10 resultados para prickly-pear
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El presente trabajo trata sobre el potencial del cultivo de chumbera (Opuntia ficus-indica (L) Miller) para la obtención de dos biocombustibles: bioetanol y biogás. Para lograr este objetivo se ha estudiado, por una parte, el empleo de procedimientos orientados a la producción de bioetanol no celulósico a partir de cladodios de chumbera, lo que ha dado como resultado rendimientos de entre 156 y 221 litros de etanol por cada tonelada de materia seca de biomasa, y, por otra, la obtención de biogás mediante la digestión anaeróbica de los mismos en régimen mesófilo, donde se han hallado rendimientos en torno a 198 m3 de metano por tonelada de materia seca. Una vez determinado el potencial de la materia prima se han diseñado procesos para una escala industrial que permitan la transformación de los cladodios de chumbera en ambos biocombustibles y se han determinado sus balances energéticos, los cuales han dado como resultado la autosuficiencia de ambos procesos, obteniéndose, además, un excedente térmico de 1.235 kcal L-1 de etanol producido, y en torno a 140 kep de energía total (térmica + eléctrica) por tonelada de materia seca empleada en la digestión anaeróbica. Por último se ha estimado el potencial de producción de ambos combustibles en un área apta para el cultivo de la chumbera. En concreto, este estudio se ha llevado a cabo para la provincia de Almería, elegida por tratarse de una zona con cierta tradición en el manejo de esta planta y presentar un clima semiárido mediterráneo. La superficie apta para el cultivo de la chumbera en esta provincia se ha estimado en 100.616 ha y el rendimiento medio del cultivo en 5 t MS ha-1 año-1. En el caso del bioetanol esto implicaría un potencial de producción en torno a 82.158 m3 año-1 que podrían dar lugar a la creación de dos macrodestilerías (con una producción de 100.000 L diarios) o de 49 microdestilerías (con 5.000 L diarios de producción). Si se optara por la transformación de la biomasa de chumbera en metano, podrían obtenerse 99,4 M de metros cúbicos, lo cual permitiría el establecimiento de 79 plantas de cogeneración de 500 kW cada una. ABSTRACT The present work deals with the potential of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L) Mill.) biomass as a feedstock for bioethanol and biogas. In order to reach this objective different procedures aiming at the production of non-cellulosic bioethanol from cladodes were carried out; yields from156 to 221 litres of bioethanol per ton of dry matter were found. Mesophilic anaerobic digestion of cladodes was also studied and yields around 198 m3 of methane per ton of dry matter were reached. From these results, processes on an industrial scale were designed for both pathways of energy conversion of prickly-pear biomass and the respective energy balances were calculated. They resulted to be self-sufficient from an energetic point of view; the bioethanol pathway generated a thermal energy surplus of 1,235 kcal per litre of ethanol, while around 140 kep of total energy (heat + electricity) were obtained from the anaerobic digestion of one ton of dry cladodes. Finally, the potential production of both biofuels from prickly pear biomass was estimated for a specific area. The province of Almeria was chosen because of its climate conditions and the previous existence of prickly pear plantations. The area suitable for prickly pear cultivation in the province was estimated at a maximum of 100.616 ha, with an average yield of about 5 t DM ha-1 year-1. If prickly pear biomass were cropped for bioethanol in Almeria, the potential production of bioethanol could reach 82,158 m3 year-1, in either two macrodistilleries (100,000 L day-1) or 49 microdestilleries (5,000 L day-1). If the biogas pathway were preferred, 99. 4 Mm3 of methane could be reached and this would represent 79 CHP plants (500 kW each one).
