64 resultados para query rewriting

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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RDB2RDF systems generate RDF from relational databases, operating in two dierent manners: materializing the database content into RDF or acting as virtual RDF datastores that transform SPARQL queries into SQL. In the former, inferences on the RDF data (taking into account the ontologies that they are related to) are normally done by the RDF triple store where the RDF data is materialised and hence the results of the query answering process depend on the store. In the latter, existing RDB2RDF systems do not normally perform such inferences at query time. This paper shows how the algorithm used in the REQUIEM system, focused on handling run-time inferences for query answering, can be adapted to handle such inferences for query answering in combination with RDB2RDF systems.


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RDB2RDF systems generate RDF from relational databases, operating in two di�erent manners: materializing the database content into RDF or acting as virtual RDF datastores that transform SPARQL queries into SQL. In the former, inferences on the RDF data (taking into account the ontologies that they are related to) are normally done by the RDF triple store where the RDF data is materialised and hence the results of the query answering process depend on the store. In the latter, existing RDB2RDF systems do not normally perform such inferences at query time. This paper shows how the algorithm used in the REQUIEM system, focused on handling run-time inferences for query answering, can be adapted to handle such inferences for query answering in combination with RDB2RDF systems.


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Query rewriting is one of the fundamental steps in ontologybased data access (OBDA) approaches. It takes as inputs an ontology and a query written according to that ontology, and produces as an output a set of queries that should be evaluated to account for the inferences that should be considered for that query and ontology. Different query rewriting systems give support to different ontology languages with varying expressiveness, and the rewritten queries obtained as an output do also vary in expressiveness. This heterogeneity has traditionally made it difficult to compare different approaches, and the area lacks in general commonly agreed benchmarks that could be used not only for such comparisons but also for improving OBDA support. In this paper we compile data, dimensions and measurements that have been used to evaluate some of the most recent systems, we analyse and characterise these assets, and provide a unified set of them that could be used as a starting point towards a more systematic benchmarking process for such systems. Finally, we apply this initial benchmark with some of the most relevant OBDA approaches in the state of the art.


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In this paper we study query answering and rewriting in ontologybased data access. Specifically, we present an algorithm for computing a perfect rewriting of unions of conjunctive queries posed over ontologies expressed in the description logic ELHIO, which covers the OWL 2 QL and OWL 2 EL profiles. The novelty of our algorithm is the use of a set of ABox dependencies, which are compiled into a so-called EBox, to limit the expansion of the rewriting. So far, EBoxes have only been used in query rewriting in the case of DL-Lite, which is less expressive than ELHIO. We have extensively evaluated our new query rewriting technique, and in this paper we discuss the tradeoff between the reduction of the size of the rewriting and the computational cost of our approach.


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Query rewriting is one of the fundamental steps in ontologybased data access (OBDA) approaches. It takes as inputs an ontology and a query written according to that ontology, and produces as an output a set of queries that should be evaluated to account for the inferences that should be considered for that query and ontology. Different query rewriting systems give support to different ontology languages with varying expressiveness, and the rewritten queries obtained as an output do also vary in expressiveness. This heterogeneity has traditionally made it difficult to compare different approaches, and the area lacks in general commonly agreed benchmarks that could be used not only for such comparisons but also for improving OBDA support. In this paper we compile data, dimensions and measurements that have been used to evaluate some of the most recent systems, we analyse and characterise these assets, and provide a unified set of them that could be used as a starting point towards a more systematic benchmarking process for such systems. Finally, we apply this initial benchmark with some of the most relevant OBDA approaches in the state of the art.


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Ontology-based data access (OBDA) systems use ontologies to provide views over relational databases. Most of these systems work with ontologies implemented in description logic families of reduced expressiveness, what allows applying efficient query rewriting techniques for query answering. In this paper we describe a set of optimisations that are applicable with one of the most expressive families used in this context (ELHIO¬). Our resulting system exhibits a behaviour that is comparable to the one shown by systems that handle less expressive logics.


