6 resultados para prosthetic platforms

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Exploiting the full potential of telemedical systems means using platform based solutions: data are recovered from biomedical sensors, hospital information systems, care-givers, as well as patients themselves, and are processed and redistributed in an either centralized or, more probably, decentralized way. The integration of all these different devices, and interfaces, as well as the automated analysis and representation of all the pieces of information are current key challenges in telemedicine. Mobile phone technology has just begun to offer great opportunities of using this diverse information for guiding, warning, and educating patients, thus increasing their autonomy and adherence to their prescriptions. However, most of these existing mobile solutions are not based on platform systems and therefore represent limited, isolated applications. This article depicts how telemedical systems, based on integrated health data platforms, can maximize prescription adherence in chronic patients through mobile feedback. The application described here has been developed in an EU-funded R&D project called METABO, dedicated to patients with type 1 or type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


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In this work, the capacity and the interference statistics of the uplink of high-altitude platforms (HAPs) for asynchronous and synchronous WCDMA system assuming finite transmission power and imperfect power control are studied. Propagation loss used to calculate the received signal power is due to the distance, shadowing, and wall insertion loss. The uplink capacity for 3- and 3.75-G services is given for different cell radius assuming outdoor and indoor voice users only, data users only and a combination of the two services. For 37 macrocells HAP, the total uplink capacity is 3,034 outdoor voice users or 444 outdoor data users. When one or more than one user is an indoor user, the uplink capacity is 2,923 voice users or 444 data users when the walls entry loss is 10 dB. It is shown that the effect of the adjacent channels interference is very small.


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Mutations in the TP53 gene are very common in human cancers, and are associated with poor clinical outcome. Transgenic mouse models lacking the Trp53 gene or that express mutant Trp53 transgenes produce tumours with malignant features in many organs. We previously showed the transcriptome of a p53-deficient mouse skin carcinoma model to be similar to those of human cancers with TP53 mutations and associated with poor clinical outcomes. This report shows that much of the 682-gene signature of this murine skin carcinoma transcriptome is also present in breast and lung cancer mouse models in which p53 is inhibited. Further, we report validated gene-expression-based tests for predicting the clinical outcome of human breast and lung adenocarcinoma. It was found that human patients with cancer could be stratified based on the similarity of their transcriptome with the mouse skin carcinoma 682-gene signature. The results also provide new targets for the treatment of p53-defective tumours.


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Web-based education or „e-learning‟ has become a critical component in higher education for the last decade, replacing other distance learning methods, such as traditional computer training or correspondence learning. The number of university students who take on-line courses is continuously increasing all over the world. In Spain, nearly a 90% of the universities have an institutional e-learning platform and over 60% of the traditional on-site courses use this technology as a supplement to the traditional face-to-face classes. This new form of learning allows the disappearance of geographical barriers and enables students to schedule their own learning process, among some other advantages. On-line education is developed through specific software called „e-learning platform‟ or „virtual learning environment‟ (VLE). A considerable number of web-based tools to deliver distance courses are currently available. Open source software packages such as Moodle, Sakai, dotLRN or Dokeos are the most commonly used in the virtual campuses of Spanish universities. This paper analyzes the possibilities that virtual learning environments provide university teachers and learners and offers a technical comparison among some of the most popular e-learning learning platforms.


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The latest video coding standards developed, like HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding, approved in January 2013), require for their implementation the use of devices able to support a high computational load. Considering that currently it is not enough the usage of one unique Digital Signal Processor (DSP), multicore devices have appeared recently in the market. However, due to its novelty, the working methodology that allows produce solutions for these configurations is in a very initial state, since currently the most part of the work needs to be performed manually. In consequence, the objective set consists on finding methodologies that ease this process. The study has been focused on extend a methodology, under development, for the generation of solutions for PCs and embedded systems. During this study, the standards RVC (Reconfigurable Video Coding) and HEVC have been employed, as well as DSPs of the Texas Instruments company. In its development, it has been tried to address all the factors that influence both the development and deployment of these new implementations of video decoders, ranging from tools up to aspects of the partitioning of algorithms, without this can cause a drop in application performance. The results of this study are the description of the employed methodology, the characterization of the software migration process and performance measurements for the HEVC standard in an RVC-based implementation. RESUMEN Los estándares de codificación de vídeo desarrollados más recientemente, como HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding, aprobado en enero de 2013), requieren para su implementación el uso de dispositivos capaces de soportar una elevada carga computacional. Teniendo en cuenta que actualmente no es suficiente con utilizar un único Procesador Digital de Señal (DSP), han aparecido recientemente dispositivos multinúcleo en el mercado. Sin embargo, debido a su novedad, la metodología de trabajo que permite elaborar soluciones para tales configuraciones se encuentra en un estado muy inicial, ya que actualmente la mayor parte del trabajo debe realizarse manualmente. En consecuencia, el objetivo marcado consiste en encontrar metodologías que faciliten este proceso. El estudio se ha centrado en extender una metodología, en desarrollo, para la generación de soluciones para PC y sistemas empotrados. Durante dicho estudio se han empleado los estándares RVC (Reconfigurable Video Coding) y HEVC, así como DSPs de la compañía Texas Instruments. En su desarrollo se ha tratado de atender a todos los factores que influyen tanto en el desarrollo como en la puesta en marcha de estas nuevas implementaciones de descodificadores de vídeo; abarcando desde las herramientas a utilizar hasta aspectos del particionado de los algoritmos, sin que por ello se produzca una reducción en el rendimiento de las aplicaciones. Los resultados de este estudio son una descripción de la metodología empleada, la caracterización del proceso de migración de software, y medidas de rendimiento para el estándar HEVC en una implementación basada en RVC.


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The size and complexity of cloud environments make them prone to failures. The traditional approach to achieve a high dependability for these systems relies on constant monitoring. However, this method is purely reactive. A more proactive approach is provided by online failure prediction (OFP) techniques. In this paper, we describe a OFP system for private IaaS platforms, currently under development, that combines di_erent types of data input, including monitoring information, event logs, and failure data. In addition, this system operates at both the physical and virtual planes of the cloud, taking into account the relationships between nodes and failure propagation mechanisms that are unique to cloud environments.