specimens and the critical stress to failure detected from semicircular notches with a large notch root radius


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An Eulerian multifluid model is used to describe the evolution of an electrospray plume and the flow induced in the surrounding gas by the drag of the electrically charged spray droplets in the space between an injection electrode containing the electrospray source and a collector electrode. The spray is driven by the voltage applied between the two electrodes. Numerical computations and order-of-magnitude estimates for a quiescent gas show that the droplets begin to fly back toward the injection electrode at a certain critical value of the flux of droplets in the spray, which depends very much on the electrical conditions at the injection electrode. As the flux is increased toward its critical value, the electric field induced by the charge of the droplets partially balances the field due to the applied voltage in the vicinity of the injection electrode, leading to a spray that rapidly broadens at a distance from its origin of the order of the stopping distance at which the droplets lose their initial momentum and the effect of their inertia becomes negligible. The axial component of the electric field first changes sign in this region, causing the fly back. The flow induced in the gas significantly changes this picture in the conditions of typical experiments. A gas plume is induced by the drag of the droplets whose entrainment makes the radius of the spray away from the injection electrode smaller than in a quiescent gas, and convects the droplets across the region of negative axial electric field that appears around the origin of the spray when the flux of droplets is increased. This suppresses fly back and allows much higher fluxes to be reached than are possible in a quiescent gas. The limit of large droplet-to-gas mass ratio is discussed. Migration of satellite droplets to the shroud of the spray is reproduced by the Eulerian model, but this process is also affected by the motion of the gas. The gas flow preferentially pushes satellite droplets from the shroud to the core of the spray when the effect of the inertia of the droplets becomes negligible, and thus opposes the well-established electrostatic/inertial mechanism of segregation and may end up concentrating satellite droplets in an intermediate radial region of the spray.


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The dynamics of inviscid, axisymmetric liquid bridges permits a simplified treatment if the bridge is long enough. Under such condition the evolution of the liquid zone is satisfactorily explained through a non-linear one-dimensional model. In the case of breaking, the one-dimensional model fails when the neck radius of the liquid column is close to zero; however, the model allows the calculation of the time variation of the liquid-bridge interface as well as of the fluid velocity field and, because the last part of the evolution is not needed, the overall results such as the breaking time and the volume of each of the two drops resulting after breakage can be calculated. In this paper numerical results concerning the behavior of clinical liquid bridges subjected to a small axial gravitational field are presented.


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In this paper, a set of design parameters, such as the slopes of upstream and downstream faces of the dam, radius of the upper arch, width of the dam at the top level and height of the vertical upper part of the dam, are given as function of the valley characteristics when the dam is situated, such as its geometry and its geotechnical properties. These tables have been obtained using a regression of the design parameters of an arch-gravity dam with a minimum concrete volume, placed in a large number of valleys with different characteristics and properties. Elasticites for these design parameters are also discussed.


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The stationary upward propagation of a very lean methane/air flame in a long vertical tube open at the bottom and closed at the top is simulated numerically using a single overall chemical reaction to model combustion and assuming an optically thin gas and a transparent or non-reflecting tube wall to approximately account for radiation losses from CO2CO2 and H2OH2O. Buoyancy plays a dominant role in the propagation of these flames and causes a large region of low velocity of the burnt gas relative to the flame to appear below the flame front when the equivalence ratio is decreased. The size of this region scales with the radius of the tube, and its presence enhances the effect of radiation losses, which would be otherwise negligible for a standard flammability tube, given the small concentration of radiating species. Heat conduction is found to be important in the low velocity region and to lead to a conduction flux from the flame to the burnt gas that causes extinction at the flame tip for a value of the equivalence ratio near the flammability limit experimentally measured in the standard tube. The effect of radiation losses decreases with the radius of the tube. Numerical results and order-of-magnitude estimates show that, in the absence of radiation, a very lean flame front fails to propagate only after recirculation of the burnt gas extends to its reaction region and drastically changes its structure. This condition is not realized for the standard flammability tube, but it seems to account for the flammability limit measured in a tube of about half the radius of the standard tube.


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We develop general closed-form expressions for the mutual gravitational potential, resultant and torque acting upon a rigid tethered system moving in a non-uniform gravity field produced by an attracting body with revolution symmetry, such that an arbitrary number of zonal harmonics is considered. The final expressions are series expansion in two small parameters related to the reference radius of the primary and the length of the tether, respectively, each of which are scaled by the mutual distance between their centers of mass. A few numerical experiments are performed to study the convergence behavior of the final expressions, and conclude that for high precision applications it might be necessary to take into account additional perturbation terms, which come from the mutual Two-Body interaction.


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An experimental apparatus to study the breaking process of axisymmetric liquid bridges has been developed, and the breaking sequences of a large number of liquid bridge configurations at minimum-volume stability limit have been analyzed. Experimental results show that very close to the breaking moment the neck radius of the liquid bridge varies as t1/3, where t is the time to breakage, irrespective of the value of the distance between the solid disks that support the liquid column.