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Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) permite el acceso a diferentes tipos de fuentes de datos (tradicionalmente bases de datos) usando un modelo más abstracto proporcionado por una ontología. La reescritura de consultas (query rewriting) usa una ontología para reescribir una consulta en una consulta reescrita que puede ser evaluada en la fuente de datos. Las consultas reescritas recuperan las respuestas que están implicadas por la combinación de los datos explicitamente almacenados en la fuente de datos, la consulta original y la ontología. Al trabajar sólo sobre las queries, la reescritura de consultas permite OBDA sobre cualquier fuente de datos que puede ser consultada, independientemente de las posibilidades para modificarla. Sin embargo, producir y evaluar las consultas reescritas son procesos costosos que suelen volverse más complejos conforme la expresividad y tamaño de la ontología y las consultas aumentan. En esta tesis exploramos distintas optimizaciones que peuden ser realizadas tanto en el proceso de reescritura como en las consultas reescritas para mejorar la aplicabilidad de OBDA en contextos realistas. Nuestra contribución técnica principal es un sistema de reescritura de consultas que implementa las optimizaciones presentadas en esta tesis. Estas optimizaciones son las contribuciones principales de la tesis y se pueden agrupar en tres grupos diferentes: -optimizaciones que se pueden aplicar al considerar los predicados en la ontología que no están realmente mapeados con las fuentes de datos. -optimizaciones en ingeniería que se pueden aplicar al manejar el proceso de reescritura de consultas en una forma que permite reducir la carga computacional del proceso de generación de consultas reescritas. -optimizaciones que se pueden aplicar al considerar metainformación adicional acerca de las características de la ABox. En esta tesis proporcionamos demostraciones formales acerca de la corrección y completitud de las optimizaciones propuestas, y una evaluación empírica acerca del impacto de estas optimizaciones. Como contribución adicional, parte de este enfoque empírico, proponemos un banco de pruebas (benchmark) para la evaluación de los sistemas de reescritura de consultas. Adicionalmente, proporcionamos algunas directrices para la creación y expansión de esta clase de bancos de pruebas. ABSTRACT Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) allows accessing different kinds of data sources (traditionally databases) using a more abstract model provided by an ontology. Query rewriting uses such ontology to rewrite a query into a rewritten query that can be evaluated on the data source. The rewritten queries retrieve the answers that are entailed by the combination of the data explicitly stored in the data source, the original query and the ontology. However, producing and evaluating the rewritten queries are both costly processes that become generally more complex as the expressiveness and size of the ontology and queries increase. In this thesis we explore several optimisations that can be performed both in the rewriting process and in the rewritten queries to improve the applicability of OBDA in real contexts. Our main technical contribution is a query rewriting system that implements the optimisations presented in this thesis. These optimisations are the core contributions of the thesis and can be grouped into three different groups: -optimisations that can be applied when considering the predicates in the ontology that are actually mapped to the data sources. -engineering optimisations that can be applied by handling the process of query rewriting in a way that permits to reduce the computational load of the query generation process. -optimisations that can be applied when considering additional metainformation about the characteristics of the ABox. In this thesis we provide formal proofs for the correctness of the proposed optimisations, and an empirical evaluation about the impact of the optimisations. As an additional contribution, part of this empirical approach, we propose a benchmark for the evaluation of query rewriting systems. We also provide some guidelines for the creation and expansion of this kind of benchmarks.


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Sensor networks are increasingly being deployed in the environment for many different purposes. The observations that they produce are made available with heterogeneous schemas, vocabularies and data formats, making it difficult to share and reuse this data, for other purposes than those for which they were originally set up. The authors propose an ontology-based approach for providing data access and query capabilities to streaming data sources, allowing users to express their needs at a conceptual level, independent of implementation and language-specific details. In this article, the authors describe the theoretical foundations and technologies that enable exposing semantically enriched sensor metadata, and querying sensor observations through SPARQL extensions, using query rewriting and data translation techniques according to mapping languages, and managing both pull and push delivery modes.


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Sensor networks are increasingly becoming one of the main sources of Big Data on the Web. However, the observations that they produce are made available with heterogeneous schemas, vocabularies and data formats, making it difficult to share and reuse these data for other purposes than those for which they were originally set up. In this thesis we address these challenges, considering how we can transform streaming raw data to rich ontology-based information that is accessible through continuous queries for streaming data. Our main contribution is an ontology-based approach for providing data access and query capabilities to streaming data sources, allowing users to express their needs at a conceptual level, independent of implementation and language-specific details. We introduce novel query rewriting and data translation techniques that rely on mapping definitions relating streaming data models to ontological concepts. Specific contributions include: • The syntax and semantics of the SPARQLStream query language for ontologybased data access, and a query rewriting approach for transforming SPARQLStream queries into streaming algebra expressions. • The design of an ontology-based streaming data access engine that can internally reuse an existing data stream engine, complex event processor or sensor middleware, using R2RML mappings for defining relationships between streaming data models and ontology concepts. Concerning the sensor metadata of such streaming data sources, we have investigated how we can use raw measurements to characterize streaming data, producing enriched data descriptions in terms of ontological models. Our specific contributions are: • A representation of sensor data time series that captures gradient information that is useful to characterize types of sensor data. • A method for classifying sensor data time series and determining the type of data, using data mining techniques, and a method for extracting semantic sensor metadata features from the time series.