En este trabajo de Tesis Doctoral se ha estudiado la posibilidad de emplear las microalgas, concretamente el género Scenedesmus, como sustrato para la producción de biogás mediante digestión anaerobia, así como los residuos que se producen como consecuencia de su utilización industrial para diferentes fines. La utilización de las microalgas para la producción de biocombustibles es un tema de gran actualidad científica, en el que residen muchas expectativas para la producción a gran escala de biocombustibles que supongan una alternativa real a los combustibles fósiles. Existen numerosas investigaciones sobre la conversión a biogás de las microalgas, sin embargo aún hay poco conocimiento sobre la utilización de la digestión anaerobia como tratamiento de residuos de microalgas en un concepto de biorrefinería. Residuos que pueden ser generados tras la extracción de compuestos de alto valor añadido (p. ej. aminoácidos) o tras la generación de otro biocombustible (p. ej. biodiésel). Es en este aspecto en el que esta Tesis Doctoral destaca en cuanto a originalidad e innovación, ya que se ha centrado principalmente en tres posibilidades: - Empleo de Scenedesmus sp. como cultivo energético para la producción de biogás. - Tratamiento de residuos de Scenedesmus sp. generados tras la extracción de aminoácidos en un concepto de biorrefinería. - Tratamiento de los residuos de Scenedesmus sp. generados tras la extracción de lípidos en un concepto de biorrefinería. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la microalga Scenedesmus como cultivo energético para producción de biogás no es viable salvo que se empleen pretratamientos que aumenten la biodegradabilidad o se realice codigestión con otro sustrato. En este último caso, la chumbera (Opuntia maxima Mill.) ha resultado ser un sustrato idóneo para la codigestión con microalgas, aumentando la producción de biogás y metano hasta niveles superiores a 600 y 300 L kgSV-1, respectivamente. Por otro lado, el tratamiento de residuos generados tras la extracción de aminoácidos mediante digestión anaerobia es prometedor. Se obtuvieron elevados rendimientos de biogás y metano en las condiciones de operación óptimas (409 y 292 L kgSV-1, respectivamente). Aparte de la generación energética por medio el metano, que podría emplearse en la propia biorrefinería o venderse a la red eléctrica o de gas natural, reciclando el digerido y el CO2 del biogás se podría llegar a ahorrar alrededor del 30% del fertilizante mineral y el 25% del CO2 necesarios para el cultivo de nueva biomasa. Por lo tanto, la digestión anaerobia de los residuos de microalgas en un concepto de biorrefinería tiene un gran potencial y podría contribuir en gran medida al desarrollo de esta industria. Por último, una primera aproximación al tratamiento de residuos generados tras la extracción de lípidos muestra que éstos pueden ser empleados para la producción de biogás, como monosustrato, o en codigestión con glicerina, ya que son fácilmente biodegradables y el rendimiento potencial de metano puede alcanzar 218 LCH4 kgSV-1 y 262 LCH4 kg SV-1 en monodigestión o en codigestión con glicerina, respectivamente. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis explores the possibility of using microalgae, specifically the strain Scenedesmus, as substrate for biogas production through anaerobic digestion, as well as the residues generated after its use in different industrial processes. The use of microalgae for biofuels production is an emerging scientific issue. The possibility of producing biofuels from microalgae as a real alternative for fossil fuels is raising high expectations. There are several research projects on the conversion of microalgae to biogas; however, there is little knowledge about using anaerobic digestion for treating microalgae residues in a biorefinery scheme. These residues could be generated after the extraction of high value compounds (e.g. amino acids) or after the production of another biofuel (e.g. biodiesel). It is in this area in which this PhD thesis stands in terms of originality and innovation, since it has focused primarily on three possibilities: - The use of Scenedesmus sp. as an energy crop for biogas production. - Treatment of amino acid extracted Scenedesmus residues generated in a biorefinery. - Treatment of lipid extracted Scenedesmus residues generated in a biorefinery. The results obtained in this work show that the use of Scenedesmus as energy crop for biogas production is not viable. The application of pretreatments to increase biodegradability or the codigestion of Scenedesmus biomass with other substrate can improve the digestion process. In this latter case, prickly pear (Opuntia maxima Mill.) is an ideal substrate for its codigestion with microalgae, increasing biogas and methane yields up to more than 600 and 300 L kgVS-1, respectively. On the other hand, the treatment of residues generated after amino acid extraction through anaerobic digestion is promising. High biogas and methane yields were obtained (409 y 292 L kgVS-1, respectively). Besides the energy produced through methane, which could be used in the biorefinery or be sold to the power or natural gas grids, by recycling the digestate and the CO2 30% of fertilizer needs and 25% of CO2 needs could be saved to grow new microalgae biomass. Therefore, the anaerobic digestion of microalgae residues generated in biorefineries is promising and it could play an important role in the development of this industry. Finally, a first approach to the treatment of residues generated after lipid extraction showed that these residues could be used for the production of biogas, since they are highly biodegradable. The potential methane yield could reach 218 LCH4 kgVS-1 when they are monodigested, whereas the potential methane yield reached 262 LCH4 kgVS-1 when residues were codigested with residual glycerin.