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This paper describes the participation of DAEDALUS at the LogCLEF lab in CLEF 2011. This year, the objectives of our participation are twofold. The first topic is to analyze if there is any measurable effect on the success of the search queries if the native language and the interface language chosen by the user are different. The idea is to determine if this difference may condition the way in which the user interacts with the search application. The second topic is to analyze the user context and his/her interaction with the system in the case of successful queries, to discover out any relation among the user native language, the language of the resource involved and the interaction strategy adopted by the user to find out such resource. Only 6.89% of queries are successful out of the 628,607 queries in the 320,001 sessions with at least one search query in the log. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that, in general for all languages, whether the native language matches the interface language or not does not seem to affect the success rate of the search queries. On the other hand, the analysis of the strategy adopted by users when looking for a particular resource shows that people tend to use the simple search tool, frequently first running short queries build up of just one specific term and then browsing through the results to locate the expected resource


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Testbeds proposed so far to evaluate, compare, and eventually improve SPARQL query federation systems have still some limitations. Some variables and con�gurations that may have an impact on the behavior of these systems (e.g., network latency, data partitioning and query properties) are not su�ciently de�ned; this a�ects the results and repeatability of independent evaluation studies, and hence the insights that can be obtained from them. In this paper we evaluate FedBench, the most comprehensive testbed up to now, and empirically probe the need of considering additional dimensions and variables. The evaluation has been conducted on three SPARQL query federation systems, and the analysis of these results has allowed to uncover properties of these systems that would normally be hidden with the original testbeds.


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R2RML is used to specify transformations of data available in relational databases into materialised or virtual RDF datasets. SPARQL queries evaluated against virtual datasets are translated into SQL queries according to the R2RML mappings, so that they can be evaluated over the underlying relational database engines. In this paper we describe an extension of a well-known algorithm for SPARQL to SQL translation, originally formalised for RDBMS-backed triple stores, that takes into account R2RML mappings. We present the result of our implementation using queries from a synthetic benchmark and from three real use cases, and show that SPARQL queries can be in general evaluated as fast as the SQL queries that would have been generated by SQL experts if no R2RML mappings had been used.


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La sociedad depende hoy más que nunca de la tecnología, pero la inversión en seguridad es escasa y los sistemas informáticos siguen estando muy lejos de ser seguros. La criptografía es una de las piedras angulares de la seguridad en este ámbito, por lo que recientemente se ha dedicado una cantidad considerable de recursos al desarrollo de herramientas que ayuden en la evaluación y mejora de los algoritmos criptográficos. EasyCrypt es uno de estos sistemas, desarrollado recientemente en el Instituto IMDEA Software en respuesta a la creciente necesidad de disponer de herramientas fiables de verificación formal de criptografía. En este trabajo se abordará la implementación de una mejora en el reductor de términos de EasyCrypt, sustituyéndolo por una máquina abstracta simbólica. Para ello se estudiarán e implementarán previamente dos máquinas abstractas muy conocidas, la Máquina de Krivine y la ZAM, introduciendo variaciones sobre ellas y estudiando sus diferencias desde un punto de vista práctico.---ABSTRACT---Today, society depends more than ever on technology, but the investment in security is still scarce and using computer systems are still far from safe to use. Cryptography is one of the cornerstones of security, so there has been a considerable amount of effort devoted recently to the development of tools oriented to the evaluation and improvement of cryptographic algorithms. One of these tools is EasyCrypt, developed recently at IMDEA Software Institute in response to the increasing need of reliable formal verification tools for cryptography. This work will focus on the improvement of the EasyCrypt’s term rewriting system, replacing it with a symbolic abstract machine. In order to do that, we will previously study and implement two widely known abstract machines, the Krivine Machine and the ZAM, introducing some variations and studying their differences from a practical point of view.


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We describe a new online database, named HispaVeg, which currently holds data from 2663 vegetation plots of Spanish woodlands, scrublands and grasslands. Unlike other similar databases, a detailed description of the structure is stored with the floristic data of each plot (i.e., number and physiognomy of the vertical layers, cover values for each layer).Most of the vegetation plots are large rectangles (400 to 2000 square meters) with an average of 34 species per plot. The survey dates range from 1956 to present, with most of the records between 1964 and 1994. The elevation of the plots ranges from 0 to 2880, with most of the plots between 300 and 1500 m. HispaVeg is freely available to the scientific community. Users can query the online database, view printable reports for each plot and download spreadsheet-like raw data for subsets of vegetation plots.


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Embedded context management in resource-constrained devices (e.g. mobile phones, autonomous sensors or smart objects) imposes special requirements in terms of lightness for data modelling and reasoning. In this paper, we explore the state-of-the-art on data representation and reasoning tools for embedded mobile reasoning and propose a light inference system (LIS) aiming at simplifying embedded inference processes offering a set of functionalities to avoid redundancy in context management operations. The system is part of a service-oriented mobile software framework, conceived to facilitate the creation of context-aware applications—it decouples sensor data acquisition and context processing from the application logic. LIS, composed of several modules, encapsulates existing lightweight tools for ontology data management and rule-based reasoning, and it is ready to run on Java-enabled handheld devices. Data management and reasoning processes are designed to handle a general ontology that enables communication among framework components. Both the applications running on top of the framework and the framework components themselves can configure the rule and query sets in order to retrieve the information they need from LIS. In order to test LIS features in a real application scenario, an ‘Activity Monitor’ has been designed and implemented: a personal health-persuasive application that provides feedback on the user’s lifestyle, combining data from physical and virtual sensors. In this case of use, LIS is used to timely evaluate the user’s activity level, to decide on the convenience of triggering notifications and to determine the best interface or channel to deliver these context-aware alerts.d