Pear fruits cv. 'Blanquilla', at various ripening stages, were studied under impact conditions. A 50-6-g spherical steel indentator, with a radius of curvature of 0-94 cm, was dropped on to the fruit from three heights: 4, 6 and 10 cm (0-0199, 0-0299 and 0-0499 J). The variables measured were analyzed. All variables were observed to be related to the impact energy except impact duration, which was related to the fruit firmness. Bruising correlated with impact energy when considering different heights, but not with any specific variable when studying the impact phenomenon at individual heights; however, there was a clear correlation between impact bruising and firmness. Three bruise shapes were observed, corresponding to preclimacteric, climacteric and postclimacteric fruits; a theory for this response is offered. According to the results, the impact response in postclimacteric pear fruits (with firmness values of less than 25 N, and a maturity index above 55) may be explained by the role played by the skin rather than by the pulp.
Fruit turgidity and firmness have shown to influence impact bruise susceptibility in apples and pears. Analysis of the impact response showed that stresses in the tissues are higher in turgid fruits, so they are more susceptible to bruising. A physical parameter, deformation at skin puncture, was able to detect fruit turgidity changes and showed to be related to bruise susceptibility.
Samples of "Golden" and "Granny Smith" apples and "Conference" and "Doyenne of Cornice" pears have been tested. A great effect of storage conditions has been detected for pear but not for apple varieties. Both apple cultivars show to be equally resistant to quasi-static and to dinamic loading while pear varieties show great differences. All these effects can be quantified in order to describe mathematically species and varieties behavior.
Fruits of two varieties of both apples and pear were tested to measure their response to small energy impact applied by a impact tester with two spherical tips of different radious of curvature ( RA = 2.48 cm and RB = 0.98 cm) and equal mass were used. In the four varieties studied, the size of bruise was smaller with a spherical tip RA than with tip RB . The non-destructive impact test would cause less damage with a spherical impactor with a radious bigger than 0.98 cm.
Different parameters are used to quantify the maturity of fruits at or near harvest (shape, color, flesh texture and internal composition). Flesh firmness is a critical handling parameter for fruits such as peach, pear and apple. Results of previous studies conducted by different researchers have shown that impact techniques can be used to evaluate firmness of fruits. A prototype impact system for firmness sorting of fruits was developed by Chen and Ruiz-Altisent (Chen et al, 1996). This sensor was mounted and tested successfully on a 3 m section of a commercial conveyor belt (Chen et al, 1998). This is a further development of the on-line impact system for firmness sorting of fruits. The design of the sensor has been improved and it has been mounted on a experimental fruit packing line (Ortiz-Cañavate et al 1999).
The leaf cuticular ultrastructure of some plant species has been examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in only few studies. Attending to the different cuticle layers and inner structure, plant cuticles have been grouped into six general morphological types. With the aim of critically examining the effect of cuticle isolation and preparation for TEM analysis on cuticular ultrastructure, adaxial leaf cuticles of blue-gum eucalypt, grey poplar, and European pear were assessed, following a membrane science approach. The embedding and staining protocols affected the ultrastructure of the cuticles analysed. The solubility parameter, surface tension, and contact angles with water of pure Spurr's and LR-White resins were within a similar range. Differences were however estimated for resin : solvent mixtures, since Spurr’s resin is combined with acetone and LR-White resin is mixed with ethanol. Given the composite hydrophilic and lipophilic nature of plant cuticles, the particular TEM tissue embedding and staining procedures employed may affect sample ultrastructure and the interpretation of the results in physicochemical and biological terms. It is concluded that tissue preparation procedures may be optimised to facilitate the observation of the micro- and nanostructure of cuticular layers and components with different degrees of polarity and hydrophobicity.
Erwinia amylovora causes fire blight in economically important plants of the family Rosaceae. This bacterial pathogen spends part of its life cycle coping with starvation and other fluctuating environmental conditions. In many Gram-negative bacteria, starvation and other stress responses are regulated by the sigma factor RpoS. We obtained an E. amylovora rpoS mutant to explore the role of this gene in starvation responses and its potential implication in other processes not yet studied in this pathogen. Results showed that E. amylovora needs rpoS to develop normal starvation survival and viable but nonculturable (VBNC) responses. Furthermore, this gene contributed to stationary phase cross-protection against oxidative, osmotic, and acid stresses and was essential for cross-protection against heat shock, but nonessential against acid shock. RpoS also mediated regulation of motility, exopolysaccharide synthesis, and virulence in immature loquats, but not in pear plantlets, and contributed to E. amylovora survival in nonhost tissues during incompatible interactions. Our results reveal some unique roles for the rpoS gene in E. amylovora and provide new knowledge on the regulation of different processes related to its ecology, including survival in different environments and virulence in immature fruits.
Los montes Mediterráneos han experimentado múltiples cambios en las últimas décadas (tanto en clima como en usos), lo que ha conducido a variaciones en la distribución de especies. El aumento previsto de las temperaturas medias junto con la mayor variabilidad intra e inter anual en cuanto a la ocurrencia de eventos extremos o disturbios naturales (como periodos prolongados de sequía, olas de frío o calor, incendios forestales o vendavales) pueden dañar significativamente al regenerado, llevándolo hasta la muerte, y jugando un papel decisivo en la composición de especies y en la dinámica del monte. La amplitud ecológica de muchas especies forestales puede verse afectada, de forma que se esperan cambios en sus nichos actuales de regeneración. Sin embargo, la migración latitudinal de las especies en busca de mejores condiciones, podría ser una explicación demasiado simplista de un proceso mucho más complejo de interacción entre la temperatura y la precipitación, que afectaría a cada especie de un modo distinto. En este sentido tanto la capacidad de adaptación al estrés ambiental de una determinada especie, así como su habilidad para competir por los recursos limitados, podría significar variaciones dentro de una comunidad. Las características fisiológicas y morfológicas propias de cada especie se encuentran fuertemente relacionadas con el lugar donde cada una puede surgir, qué especies pueden convivir y como éstas responden a las condiciones ambientales. En este sentido, el conocimiento sobre las distintas respuestas ecofisiológicas observadas ante cambios ambientales puede ser fundamentales para la predicción de variaciones en la distribución de especies, composición de la comunidad y productividad del monte ante el cambio global. En esta tesis investigamos el grado de tolerancia y sensibilidad que cada una de las tres especies de estudio, coexistentes en el interior peninsular ibérico (Pinus pinea, Quercus ilex y Juniperus oxycedrus), muestra ante los factores abióticos de estrés típicos de la región Mediterránea. Nuestro trabajo se ha basado en la definición del nicho óptimo fisiológico para el regenerado de cada especie a través de la investigación en profundidad del efecto de la sequía, la temperatura y el ambiente lumínico. Para ello, hemos desarrollado un modelo de predicción de la tasa de asimilación de carbono que nos ha permitido identificar las condiciones óptimas ambientales donde el regenerado de cada especie podría establecerse con mayor facilidad. En apoyo a este trabajo y con la idea de estudiar el efecto de la sequía a nivel de toda la planta hemos desarrollado un experimento paralelo en invernadero. Aquí se han aplicado dos regímenes hídricos para estudiar las características fisiológicas y morfológicas de cada especie, sobre todo a nivel de raíz y crecimiento del tallo, y relacionarlas con las diferentes estrategias en el uso del agua de las especies. Por último, hemos estudiado los patrones de aclimatación y desaclimatación al frio de cada especie, identificando los periodos de sensibilidad a heladas, así como cuellos de botella donde la competencia entre especies podría surgir. A pesar de que el pino piñonero ha sido la especie objeto de la gestión de estas masas durante siglos, actualmente se encuentra en la posición más desfavorable para combatir el cambio global, presentado el nicho fisiológico más estrecho de las tres especies. La encina sin embargo, ha resultado ser la especie mejor cualificada para afrontar este cambio, seguida muy de cerca por el enebro. Nuestros resultados sugieren una posible expansión en el rango de distribución de la encina, un aumento en la presencia del enebro y una disminución progresiva del pino piñonero a medio plazo en estas masas. ABSTRACT Mediterranean forests have undergone multiple changes over the last decades (in both climate and land use), which have lead to variations in the distribution of species. The expected increase in mean annual temperature together with the greater inter and intra-annual variability in extreme events and disturbances occurrence (such as prolonged drought periods, cold or heat waves, wildfires or strong winds) can significantly damage natural regeneration, up to causing death, playing a decisive role on species composition and forest dynamics. The ecological amplitude for adaptation of many species can be affected in such a way that changes in the current regeneration niches of many species are expected. However, the forecasted poleward migration of species seeking better conditions could be an oversimplification of what is a more complex phenomenon of interactions among temperature and precipitation, that would affect different species in different ways. In this regard, either the ability to adapt to environmental stresses or to compete for limited resources of a single species in a mixed forest could lead to variations within a community. The ecophysiological and morphological traits specific to each species are strongly related to the place where each species can emerge, which species can coexist, and how they respond to environmental conditions. In this regard, the understanding of the ecophysiological responses observed against changes in environmental conditions can be essential for predicting variations in species distribution, community composition, and forest productivity in the context of global change. In this thesis we investigated the degree of tolerance and sensitivity that each of the three studied species, co-occurring in central of the Iberian Peninsula (Pinus pinea, Quercus ilex and Juniperus oxycedrus), show against the typical abiotic stress factors in the Mediterranean region. Our work is based on the optimal physiological niche for regeneration of each species through in-depth research on the effect of drought, temperature and light environment. For this purpose, we developed a model to predict the carbon assimilation rate which allows us to identify the optimal environmental conditions where regeneration from each species could establish itself more easily. To obtain a better understanding about the effect of low temperature on regeneration, we studied the acclimation and deacclimation patterns to cold of each species, identifying period of frost sensitivity, as well as bottlenecks where competition between species can arise. Finally, to support our results about the effect of water availabilty, we conducted a greenhouse experiment with a view of studying the drought effect at the whole plant level. Here, two watering regimes were applied in order to study the physiological and morphological traits of each species, mainly at the level of the root system and stem growth, and so relate them to the different water use strategies of the species. Despite the fact that stone pine has been the target species for centuries, nowadays this species is in the most unfavorable position to cope with climate change. Holm oak, however, resulted the species that is best adapted to tolerate the predicted changes, followed closely by prickly juniper. Our results suggest a feasible expansion of the distribution range in holm oak, an increase in the prickly juniper presence and a progressive decreasing of stone pine presence in the medium term in these stone pine-holm oak-prickly juniper mixed forests.